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Electoral Politics

Direct Democracy: Entire population participate in decision making process

Why election:

1987- Election in Haryana

- Ruled by Congress since 1982

- Chaudhary Davi Lal (opposition leader) led movement “Nyaya Yudh’
o Formed new party Lok Dal
 Promises
 Waive loans of farmers and small businessmen
- Election
o Lok Dal fought election with allies – against Congress
 76/90 seats- Lok Dal- 60, Congress 5

1991- Election in Haryana

- Congress won election and formed government


- Mechanism to choose our representatives at regular intervals and change them if

we wish to do so.
o Choose who will make laws for us
o Choose who will form govt. and take major decisions
o Choose the party whose policies will guide the govt.
Why do we need Election?

- Democracy without election is possible

o If all people sit together every day and take all decisions
 Not possible in large community
 Not everyone have the time/knowledge to take decision
 Therefore most democracy rule through representatives
- Is there a democratic way to select representative without election
o If selected on basis of age and experience
o If selected on basis of education and knowledge
 Difficult to decide who is more experienced or knowledgeable
- How can we find that people like their representative or not
- How to ensure that these representative rule as per the wishes of people

What makes election democratic?

- Everyone should be able to choose
o One vote one value
- Something to choose from
o Parties and candidates should be free to contest election
- Choice should be made at regular intervals
- Candidates preferred by the people should get elected
- Election should be conducted in free and fair manner
What is Political Competition? Is it good to have political competition?

Merits and Demerits of Political Competition?

- Election is all about political competition

o Competition among political parties
o At constituency level among candidates

Merits Demerits
Political leaders are motivated by the desire to advance their political career Political parties and candidates level allegation against each other
Want to remain in power Parties and candidates use dirty tricks to win election
Provides incentives to political parties and leaders Does not allow sensible long term policy to be formulated
Some good people does not enter into political

System of Election in India:

1. Electoral Constituencies

- Area from where representatives are elected by the people

- Reserved Constituency

- Some group does not have the required resources, education and contest election

- Lok Sabha (84 SC, 47 ST)

- OBC and Women in Local Bodies

2. Electoral Roll/ Voter List

- All citizen above 18 years of age

- Some criminals and persons with unsound mind can be denied

- Revised every five years

-EPIC (Electronic Photo Identity Card)

- card not yet necessary for voting

3. Nomination of Candidate:

- Any one above 25 years can contest election

- Some restriction on criminals

- Those who want to contest election – need to fill nomination form- give security deposit and make declaration:

- Serious criminal case pending

- Details of assets and liabilities

- Educational qualification

4. Election Campaign:

- Free and open discussion about who is better representative, - which party will make better government

- Focus public attention

- Garibi Hatao – Congress – 1971

- Save Democracy – Janta Party – 1977

- Land for Tiller – West Bengal – 1977

- Protect the Self-respect of Telugus – Andhra Pradesh- 1983, Telugu Desam Party

- Follow Regulations: (Fair and Equal chance to compete)

- Bribe or threaten voters

- Appeal in the name of caste or religion

- Use govt. resources for election campaign

- Expenditure- 25 lakh (Lok Sabha), 10 lakh (State Assembly)

- Model Code of Conduct – No party or Candidate

- Use place of worship for election propaganda

- Use govt. vehicles, aircrafts and officials for elections

- Once election is announced- ministers shall not lay foundation stone- take big policy decisions

5. Polling and Counting of Votes:

Election Outcome:

Some negative features of Indian Election System:

o Inclusion of false name in voter list

o Misuse of govt. facilities
o Excessive use of money- party/candidates
o Intimidating voters- rigging on polling day

1. Independent Election Commission

- Appointed by President- work independently- difficult to remove

- take decision on every aspect of election

- Conduct and control

- Implement Code of Conduct

- Punish violators

- During election- can order govt. to follow certain guidelines

- On election duty govt. officials work under EC

2. Popular Participation

- If election in not free and fair- people’s participation will be less

- India:

- Voter’s turnout stable or gone up- Europe and America turnout is down

- Poor, illiterate and unprivileged vote in large number compared to rich- reverse in US and Europe

- Common people attach lot of importance to election

- can bring pressure on political parties to adopt policies and programmes favourable to them

- Interest of voters in election related activities has increased

3. Acceptance of election outcome:

- If election is not free and fair outcome will always in favour of powerful

- Ruling party will not lose elections

- In India

- Ruling party routinely lose election

- About half of sitting MPs and MLAs lose election

- Candidate with money power and criminal connections often lose election

Challenges to Free and Fair election:

- Candidate and Parties with lot of money enjoy advantage over smaller parties and independents
- Candidates with criminal connection able to secure ticket from major parties
- Some families tend to dominate political parties
- Election offer little choice to ordinary citizen
- Smaller Parties and Independent candidates suffer a huge disadvantage

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