Biblical Concept of The Soul:: USELF Reading #01: The Soul Date Year/Sec.: 1ALM

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USELF Reading #01: The Soul Date 08 08 19

mm dd yy

Year/Sec.: 1ALM
Paggao Albert Dowson V.

Biblical Concept of the Soul:

The Bible writers used the Hebrew word neʹphesh or the Greek word psy·kheʹ which means soul. This refers
to the people, animals, or the life that a person or an animals has. Most of the writings in the bible used the
term soul to describe people such as in the story of Noah. According to the bible, “In Noah’s day… a few
people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water.” (1 Peter 3:20). Here, the word “souls”
stands for people – Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.

The Filipino Concept of the Soul:

The soul is not taken as the principle of life. The phenomenon the Ibanags call “mekararuanan” that came
from the word ‘me’ and ‘kararua’ is a state in which the soul leaves the body. The body is alive but without
the role of soul, the body has no direction and wholeness to the man. The body and the soul can
independently stay alive; the soul itself, when separated from the body, experiences material wants and
needs. Filipino’s also believe that the soul is not located in any part of the body, but grows proportionately
with the person’s body, that’s why the soul needs protection and nurture. There is indeed a border where
heaven and earth meet. If we can quiet our souls and be still, our soul will reflect the divine. And be not
afraid if the suffering in your life puts you in a dark place. For the darker it is, the brighter the stars shine. It is
in our darkest moments that we can see the light of Christ in all its glory and splendor. They also believe that
people that has a strong will-power also has a strong soul.

My Reflection on the Human Soul:

I believe that the body is the object of the soul to gain all the needs and wants of the body. The fundamental
workings of the body are incomplete without the soul. The soul, on the other hand, cannot be seen in the
visible eye. It is not accessible with our physical senses. We might not pay much attention on how it affects
our lives but when we pray to God, our creator, we spiritually feel the touch of God in our hearts and reflect
on our daily life with our soul. Our body might hurt, but our soul which was created by God for us, will
forever be unharmed. No matter how hard our heart becomes, the soul is still within us. According to
Cranston (2014), “There is indeed a border where heaven and earth meet. If we can quiet our souls and be
still, our soul will reflect the divine. And be not afraid if the suffering in your life puts you in a dark place. For
the darker it is, the brighter the stars shine. It is in our darkest moments that we can see the light of Christ in
all its glory and splendor.”

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