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-12:00 PM, 5 February 2019

National park-
● A park in use for conservation purposes
● activities like developmental, forestry, poaching, hunting and grazing on cultivation are not
● Its land is owned by the government(100%), no private ownership rights allowed.
● Hemis National Park- largest national park in india at Highest altitude(J&K)
● IUCN Category 2.
● 166 total
● Jim Corbett TR- 1st national Park(Hailey NP) uttarkhand
Wildlife Sanctuary-
● A sanctuary is a protected area which is reserved for the conservation of only animal
● Human activities like harvesting of timber, collecting minor forest products and private ownership
rights are allowed as long as they do not interfere with well-being of animals.(little farming.)
● IUCN Category 4
● 545 total

Biosphere Reserve-
● Areas of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems
● 18 Total
● Three interrelated zones
○ core area(s) comprises a strictly protected ecosystem
○ buffer zone surrounds or adjoins the core areas
○ transition area is the part of the reserve where the greatest activity is allowed

Tiger Reserved-
● Hope of increasing tiger population
● 2226 latest census.
● 50 total (Kamlang TR 50th, Orang TR 49th

Wet land
● Place where water is excessive and less Oxygen available e.g. Sundarban. Daldal area. E.g.
Ramsar (Iran city where this convention start)
● last time convention oct 2018 UAE
● 2200 india wetland.
● 26 total
● 2200 total in world

● Norman Mayour 1988 word introduced.
● Place where unique type of plants or species available.
● Eastern Himalayas, Western Ghats, Indoverma region, Sunda land(malaysia thailand),Nicobar
island(great nicobar)
● 4 total
1) Which of the following is related to an agenda 21?
- Earth Summit 1992 Rio Conference
2) World forest day is celebrated -
-World Ozone Day: September 16
World's Scenery Day: February 2
World’s Forest Day: March 21
World Water Day: March 22
International Earth Day: April 22
World Turtle Protection Day: May 23
World Environment Day: June 5
World Hydrography Day: June 21
Sunderban Day: August 21 (sundarban Delta- ganga and Brahmaputra, WB,)
3.)How many percentages of CO2 and argon are found in the atmosphere?
-0.03% and 0.93% Co2​ and Argon(one of the 18th group available in Air) Respectively
-Curst most oxygen
-Core maximum iron
Oceanmax oxygen
-Universe max Hydrogen
-Human Body Hydrogen
Most abundant Element in the universe
Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Neon Nitrogen
Carbon Silicon Magnesium Iron Sulphur

​ ighest ​and where is lowest -

4) In which Indian state is the thickness of the ozone layer is h
-Srinagar - Trivandrum
-Ozone measure in dobson

5.)Which gas emitted from supersonic jets, dilutes the ozone layer?
-Nitrogen Oxide
-(CFC, Sulphur Dioxide,Nitrogen Dioxide most effect to Ozone.)

6.)The highest carbon dioxide emitting country is

-China because Most developing country- extreme phase large CO2 emission, RUS and US no
more CO2 emission.
7) According to the WHO list released on May 2, 2018, is the world's most polluted city?
-Delhi -554 PPM(parts per million) toxic zone

8) What percentage of the amount of sulphur in the green diesel is found?

-0.001% sulphur

Most abundant Element in the universe

Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Neon Nitrogen
Carbon Silicon Magnesium Iron Sulphur
Summits & Conference of Environment ​(CBT1 -Questions Fix)
-12:00 PM, 6 February 2019
● The UN Stockholm Conference(pollutant) on Sweden from June 5–16 in 1972.
● Earth Summit 1992 (Rio 20) ( 3 June 1992 – 14 June 1992)
● Earth Summit 2 1997 (Rio+5) (Co2) ​[IMP*]
● World Summit Sustainable Development 2002, Johannesburg,SA.

United nations Framework climate change conferences (UNFCCC)

1 COP 1- Berlin, Germany, 1995 
2 COP 2- Geneva, Switzerland, 1996​ [IPCC adopt,]* 
3 COP 3- Kyoto, Japan, 1997 ​[kyoto protocol introduced-Co2,Nox,So2 emission]* 
4 COP 4- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998 
5 COP 5- Bonn, Germany, 1999 
6 COP 6 - Hague, Netherlands, 2000 ​[controversy issue J.W. Bush Disagreement so 2x ]* 
7 COP 6 - Bonn, Germany, 2001 * 
8 COP 7- Marrakech, Morocco, 2001 
9 COP 8- New Delhi, India, 2002 * 
10 COP 9- Milan, Italy, 2003 
11 COP 10- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004 
12 COP 11, /CMP 1, Montreal, Canada, 2005 ​[kyoto protocol implement(effective)] 
13 COP 12- /CMP 2, Nairobi, Kenya, 2006 
14 COP 13- /CMP 3, Bali, Indonesia, 2007 
15 COP 14- /CMP 4, Poznań, Poland, 2008: 
16 COP 15 /CMP 5, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009 
17 COP 16 /CMP 6, Cancún, Mexico, 2010 
18 COP 17- /CMP 7, Durban, South Africa, 2011 
19 COP 18- /CMP 8, Doha, Qatar, 2012 
20 COP 19- /CMP 9, Warsaw, Poland, 2013 
21 COP 20- /CMP 10, Lima, Peru, 2014 
22 COP 21- /CMP 11, Paris, France, 2015​ [Global Temp. not more increase than 2°C] 
23 COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1-1, Marrakech, Morocco, 2016 
24 COP 23-/CMP 13/CMA 1-2, Bonn, Germany, 2017 
25 COP 24- /CMP 14/CMA 1-3, Katowice, Poland, 2018: 
26 COP 25-/CMP 15/CMA 2, 2019 ​[were going to brazil but now canceled] 
26 COP 21- /CMP 11, Paris, France, 2015 
27 COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1-1, Marrakech, Morocco, 2016 
28 COP 23-/CMP 13/CMA 1-2, Bonn, Germany, 2017 
29 COP 24- /CMP 14/CMA 1-3, Katowice, Poland, 2018: 
26 COP 25-/CMP 15/CMA 2, 2019 
Convention of biodiversity (Biological diversity) 
COP 1- Nassau, Bahamas, 1994** 
COP 2 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1995 
COP 3 - Buenos Aires,Argentina, 1996 
COP 4 - Bratislava, Slovakia, 1998 
EXCOP1 -Cartagena, Colombia, 1999  
COP 5- Nairobi Kenya,2000 
COP 6- The Hague, Netherlands,2002 
COP 7- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,2004 
COP 8- Curitiba, Brazil, 2006 
COP 9- Bonn, Germany, 2008 
COP 10- Nagoya, Japan, 2010 
COP 11- Hyderabad, India, 2012** 
COP 12- Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, 2014 
Cop 13- Cancun Maxico, 2016 
Cop 14 – Sharm EI. Sheikh. Egypt, 2018** 
1.) First Indian who received Clark R.Bavin award? -​ Ritesh sirothia  
3) In which year Montreal protocol came in force- ​26 Aug 1989,​ signed in 1987.  
-kyoto protocol- Co2 Emission came-1997 effected 2005. 
4) Nokrek biosphere reserve is located in which state?- ​Meghalaya​(west garo hill located) 
5) National Green tribunal act was passed in which year ​-2010​. 
6) Latest (26th) ramsar sites of india is ?- ​Nalsarovar bird sanctuary 
7) Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997 but effected on ..........? - ​2005 
8) Who is the head of ministry of Environment ,forest and climate change ?​-Dr​. ​Harshvardhan  
9) When was first National Forest Policy(1884) launched in India after Independent ?​-1952​ last 
1988 Revised. 
10) Which state has maximum increases in forest area according to the 
indian forest report (12feb 2018)- ​Andhra Pradesh 
-maximum forest cover state in india - ​M.P​. 
11) World wildlife fund was founded ​in-1961 ​april 29. 
12) Which agency published the Red Data Book?- ​IUCN 
-IUCN- International Union for Conservation of Nature 
13.)National Environment Engineering Research Institute is located in which city ?​-Nagpur 
-Forest Research Institute- Dehradun. And NEERI- Nagpur 
14) World largest tropical wetland area "Pantanal " is located in which continent?​-South​ ​America 
(Bolivia,Brazil and Paraguay connects) 
15) Asia's first Dolphin Research center will be set in which city of india ?- ​PATANA 
-announce on Dolphin Day ​5 october  
-Indian Dolphin scientific Name ​-Platanista Gangetica​** 
16) What is the Rank of india in Environment performance index 2018 ?- ​177​ (77 in ease of doing 
17) World tourism day is celebrated on which date?-​ 27 September 
18) Which ISO certificate is related to environmental management?-​ISO:14001 
19) Which of the following is not correctly matched 
a) Biological diversity act. 2002
b) Environment protection act 1989
c) Air pollution control act 1981
d) Water pollution and control act ​1976 ​1974
20) Which one is the largest Biosphere reserve in India?-​Gulf of Mannar- Tamil nadu.

Feb 8, 2019
1. Atmosphere​: The gaseous envelope surrounding the earth.  
2.   ​Anthropogenic​:  It  is  related  to  the  study  of  the  origin  and 
development of human beings. 
3. Afforestation​:  Planting  of  trees  in  an  area  to  provide  a  forest 
4. Antibiotics​:  It  is  a  chemical  substance  derivable  from  a  mould 
or  bacterium  that  can  k ​ ill  microorganisms  and  cure  bacterial 
5. Acid  Rain​:  Rain  water  containing  mixtures  of  acids  (​nitric​, 
hydrochloric  ​and  ​sulfuric  ​acid)  from  polluted  air  is  known  as 
acid rain. It damages lakes, forests and marble sculptures 
6.   ​Biodiversity​:  It  refers  to  the  variability among living organisms 
from  all  sources,  including  terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic 
ecosystems  and  the  ecological  complexes  of  which  they  are 
part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and 
of ecosystems 
7. Biogas​:  Gas  (energy  resource)  originated  from  animal  ​dung​. It is 
useful ​fuel ​in rural areas 
8. Biotic  Component​:  Living  component  (i.e.,  plants,  animals,  and 
microbes) in an ecosystem.  
9. Carbon  Cycle​:  Natural  cycle  based  on  exchange  of 
carbon-dioxide among Atmosphere, Biosphere and Ocean 
10. Carcinogen​:  Chemicals  promoting  ​cancer(originates)  ​e.g., 
benzo-α-pyrene, arsenic, DDT(now banned) etc. 
11.   ​Chlorofluorocarbons  ​(CFC):  Used  as  solvent,  ​refrigerant​, 
fire  retardant  etc.  ​Responsible  ​for  ​ozone  ​hole  and  ​greenhouse 
effect. OR FREON 
12. Compost​:  A  nutrient  rich  soil  produced  by  decomposition  of 
organic matter under aerobic conditions. 
13. Decibel​: Unit for measurement of ​intensity ​of ​noise​.  
14. Biodegradable  Pollutants​:  Those  pollutants  which  can  be 
broken  down  into  simpler,  harmless,  substances  in  nature  in  due 
course of time. 
15. Deforestation​:  Destruction  of  forest  cover.  Desertification: 
The  process leading to desert formation. Detritus: Dead organic 
matter mainly of fallen leaves as life litter in forest. 
16. DDT(D​ichloro​d​iphenyl​t​richloroethane​)​:  Pesticide  useful  in 
agriculture and eradication of malaria. 
17. Ecology​:  Study  of  interactions  of  living  organisms  with  their 
biotic and abiotic environments. 
18.   ​Ecosystem​:  A  biological  community  and  its  physical 
environment exchanging matter and energy. 
19. Environment​:  Something  that  environs  i.e.,  encircles  all  our 
surroundings—the  natural  world in which we live — the living and 
non-living objects around us in our day-today living. 
20.   ​Environmental  Studies​:  The  studies  of  the  quality  of 
environment  and  all  aspects  of  human  environment,  their 
degradation etc. comprise environmental studies.  
21. Eutrophication​:  Over  nourishment  of  water  bodies  due  to 
excessive  nitrates  and  phosphates  received  through  runoff—  it 
is harmful for the water bodies. (-ve Terminolohy) 
22. EX​-situ  Conservation:  Conservation  of  endangered  species 
away from their natural habitat.(​En​-situ Conservation ? 
23.   ​Earthquake​:  The  shaking  and  trembling  of  earth  due  to 
movement  inside  the  lithosphere  that  could  be  tectonic  or 
24. ENERGY-  ​Ability  to  do  work.  Environment  The  physical, 
chemical and biotic conditions surrounding an organism 
25. ​Fauna​: Species content of animals present in an area.  
26. Flora: A species content of plants present in an area.  
27. Flood: Submerges of the vast area of land with water.  
28. Fertilizers:  The  inorganic  materials  which  can  supply  plant 
nutrients in available form. 
29.   ​Food Chain​:  Method  of  transferring  of  food elements among 
environment,  producers,  consumers  and  decomposer.  Fodder: 
Green feed of cattle. 
30.   ​Forest​:  Plant  community  predominantly  of  trees,  often  with 
an  extensive  undergrowth  of  shade  tolerant  shrubs  and  herbs 
usually with closed company. (lungs of Earth- amazon forest) 
31. Gasohol​:  Mixture  of  gasoline  and  alcohol  is  known  as  gasohol, 
used as a fuel in ​Brazil ​for running cars and buses. 
32.   ​GNP  (Gross  National  Product):  An  index  of  a  country’s 
economic  status  based  on  consumerism  i.e.,  commodities 
purchased  per  year,  consumer  durables  and  financial  status  of 
33.   ​Greenhouse  Effect  (Global  Warming)​:  Rise  in  temperature 
of  the  earth’s  surface  due  to  increase  in  the  levels  of 
greenhouse  gases  viz.,  carbon  dioxide,  methane  etc.  The  latter 
trap  heat  from  the  earth’s  surface  and  returns  it  thereby 
raising  the  earth’s  surface  temperature.  This  phenomenon  is 
similar  to  trapping  of  heat  in  glass  covered  greenhouse  (used 
for  growth  of  vegetables  and  flowers  during  winter)  and  hence 
called greenhouse effect. 
34. Magma​: Molten rock below the earth’s surface. 
35.   ​Natural  Gas​:  Underground  deposits  of  gases  containing 
mainly  ​methane(major)  ​and  small  amounts  of  ​propane  ​and 
butane​.  It  is  a  cleaner  fuel  than  fossil  fuel  as  it  produces  less 
carbon dioxide on burning. 
36. Nitrogen  Cycle:  Continuous  exchange  of  nitrogen  within  the 
ecosystem: air-soil-water. 
No.  Word  Definition 
1  Acarology  Study of mites  
2  Aceology  Therapeutics 
3  Adenology*/endocrinology   Study of glands  
4  Aerology  Study of the atmosphere  
5  Aerostatics  Science of air pressure; art 
of ballooning  
6  Agrobiology  Study of plant nutrition; 
soil yields  
7  Agrology  Study of agricultural soils 
8  Agronomics  Study of productivity of 
9  Agrostology  Science or study of grasses  

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