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A Letter of Application

Fungsi sosial
Menimbulkan kesan positif tentang kesesuaian pelamar dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar
Struktur teks
- Tempat dan tanggal
- Penerima dan alamatnya
- Sapaan
- Isi surat
- Penutup
- Tanda tangan dan nama lengkap
Unsur kebahasaan
- Ungkapan dan kosakata yang sesuai
- Tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Join WORLD AID and work with local communities in the Third
World. We are looking for volunteers to work in our camp near
Chittagong in Bangladesh:
 to participate in our flood control and tree planting operation,
 to help look after small children,
 to teach basic maths to primary children,
 to work on a survey of local wildlife.
Minimum stay - three months. Write to Michael Cartwright, (World Aid,
Palmers House, Ludford SY18X) saying that kind of work you are interested
in. Give details about yourself, say why you are interested and why you are
suitable for the work.
Successful applicants will receive free transportation, accommodation and

Personal Information
Narne: Maureen Taylor
Date of birth: 21.03.81
Nationality: British
Address: 87 Orchard Rise,
Bishops Castle SY9 7H

Education and Qualification

Secondary school Newcastle
‘A’ level : English Literature (A)
Math (B), Economics (D)
2003 – present : Voluntary work
Teaching English to
Immigrants – Bishop Castle

Other Skills
Driving license, First Aid Certificate (First Class)

Reading, cinema, cooking, swimming. Int Opp Page 1 of 4
87 Orchard Rise,
Bishops Castle,
July September 29, 2017
Mr Michael Catwright

World Aid,
Palmers House,e

Dear Mr Cartwright,
(1) I am writing to apply for the position of volunteer worker which I saw advertised in The Guardian last
week. I would be interested in teaching maths to primary children in your camp in Chittagong in
Bangladesh. I enclose a copy of my CV.
(2) I would like to work for you because I am very interested in teaching. I would like to learn about a
different culture as I feel that intercultural understanding is extremely important.
(3) I am a hard-working and committed person. For the last three years, I have done voluntary work
visiting elderly people in my local area. I have also taught immigrant children so I can get on well with
people from other cultural backgrounds.
(4) I think I would be a good primary teacher of maths due to my teaching experience and since I have
Math ‘A’ level. In addition, I hold a certificate in first aid, which might be useful.
(5) I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Maureen Tylor
Maureen Taylor (Ms)

1. Read the advertisement, CV and the letter. Answer these questions.

1. What reasons does Maureen give for applying for the job?
2. What evidence does she give to show that:
a) she is hard-working and committed?
b) She understands people from other cultures?
c) She could teach maths?
3. Do you think Maureen’s application would be successful? Why or why not?

2. Match the parts of the letter (1-5) with these topics:

a) signing off,
b) personal qualities,
c) qualifications,
d) reasons for interest,
e) reason for writing Int Opp Page 2 of 4

3. Look at the underlined words in the letter.
Do they express addition or reason?

4. Write a letter applying for work on a volunteer program. Follow the stages below.
Stage 1
Imagine you are applying to work as a volunteer in Bangladesh. Decide which of the four jobs
you are interested in. Think about why you are interested.
Stage 2
Write a simple CV. Then write notes about your reasons for wanting the job, your personal
qualities, your qualifications and your practical skills.
Stage 3
Use your notes and CV to write the letter.


Reasons: get experience, learn about, find out about, interested in
Personal qualities: committed, hard-working, reliable, determined, enthusiastic, creative
Experience: voluntary work, holiday jobs, participation in activities
Qualifications: hold a certificate in ..., passed exams in ..., completed a course in ...
Practical skills: fluent in (language), driving license, cooking, carpentry, first aid

To give reasons:
I would like to work for you mainly because I am very interested in environmental issues, but also
due to my interest in the problems caused by flooding.
I am familiar with problems of flood control, since I have lived all my life in a farm in Holland below
sea level. I have a clean driving license and I am a capable mechanic, as I have completed a three-
year course of evening classes.

Style: Make sure formal words or expressions. Don’t use contractions.
Grammar: Check your letter for grammar mistakes.

Writing Rubric (Skill Score)

Organisation Style and
Development of Punctuation, Spelling,
SCORE (Introduction, Body, Grammar Quality of
Idea Mechanic
Conclusion) Expression
Tidak ada bagian pembuka Isi tulisan tidak Sangat banyak Tulisan tidak terbaca, Kosa kata tidak
atau ringkasan/ penutup. sesuai dengan topik. kesalahan banyak kesalahan penulisan sesuai dengan

1 Teks tanpa kalimat

huruf kapital dan tanda
baca. Banyak kesalahan

Susunan kalimat yang tidak ejaan kata.

Ada bagian pembuka dan Isi tulisan tidak Banyak Tulisan sulit terbaca, cukup Kosa kata yang
penutup yang minimalis. lengkap karena tidak kesalahan banyak kesalahan penulisan kurang sesuai

2 Teks dengan kalimat

pendukung yang sedikit.
didukung kalimat
huruf kapital dan tanda
baca. Cukup banyak
dengan topik
dan terbatas.
Bagian pembuka dan bagian kesalahan ejaan kata.
penutup tidak sejalan.
Bagian pembuka dan Isi tulisan kurang Cukup banyak Tulisan terbaca, cukup Kosa kata yang
penutup cukup jelas. Masih berkembang karena kesalahan banyak kesalahan penulisan cukup sesuai
3 ada masalah dalam
penulisan struktur isi teks.
susunan paragraf
yang tidak tepat.
huruf kapital dan tanda
baca. Cukup banyak
dengan topik
dan cukup
kesalahan ejaan kata. bervariasi.
Penulisan yang layak untuk Isi tulisan sudah Sedikit Tulisan terbaca, sedikit Kosa kata yang
judul, bagian pembuka, isi, cukup lengkap. Ide kesalahan kesalahn penulisan huruf sesuai dengan
4 dan penutup. Ada ide pokok pokok tersusun
yang kurang dilengkapi dengan baik.
kapital dan tanda baca.
Sedikit kesalahan ejaan
topik dan
kalimat pendukung. kata.
Penulisan yang baik untuk Isi tulisan sesuai Tidak ada Tulisan terbaca, tidak ada Kosa kata yang
judul, bagian pembuka, isi, topik. Ide pokok dan kesalahan kesalahn penulisan huruf sesuai dengan
5 dan penutup.
Struktur penulisan isi teks
pendukung tersusun
dengan sangat baik
kapital dan tanda baca.
Tidak ada kesalahan ejaan
topik dan
baik. dan lengkap. kata. bervariasi.
Adapted from Brown (2003) Int Opp Page 4 of 4

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