Ingles Modelo Selectividad: Addicted To Her Mobile

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Ingles modelo selectividad

Addicted to her mobile

1-a)It is a case of addition in which the person experience a high when they recieve a message bleep
from their mobile.b)Because she cant live without looking at her mobile every two minutes.2-a)F(line
5)b)F(line 14)c)T(line 4-5)3-a)preoccupied b)nonsensical c)mute d)top 4-1.c 2.b 3.b

Dozens hurt in drunken Spanish protest

2-a)F(line2.16 arrested..)b)T(line1 P3.police..)c)T(line4 P4.up to..)3-a)assembled b)blazes c)clashes
d)fired 4-1.b 2.b 3.c

How racist is Britain?

1-a)there are two fact:one(mixed-race marriages comprise Orly 2%)and two(most people mix and
marry…background)b)Because many socialising areas very inhospitable to foreign people.2-
a)T(line3)b)F(line11)c)T(line ultim)3-a)deeply b)mainly c)plain d)on the rise 4-1.b 2.b 3.a
Town vs country
1-a)the main objective is to ban the hunting of wild mammals with dogs.b)Because they thing that
goverment violates their human rights.2-a)T(line2)b)F(line9)c)F(line14)3-a)protesters b)crime c)ban
d)angry 4-1.a 2.b 3.b

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