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Core values communicate what you believe as a company and how you are working together toward

a shared vision. By articulating what you stand for as a brand, you can attract better employees and
customers who share your beliefs.

HDFC Bank:
1) Product Leadership: Product Leadership is about consistently striving to provide your
customers with leading-edge products or useful new applications of existing products or
services. The focus of a product leader is through the processes of innovation and product

2) Customer Focus: the company should be committed to do what is right for their customers.
They want them to retain and recommend the brand to others. They should not compromise on
quality and services. The focus is on delivering commitments and promises.

3) Operational Excellence : Operational Excellence is a mindset that embraces certain principles

and tools to create sustainable improvement within an organization. Excellence can be achieved
when every member of the organisation an see the flow of value to the customer.

4) People: The strength of the company lies in the people. People would have worked in a
company for many of the years. HDFC focus on empowering people, challenging its people to new
heights. Delivering better value to the people is required in a long term sustainability.

5) Sustainability: Sustainable value is the ability to provide value that sustains the organisation.
Using resources efficiently is essential to sustain and if a business has sustainability has a core value
it is good for a organisation

1) Leadership –The leader should have a clear view of the future, competitive environment and
the direct competitors. Leadership drives away the risk and puts organisation in such a way that it
thrives in the future environment.

2) Ownership.The best way to engage the employees is to trust them to make the right
decisions. Every single employee is responsible for achieving the best results, for collaborating
successfully with their colleagues, for strengthening and developing, adding energy and creativity of
the overall organisation.

3) Passion for Learning: Learning is a core value that drives the organisation to sustain in a
competitive world. Learning can change the world by increasing knowledge and skills. Britania apply
thought, creativity to meet their goals and hence they consider it as their core value.

4) Respect: It is an important core company value. Every single individual be it be blue collar or
white collar should be treated with equal respect. Britania value all stakeholders, their communities
& the environment and treat them with dignity and respect.

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