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In English, we use USED TO to talk about things we did in the past but we don’t do anymore in the


Erica: “I used to dance every single weekend at night. Now I can’t because I have a baby!”

– Erica used to dance every weekend, but not anymore in the present –

Read and find out: read what the people have to say about their activities
and answer the questions. Also, pay attention when they use “used to” and its

Matías: “When I was young, I used to play three sports: football, basketball and
rugby. Now I don’t have the time to play anything anymore. I work 10 hours a day
and I’m very tired when I finish. I really want to play at least one sport like I used to,
but it’s very hard to maintain energy.”

Sarah: “I used to dance Zumba and Tango 4 times a week.

After the accident I only watch videos of people dancing. Now people
ask me: Did you really use to dance so much? Well, I need 8 more
months to recuperate and doctors told me things won’t be like they
used to anymore. I will miss it a lot.”

Carlos: “I admit I used to have a problem. I used to play video

games 12 to 14 hours a day. My family paid for rehabilitation sessions
at a hospital for gamers and now I can control it and play only 1 hour
a day. I didn’t use to see how dangerous my situation was. Thanks, mom and dad!

1→ Can Matías play any sports now?

2→ What would Matías like to be able to do?
3→ Is Sarah able to dance after her accident?
4→ Will Sarah be able to dance like she used to in the future?
5→ Does Carlos still play video games?
6→ Did Carlos realize the problem he was in?

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