Investigative Research in ECOLOGY

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Title of the Project

Eco-Cooler The Zero Electricity Air Cooler

II. Statement of the Problem

We can see technology wherever we turn our heads. Smart phones, touch pads,
desktop computers, laptops and a whole lot more. Technology is developing rapidly,
continuously and outrageously. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality are
just some of the proof that our technology has been continuously developing and it
maximizes the resources that are available as well as the immeasurable knowledge of
our minds. Technology makes our life comfortable and convenient. It offers a lot of its
edge in many fields like: industry, medicine, education, agriculture and communication.
However, we know and we can't hide the fact that its disadvantages are also one of the
main reasons for what’s happening in our environment such as climate change, global
warming, and the very alarming waste problems.

The globe is heating up. Both land and oceans are warmer now than record-
keeping began in 1880, and temperatures are still ticking upward. This temperature rise,
in a nutshell, is global warming. (Pappas, 2017) Here in the Philippines, it is an
archipelago located in Southeast Asia in the Western Pacific, with Manila as its Capital
City. The country is tropical land with a “tropical rainforest climate” rich with bio diversities
and mountainous terrain. ("", 2019) We experience only two season in
Philippines, the dry season and the wet season. During dry season the temperature rises
at its peak and many Filipinos suffer from it. According to PAGASA last 2016, the mean
annual temperature in the Philippines is 26.6 degree Celsius. Meanwhile last year, people
here in Metro Manila experienced the hottest afternoon that reached up to 36.8 degree
Celsius recorded on May 2, 2018. However, it felt like 40.3 degree Celsius due to high
humidity in the air. (De Vera-Ruiz, 2018)

As summer approaches it always did not fail to make people uncomfortable

because of the hot temperature and what do people usually do is to provide themselves
things that will make them feel convenient like air conditioners or anything that will make
the air cooler. But we know also that many Filipino couldn't provide themselves things like

those. The same problem is present in the east of India. Most homes in Rural Bangladesh
are made out of tin huts that go over 45° Celsius during the summer. To address this
issue an agency proposed of re-purposing used soft drink and water bottles, Grey Dhaka
unveils world’s first zero-electricity air cooler made from plastic bottles. The Eco-Cooler
is a revolutionary DIY air-conditioning system and works without electricity to reduce
temperatures up to 5° Celsius. So we the researchers came up with this eco-friendly
device that can contribute as solution here in the Philippines to the problem of increasing
and extreme heat while not actually bearing the incapability to buy appliances.

III. General and Specific Objectives

General Objectives

 To lessen the increasing temperature inside the house

 To innovate another useful way of recycling plastic bottles
 To determine the efficiency and performance of the Eco-Cooler

Specific Objectives

 To explain the working principle of Eco-Cooler

 To compare the difference in temperature when device is installed
 To assess if the device is applicable to use in Filipino homes

IV. Procedures or Methodology

1. A board is cut to fit the desired window size
2. Bottleneck-sized holes are cut out in a grid pattern in board (you can use Styrofoam
for alternative method)
3. The bottoms of empty plastic bottles (1.5 litter to be specific) are cut off and
4. Make a wide hollow in the center of the bottle caps.
5. Insert the bottleneck into the hole of the board.
6. Place the board into the window where the wider part of the bottles faces outward.

V. List of Materials and Equipment
 Plywood (Styrofoam for alternative board)
 Plastic bottles (Cut in half)
 Scissor

VI. Results of the Experiments

The prototype model of the Eco-Cooler has been installed in a classroom and the
values of the velocity and the temperature are recorded at an interval of one hour during
the college working hours for 14 days. The data collected during those 14 days has
showed the evidence of efficient working of the Eco-Cooler in the classroom. Everyday
readings were tabulated and the average of those readings is presented in the following
table. Date Inlet Exit Inlet Exit

velocity velocity temperature(0c) temperature(0c)
(kmph) (kmph)
1 27/02/2017 12.47 12.97 29.73 27.82
2 28/02/2017 13.21 13.72 29.05 27.16
3 01/03/2017 14.23 14.67 28.96 27.16
4 02/03/2017 12.50 12.94 30.31 28.32
5 03/03/2017 14.30 14.70 30.44 28.48
6 04/03/2017 13.32 13.73 30.80 28.90

7 05/03/2017 12.51 12.96 31.27 29.32
8 06/03/2017 15.38 15.80 30.60 28.72
9 07/03/2017 13.05 13.47 30.91 29.21
10 08/03/2017 12.51 13.05 31.21 29.34
11 09/03/2017 13.08 13.47 30.87 28.97
12 10/03/2017 15.38 15.80 30.04 28.31
13 11/03/2017 14.23 14.68 35.13 33.21
14 12/03/2017 12.51 12.96 31.76 29.98

FIGURE 1. Inlet Temperature vs. Room Temperature

The average of the inlet temperature for the 14 days is 30.79° C.

The average of the exit temperature for the 14 days is 28.92° C.

So, the average net reduction in temperature for the 14 days period is:

Average inlet temperature – Average exit temperature

i.e. 30.79 - 28.92 = 1.87°C

This have obtained an average net reduction in temperature of a classroom by an

approximate 2° Centigrade.

VII. Analysis of the Data

To lessen the increasing temperature inside the house, the Eco Cooler then works
by capturing the winds and sending them inside the building. It actually reduced the
temperature of a room by as much as 5° Celsius - a difference that can be quite significant
when looking at comfortable 25° C versus sweaty 30° C. One that does not require
electricity, and it is made of the world’s most common waste item - plastic bottles.

With the abundance of plastic bottles and easy access to pieces of board, this
would make for a great eco-friendly project. Re-purposing used soft drink and water
bottles. The process involves creating grids made from repurposed plastic bottles cut in
half and installed on windows as per size. Based on the direction of the wind and the
pressure created by airflow, the Eco-Cooler undoubtedly can decrease the temperature
at optimal conditions.

The efficacy of the Eco Cooler varies widely based on conditions, but Grey Group
reports it has the ability to reduce indoor temperatures as much as 5° Celsius, which is
on par with what an electric centrally installed air conditioning system can do. In some
instances the Eco Cooler can reduce indoor temperatures from a sweltering 86F (30 ° C)
to a comfortable 77F (25° C). For the 70 percent of residents who live in tin-roofed huts
that amplify the sun’s heat, the Eco Cooler could be a breath of fresh air just in time for
summer. In any case, the invention seems appreciated in the communities. Over 25,000
houses in Bangladesh are now using an eco-cooler.

One would ask what’s the working principle behind this invention. And this happen
as hot air rushes into each plastic bottle, it is pushed to the rim where it begins expanding.
This expansion then leads to the cooling of the air as it enters the target room. This cooling
results from pressure change. As air enters the plastic bottle’s wider part it comes out the
bottleneck with higher pressure. As it quickly disperses into the room, its temperature

Sounds uncanny but the principle here is quite simple actually. With your mouth
wide open, blow some air onto your hand. Does the air feel hot? What if you do the same
with pursed lips? Does the air feel cool? That is exactly how the Eco cooler functions.

FIGURE 2. Concept of Eco-Cooler

The thermodynamics principle here is called the Joule-Thomson effect, and the
process is known as throttling. Liquefiers, refrigerators, heat pumps and air-conditioners
work using the same principle.

VIII. Conclusion

Temperature are getting intolerable these days, day by day the temperature are
increasing due to industrialization, global warming, pollution, etc. As always, whatever
may be the case, the poor are the most affected. Our solution, the Eco-Cooler, will
definitely work well within the tin houses of the poor among the southern hemispheric
countries. This zero electricity, zero pollution, low cost, easy to make, and easy to install
cooling device will help the poor in surviving the summer heat by reducing the indoor
temperature 3 degree centigrade at optimal conditions when installed in the house.

After careful analysis of data, it is concluded that the improvised Eco-Cooler is

efficient in terms of reducing electric energy consumption and in decreasing room

IX. Recommendations

The device will ensure that the poor people can battle the ever increasing day
temperature without spending more of their money. Maybe Filipinos can try this here, too.
Creating eco coolers also helps reduce plastic waste as plastic bottles are repurposed or
upcycled into something of lasting benefit.

Not only for humans, Eco-Coolers can be employed effectively in cattle farms and
pet houses which provides the animals a great sense of relief from the sweltering summer
heat without costing a heap on the farmer's head. In addition, it is recommended that
more studies should be undertaken to improve the efficiency of this improvised eco-
friendly evaporative air cooler so that it can be used in larger rooms.

X. References

Bhanuprakash Ch et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 377 012024

De Vera-Ruiz, E. (2018). Metro Manilans experience hottest day of the year. Retrieved



Investigatory project. (2016, Apr 14). Retrieved from


Khan, A., Ahmed, Z., Ghosh, A. (2019). Energy Procedia. Retrieved from

Luo, V. (2018). What is an ECO cooler and on which principle does it work? Retrieved



Pappas, S. (2017). What Is Global Warming? Retrieved from https://www.livescience.



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