Long Test in Digestive System

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NAME: ________________________________ GR. & SEC: ___________________

I. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on the blank before the number.

_____ 1. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver?

a. production of bile c. storage of vitamin
b. storage of glucose d. detoxification of drugs
_____ 2. Food is completely digested and absorbed in what organ?
a. stomach c. large intestine
b. small intestine d. liver
_____ 3. Which of the following is a function of the gall bladder?
a. produces bile c. stores and concentrates bile
b. is attached to the pancreas d. produces cholecystokinin
_____ 4. The largest internal organ of the body is the ____________
a. stomach c. liver
b. large intestine d. pancreas
_____ 5. The wavelike movement in the esophagus that pushes the food down the stomach is called
a. peristalsis c. digestion
b. chewing d. grinding
_____ 6. Which of the following processes turns food into a new form that cells can use?
a. chewing or mastication c. peristalsis
b. churning process d. enzyme action
_____ 7. The organ where digestion ad respiration cross is the ___________
a. mouth c. larynx
b. nose d. gall bladder
_____ 8. This organ serves as storage of bile
a. gall bladder c. liver
b. stomach d. rectum
_____ 9. Which of the following organic nutrients is not absorbed by capillaries in the intestinal villi?
a. glucose c. galactose
b. amino acid d. glycerol
_____ 10. The enzyme in the saliva that partially digests carbohydrates is ________
a. pepsin c. protease
b. ptyalin d. steapsin
II. Match the organs listed in column A with the lettered parts in column B. Write your answer on the blank before
the letter.
____ 1. Small intestine
____ 2. Pancreas
____ 3. Liver
____ 4. Appendix
____ 5. Mouth
____ 6. Large intestine
____ 7. Rectum
____ 8. Anus
____ 9. Esophagus
____ 10. Stomach

III. Identify the part of the digestive system which performs each of the following functions.
__________ 1. The organ that stores and concentrates bile
__________ 2. Where carbohydrates is first chemically digested
__________ 3. The organ of complete digestion and absorption
__________ 4. Where the fecal materials exit
__________ 5. Temporary storage of feces
__________ 6. Organ that release enzyme for sugar metabolism
__________ 7. A tube that serves as passageway of food from the mouth to the stomach
__________ 8. Organ that produces bile
__________ 9. Organ that reabsorbs materials
__________ 10. Organ that produces saliva

IV. Fill in the boxes with the correct organs that shows the path of food in the digestive tract.

V. Enumeration
1 – 2 Phases of Digestion
3 – 6 Accessory Organs of the Digestive System
7 – 9 Types of salivary glands

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