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WwW Charles Sturt Faculty of Arts and Education Un iversity PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REPORT EARLY PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT Teacher Education Student Dani i : Daniel Dennis¢ ‘Student 1267 2B ourse 7 bacholor of FAyccbian Céetorclar) belch bots =" Epr [23 Supervising Teacher(s) Jonathan Larter Placement Dates. Fromjo7i06/2019 }to [06/07/2019 Schoo! Pittwater High School Total days attended of ZO days Secondary: CurriculumMeaching area/s & years/stages iS eh Manck Primary: Years/stage/grade. ber _| Graphis Toh Aus To the supervising teacher: This Professional Experience Report wil serve as a record of the teacher education student's ability to demonstrate appropriate progress towards the full range of descriptors of the Australian Graduate Teacher Standards as described in the Evidence Guide for an early professional experience placement. The assessment provided by ‘you will form part of the student's formative assessment towards full achievement of the Standards at Graduate level at the end of the student's course. Formal assessment to be undertaken by the supervising teacher: A teacher education student's progress towards achievement of the Standards is to be: 4) reviewed no later than the mid-point of the placement; and 2) assessed at the completion of the placement against each descriptor of the Graduate Teacher Standards, at ‘an appropriate level for an early placement as: ND - Not Demonstrated; WT - Working Towards; D - Demonstrated; E - Exceeds expectations. Review at Mid-Placement: ‘At the mid-point of the placement, supervising teachers are asked to engage with the teacher education student in @ ‘collaborative review of progress fo date with reference fo the Graduate Standards and the Evidence Guide for early professional experience placements in order to identity demonstrated strengths and areas for further development during the placement. Mid-Placement Review completed (tick) WH itn 2¥ I 6 [ i) No significant concerns have been identified (tick) Zhe ‘Significant concerns have been identified and notified to the Workplace Learning Team on (tick)[ (date) <= /3 T 15 Assessment at the Completion of the Placement: It descriptors are not able to be demonstrated owing to factors outside the teacher education student's control, please provide an explanation in the appropriate comment section. The overall assessment of the placement is Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. ees The Guide to this professional experience can be accessed online or provided to you by the teacher education student, It contains ‘information on the purpose ofthis professionel experience placement and how this placement links to other placements in the teacher education student's program. it alsa provides information about the expected teaching requirements inthis placement. ‘Supervising teachers should also refer to the Evidence Guide provided before completing this report PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE ‘STANDARD 1 - KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN, 111 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, socal and intellectual development and characteristics, of students ard how these may act larg. 12 Understand how students fear Demonstrate knowiedge and understanding of research ito how students leam an the impcations for teaching 13 Students with diverse lingulstic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds Demonstrate knowedge of teaching strategies that ae responsive othe learning stengths and needs of “students from diverse linguistic, cult, refeus and toctoecanamic backgrounds, 1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander tudents Demonstrate bret knowledge and understanding ofthe impact of cut, cultural derby and linguistic background on the education ef students from Aboriginal and Tomes Sra lelander backgrounds. 15 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning neods of studants across the full ange of abilities Demonstrate knowedge and understanding of strategies fr dferenating teaching to meet the speci leaming needs of students across the fl range of abies. 716 Strategies to suppor full participation of etudent with disability Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legisiave requirements and teaching strategies that suppor participation and leaing of students wh sabty, Fs) (oloo ooo 3 z t t i F & cold tailor indivickoal — hd . ‘STANDARD 2 - KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT ZA Content and teaching stategies of the teaching area Demonstrate knowledge, and understanding ofthe concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching statogies of te tescing area 22 Content selection and organisation ‘Organise content into an effective leaming and teaching sequence. ZS Gurrieulum, assessment and reporting Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge fo design leaming sequences and lesson pans. 24 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians Demonstrate broad knowledge of, understanding of and respect for Aboriginal and Tomes Stat Islander stores, cultures and languages. ZS Literacy and numeracy strategies ‘Know and understand leracy and numeracy teaching strategies and their application in teaching areas 26 Information and Communication Technology (CT) Implement teaching sratages for using ICT to expand curiculum leaming opportrias for students iment on the teacher edi t's knowledge of content and how to teach It Damrel toauglt a wr bo chek ad wad daw eadech enele Krew! x Lf combert. eg He explid Aegt to Aas bol a sylleb exh do dno cross Corevlay prorther. 1 N digiQ)- OO) 0 OO) O|s OO] 0 OOo }s Id) Oo joo ols PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ‘STANDARD 3 - PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING 3.1 Establish challonging learing goals Sel earring goats that provide achiovabo challenges for students of varying abies and characteristics. Elle 32 Plan, structure and sequence learning programe Pan lesson sequences using knowedge of student leaing, content and effective teaching strategies. ‘33 Use teaching strategies Include 8 range of teaching svategios. 34 Select and use resources: Demonstrate knowledge ofa range of resources, Inctuing ICT, that engage sudens inthe lamina, 35. Use effective classroom communication Demonstrate @ range of verti and non-verbal communication strategies to suppot student engagement 36 Evaluate and improve teaching programs Demonstrate broad knowedge of strategies thal can be used fo evaluate teaching programs to improve student leaming. 37 Engage parents! carers in the educative process Describe a broad range of stratenes for involving parentscarers inthe educative process, OO (DO O/O|O|o)s qo OOo Old |SRIRI) nt on the teacher educ: 1's planning and implementing of: Aol. no dice corech wt per wee made, Boned” completed oasesmerts toh he shdarb whe tre ovtcomes were fen ceportesk de Je pened Carer- ‘STANDARD 4- CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. A Support student participation entity strategies to suppor inclusive student patcipation an engagement in classroom actives, “42 Manage classroom activites Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom actives and provide clear directions. Za Manage challenging behaviour Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour. Fa Maintain student safety Describe strategies thal suppor students’ wellbeing and safety working within School andlor system, curicutm and legislative requirements, TS Use CT eafoly, responsibly and ethically Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant issues and the strategies avalabe o suppor the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in earning and teaching. RQ AGel a Oo O Oo Oo ojo ojojor o/ojojolok Comment on he teacher education student's craating& malviaining supportive & safe leafuing environments Donriel gelled in creckng a sofe egos Learn ernronmect for his Shoelaces STANDARD 5 ~ ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT LEARNING. 1 Assess student learning Demonstrate understanding of assossment strategies, including informal and formal, eagnosi, formative and summative approaches to assess student earing. ‘52 Provide feedback to students on thelr learning Demonstrate an understanding ofthe purpose of providing timely and appropiate feedback to students about ther eaming. ‘53 Make Consistent and comparable judgements ‘Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application te support consistent anc ‘comparable judgements of student teaming. 54 aterpret student data Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student aaming and mocty teaching practice 55 Report on student achievement Demonstrate understanding ofa range of strategies for reporting to tuents and parentalearers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement Olojo;oO}O ls ] Q Wii | al. Oo OO oOlo Lewrniny . Pol, mbrmal ooh hrwade adgesinert, Dowrel cemenstacte> dle booale ael tmelersloncliny ae ouen treed eo shill PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT ‘STANDARD 6 - ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ‘Ei Identify and plan professional learning needs Demonstrate an understanding ofthe role of tha National Professional Standards fr Teachers in denttying professional leering needs. EZ Engage in professional leaming and improve practice ‘Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of professional ieaing fr teachers, 3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice ‘Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to improve teaching practices, 4 Apply professional earning and improve student learning ‘Demonstrate an understanding ofthe rationale for continued professional leaming andthe Implications for improved student learing oOo OO OO O OjO}O) Ol | g ef Oo ‘Comment on the teacher education student's engagement in professional learning Dane! oberdeol Pofesitrcl Duel rent acpi aol nga tm a Perfassroma! Dacelyprecl and dharronhehes dha nrkushordy ep av mn peso gf colin vecl peaceal growth STANDARD 7 ~ ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, PARENTSICARERS AND THE COMMUNITY wow S TE 1 eS a A Taal Sa pele iets oer ee tee esa ololw! prin O 7.2 — Comply with tegisiative, administrative and organisational requirements. I Understand he sat gave, sive a oreissonal aoa and roceses oes er — |] L_]) [| ZI] sien tenae st tc i oe Une rigs wating acy. ativan cory wh pal cae OOO eS ee a then tepistcardperemaseicomen rete inainne mer — |C]/C T/C bat aoe oun Comment on the teacher education student’s engagement with colleagues, parents/carers and the community Daniel eam pretinh Kirself wp prolevimoim aol Opgpreachahsh + eheryone be egapee! LAW ant Ay prc ee . SUMMARY COMMENT: Jam wert Mnpressec! wards Devel aool ha bros g ropgourd re oa he kas hly en sap whee he Last moth. he i a tek A you Uwerrky The overall assessment of the placement is: Satisfactory: Unsatisfactory: ‘Supervising Teacher Name ‘Signature Date Pecion Lae] LAD S7#ID be Bie Name Signature . wes 4225 S/TI/G Teacher Education Student Name signature : to Za a of 7118.

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