Atraction Marketing Secrets

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My name is Mike MacDonald, and I live in Min-

Flashback to 13 years ago I was a broke col-

lege student looking for a way to get out of
retail and fast food. I was sick of struggling
financially and living paycheck to paycheck.
marketing, a way where I could bring a flood of
As a student with no experience or degree quality prospects, leads, and sales for my busi-
I was always looking for ways to make more ness to me vs. having to hunt them down.
than minimum wage. I was going to school for
entrepreneurship because I always wanted Thanks to these attraction marketing skills I
to start my own business. I just ever had the always have a full calendar, plenty of people
funds or knowledge of where to start. to talk to about my business, and things have
been growing ever since.
Thankfully I was introduced to network mar-
keting, and finally found an option to create Because of the attraction marketing principles
the lifestyle I had always envisioned for my life. in this ebook, I’ve been able to generate thou-
I was definitely excited when I first started, and sands of leads, sales and signups for my busi-
was ready to set the world on fire. ness on autopilot… and you can do the same!

However, I failed miserably. I said all the wrong Most of all I want to stress that if an introvert-
things, got stuck cold calling, putting flyers ed video game nerd, with no influence, who
on cars, putting out road signs and nothing failed miserably in the beginning can create
worked. success with attraction marketing, you can too!

I was always running out of people to talk to!

And that’s when I stumbled upon attraction


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

PART 1 - THE ATTRACTION MARKETING FORMULA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

   The 3 Activities For Success (B-E-S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The 6 Pillars - The Foundation of Your Online Marketing Business . . . . . . . . . . . 11

The 3 Phases of Growth for Your Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

PART 2 - THE ATTRACTION MARKETING METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The Simple 7 Step Method to DOMINATE Your Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

PART 3 - ATTRACTION MARKETING RECAP & CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


If you are building an online business, you We’ll begin this guide by giving you a high-
may have come across the term ‘Attrac- level overview of our proven ‘Attraction
tion Marketing.’ This guide explains exactly Marketing’ Framework.
what Attraction Marketing is, why it is vital
to your online success, and how you can Once we cover the 3 activities, 6 pillars
implement these simple strategies and for- and 3 growth phases (this will make sense
mulas into your business to attract more shortly), we’re going to give you a 7 step
buyers, customers, and clients FAST! Attraction Marketing Method to put these
principles in to practice.
‘Attraction Marketing’ is simply the most ef-
fective way to market any product, business Let’s get started...
opportunity, or service online.



99% of business owners stay broke be- My mentors have used this exact Attraction
cause they don’t know this 3-Step Attrac- Marketing Formula as their foundation for
tion Marketing Formula... Welcome to the over a decade in an ultra competitive mar-
OFFICIAL ‘Attraction Marketing Formula’ to ketplace. Because of this formula they’ve
get more leads, prospects, customers, done nearly $50 Million dollars in online
clients, sales and sign-ups for ANY business sales, and it’s what they have been teaching
in ANY industry. (YES, even yours - home business owners since 2008...
and you’ll SEE PROOF HERE!)
And this formula is WHY so many six, sev-
Every single successful business and brand en, and even eight-figure success stories
you see online today uses this proven 3 have been created over and over again...
step attraction marketing formula, period. THIS GUIDE REVEALS EXACTLY WHAT THE
TOP EARNERS ARE DOING to build their
And if you are struggling with your business empires!
it’s probably because you’re missing one (or
more) of these three steps.

We wanted to lay out our secret formula • Email?
so that you could see what the top earners
• Twitter?
have been doing online for years... and now
you have access to the same marketing • Instagram?
formula to grow YOUR business today. • SnapChat?

WHY DO PEOPLE STRUG- So many options! They’re all good. And

GLE TO GROW A SUC- they’ve all been proven to work for our
CESSFUL 6-FIGURE+ colleagues. Leads and fortunes have been
HOME BUSINESS? made with all different marketing strate-
But it’s like drinking water through a fire
It’s so easy to get overwhelmed because hose... It’s too much all at once especially if
there’s an overwhelming amount of info you’re just getting started online!
being thrown at us everyday about how we
should be building our businesses. Like a When you stop, breathe, and look at the
boxer walking into a flurry of punches, it simple context of every successful busi-
can disorient and confuse you every time ness... then the confusion disappears.
you sit down at your computer.
So that’s what we’re going to do now as
Where do you start? What do you do next? we walk you through the Official Attraction
Marketing Formula to help you get clear,
• Start a blog? and get results.

• Facebook LIVE?
Let’s dive in together...
• Facebook Ads?


Whew! Just 3 actions is all

you need to think about, and
everything starts to fall into
place. In fact EVERY success-
ful online business focuses on
these 3 activities.

Feel better? A little bit more in


Focus on 3 Activities Daily to Grow Your

Business - Build, Engage, Sell (B-E-S)

ACTIVITY #1: What does an audience look like? Here are

some examples:
• Facebook Fan Page Likes & Followers
Your audience is the key to making every-
thing else in your online business move • YouTube Subscribers
forward. Inside the audience you are build- • Twitter Followers
ing is where you will find your soon-to-be
• Instagram Followers
leads, prospects, sales and sign-ups. And
they’re waiting for YOU! • Facebook Messenger Subscribers

• Your e-mail list of subscribers

You must constantly be building your audi-
ence every single day.

We recommend picking ONE audience above to build in addition to your e-mail list of subscribers...
and focus only on building that ONE audience. Don’t try to build more than one audience at first
because you’ll overwhelm yourself, spread yourself way too thin, and get mediocre results at best.

Focus your actions on building ONE solid If you’re audience isn’t growing, your busi-
audience every single day until you’re up to ness isn’t growing, Period! This is what my
10+ leads per day from that platform, and mentors have been teaching their students
you feel you have mastered that particular and now industry top earners since 2008.
platform & strategy.

(Your e-mail list is so vital that you

should pick one audience, PLUS an e-mail
list, and start moving forward!)

ACTIVITY #2: your target audience (and engaging

with THEIR content) on the platforms
ENGAGE WITH YOUR you want to build...
That’s a lot of engaging! Ok, so what does
When you engage with your audience you that really mean?
begin building relationships. When you
begin to build relationships with your tribe
It depends on the audience you’re building.
you start to build what we call the Know,
If you’re building an audience on Facebook,
Like, and Trust factor...
then you’ll want to post valuable content
there such as text posts, quote images,
And it is CRITICAL if you want people to Facebook LIVES, etc...
want to do business with you.

And you’ll want to create valuable content

You engage by creating valuable con- that is share-worthy, comment-worthy, and
tent that serves your target audience, creates engagement because it’s valuable
which makes your tribe want to en- to the one consuming your content.
gage with YOU (and your content)!

And YOU must do the things you want your

You engage by interacting with the audience to do... are YOU engaging with
people who engage with any & all of people on Facebook? Are YOU sharing,
your content... commenting, and liking stuff from the lead-
ers in your industry?
You engage by following, interacting
with, and connecting with people in

Those are a few quick questions to answer. tagram content that your audience would
If not, then they are actions you can start want to like and share. Find your Instagram
taking if you feel like nobody’s engaging influencers and leaders in your industry,
with YOUR content on Facebook... Another and engage with THEM and THEIR followers
quick thought is are you asking people to and commenters.
comment, like, and share the content you
want commented on, liked, and shared?! You get the point.

TO ENAGE and you will be surprised at people who interact with your content...
what happens. Find relevant content & leaders in your
industry that others are engaging with, and
If you’re on YouTube you’ll obviously create ENGAGE WITH YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE!
videos and ENGAGE with YouTube influenc-
ers in your niche. You build relationships and serve your au-
dience only by creating quality content. Do
Using Instagram? Create content that en- this, and you will get the engagement you
gages your Instagram followers. Post Ins- are seeking.

All things being equal,

people do business with,
and refer business to, people
they know, like and trust.
- Bob Burg, Endless Referrals

ACTIVITY #3: Unfortunately too many people start at this
activity. They don’t build the foundational
SELL TO YOUR AUDIENCE framework with activities one and two, and
they start asking for the sale right away.
This is the fun part. This is where you start
making some money and building your em-
This is what we refer to as ‘pitching’ instead
pire. You’ve built an audience, you’ve cre-
of ‘leading with value.’ Doing this is what gets
ated engagement, you’ve built relationships
good people labeled as ‘spammers.’
and the know, like, and trust factor...

Now it’s time to ask for the sale.

This is What Makes Up the Context of an Effective Attraction Market-
ing Formula!

These are the 3 daily activities that every successful online business

The great thing is that you can refer to these activities anytime you
need to get back on track. If you ever feel lost, or don’t know what
you should be doing daily, simply refer back to this 3-Step Formula of
Build - Engage - Sell.

If things aren’t going well, you’re likely missing one of the above.

Let’s break this all down even more to guarantee your business is be-
ing built on a rock-solid foundation!

Every successful business has these 6 Pillars (video or webinars, for example), fear of fail-
in place that help SUSTAIN success. Below ure, maybe even fear of success.
are the pillars for online success that you
can start using today to move your business Your limiting beliefs about who you truly are
forward. These 6 pillars are the corner- will kill your chances of success before you
stone of the attraction marketing for- ever step foot onto your journey. What is
mula! the limiting story that you’re running in your
head day in, day out. You must rewrite this
story so that it serves your forward motion!
VISION & PERSONAL DE- If you’re struggling to get where you want
VELOPMENT STRATEGY to be, and you find yourself procrastinating
constantly, we need to work on your VISION.
You need to craft a VISION as soon as pos-
This is the key to EVERYTHING else working.
sible of who you want to be… A VISION of
your ideal self who is no longer restricted by
This is where you dig deep, and truly figure
limiting beliefs and fear… It has nothing to
out what you want your business to look
do with the resources (time, skill-sets, mon-
like. What is the business you want to build?
ey, etc), and has EVERYTHING to do with you
becoming the person who’s emotions make
You must get this so clear in your mind that
you resourceful (tenacious, passionate, com-
you can taste it. So that this vision seeps into
mitted). As you become the version of your
your bones and lights every cell in your body
best self, you will find yourself taking ACTION
on FIRE! It’s essential that you have such a
because that’s what the ideal YOU would do!
clear vision that you can create the feeling of
being there NOW.
When you’ve got this part right, everything
else begins to fall into place, doors start to
Next you must be honest with yourself
open, and obstacles melt away like butter on
about what’s holding you back. We all have
a scorching hot summer day!
those things and they usually start with
FEAR. Fear of putting yourself out there

PILLAR #2: If you’re selling steaks to vegetarians, you’re
fighting an uphill battle. But if your audi-
PERSONAL BRANDING ence and target market wants a medium
& TARGET MARKET rare steak, and you’ve got the best steak in
STRATEGY town (and you know how to market it), then
you’re in business.
Why should someone do business with
YOU? It’s vital that you get clear on this. You must know and understand what your
audience wants, and simply give it to them.
You must understand that not everyone is
a prospect for your product or business. If
you’re marketing to everybody, you’re mar-
keting to nobody.

Think about your personal brand...

Who are you? What do you stand for?

Who do you serve? And what are THEIR
biggest problems & challenges?

it’s important to build a personal brand

because it’s the only thing you’re going
to have... you can’t hide anything, and
more importantly, you’ve got to be out
there at some level.
- Gary Vaynerchuk, Vayner Media

PILLAR #3: Once you build your personal brand, you

MONETIZATION can earn money even when 95% say no to

your primary opportunity, product, or ser-
STRATEGY vice. The bigger YOUR brand, the more you
have to offer, and the more money you can
We all start a business to make more make!
money. But you’d be surprised how many
people don’t have a monetization strategy
in place. PILLAR #4:

How much money do you want to earn?

Most people have that magic number of CONTENT MARKETING
$10K/ month in the beginning. What’s your STRATEGY
plan to get there? How many sign-ups,
sales, customers, and clients do you need This is where you serve your audience.
to hit that point? They say content is king, and that’s halfway
true... QUALITY content is KING!
You must know exactly what that number The truth is you don’t get to become the
is so that you can create the strategy to go $10K per month business owner, without
after it... Or you’ll likely fall short! first doing the work that gets you there.
Online, that work is content.
The great part is that when you’re creating
your brand online like we talked about in Creating quality content is the part that
Pillar #2, then it opens up various avenues puts you in the leadership & authority role
of multiple streams of income. The leaders in the eyes of your prospects, which makes
that you look up to now are building pas- them want to follow you and buy your stuff.
sive income from many different streams...
Your content is the core of Attraction
They refer valuable affiliate products and Marketing, because it’s exactly what at-
services, they offer coaching services, they tracts the right prospects to you.
create their own products, and they run a
real business (they aren’t just a sales rep Again, the type of content that you’ll create
for a particular organization... they have depends on where you’re building your au-
built a brand by creating VALUE and solving dience. Blogging, videos, Twitter, Instagram,
problems). YouTube, FB LIVE, free reports, etc. Like we
discussed earlier, you don’t have to cre-
ate all types of content on all the different

platforms (NOT recommended), but you your prospect’s attention. If you’re not fol-
MUST pick at least ONE platform & market- lowing up, connecting with, and engaging
ing strategy and do it CONSISTENTLY until with your leads to see how you can serve
you get the result! them... somebody else is, and THEY are
making the money.



Once you start pulling people in with your Now you’ve got to get people to your con-
content, you’ll begin to get leads. These are tent, your websites, your capture pages and
your most targeted prospects who are giv- offers, etc. This means you must build your
ing you permission to stay in contact with traffic strategy.
There are different kinds of traffic, but they
The follow-up process is usually done mainly fall into either FREE or PAID strategies.
through email, phone, text, and more re- Paid is more immediate, and the sooner
cently can also be done through the pow- you can get there the better... but it’s per-
erful Facebook Messenger and tools like fectly fine to start with FREE strategies such
ManyChat! And it really comes down to you as social media, blogging, video marketing,
following up with your prospects and con- etc.
sistently creating more value for your peo-
ple than anybody else in the marketplace. The important thing is to get eyeballs to
your content!
The fortune is most certainly in the follow-
up! Things move very fast online. There’s
always some new shiny object trying to get

We’ve established the context of all suc- GROWTH PHASE #1:
cessful online businesses. Build - Engage
- Sell! If you’re focused on doing these 3
activities every single day, then you’re on
the right track.
This is simple. Just take what you know
about prospecting and networking, and
Let’s simplify this even more so you can
bring it online to social media. This is what
start getting results RIGHT NOW!
you’ll focus on to initially grow your audi-
ence and network.
The framework & foundation of every suc-
cessful online business starts with these 3
Instead of networking one-on-one like you
Activities, the 6 Pillars, and one final piece
would offline, this is where you can lever-
of the puzzle. The 3 Phases of Growth that
age the power of social media and network
ALL entrepreneurs progress through on
with 10, 20, 50, even 100 people at once.
their entrepreneurial journey...

Even while you are at home in your pj’s. GROWTH PHASE #2:
If you’re not using social media right now,
you’re leaving money on the table. Plain and
Once you’re comfortable building your
audience on social media, then it’s time to
However, 99% of network marketing com-
move forward and start creating your own
panies (yes even yours) are teaching you the
content and building your own brand!
wrong ways to use social media. And what
they don’t realize is that what they are teach-
This is where you create your own con-
ing you gives the profession a very bad rap...
tent that brands YOU as a leader. And it’s
and keeps YOU broke.
through this valuable content you create
that people become ATTRACTED to you,
You should not be selling your product or
want to work with you, and buy your prod-
your business opportunity on your personal
ucts & services.
profile. This turns you into a spammer!

We like to get people to Growth Phase #2

Here’s the cool part…
as quickly as possible. The sooner you jump
here, the sooner you start creating real,
Some people build their business so well
lasting results.
in this 1st growth phase by prospecting on
Facebook, that they really don’t ever need to
You position yourself as an authority, you
run paid ads. They start recruiting and mak-
build your brand, and your business takes
ing sales so well that they can earn a full-
time living from the 1st phase of growth.

[SOURCE - iMedia Connection]

GROWTH PHASE #3: blueprint, you can start running targeted
traffic to your offers with as little as $5 per
SCALING (OPTIONAL) How big do you want to grow your empire?
How fast do you want to build it? Paid ads
Once you’re building your brand, and you’re can definitely help get you there faster than
ready to really scale things up, this is where any other form of marketing IF you
you do it. Paid advertising to grow and know what you’re doing! (and we can help
scale your business. with that too!)

Paid marketing is ‘optional’... but we recom-

mend getting into paid advertising as quick-
ly as possible. And with our paid advertising


In the next part of this guide, we’ll be diving in to the Simple 7
Step Method to DOMINATE Your Industry so you can start taking
ACTION and put this framework in to place in YOUR business!



In the previous section we showed you our Imagine having your Facebook inbox flood-
Attraction Marketing formula. We dove in ed with hungry prospects who initiate con-
to the 3 activities, 6 pillars and 3 stages of versation with you, and are excited to learn
growth. You now have a good understand- more about YOUR opportunity?!
ing of what Attraction Marketing entails.
One of the biggest benefits you will experi-
Now, we’re going to show you a simple 7 ence when you apply ‘Attraction Marketing’
step method to DOMINATE your industry to your business is you will be able to say
using the principles you have learned. good-bye to convincing, chasing, or beg-
ging... No more cold calling, buying leads, or
What can happen if you apply this formula getting rejected...
to your business…
The 2 biggest reasons why 90% of business
Imagine having people reaching out to fail within their first year: the business has
YOU every day asking YOU about YOUR run out of leads… money… or both.
business, products, and services?!

This guide contains the cure, and is the We are going to explain exactly how you
antidote for what crushes most entrepre- can easily embrace ‘Attraction Marketing’
neurial dreams (lack of leads, and lack of in YOUR business TODAY to finally get the
cashflow). results you desire.

YES, this guide is going to make some peo- If the above benefits sound good to you,
ple very angry, and it’s going to ruffle some and you want to learn how every single top
feathers… earner is marketing their business online
and making a fortune, let’s dive into this
But we don’t care – we didn’t make this 7-Step Attraction Marketing Method to-
guide for them – we made it for YOU (we’re gether…
on YOUR side).

We’re sick and tired of entrepreneurs being

told to do things that simply do not work.

We chose the network marketing industry to use as an example for illustration purposes in this
guide. However, these timeless Attraction Marketing principles work for ANY business in ANY niche.
Whether you want to get more coaching clients, get more speaking gigs, or get more customers &
buyers for ANY business, the following 7-Step Attraction Marketing Method is the best way to build
a stable, successful, long term business in ANY industry.

‘Attraction Marketing’ is a marketing strategy that ATTRACTS customers and
clients to you who already want to buy what you have to offer.

Follow these 7-steps to create a powerful marketing strategy for YOUR busi-
ness, and unlock the greatest online marketing secret in the world!

You must Brand YOU, NOT your company.
People join people, NOT companies… and
they are looking for leadership. Therefore, you
must Brand YOU! Step up, become the Leader,
Like Neo in the Matrix, YOU are the ONE!

Before you can grow any business, you need
to first get crystal clear on who you are even
speaking to. Who is the audience you are go-
ing to impact? Who are you going to serve?

Once you know your audience, take some
time to research, brainstorm, discover and
write down their biggest challenges, prob-
lems, pains, dreams, desires, and questions…


Your job is to create consistent daily content (vid-
eos, fb posts, blog posts, etc.) for your audience
that address their top challenges, problems, pains,
dreams, desires, and questions…


People do business with people they like and trust.
Treat your prospects like human beings because
you actually want to help. Follow-up, build a rela-
tionship, and continue to serve your audience daily.


The best way to uncover each individual prospect’s
pain is to connect and actually talk with them. Find
their biggest problem, and provide the perfect so-
lution (point them to your product or service). 


If you only have one revenue stream, it’s going to be
difficult to create financial freedom online. ALL top
earners online embrace multiple income streams that
serve their audience… It’s just smart business.


STEP #1: The only way to become ‘recession-proof’

BRAND YOU… YOU ARE and create ultimate financial security in

your business is to BRAND YOU.
Regardless of what anybody or any com-
The fundamental first step to Attraction
pany tells you, YOU must Brand YOU… NOT
Marketing is you must BRAND YOU!
your network marketing company.

You must Brand YOU, NOT your company.

There are 3 big reasons why you want to
People join people, NOT companies… and
BRAND YOU, and NOT your MLM company…
they are looking for leadership. Therefore,
you must Brand YOU! Step up, become the
1. People buy products from (and join)
Leader, YOU are the ONE!
PEOPLE, NOT companies.
People buy from and do business with
The only unique thing about you, is YOU!
people they know, like, and trust. They
It’s NOT your product, service, or offer
join PEOPLE. If you can become the
(chances are there are thousands of mar-
leader in your prospect’s eyes, and they
keters trying to sell the same product as
feel you can get them where they want to
you!)… branding YOU is how you stand out
go… they will join you. Now that you know
from the crowd
people join people and NOT companies,
stop marketing your company up front.

- Seth Godin

2. Companies come and go, but YOU are be a percentage of your prospects that
here to stay. ‘google’ the company before you con-
ALL businesses, especially network mar- nect with them… And chances are they
keting companies, come and go all the will find another leader to work with or
time. 90% of businesses don’t survive some silly article telling them to NOT join
the first year in ANY industry. And we’ve your company. It is guaranteed that you
seen all too many horror stories of MLM will lose customers and business if you
companies changing their compensation brand your network marketing company
plans overnight, which leaves entrepre- up front.
neurs like you and me with zero income
for our families. Build your business on
And ‘Branding YOU’ has NOTHING to do
concrete, not quicksand… Brand YOU.
with how much money you are making, or
3. Branding the company will guarantee have made. In fact, ironically, branding YOU
you LOSE customers. has nothing to do with you at all really… it’s
If you are branding your network mar- about THEM… it’s about the people you’re
keting company all over Facebook, In- going to serve…
stagram, and social media, there will
Don’t stress about having to put together an
impressive resume to attract buyers for your
Attraction Marketing business… nobody cares about that.

is NOT ‘fake it til you Your prospect cares about ONE thing:
make it,’ or pretend- what’s in it for them.

ing you’re something

As you will see in Step 4 below your audi-
you’re not, or lying ence wants answers to their questions,

about how much mon- solutions to their problems, and pain-killers

for their pain… so don’t worry if you’re brand
ey you’ve made. new or haven’t made any money before.
Attraction Marketing is about getting good And for 99% of people… THESE STRATEGIES
at something your target audience wants, DO NOT WORK… AND WILL NEVER WORK!
and then It’s about SERVING & IMPACTING And NOBODY likes doing them!
your audience with consistent VALUE.
If you like inviting strangers over to your
And check this out… this is why VALUE is so house at night to present a business op-
important as you Build & Brand YOU… portunity… and you are good with start-
ing up conversations with strangers in the
MONEY IS JUST A REPRESENTATION OF grocery line... and you like doing that kind
HOW MUCH VALUE YOU BRING THE of thing… great. Keep doing that if it’s mak-
WORLD. THE MORE VALUE YOU IN- ing you money.
MONEY YOU MAKE… IT’S THE LAW! But we know from decades of experience
that many people would rather jump off a
Once you grasp the concept of Attraction cliff than do any of these activities.
Marketing and why you need to BRAND
YOU, you understand why most marketers So even if YOU are good at these things,
& business owners fail and stay broke! and you personally recruit a few people
into your organization… the people you
It’s not even your fault if you’re struggling bring into your business will NOT succeed
to grow your business right now! You have with this blueprint…
been mis-lead by somebody who knows
nothing about marketing, sales, and build- And if you can’t get your team to succeed
ing a business… because you are forcing them to do things
they don’t want to do… you will never cre-
Let’s stick with the network marketing ex- ate your dream lifestyle.
Now you may be thinking, “Ok Great! This
Chances are, if you are in a network mar- Attraction Marketing / Brand YOU approach
keting company… you are trying to build makes sense… I now understand why I
your business the way THEY, (the mlm com- should brand ME… But HOW do I brand
pany owners), want you to build it… myself and attract customers and buyers
to me especially if I’m brand new or haven’t
Cold calling, home parties, hotel meetings, made any money yet?”
friends and family, bandit signs, approach-
ing strangers at the mall, etc etc… We address this (and more) in step 2 be-

STEP #2: and training generic home business owners

DEFINE YOUR AUDIENCE how to get traffic, leads, and sales?

YES, there is a way to combine both

The next step is VITAL: you need to get
brands creatively, and we will teach
crystal clear on who your audience is.
you how to create content for BOTH of
the examples above in a way that gets
Before you can grow any business, you
you customers AND reps…
need to first get crystal clear on who you
are even speaking to.
But what is going to be your Brand, and
what is the CORE Audience you will be
speaking to? (health nuts, or generic entre-

THIS IS IMPORTANT preneurs, in this example)

Who do you serve? Who do you want You are going to have to dig deep and find
to be, and for what target audience? your true PASSION to extract the most
profit out of this 7-Step Attraction Market-
ing Method…

A BIG piece of the Brand YOU ‘Attraction

A great question to ask yourself is this…
Marketing Method’ is your ability to answer
What do you LOVE talking about?
these questions… Who are YOU? What is
YOUR Passion? What is YOUR Vision? What
group of people do you want to impact? Because you are going to have to get ex-
cited about creating content around this
subject matter for your audience every
For example, if you’re in a health and well-
single day… (which is super easy to do IF
ness company that you love, you’re going to
the subject matter sets your soul on fire!)…
have to decide who your core audience is
going to be…

STEP #3:
Are you most passionate about healthy or-
ganic foods, clean eating, diets, gut health, UNDERSTAND YOUR AU-
exercise & workout regimens, recipes, bio- DIENCE’S BIGGEST CHAL-
hacking, etc? LENGES
OR… Once you define your target audience,
take some time to research, brainstorm,
Are you most passionate about teaching discover and write down their biggest chal-
lenges, problems, pains, dreams, desires, This now leads us to Step 4 in the process
and questions… (you’re doing great… keep going!)…

Because you will be creating content that

addresses ALL of these (more on that in STEP #4:
just a second)… CREATE CONTENT THAT
This is the process you want to follow to ap-
ply Attraction Marketing into your business
The best way to Brand YOU and become
• You will need to get clarity on who
the Leader in your industry is to consis-
your target audience is FIRST
tently create VALUABLE content for your
• Then you must uncover your audi- audience…
ence’s top challenges, problems, and
pains. So what the heck does that actually mean
• Then you must consistently create con- to you and your business in practical
tent that addresses their challenges, terms?
problems, and pains every single day.
If you are going to succeed online, you are
going to have to create a steady flow of
valuable content for your target market…

Let me repeat this: Your job is to cre-

ate consistent daily content for your

FACT audience that address their top chal-

lenges, problems, pains, dreams, de-
WHATEVER YOUR TARGET MARKET sires, and questions…
IN THAT TARGET MARKET ON FACE- This content can be in the form of videos,
BOOK RIGHT NOW COMPLAINING facebook posts, blog posts, instagram pics
ABOUT THE PROBLEMS YOUR PROD- & stories… this content can be FREE PDF
UCT SOLVES… and they are looking for downloads, how-to infographics, cheat-
YOUR solution AS YOU READ THIS SEN- sheets, audios, interviews… ANYTHING.
TENCE… and that is EXCITING… there
truly is opportunity EVERYWHERE!

This content ideally EDUCATES and ENTER-
TAINS your audience simultaneously, and VALUABLE CONTENT:
provides them solutions to problems they Any piece of content that addresses YOUR
have. It identifies an ‘itch’ your audience target audience’s top challenges, problems,
has, and then it ‘scratches’ that itch! and pains… content that provides solutions
and answers that your audience would see
sional Problem Solver.
For example, if our #1 target audience
To Get Rich as an Entrepreneur, You Must is ‘home business owners’…
Get Good at Solving Your Audience’s Big-
gest Problems. We know that their top 2 biggest chal-
lenges are leads and money…
Bottom line: your content must give your
audience what THEY want. So what do we do? SIMPLE! We follow
this exact 7-Step Attraction Market-
99% of marketers just spam their links ing Method and crank out content like
everywhere, provide no value to their a machine every single day that edu-
prospect, and then wonder why nobody cates, teaches, and trains our audience
is buying. on how to get more leads and make
more money in their businesses…

These are some examples of free lead mag-

nets, free giveaways, free downloads, value
and content we’ve created for our target au-
dience that solves THEIR biggest challenges
(leads & money)…

And yes, we have a paid product & solution ing to… it’s going to be next to impossible to
so when our audience wants to master the grow a profitable business!
area of lead generation and monetization
for their business, WE GET PAID… It’s also time to decide what platform(s) you
And YES, YOU need to work with the end in want to build your audience on… Facebook,
mind and have an offer congruent with your Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pin-
content that you can sell to your audience terest, Blogging & WordPress, your e-mail
when they are ready to master your particu- list, etc.
lar subject… Your content should pre-sell
your audience on the benefits of what you We recommend focusing on maximum 2
have to offer without having to do any ‘sell- at first, and we recommend you building
ing,’ yet… (more on that in Step 6 below)… your e-mail subscriber audience (sometimes
called your e-mail list), and your Facebook
The bottom line is this: audience if you are just getting started.

People will want to buy from you when Depending on the platform you choose, the
you follow this 7 Step Attraction Mar- content you create to build & engage your
keting Method. audience could be Facebook profile & fan
page updates, Facebook LIVES, manychat
As you can see, questions are VITALLY and Facebook messenger… if you go with
important: Who do you serve? Who do Twitter, you would build & engage your audi-
you want to be, and for what target ence with Tweets… if you choose Instagram,
audience? you would build & engage your audience
with pictures, images and Instagram stories,
Do you want to impact and serve people etc. etc.
who are interested in health and wellness?
Or people who are interested in personal
growth? Maybe people who are interested As we discussed in part 1 above, this exact
in traveling the world? Or maybe people Attraction Marketing approach has created
who are interested in learning how to build thousands of success stories and profitable
a successful online business? students. And we’ve come up with a very
simple formula to help you create laser
You must decide who your audience is ASAP focus in your business on a daily basis to all
because if you don’t know who you’re speak- but guarantee results...

B-E-S acronym ever created for home business
ENGAGE YOUR AUDIENCE If you focus your attention on and execute
SELL TO YOUR AUDIENCE these 3 activities every single day (B-E-S),
you will succeed just like tens of thousands
of people who have come before
you... they ALL embraced the exact
same ‘Attraction Marketing Frame-
work’ to break free.

STEP #5:

We’ve already covered that people

join and buy from PEOPLE, NOT
If you focus on these 3 activities every
single day to BUILD your audience on Face- But we must fully understand that it is
book for example… PEOPLE who give you money in exchange
for stuff they believe will make their lives
And you spend some time each day to EN- better…
GAGE with that audience, and create valu-
able content that speaks to their biggest It’s actually quite simple…
You will see that the SELLING part of the (yes, actually have a conversation with
equation becomes almost effortless… them like they are another human being
And BINGO! You are now reaping the ben- via messenger, slack, skype, or on the
efits of Attraction Marketing! phone… what a concept!


If you ever feel lost in your business, simply
come back to our ‘B-E-S’ foundation… this
quite possibly could be the most valuable

For a majority of your prospects, in order
for you to ‘close the sale,’ you are going to NEWSFLASH
have to build trust… and build a RELATION- THE FASTEST WAY TO MAKE MORE
ed) PEOPLE, period.
And you build that relationship by dripping
on them a steady flow of content THEY
would want to consume, that addresses Marketing in this fashion also gives you the
THEIR challenges. permission from time to time to recom-
mend solutions and services to your audi-
When you do this regularly, you create a ence because you have now built trust.
chemical bond with your prospect… and
they begin to see YOU as the leader. And many times when you apply this ‘At-
traction Marketing Method’ to your busi-
And because you consistently send them ness, you will get people reaching out first
content that makes their lives better, you asking YOU about YOUR business!
will start to gain trust.
You may have heard online business own-
Over time, you will start to induce one of ers and marketers say, ‘The Money Is In
the greatest influence triggers known to Your List.’
man-kind: Reciprocity. (when you get really
good at over-delivering value, your audience We believe that’s half true… YES, there is
will actually feel bad if they don’t buy from great benefits to building a massive e-mail
you!) list of customers and prospects.


The money may be in the list... but the It’s so simple: Find their biggest problem,
REAL money is in the RELATIONSHIP and provide the perfect solution (point
you have with that list. them to your product or service).
The VAST MAJORITY of marketers never call
• Follow-up with your prospects their leads, and then complain that they
aren’t making any money.
• Build a relationship with your audience

• Continue to serve your audience daily… If you simply take the time to reach out and
connect with your prospect who opted in
This is how you build relationships with to your website, or connected with you on
people that eventually turn into customers Facebook messenger or anywhere else…
for your business. you will stand out above your competitors,
you will be unique in your marketplace, and
Whatever business you’re in, it’s PEOPLE you will eventually win.
that are going to buy your products and
services. You are in the ‘people’ business. And you are losing money if you are not
connecting with and taking the time to dis-
Which leads us beautifully into Step 6… cover what each individual prospect TRULY
wants and needs.

STEP #6: Here’s the reality when it comes to taking

AUDIENCE… (we’ll stick with our network
PROVIDE THE PAIN- marketing example to stay congruent, but
KILLER this goes for ANY business in ANY indus-

The best way to uncover each individ-

ual prospect’s pain is to connect and STOP SELLING
actually talk with them. START HELPING
- Ziz Ziglar

Your MLM company wants you to talk TION that would benefit them most based
about only ONE thing – their products & on where they are at, and where they want
services… that’s ALL they care about. YOU to go…
promoting THEIR solutions to every thing in
sight with a pulse. • You give them what they want…

• You provide VALUE & SERVE your au-

And they need YOU to get their products
out to the world… because they don’t know
a thing about real marketing… • You give them solutions to their prob-
And your MLM company wants every con- • You build relationships, gain trust,
versation with every prospect to lead to build rapport…
ONE solution: their MLM products (even if
the prospect isn’t a good match, they want
And then you will open the flood-gates to
you to send them to the ‘presentation!’)
a never-ending flow of customers. You will
maximize your profit potential, and you will
Think about this… if you had a restaurant grow your business!
and you filled it with complete strangers…
and all you had on the menu was steak…
Part of the 7-Step Attraction Marketing
Method is stop chasing unqualified friends
What would happen when you try to serve and family, and stop trying to convince
your steak to a vegan!? every stranger in sight about how amazing
your opportunity is!
PLE IN YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE… and It’s the 21st century – there’s a better way…
it’s your job to FIND OUT WHAT THEIR it’s called attraction marketing, and the
SPECIFIC NEED AND PAIN IS! internet! (and you’re learning about it right
And when you take the time to BUILD A
RELATIONSHIP and CONNECT with your Which leads us to the final step…
STEP #7:
You find out EXACTLY what their problems
& challenges are…
And you can give them the EXACT SOLU- WHO SAY NO
If you only have one revenue stream, it’s ing Method,’ and why you need them if you
going to be difficult to create financial free- want any chance of success…
dom online.
We know countless people who used to
ALL top earners online embrace multiple market their business opportunities up-
income streams that serve their audience… front because that’s what the company told
It’s just smart business. them to do (this was before they found the
information you’re reading right now).
If you are with a company where you are
only allowed to market ONE solution, you And here’s what happened: When the pros-
are going to be in trouble. pect wasn’t interested in the business oppor-
tunity, which was 90% of everyone exposed
That’s like putting all of your eggs in ONE to the presentation, that was the end of the
basket and hoping for the best. road!

Zero diversification. Massive risk. It

isn’t smart business. And YOU are the
one who has to provide for your family
(not your MLM company). NEVER RELY ON A
Can you imagine if McDonald’s was
only allowed to sell hamburgers?! They - Warren Buffet
would go broke! (and so will you if you
continue to try and build your business
with handcuffs on!)

McDonald’s makes their profits from all

the other stuff you buy once you are in the The relationship was over because all they
restaurant: the upsell on the fries, soda, ice had to offer was their business opportunity.
cream etc. In fact, the most profitable up-
sell in the history of the world is… Start wrapping your head around creating
VALUE for your audience, and start focus-
Would you like fries with that? ing on what THEY want... Versus just pitch-
ing your business opportunity to everyone
Here’s why multiple income streams are a you meet...
big part of the proven ‘Attraction Market-

Imagine if all day you are connecting with Or…
your audience of entrepreneurs, and 90%
of them are not interested in your specific “Ok, no problem… would you by chance be
business opportunity… interested in learning how to get an extra 12+
fresh, interested, quality prospects each day for
But instead of just saying bye-bye to 90% of YOUR business?”
your prospects…
This question has made our friends and
What if you could still connect with, serve, colleagues a LOT of money because, since
build a relationship with, and offer the 90% 2008, they’ve been perfecting a solution that
a SOLUTION that solves the problems they trains entrepreneurs how to get more leads
already encounter (or will inevitably encoun- and make more money... (because that’s what
ter) as a home business owner? their audience wants!)

ALL BUSINESS OWNERS REQUIRE LEADS So in theory, every single conversation you
AND MONEY – so what if you could ask the have with every prospect COULD make you
people who say NO to your opportunity a money IF you had a solution to offer the
very simple question… 90% who will say no… and that my friend, is
a complete game-changer... and this is how
“How are you doing with generating leads for you finally turn a profit and create financial
your business?” freedom!

If you can follow the 7 steps above, you will And this SYSTEM has helped create count-
begin to reap the benefits that all top earn- less industry top producers and TENS OF
ers enjoy thanks to our ‘7-Step Attraction MILLIONS of dollars in earnings for what
Marketing Method!’ once was struggling home business own-
The faster you can implement the above for
your specific business, the faster you will be If you are excited about what Attraction
making money. Marketing can do for YOUR business, and
you want our help to implement Attraction
This isn’t rocket science... you can do this! Marketing into YOUR business today for
Since 2008, there’s been ONE common more leads, prospects, customers, sales
denominator, secret weapon, and SYSTEM and sign-ups in your business today…
that the majority of top earners you see
online today have been using to implement CLICK HERE for the TOP EARNER
this Attraction Marketing Method into their SECRET SYSTEM!
P.S. As promised, here is a link to apply
to book your complimentary 1-on-1 strat-
egy session to help get clients for YOUR
business and to identify your blind spots -
($497 value!)

CLICK THIS LINK to schedule today, and I

look forward to speaking with you!


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© 2008 - 2019 Upward Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved. MLSP®,
MyLeadSystemPRO® and the MLSP Logo (MLSP®), are registered
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