2016 Capstone Project Instructions

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Congratulations, you are nearing the end of your time in the self-contained

gifted program and are ready to move on to middle school. For the last
quarter you will be working on your Capstone Project, a final research
project and presentation that will finish the journey you began when you
entered the self-contained program. Like the Egyptian pyramid builders of
the past, you will place this Capstone on the top of your pyramid to celebrate
the accomplishment of all that you have done.

Your project will be a topic you choose. Find something you are already passionate about or something
that you have been curious about for a while. Find something that makes you happy and that you want to share
with the class. There are several graded components to this project: a research paper, a PowerPoint
presentation, an oral presentation, and your portfolio.

The Research Paper: This paper must be a minimum of 1,000 words, presented in proper MLA format as a
typed research paper with a minimum of 5 resources in the bibliography. Consult the rubric for exact scoring

The PowerPoint Presentation: This presentation must have a minimum of 10 slides on your topic relating to
the Kaplan Icons we will be using for research. The PowerPoint will be used during the oral presentation. Print
a copy for your portfolio. Consult the rubric for exact scoring requirements.

The Oral Presentation: This presentation will be used to share your knowledge with the class. You will give
this presentation in conjunction with your PowerPoint but you may also include other visual aids such as props
or costumes. The presentation must be a minimum of 4 minutes. Consult the rubric for exact scoring

The Portfolio: As part of the Capstone Project, you will turn in a portfolio documenting the process you went
through. The Portfolio will include the rough draft and revisions of your research paper, your written annotated
bibliography/notecards, a copy of your PowerPoint presentation, a copy of your Kaplan Icons worksheet, any
articles or research you may have printed off, and your original submission. Consult the rubric for exact scoring

During this process you will:

 Identify an area of interest for your project

 Submit a topic proposal to your instructor (must be approved before you begin research)
 Narrow your topic to a thesis statement and fully research in order to support the thesis statement
 Create written annotated bibliography/notecards as part of the research process (minimum of 20 facts)
 Use multiple credible sources of information, including books, periodicals, online databases and internet
websites (check with the rubric for exact requirements)
 Draft an outline and complete multiple drafts of a formal research paper for revisions; turn in with
 Include parenthetical citations (in text)
 Create a formal Works Cited
 Use proper MLA formatting
 Create a Powerpoint presentation with all of the interesting information you find
 Give an oral presentation on your topic to the class, using your Powerpoint and other visual aids
 Submit all evidence of work in a portfolio
Time Line of Capstone Projects
 Thursday, March 24 - Students must turn in their Capstone Proposal signed by a parent. Students
will receive approval or a request to resubmit (due by Tuesday). Students who receive approval should
begin research immediately.

 Friday, April 1 - Students must have from 5 – 7 approved sources with at least two non-internet. They
will keep a written annotated bibliography/notecards in their portfolio. Student must have 20 facts
(evidence) and should be working on their Kaplan Icons worksheet.

 Friday, April 8 - Students must have first draft of written document and have begun their PowerPoint
presentation. Project Checkpoint with Parent Signature Required DUE.

 Tuesday, April 19 - Students must have second draft of written presentation done and begin peer
editing. PowerPoint presentation should be completed with oral presentation preparations underway
with plan for use of visual aids for final presentation.

 Friday, April 29 – PowerPoint and Oral presentations should be completed to allow for practice time.
Project Checkpoint with Parent Signature Required DUE.

 Tuesday, May 3 – All Project Components DUE - Students must have their typed, MLA formatted
research paper and portfolio with evidence of work, printed PowerPoint and oral presentation outline
turned in by the end of the day. PowerPoints must be submitted by e-mail or brought in on a flashdrive.

 May 4 – May 18 Presentations – Students will be randomly assigned a presentation day/time to give
their oral presentations.

Capstone Research Paper Guidelines

Your research paper will be a minimum of 1,000 words. All papers should follow standard formatting
requirements and WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED if they are not presented properly. Consult my webpage for
specifics but remember it is double spaced in Times New Roman, font twelve, and follow MLA formatting
guidelines. This length is a minimum and may be extended according to your personal journey. Remember
though that greater length does not always indicate greater knowledge.

Your paper will explore a topic of your choosing through which you exhibit the knowledge of information
(report on facts), understanding of the topic, application of learned concepts (for example, you will apply the
conventions of grammar studied in language arts), analysis of your topic, and evaluation of the content
learned. In other words, you will exhibit lower and higher orders of thinking to thoroughly investigate your
topic. In addition, you will use Kaplan Icons to bring greater depth and complexity to your research. Along
with a working bibliography, you will turn in your prewriting and subsequent drafts in your final portfolio. It
is vital to this assignment that you stay on top of this work and keep each piece in your portfolio. In fact, the
process is as important as the product!! A superior Capstone Project will include depth of knowledge, show
hard work in planning, researching, and organization, and acute attention to detail with regards to grammar,
formatting, and spelling conventions.
Capstone Research/Bibliography Guidelines
Students must submit a typed Works Cited document including a minimum of 5 sources (with at least 2 of
those as print (non-web) sources). Students will also keep a written annotated bibliography/notecards while
researching that will be turned in as part of the Portfolio.

Annotated Bibliographies/note cards require:

1. Author or editor name(s) if available
2. Article name in quotation marks Title of the Website, project, or book in italics (if applicable)
3. Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date
4. A one-sentence (minimum) summary (in your own words) of the general subtopic that is addressed
At least one direct quotation (you must record the page number if this is your print source)
5. Take note of any page numbers (if available)
6. Medium of publication (web or print)
7. Date you accessed the material
8. URL (for your own personal reference – because you might want to find this again!)


This is a checklist of questions to ask yourself if you are having trouble deciding how appropriate a source
is. You are not required to hand in answers to these questions; they are for your use only.

 Check for a list of references or other citations that look as if they will lead you to related material that
would be good sources.
 Determine the intended audience. Are you the intended audience? Consider the tone, style, level of
information, and assumptions the author makes about the reader. Are they appropriate for your needs?
 Try to determine if the content of the source is fact, opinion, or propaganda. If you think the source is
offering facts, are the sources for those facts clearly indicated?
 Is the language objective or emotional?
 Are there broad generalizations that overstate or oversimplify the facts?
 Does the author use a good mix of primary and secondary sources for information?
 If the source is opinion, does the author offer sound reasons for adopting that stance? (Consider again
those questions about the author. Is this person reputable?)
 Check for accuracy.
 How timely is the source? Is the source 20 years out of date? Some information becomes dated when new
research is available, but other older sources of information can be quite sound 50 or 100 years later.
 Do some cross-checking. Can you find some of the same information in at least two other places?
 How credible is the author or the organization that created the website?
 Are there vague or sweeping generalizations that aren’t backed up with evidence?
 Are arguments very one-sided with no acknowledgement of other viewpoints?

Please ask questions as you go!! Don’t wait to ask about something or say you don’t understand on
the day it is due! If you need help with research or presenting your ideas, ask an adult for help. You
have brilliant parents and a pretty smart teacher…use us!!! 

Plagiarism is using someone else’s ideas or words in your research and not giving credit to that person.
PLAGIARISM IS CHEATING! To avoid plagiarism, you should give credit to your sources, paraphrase,
and quote when the ideas or words are not yours.


The grand style of living in Alexandria came to an end more than 1,600 years ago. That’s when a series of
earthquakes struck - and sank parts of ancient Alexandria, including the royal quarters of Cleopatra which
were on the island of Antirhodos. Alexandria was thought to have been lost forever – that is, until
archaeologist Franck Goddio began his quest to uncover the lost ancient city.

This is the original source. If you were to copy it word for word, that would be PLAGIARISM.


1600 years ago, the grand style of living in Alexandria ended. Earthquakes sank parts of ancient Alexandria.
Alexandria was thought to have been lost. Frank Goddio, an archeologist, had a quest to uncover the lost

This is plagiarized. In order to make it acceptable, you would need to give credit to the source it is taken
from, and put it into YOUR OWN WORDS.


Many earthquakes caused much of Alexandria to sink into the sea. This happened around the 15th Century.
Everyone thought that Alexandria would never be found again. Frank Goddio, an archaeologist, wanted to
find the ancient city (Prokos 8).

This is acceptable because you are giving credit to the source and it is in your own words (paraphrasing).


Prokos, Anna. Cleopatra’s Lost City - New York: Harcourt, 2002.

*Adapted from Sheneadahowa Middle School Research Guide http://www.shenet.org/middle/Libraries/msresearchguide.pdf

Capstone Powerpoint & Oral Presentation Guidelines
You will be presenting a PowerPoint presentation which should include:
 a presentation of the facts and ideas you have discovered through your research.
 Presenting the ideas is not simply pasting complete paragraphs from your research paper but rather it is
paraphrasing or providing bullet points and then discussing them in your oral presentation. You should
have a minimum of 10 slides with no more than four sentences on each.
 You should include pictures and/or diagrams to illustrate your ideas. Graphs that are not originally yours
should receive works cited credit at the end of the presentation.
 Transitions and backgrounds that enhance rather than detract from your presentation. Don’t get so
excited about making things fly around that your audience gets distracted.
 Memorization of your presentation or use of small note-cards is encouraged. Extensive reading off your
presentation is not okay. Show that you are an expert in your topic!
 Your oral presentation will be what excites your classmates about the topic you have chosen. Teach them
and get them interested, don’t just speak at them.
 You may use additional visual aids or costuming to help make your point but do not let it become a
distraction. For example, would it be hard to take you seriously if you were dressed very outlandishly?
Would the class pay attention to you if you passed around objects during your presentation for them to
see and play with?
Capstone Project Proposal
Name: _______________________________________ Date Due: ___March 24______
Use this sheet to develop your capstone Project proposal. Make sure you address each of the components. The
proposal must be signed by a parent and the student. (To receive credit, this form must be complete and
submitted on time.)

_____________This proposal is approved.

_____________This proposal needs revision.

I. Identify the proposed Capstone Project.

Find a perfect topic by reflecting on these ideas. Is it:
· Based on your interests
· Open-ended and exploratory
· Directed towards a path to new knowledge
· Related to real-world issues whenever possible.

My Capstone Project Topic is:


NOTE: If you change your topic substantially, you must resubmit this form for approval.

II. Describe the proposed Capstone Project.

Write a detailed description of your project plan. Include an overview of what you hope to accomplish and
discuss the challenges or obstacles you may encounter while completing your Capstone Project. Be aware that
some obstacles may be beyond your control, which may determine the feasibility of your project (limited
research information about your topic may mean you need to broaden your scope. Too wide of a proposal will
require you to focus your topic or get overwhelmed.) You will need to do some preliminary research in order to
complete this part of the proposal.




III. Commitment to the proposed Capstone Project.

 I have read and understand the requirements for this  I have read and understand the requirements for this
project. project.
 I understand the due dates and what is required each day.  I understand the due dates and what is required each day.
 I have discussed this assignment with my student and  I have discussed this assignment with my parents and
understand they may need some assistance to complete this understand I may need some assistance to complete this
project. project. I will ask as soon as I know I need help.
 I understand that if there are any questions or problems, I  I understand that if there are any questions or problems, I
should contact Mrs. Witt as soon as possible. should contact Mrs. Witt as soon as possible.

Parent signature_____________________________ Student signature____________________________

Name: _____________________________________ Number: _________ Topic: ______________________

Capstone Project Status Update II – DUE April 29

What should be done:
 Research paper final revisions completed; should be ready to type final
 PowerPoint presentation completed
 Oral Presentations preparation complete, practicing

I have done the following on my project: ______________________________________________________
I would rate my effort to this point as a: 1 (This is not an option…don’t put in the minimum)
2 (I know I should have done more but I have procrastinated)
3 (I have what I need to finish but I haven’t put it together)
4 (I’m almost finished so I am fine-tuning)
5 (I’m done…can’t wait to turn it in!!)
What I still have to do for my project: ______________________________________________________

______________________________________ ________________________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature

Name: _____________________________________ Number: _________ Topic: ______________________

Capstone Project Status Update I – DUE April 8

What should be done:
 Research completed (minimum of 5 sources, annotated bibliography/notecards, 20 facts minimum)
 First draft of research paper completed
 PowerPoint presentation started

I have done the following on my project: ______________________________________________________

I would rate my effort to this point as a: 1 (totally lazy, haven’t started)
2 (I know I should have done more but I have some research)
3 (I have what I need to write the paper but I haven’t started)
4 (I’m almost there!)
5 (I’m done…can’t wait to begin revising!)
What I still have to do for my project: ______________________________________________________

______________________________________ ________________________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature

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