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In this day and age, doing the impossible becomes possible with the help of technology.

The way of living becomes faster and more convenient as more and more people integrate

technology into their lives. Computers play an important role in today’s generation in as

much as any technological device does; more so, even. This is especially true for persons

engaged in the corporate and academic world. As such, the researchers will develop a

Computerized Library System for Banca-Banca National High School. [CLBS2010]

Banca-Banca National High School (BBNHS) was founded in the year 1969 by Mr.

Ernesto Ofrecio, the first teacher of the school. The school is in Victoria, Laguna. Banca-

Banca National High School caters to 600 students of different grade levels from Junior

High School to Senior High School. Ms. Nora G. Cura, a teacher of the said school,

currently serves as the school librarian.

An open library, BBNHS library houses a total of 2000 book titles. The subjects of these

books range from liberal studies such as literature, fine arts, language and religion, to

history, sciences, social sciences, and mathematics. The library operates whenever the

librarian is available. The library of Banca-Banca National High School is currently using

a manual library system where the librarian or the students write their information on a

piece of paper if they borrow books which reflects on the librarian’s logbook. When

returning the borrowed book, the librarian will find the name of borrowers and it will be

noted by the librarian that the book has been returned.

The developers aim to ease the difficulty encountered by the client through the

development of Computerized Library System that will change the manual process of

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-1
monitoring the borrowing and returning of the books into automated operations

Technology is one of the economic development pillars to gain a national competitive


1.1 Statement of the Problem

The librarian, faculty, and students of Banca-Banca National High school still use the

manual way of monitoring the borrowing and returning of books.

• Inefficient in calculating the days of penalty resulted to miscalculations.

The librarian cannot immediately calculate the penalty days that borrowed by students

in the start of the school and before the end. That librarian has many things to do in

the end of school that count the penalty of the student who borrowed.

• Inefficient monitoring the availability of the books causes delay and conflict in

book transaction.

Preparing the lists of the books borrowed and the available books in the library will

take much time. Librarian can’t easily know exactly the books that are available in the

library on time, the tendency of the response by the librarian to the students takes time,

it also time talking to reissue a book manually after considering the time limit because

the librarian is also a teacher at the same time.

• Difficulty in generating reports resulted to delay in submission.

The librarian doesn’t have records on the books that they are receiving because the

only record that they have is the receipt, so they cannot count the total of the books

and the outgoing books.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-2
1.2 Current State of the Technology


According to the librarian, Ms. Nora Cura, the current system of BBNHS in borrowing

books involves the borrower writing his name on a piece of paper which functions as a

library card because BBNHS doesn’t have existing borrower’s card and uses bond paper

to list the name as a record of the librarian in books borrowed. In returning books, the

borrower will sign the paper with his name and the title of the book that he borrowed and

write the date when the book is returned. This record will be transferred by the librarian

in a logbook as a formal record. If the student will use the borrowed book inside the library,

it is possible for him to place the borrowed book in a designated place once he is done and

the librarian will return it to its proper bookshelf, or the student may return the book to its

shelf himself.

Figure 1-1 Banca Banca Integrated National High School

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-3
Figure 1-2 Process of Current State of Technology Banca Banca Integrated National

High School



According to Charuasia (2010), connotes the term library with the use of automatic

data processing machines to perform routine library activities. It implies a high degree

of mechanization of various routine and repetitive tasks &operations and processes are

left to be performed by human beings. The study stresses library automation as the

application of computers and utilization of computer-based products and services in the

performance of different operations and functions or in the provision of various

services and output products. In addition to computer advancement, telecommunication

and audio-visual technologies give away to new possibilities in information processing.


Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-4
In automated library system, it benefits the librarian or user to lessen the task

performed, avoid repetitive task, and improve the various performances of librarian.

The developers notice that with the use of computer technology, it gives way in quick

performance by humans. The similarities of automated library system to the

developer’s system the module of adding books, book information module. The

difference of the automated library system to the developer’s system is the automated

library system have a customer user, and the developers system have a barcode

generate, call number generate and the request book for the customer or the student.

Figure 1-3 Automated Library System

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-5

Back & Bailey (2010) explored the design space of mashup techniques for the faultless

inclusion of information from Web services into websites. They considered the cases

where an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is either the target of such addition or

the basis of the information being included. They focused on client-side techniques in

which each user’s browser contacts Web services directly because this approach lends

itself to the creation of HTML widgets. The widgets allow the integration and

customization of Web services without requiring programming. They also described in

detail the functionality and use of several widget libraries and Web services we built.

Although the specific requirements for (2010), explored the designs pace of mash-up

techniques for the faultless inclusion of information from Web services into websites.


They considered the cases where an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is either

the target of such addition or the basis of the information being included. They focused

on client-side techniques in which each user’s browser contacts Web services directly

because this approach lends itself to the creation of HTML widgets. The widgets allow

the integration and customization of Web services without requiring programming.

They also described in detail the functionality and use of several widget libraries and

Web services we built. The similarities of the developers system to the library

management system with opac , all modules are same to the developers system they

have book information, other user that can borrow a book and other module. The

difference of the system library management system with Opac to the developer’s

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-6
system. LMSOPC is a web library system, and the developer’s system, have a barcode

generate and they have generated call number.

Figure 1-4 Library Management System With Opac

• Online Library System

Process of maintaining data about books, transactions such as issue and return to reach

the objective of efficient learning and studying in the university. The library is managed

by the librarian accompanied with 4 to 5 member's staff and library cards to the student

as well as the teacher and issue of the book done by the Staff member of the library

through the library card log in to the system through the first page of the application

see the status of the book journals borrowed reserved search for a book Journal. A

24hour library management, students according to their needs get the books issued and

in case they are unable to return the book, they can immediately extend the date of

return Maintenance of the books becomes easy for staff. On this system the transactions

are maintained online. Students as well as teachers can search for any book, magazine,

Journal member etc. the teachers can also can view the performance of any student of

this department as well as of the other departments to. [AASH2013]

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-7
The online Library System their objective was to create a system for efficient learning

and studying in the university. The library was managed by the librarian with 4 to 5

members staff and the library card of student as well the teacher was issue book of the

book done by the staff member of the library. Then through the system that been created

the process of library management in the university, will be easily accessed, because

the system is online library system, that anyone can access through the internet. Then

the similarities of the online library system to the developer’s system, they can search

a book in borrowing a book, then they can see a status of book if it has a copy a more.

But the difference of the developer’s system to the online library system, is Online, then

they have a limited module to access and process a book transaction not the developers

system, they can generate a call number, a barcode, and complete modules to process

a book transaction in library.

Figure 1-5 Online Library System

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-8


According to Lou (1986), a survey on the computer application in 223 libraries in Metro

Manila was conducted. The study revealed that they prioritize the three library functions

to be computerized as cataloging, indexing, and circulation. However, the plans for

automation for the libraries cannot be implemented due to financial incapability of the

libraries, and the lack of funds from the government. Despite this drawback, the libraries

are not turning their backs into the automation of their libraries. Agena (2008) made a

study about the collection usage of the students of the Jose Rizal University in a period of

three years using the quantitative and qualitative approach. The goal of the study is to

assess the usefulness of the faculty of students to their library and it’s been revealed that

it is generally important for them to go to the library for their academic needs. [LOU198]

According to survey from Metro Manila, the computerized library system prioritized the

three functions in the library to be cataloging, indexing, and circulation. This study is

closely connected with our proposed system of developers. All the mentioned will be

assured by module that the developers create for the system. The difference of the system

computerized library and to the developers library system is generating call number and

can generate a barcode.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-9
Figure 1-6 Computerized Library System


In developed countries where the computerized library system is a mature technology, a

computerized library network is perhaps no longer a novel project. In the Philippines

however, where the automated library system is available in only a handful of libraries,

the DOST- ESEP Library Network was envisioned to 1 build library resources and

services in eight academic libraries and 2 provide connectivity by means of the

information highway in the Philippines, the (PHnet), which is also the country’s gateway

to Internet. It was proposed as an integral component of the department of Science and

Technology and engineering and Science education project. the DOST- ESEP was

designed to develop manpower, instructional and research capabilities in eight academic

institutions in support of the country’s bid for nic'hood by the year 2000. Implementation

of the pro0ect was made possible through a loan from the world bank and counterpart

funds from participating Institutions. [DOST2012]

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-10
The DOST-ESEP libraries, is a type of system exactly a big help on the state of Philippine

library. It can make our library a world class and can compete other country libraries. The

comparison of our system web library system and its for local. The difference of developer

system the dost esep library is the developers can generate a call number. The similarities

of the developer system to the Dost-Esep Libraries, is the book information module, and

book monitoring module and report module. And maintenance module for publisher,

author, and edition.

Figure 1-7 The Dost-Esep Libraries


University Library have been developed in aid of teaching, research and extension work in

the disciplines designated to Diliman. Topping the list of choice collections in UP Diliman

are the Filipina Collections, which come in print, non-print and digital forms. Functions of

the University Library: Information Literacy: enhance information literacy and research

skills through library instruction programs; Information Resources: collect, organize, and

provide access to information resources in support of teaching, research and creative work,

and extension work; Information Technology: modernize library functions and services,

with particular emphasis on new information technologies; and Archives: ensure protection

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-11
and longevity of the University Library’s resources-digital, analog and print-through

effective archiving and digitization programs. [UNIV2017]

The developed system of university library Diliman is an online library system that can be

searched and provide information about the user or student. The only difference is in it

being an online library system and user-friendly to the students. But this can be a big help

to developers to develop a system and the modules that are needed in the proposed system.

Then the developers system can generate a barcode.

Figure 1-8 The University Library Diliman

1.2.3 Foreign Literature


According to Robson (2009), usability is a key requirement for users, says Elisabeth

Robson, Product manager for Online Computer Library Center. The catalogue has

become a way to pull together disparate resources, including commercial resources and

web links. Management systems also allow circulation, including check in/check out

and enable libraries to purchase materials and track where they are. According to Chad

(2009), consulting is at a major point of change in the wider information economy

within which library systems form part of a larger whole. He was writing in a briefing

paper about the study in library management systems. This study examined the systems

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-12
used in higher-education libraries across the UK and came up with some significant

observations and recommendations. It noted that the LMS market in UK higher

education is already mature and that four main vendors have almost 90 per cent of the

market. This market maturity means, according to the study authors, that the benefits

to libraries of changing LMS provider are limited. Library users expect to find

everything together, says Stephen Abram, vice president for innovation at Sirsi Dynix,

the leading provider of software solutions and associated services for libraries.

According to her traditionally, the library management system or integrated library

system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficiently and effectively. Over the

last few years, the role of the ILS has been expanding from meeting library needs to

delivering user experience. [ROBS2009]

This online library is created based on the recommendation of the higher education.

The system is type of online website, that is friendly user, that the student will easily

search it by internet. The similarities in our study is the monitoring the availability of

books. But the difference of our system to we can generate a barcode.

Figure 1-9 Online Computer Library Center

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-13
• Collection management in the field of library management

Collection management in the field of library management is a classic topic. It has

become complex owing to the diversity in the presentation of information in different

formats and varied electronic resources. In the opinion of Busha and Harter (1980) “a

literature search is an attempt to identify, locate and synthesize completed research

reports, articles, books and other materials about the specific problems of a research

topic. The research literature and subsequent review can be of value to researchers by

helping them to regard their studies as contributions to a large topic of which the inquiry

at hand is only a part.” Defending the views of Busha and Harter the literature search

was conducted on the broader area, collection management, changing trend in

university library collections, its impact on collection development policies, archiving,

licensing agreements and digitization. Many studies have been conducted worldwide

on the changing scenario of collection management due to the impact of information

and communication technology. They have examined the process of collection

management in addition to its specific elements and identified factors with broad

implications in the new information environment. While examining and analyzing the

status of research in collection management various sources have been identified,

which serve as an invaluable and practical guideline for collection management. The

review of literature in this area is of prime importance for the present research study as

it reveals a series of changes that have occurred in collection management since the

origin and beginning of libraries. It pinpoints the various stages of development that

have taken place since its inception. It is able to throw light on what further research

has to be done, especially to deal with this change from collection management of print

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-14
documents to electronic resource management. It identifies any lacunae where a study

has to be carried out forward in library collection management. 48 The proliferating

growth of various electronic resources in the present digital environment opens up new

horizons across a broad array of issues related to the access, availability of information

in different formats, collection policy agreements, licensing agreements, copy right

issues, resource sharing, preservation and collection assessment. There is enormous

literature available on this subject of collection management of electronic resources.

The present investigation has been carried out by reviewing the studies related to the

existing scenario of collection management policies, problems and current practices in

the field of academic libraries. Related literature on collection management includes

both printed books and journals and electronic journals accessed through networks and

download from the web. These articles are grouped under collection management:

concept and characteristics, impact of e-resources on collection management,

collection development policies, changing dimension of collection development to

collection management and related case studies and user studies conducted by libraries

in western countries and also in India. They have been categorized, analyzed and their

findings have been interpreted. [BUSH1980]

The developers provide a system that gives convenient way of managing a library. It

can access through online. Nowadays, internet and computer have big parts in the

lives of many because it makes their work faster. The similarities in our study is the

monitoring the availability of books. But the difference of our system to we can generate

a barcode.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-15
Figure 1-10 Collection management in the field of library management

• Computer Vision-Based Library Management System

The article presents a library management system composed of several surveillances

cameras and a personal computer. The system can secure a computer room against theft

and detect fire in a stock room. Based on computer vision and database technology,

this article proposes a library management system comprising several surveillance

cameras, a PC, and software. The system can continuously capture and analyze images

to determine whether people are present in the images. The system stores analysis

results in database. These results are used for various applications. Computer vision

technology can be used for safeguarding a library. There are many surveillance cameras

in most university libraries and the C++ language is popular. Thus, the system can have

adopted in libraries for providing a safe environment. In technology, the system cannot

be used to spy on what environment. In the technology, the system cannot be used to

spy on what library materials library are reading. This system helps librarians and

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-16
increases the level of automated library management. Computer vision technology is

applied to library management.[TAYL2016]

It can imply that the Computer Vision-Based Library Management System is like the

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National Highschool, and

that the developers developed in terms of inputting the information to make the system

better. The developers of the Computer Vision-Based Library Management System

used surveillance cameras to monitor the library to avoid losing books because open

library that lets the borrowers to get books on the shelves that why it is prone of losing

book. But the comparison of our system, the developers have generate barcode.

Figure 1-11 Computer Vision-Based Library Management System

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-17
1.2.4 Local Literature

• Library Administration

According to Eden (2011), views that most libraries are forced to work with fewer staff

because of the having a more improved and modernized system for their library.

According also to the study, the library administration needs to emphasize to their staff

that the organization has a vested interest in providing them with the tools and training

they need to assist the organization in the new information marketplace. These may

include search engines, circulation systems, and the online public access


The similarities of the developers’ system and the library of administration is improved

and modernized system. That can provide all, the needs in the library. But the difference

of the developer’s system to the library administration the developers system can generate

a barcode. And generate a call number.

Figure 1-12 Library Administration

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-18
• College of Arts Library System

According to Lopez (2002), University of the Philippines Mindanao when UP in

Mindanao accepted its first batch of students in 1996, the Main Library collection was

integrated with the core collection of the School of Management (SOM) Library at the

Stanfilco Bldg., Ladislawa Avenue, Buhangin, Davao City. The Filipina and General

References were housed together with the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) collection

in Room 2 of the Philippine Coconut Authority. In the Second Semester AY 1996-1997,

the CAS Library moved to its main campus in Bago Oshiro. Upon the recognition of UP

in Mindanao by the Board of Regents (BOR) as a constituent unit (CU) of the UP System,

the CAS was split into two (2), namely: College of Humanities and Social Sciences

(CHSS) and the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM). The Main Library

transferred to the newly renovated building where the main collection was set-up beside

the books of the CHSS and the CSM. In July 2002, the library established the Library

Educational Media and Information Technology Office (LEMITO). The LEMITO

handles the audio-visual services, internet and the connectivity of the library. It currently

holds office at the Elias B. Lopez Hall Dormitory. Later, the Main Library collection

which grew from 100 titles to 6,191 volumes at the end of May 2004, and was transferred

to the Administration Building today, the Main Library occupies the former UP in

Mindanao Cultural Center (UPMCC) building.[LOPE2002]

The similarities of the developers’ system and the Online Computer Library Center is

improved and modernized system. That can provide all, the needs in the library. But the

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-19
difference of the developer’s system to the library administration the developers system

can generate a barcode. And generate a call number. And Online Library System center

is is a online library system.

Figure 1-13 College of Arts Library System

• The DOST-ESEP Libraries: The First Library Network in The Philippines

In developed countries where the computerized library system is a mature technology,

a Computerized library network is perhaps no longer a novel project. In the

Philippines however, where the automated library system is available in only a

handful of libraries, The DOST-ESEP Library Network was envisioned to: 1) build

library resources and services in eight academic libraries; and 2) provide connectivity

by means of the information highway in the Philippines, the (PHnet), which is also

the country’s gateway to internet. It was proposed as an integral component of the

Department of Science and Technology – Engineering and Science Education Project

(DOST-ESEP). The DOST-ESEP was designed to develop manpower, instructional

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-20
and research capabilities in eight academic institutions in support of the country’s bid

for Nic’hood by the year 2000. Implementation of the project was made possible

through a loan from the World Bank and counterpart funds from participating

Institutions. The DOST-ESEP Library Network Members Ateneo de Manila

University (ADMU) De la Salle University (DLSU)Mindanao State University –

Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) University of Santo Tomas (UST)

University of the Philippines in Los Baños (UPLB) University of the Philippines in

Manila (UPM) University of the Philippines, Diliman College of Engineering

(UPDCE) University of the Philippines, Diliman College of Science (UPDCS).

Library Collection The existing collections were not sufficient in quantity to support

the planned manpower and research development programs. The serials holdings were

fragmented among several libraries. There was also extensive duplication of titles.

Reference materials were out of date. The acquisitions and that all serials purchased

under the DOST grant will be housed in the University of the Philippines Diliman

Campus. Engineering materials and science materials will be housed in the UPDCE

and UPDCS libraries respectively on condition that the two libraries commit to

continue subscription to the selected journals beyond the project duration. There

would absolutely be no duplication for serials even if these titles will be purchased

using funds outside of the grant and therefore housed in respective libraries. Reference

materials will be duplicated in each library as needed. Library Networking The

concerns identified included the need for 1) excellent bibliographic, subject and

inventory control, 2) need for reciprocal access to information about availability of

materials and document delivery from any of the cooperating libraries, and 3) the

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-21
eventual need for access to and from libraries outside the network. The action

proposed to address these concern included 1) the use of Bibliofile, a CDROM

cataloging resource for retroconvertion,2) the installation of an integrated library, and

3) the installation of a union catalog of holdings and networked CD-ROM abstrats

and indexes to be house in the central library, 4) the provision of online public access

to each member library via the PHnet or for libraries outside the network, access is

via the public telephone system, 5) document delivery by fax, FTP or by post as

required by the clients, and 6) use of uninterrupted power supplies, provision of

adequate back up of the system and data, and continuous technical support from the

supplier and user group to ensure uninterrupted service.[LOUR2012]

Most of libraries in school nowadays still work on manual systems, like on public

schools. The present system aims to lessen the manual search of books, using log-

book as a type of borrower’s card and changing it to a computerized type searching,

borrowing, and returning. It will lessen the work of the librarian on searching in the

book shelf, by a simple type on the system the book will appear with all the

information, if the book is still available, how many books are left on that title etc.

The similarities of the developer’s system in the dost Esep Library, is the automatic

generate of call number, registration of the student information, and book information

for issuing borrowing books, return module, reports and search book. But the

comparison of our system, the developers have generated barcode.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-22
Figure 1-14 The DOST-ESEP Libraries: The First Library Network In The


1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

• To develop a Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated

National High School.

That will help the Librarian to manage all the works that need of library and at the

same time boost the school’s accuracy and efficiency in terms of processing.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

• To develop a system that can monitor the unreturned books.

The developers aim to build a system that can monitor unreturned books and that

will help the librarian in reminding the students to return the books or give out

sanctions to violators if necessary.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-23
• To develop a system that will monitor the availability of the books to easily

manage the borrower’s transaction.

The developers aim to develop a system that will manage the transaction for the

borrowers who have not yet returned books so that the librarian will know the

books are not available. Through search engine provided in the system, the

librarian can easily search any transaction.

• To develop a system that will generate book inventory more easily.

The developers aim to develop a system that will easily generate an inventory and

that the librarian will know how many total books and the books that issued in


1.3.3 Scope and Limitations Scope

• User Authentication Module

This feature is used by the user to login in to the system. There are four accounts that

allowed to enter the system: the admin, librarian, and the teacher and student – for the

kiosk. If the user cannot input the right account user and password up to three times,

then the system will automatically close.

✓ Admin

The admin can access three modules in the system.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-24
✓ Librarian

The librarian is the one who can manipulate all the modules in the system.

✓ Teacher/Student

This is the accounts that can login in the kiosk and borrow some books in the


• Account Management

The admin is the one that can create and update another account and keeping the

information of the user.

• Audit trail

This can monitor the actions that created by the librarian in the system.

• Backup and Restore

This module allows the admin to create a back-up of the system. In case the system

automatically experiences an error, the admin can select a back-up and restore.

• Main Menu

It is the main form of the system to which the user will see all the modules that

inside in the system.

• Book information Module

This module allows the user to add, save update the book information. You can see

the information ones you double click the book title in the book list.

✓ Generate Call Number

To provide a printing option of call number.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-25
✓ Generate Barcode

The system can scan/read barcodes of books. This is use for processing the issuing

book in the library.

• Penalty

The student who cannot return the book by its due date will be recorded

automatically in this module.

✓ Print slip for acknowledgement of penalty

This was a confirmation slip to know the penalty.

• Borrowed Management

The module which contains all the needed information about the borrowers.

✓ Print call number and shelves number

This was a copy of borrowers, in book request.

• Book out Monitoring Module

This allow the user to return the borrowed book in the library and record it to the


• Report list Module

This module allows the Librarian to print the list that need to print, by filtration

librarian can choose what reports need o print.

✓ List of borrowers

This report can print the names and section and the book that record in reports

✓ List of overdue books

This report was the list of overdue books that have list of penalty of the

borrowers. That librarian can print as record.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-26
✓ List of Borrowed books

This list where the books was not return in library. That can librarian know what


✓ List of returned books

This report was list of returned books. that librarian can print as the record.

✓ List of Book

This report was list of all book information, that librarian can automatically

print and have DepEd format.

• Student information module

This form is the record of the student. This will be the form where the librarian

manages all information of student.

✓ Import student information

This module can import complete list of students.

• Teacher information Module

Form that admin can manage the information of the teacher.

• Kiosk

The system allows the borrowers to view and reserve available books in the library

through the system computer.

• Maintenance

This module will allow the librarian to view, add, and update the list of call

numbers, authors, holidays, and the barcode.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-27
• Author maintenance

This will maintain the list of authors in the updating the list of authors in

generate the call number.

• Category maintenance

This was need in generate call number, by maintaining the list of categories, by

updating and add the records.

• Holiday Maintenance

This was need in creating a penalty for the student. To know which holiday will not


• Grade and Section

This will maintain the grade and section, that add more grade and section.

• Borrowers card

This can generate a borrower’s card, of the student.

• Archive

To archive the obsolete, and damage book.

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-28 Limitations

• The Encyclopedia, journal, and magazine are not part of the system.

The proposed system will not include the encyclopedia, journal and the magazine.

• Library door security alarm.

The project and system proposed is not liable for providing a security alarm device

to prevent loss of library resources.

• The system will not cover Automatic Backup and Restore

The proposed system will not cover automatic backup and restore. The developers

recommend putting backup and restore in the next study

Computerized Library System for Banca Banca Integrated National High School 1-29

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