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*All of the following are required sources to confirm the patient's identity before administering

medication EXCEPT:
A. Patient's Identification Bracelet
B. Patient's room/bed number
C. Ask the patient
D. Patient's chart

*What is NOT an appropriate action when a patient, who is legally responsible for their
care, refuses a medication?
A. Notify the ordering physician of patient's refusal to take medication.
B. Document the patient's refusal to take medication and the education that you provided.
C. Explain the consequences for not taking the medication.
D. Force the patient to take it anyway.

D Force the patient to take it anyway.

What is the minimum amount of times that you check the medication label before
administering the medication?
A. 1
B. 2
D. 4

*Oxygen is ordered as percentage of oxygen concentration and its rate of delivery is

written as .
A. Liters per minute
B. Volume per minute
C. Degrees per minute
D. Percentage per minute

A liquid preparation which mixes fine droplets of an oil in water, such as caster oil, is
called a(n)

A. Solution

B. Emulsion

C. Elixir

D. Tinctures

Which of the following actions should the second nurse take? A nurse prepares an
injection of morphine (Duramorph) to give to a client who reports pain. Prior to
administering the medication, the nurse is called to another room to assist another client
onto a bedpan. This nurse then asks a second nurse to give the injection so that she can
help the client needing the bedpan.
A. Offer to assist the client needing the bedpan.
B. Give the injection prepared by the other nurse.
C. Prepare another syringe and give the injection.
D. Tell the client needing the bedpan she will have to wait for her nurse.

A.Offer to assist the client needing the bedpan

*Which of the following nursing actions may prevent medication errors?

A. Taking all medications out of the unit-dose wrappers before entering the client’s room.

B. Checking with the provider when a single dose requires administration of multiple tablets.

C. Giving the prescribed medication and then looking up the usual dosage range.
D. Relying on another nurse to clarify a medication prescription

Checking with the provider when a single dose requires administration of multiple tablets.
Medication prescriptions are written on the client’s medical record by the provider or a nurse
who takes a verbal or telephone prescription from a provider. If the nurse writes a medication
prescription on the client’s medical record, facility policy specifies how much time the provider
has in which to sign the prescription (48 hr). Medication prescriptions are transcribed to the
medication administration record (MAR) by a nurse or other health care provider.

A. True

B. FalsE

A contraindication is an undesired, inadvertent, and unexpected dangerous effects of the

medication. Contraindications are usually identified according to body system.

A. True

B. False

*When implementing medication therapy, the nurse's responsibilities include prescribing

the correct dose and administering the correct amount.

A. True

B. FalsE

*The nurse should question the provider if the prescription is unclear or seems
inappropriate for the client’s condition. Refuse to give a medication if it is believed to be
unsafe and notify the charge nurse or supervisor.

A. True

B. False

*A PRN prescription stipulates at what dosage, what frequency, and under what conditions a
medication may be given. The nurse uses clinical judgment to determine the client’s need for
the medication. For example, a PRN prescription instructs the nurse to give morphine
(Duramorph) 2 mg IVP Q1H PRN for chest pain.

A. True
B. False

*Method to calculate the appropriate dose of a drug for a child 2 years of age or older

A. Young's Rule

B. Clark's Rule

C. Body Surface Area

D. Fried's Rule

`*Rule used for infants less than 2 years of age


B. Clark

C. Fried


Intravenous medications are administered through several methods. Select all that

A. Bolus


C. Piggyback

D. Intrathecal

E. Electronic Pumps


*With regards to pain, taking both Advil and Motril simulatenously could be
considered to have what kind of effect?
o A. Synergistic
o B. Idiosyncratic
o C. Antagonistic
o D. Toxic
o Ans:A

Amount of drug prescribed for a patient by a physician in a given amount of time or at a

given frequency.

A. Route

B. Number of Tablets

C. Dosage

D. Prescription


When one drug has a long duration and another drug has a long half life, these two
drugs will have a longer time for excretion when taken at the same. They could build up
in the body which could lead to a toxic or lethal effect. What is this effect referred to?

A. Cumulative

B. Agonistic

C. Idiosyncratic

D. Antagonistic


Referring to pain, when Advil and Motrin are taken at the same time, Advil could boost
the effects of Motrin and vice versa. What do you call this effect?

A. Synergism

B. Compatibility
C. Agonistic

D. Antagonistic


General Types of Drug action. Select all that apply:

A. Regional

B. Systemic

C. Local

D. Topical


Naloxone is an antidote for Morphine. Based on drug interactions, Naloxone is then

considered as what?

A. Agonistic

B. Antagonistic

C. Idiosyncratic

D. Synergistic


When two drugs are COMPATIBLE, they could also be everything mentioned below
except for what?

A. Synergistic

B. Agonistic

C. Antagonistic

D. Therapeutic

Most people take caffeine as a stimulant. When someone takes it as a sedative, the
effect of caffeine is then said to be what?

A. Idiopathic

B. Idiogenetic

C. Idiosyncratic

D. Idiologic


Mr.. Jones has been taking a proton pump inhibitor for more than 3 years because of
his chronic GERD. Every year, when his prescription is refilled, his dosage is
increased. His response to this proton pump inhibitor could be considered what?

A. Drug dependence

B. Drug use

C.Drug tolerance

D. Drug dosage


When a drug causes toxic effects to pregnancy, how is it considered in relation to


A. Contraindicated

B. Compatible

C. Therapeutic

D. Toxic


Which of the following factors do not affect how a patient responds to medication?

A. Age and weight

B. Physical Status and Health

C. Mood and Temper

D. Environmental Temperature

E. Gender


For an oral medication to reach the blood stream faster, drugs should be taken with....

A. An empty stomach

B. A full stomach

C. A catalyst

D. An electronic pump


So as not to irritate the GI tract, when should non-enteric coated PRN tablets be

A. After meals or during meal time

B. Before meals

C. Without meals

D. Mixed with food


Based on a portable cart, containing a 24-hour supply of medications for each patient.
Each medication is individually wrapped in a unit-dose which is the ordered dose of
medication the patient is to receive at each prescribed time

A. Unit dose system

B. Computer controlled dispensing system

C. Modular Distribution

D. Portable method

A drug name usually written in upper case and is considered a brand name

A. Generic

B. Chemical

C. Trade



It is now 8:15 am and you still have 4 patients left to administer their medication. Which
of these four will you see first?

A. A patient who needs Potassium Sulfate NOW

B. A patient who has to take 10 mg of Morphine STAT

C. A patient who needs to take Digoxin at 8:00 am

D. A screaming patient who says he can take Vicodin ASAP

B.patient who has to take 10 mg of Morphine STAT P. 696. STAT is number one priority

Which of the following is not a requirement in a medication order?

A. Patient's name and date of birth

B. Signature of pharmacist who prepared the drugs

C. Date and time of the order

D. Name and Dosage of the Drug

E.Signature of the Physician


Which of the following is not considered part of the "three label checks" of medication
A. Check label when taking medication from its storage area

B. Check label before discarding or replacing the medication container and before giving the
medication to the patient.

C. Check label before removing medication from its container

D. Check label right after giving medication to patient.

D.Answer:It is wrong to give medication before checking for correct patient , name, route,

Which of the following is not true regarding the right route in the administration of

A. All parenteral medications are labeled "for injectable use only"

B. The route choosing for administering a drug depends on the drug's properties, the desired effect,
and the patient's physical and mental condition

C. It is always acceptable to administer an intramuscular medication as a subcutaneous medication

as long as there is no specified contraindication

D. Serious complications will result if a liquid intended for oral use is injected.


In a nursing home, when a patient is unconscious, which are the acceptable ways on
confirming the right patient identification?

A. The picture of the patient on the MAR

B. Asking another nurse who knows the patient better

C. Asking the person beside the patient whom you will assume is a family member.

DAsking another patient who seem confused.

Answer:The picture of the patient on the MAR

Asking another nurse who knows the patient better

Which of the following statements are true regarding "Right Documentation"? Select all
that apply:
A. Never record on the chart any medication that you did not give or record them before you give

B. In an ambulatory care, where immunizations are given, there is no need to include the lot number
of a an administered medication

C. Never give medication prepared by another nurse even if that nurse is your supervisor

D. Note complains or adverse effects on the chart and report them to head nurse and physician

ACDAnswer: Never record on the chart any medication that you did not give or record them
before you give them.
Never give medication prepared by another nurse even if that nurse is your supervisor
Note complains or adverse effects on the chart and report them to head nurse and physician

Which of the following are considered safe medication practices? Select all that apply

A. Involve the patient to help protect against errors

B. Giving a medication to a patient on time is the most important thing to consider

C. Report errors only when there are adverse effects

D. Make pharmacists part of the team

E. Take MAR to the bedside.

ADEAnswer: Involve the patient to help protect against errors

Make pharmacists part of the team
Take MAR to the bedside.

Which of the following is not considered safe?

A. Follow the six rights of medication administration

B. Be sure to read labels at least once

C. Use three patient identifiers

D. Question unusually large or small doses

BAnswer:Be sure to read labels at least once

A patient told you, "Dr. Brown just told me to tell you that I can take an extra tablet of
Vicodin tonight so that I can sleep better". After reviewing the MAR, you discovered that
"VICODIN", a narcotic pain reliever, is not even part of her medication. What would
be the most appropriate thing to do next?

A. Get back to the patient and inform him/her that Vicodin is not even part of her medication.

B. Talk to your nurse supervisor to see what should be done

C. Call the physician and verify the patient's request. Ask for a phone order and then document
before administration.

D. Ignore the patient's request and go home. The medication is not part of the MAR.

Asnwer:Call the physician and verify the patient s request. Ask for a phone order and then
document before administration.

When a nurse returns to assess a patient's response to the medication, which part of
the nursing process is being fulfilled?

A. Assessment

B. Diagnosis

COutcome and Goals

D. Planning

E. Implementation

F. Evaluation


Drugs enter the body through three general routes. What are they? Select all that apply.

A. Enteral

B. Topical

C. Parenteral

D. Percutaneous
E. Intravenous

Which of the following statements indicate a correct definition of enteric-coated tablet.

A. Candylike coated shell encases tablet to keep tablet from being absorbed in the intestine;
absorption takes place in the stomach.

B. Candylike coated shell encases tablet to keep tablet from being absorbed in the stomach;
absorption takes place in the intestine.

C. It is a tablet with a slight indentation in the middle to facilitate cutting the table in half when

D. Enteric means large intestine


Best patient position when administering a rectal suppository

A. Sim's on left side with upper leg flexed at knee

B. Sim's on right side with lower leg slightly bended

C. Supine with slightly bent knees

D. Prone at 180 degrees


Instillation is a form of percutaneous administration. They include which of the

following? Select all that apply:

A. Sublingual

B. Oral

C. Inhalation

D. Bucca


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