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Lesson Plan

Grade Level: Kinder

Subject: Mathematics

At the end of the lesson the students should able to:

1. Identify the different shapes and count how many they are.
2. Distinguish different shape and numbers.

I. Materials needed:

Shape- circle, oblong, square, rectangle, heart and triangle.
Color-red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
Numbers- 1, 2, 3,4 and 5

II. Motivation

Students Teacher
Good morning teacher Good morning children I’m your teacher for
today. I am teacher Emjhay.

We will start our lesson are you ready?

Yes, teacher Do you want to sing and recite a poem?

Ok let see…

Yes teacher. I will sing first and you repeat after me.
Ok let’s start.

III. Discussion: Shape, Color and Numbers

Student Teacher
Children, our topic for today is color shapes
and numbers.
Yes teacher
Are you familiar with colors?
Yes teacher.
How about shapes and numbers?

I have a chart here. Tell me about the


Envelope. Did you see this object? What kind of

object is this

Blue. What is the color?

One. How many envelopes are there?

Rectangle. What is the shape?

One . Let’s Count.

Let us have next object

Heart. What object is this?

Red. What is color?

Two. How many hearts?

Let’s Count Again..

One, Two.

Another object

Pizza. What object is this?

Violet. What color?

Three. How many pizza are there in all?

One, two, three. Let’s See and Count

Triangle. What shape?

Orange. What object is this?

Orange. What color?

Four. How many orange are there in all?

One , two, three and four. Children let’s count again

Circle. What shape?

Clock. What object is this?

Green. What color?

Five. How many clock are there in all?

Square. What shape?

Last object.

Oblong. What is the shape

Yellow. What is color?

One. How many?


IV. Activity:
Let’s Match

Direction: the students will match the shapes according to their designated
colors and shapes. Using a Yarn
Students enjoyed this activity a lot. They also identify the object shape
color and number in dancing floor.

V. Evaluation:
Direction: Write check to the object according to the given shape. The object
and given shape should match their shape.




VI. Assignment:

Direction: in the given black write the number of objects.

1. __________

2. _________






Preapred by:

Mary Jean B. Macasinag

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