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Geometric Sequences

Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Fact: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an = c*rn is a geometric sequence, then
the ratio between any two consecutive terms is r.
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Fact: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an = c*rn is a geometric sequence, then
the ratio between any two consecutive terms is r.
The converse of this fact is also true.
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Fact: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an = c*rn is a geometric sequence, then
the ratio between any two consecutive terms is r.
The converse of this fact is also true. Below is the formula
that we used for working with geometric sequences.
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Fact: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an = c*rn is a geometric sequence, then
the ratio between any two consecutive terms is r.
The converse of this fact is also true. Below is the formula
that we used for working with geometric sequences.
For example, from the sequence above we see that
16/8 = 8/4 = 4/2 = 2 = the ratio r
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Fact: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an = c*rn is a geometric sequence, then
the ratio between any two consecutive terms is r.
The converse of this fact is also true. Below is the formula
that we used for working with geometric sequences.
For example, from the sequence above we see that
16/8 = 8/4 = 4/2 = 2 = the ratio r
Theorem: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a sequence such that
an+1 / an = r for all n, then a1, a2, a3,… is an geometric
sequence and an = a1*rn–1.
Geometric Sequences
A sequence a1, a2 , a3 , … is an geometric sequence if
an = crn, i.e. it is defined by an exponential formula.
Example A. The sequence of powers of 2
a1= 2, a2= 4, a3= 8, a4= 16, …
is an geometric sequence because an = 2n.
Fact: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an = c*rn is a geometric sequence, then
the ratio between any two consecutive terms is r.
The converse of this fact is also true. Below is the formula
that we used for working with geometric sequences.
For example, from the sequence above we see that
16/8 = 8/4 = 4/2 = 2 = the ratio r
Theorem: If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a sequence such that
an+1 / an = r for all n, then a1, a2, a3,… is an geometric
sequence and an = a1*rn–1.
This is the general formula for geometric sequences.
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1 , we get the specific
formula for this sequence an = 2(3n – 1).
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1 , we get the specific
formula for this sequence an = 2(3n – 1).
If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a geometric sequence such that the
terms alternate between positive and negative signs,
then r is negative.
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1 , we get the specific
formula for this sequence an = 2(3n – 1).
If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a geometric sequence such that the
terms alternate between positive and negative signs,
then r is negative.
Example B. The sequence 2/3, –1, 3/2, –9/4, … is a geometric
sequence because
–1/(2/3) = (3/2) / (–1)
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1 , we get the specific
formula for this sequence an = 2(3n – 1).
If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a geometric sequence such that the
terms alternate between positive and negative signs,
then r is negative.
Example B. The sequence 2/3, –1, 3/2, –9/4, … is a geometric
sequence because
–1/(2/3) = (3/2) / (–1) = (–9/4) /(3/2)
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1 , we get the specific
formula for this sequence an = 2(3n – 1).
If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a geometric sequence such that the
terms alternate between positive and negative signs,
then r is negative.
Example B. The sequence 2/3, –1, 3/2, –9/4, … is a geometric
sequence because
–1/(2/3) = (3/2) / (–1) = (–9/4) /(3/2) = … = –3/2 = r.
Geometric Sequences
Given the description of a geometric sequence, we use the
general formula to find the specific formula for that sequence.
Example A. The sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … is an geometric
sequence because 6/2 = 18/6 = 54/18 = … = 3 = r.
Since a1 = 2, set them in the general formula of the
geometric sequences an = a1r n – 1 , we get the specific
formula for this sequence an = 2(3n – 1).
If a1, a2 , a3 , …an is a geometric sequence such that the
terms alternate between positive and negative signs,
then r is negative.
Example B. The sequence 2/3, –1, 3/2, –9/4, … is a geometric
sequence because
–1/(2/3) = (3/2) / (–1) = (–9/4) /(3/2) = … = –3/2 = r.
Since a1 = 2/3, the specific formula is
2 –3 n–1
an = 3 ( 2 )
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1)
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
a1(–2)4 = 12
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
a1(–2)4 = 12
16a1 = 12
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
a1(–2)4 = 12
16a1 = 12
a1 = 12/16 = ¾
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
a1(–2)4 = 12
16a1 = 12
a1 = 12/16 = ¾
b. find the specific equation.
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
a1(–2)4 = 12
16a1 = 12
a1 = 12/16 = ¾
b. find the specific equation.
Set a1 = ¾ and r = –2 into the general formula an = a1rn – 1 ,
Geometric Sequences
To use the geometric general formula to find the specific
formula, we need the first term a1 and the ratio r.
Example C. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence
with r = –2 and a5 = 12,
a. find a1
By that the general geometric formula
an = a1r n – 1, we get
a5 = a1(–2)(5 – 1) = 12
a1(–2)4 = 12
16a1 = 12
a1 = 12/16 = ¾
b. find the specific equation.
Set a1 = ¾ and r = –2 into the general formula an = a1rn – 1 ,
we get the specific formula of this sequence
an= 3 (–2)n–1
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Example D. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is an geometric
sequence with a3 = –2 and a6 = 54,
a. find r and a1
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Example D. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is an geometric
sequence with a3 = –2 and a6 = 54,
a. find r and a1
Given that the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
we have
a3 = –2 = a1r3–1
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Example D. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is an geometric
sequence with a3 = –2 and a6 = 54,
a. find r and a1
Given that the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
we have
a3 = –2 = a1r3–1 and a6 = 54 = a1r6–1
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Example D. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is an geometric
sequence with a3 = –2 and a6 = 54,
a. find r and a1
Given that the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
we have
a3 = –2 = a1r3–1 and a6 = 54 = a1r6–1
–2 = a1r2
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Example D. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is an geometric
sequence with a3 = –2 and a6 = 54,
a. find r and a1
Given that the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
we have
a3 = –2 = a1r3–1 and a6 = 54 = a1r6–1
–2 = a1r2 54 = a1r5
Geometric Sequences
C. Find a9.
Since an= 3 (–2)n–1,
set n = 9, we get
a9= (–2)9–1
a9 = 3 (–2)8 = 3 (256) = 192
4 4
Example D. Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is an geometric
sequence with a3 = –2 and a6 = 54,
a. find r and a1
Given that the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
we have
a3 = –2 = a1r3–1 and a6 = 54 = a1r6–1
–2 = a1r2 54 = a1r5
Divide these equations: 54 a1r5
= a r2
–2 1
Geometric Sequences
54 a1r5
= a r2
–2 1
Geometric Sequences
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
Geometric Sequences
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
–2/9 = a1
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
–2/9 = a1
b. Find the specific formula and a2
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
–2/9 = a1
b. Find the specific formula and a2
Use the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
set a1 = –2/9, and r = –3
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
–2/9 = a1
b. Find the specific formula and a2
Use the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
set a1 = –2/9, and r = –3 we have the specific formula
an = –2 (–3)n–1
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
–2/9 = a1
b. Find the specific formula and a2
Use the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
set a1 = –2/9, and r = –3 we have the specific formula
an = –2 (–3)n–1
To find a2, set n = 2, we get

a2 = –2 (–3) 2–1
Geometric Sequences
5 3 = 5–2
–27 54 = a1r
–2 a1r2
–27 = r3
–3 = r
Put r = –3 into the equation –2 = a1r2
Hence –2 = a1(–3)2
–2 = a19
–2/9 = a1
b. Find the specific formula and a2
Use the general geometric formula an = a1rn – 1,
set a1 = –2/9, and r = –3 we have the specific formula
an = –2 (–3)n–1
To find a2, set n = 2, we get

a2 = –2 (–3) 2–1 = –2 (–3) = 2

9 93
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3 + r4) = 1 – r5
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3 + r4) = 1 – r5

(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 … + rn–1) = 1 – rn
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3 + r4) = 1 – r5

(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 … + rn–1) = 1 – rn
1 – r n
Hence 1 + r + r + … + r = 1 – r
2 n–1
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3 + r4) = 1 – r5

(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 … + rn–1) = 1 – rn
1 – r n
Hence 1 + r + r + … + r = 1 – r
2 n–1

Therefore a + ar + ar2 + … +arn–1

n terms
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3 + r4) = 1 – r5

(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 … + rn–1) = 1 – rn
1 – r n
Hence 1 + r + r + … + r = 1 – r
2 n–1

Therefore a + ar + ar2 + … +arn–1

n terms
= a (1 + r + r2 + … + r n–1)
Geometric Sequences
Sum of geometric sequences
We observe the algebraic patterns:
(1 – r)(1 + r) = 1 – r2
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2) = 1 – r3
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3) = 1 – r4
(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 + r3 + r4) = 1 – r5

(1 – r)(1 + r + r2 … + rn–1) = 1 – rn
1 – r n
Hence 1 + r + r + … + r = 1 – r
2 n–1

Therefore a + ar + ar2 + … +arn–1

n terms
= a (1 + r + r2 + … + r n–1)
1 – r n
= a 1–r
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2,
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16.
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms.
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81 2 ( – 3) n – 1
16 3 2
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81 2 ( – 3) n – 1
16 3 2
–243 = ( – 3 ) n – 1
32 2
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81 2 ( – 3) n – 1
16 3 2
–243 = ( – 3 ) n – 1
32 2
Compare the denominators we see that 32 = 2n – 1.
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81 2 ( – 3) n – 1
16 3 2
–243 = ( – 3 ) n – 1
32 2
Compare the denominators we see that 32 = 2n – 1.
Since 32 = 25 = 2n – 1
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81 2 ( – 3) n – 1
16 3 2
–243 = ( – 3 ) n – 1
32 2
Compare the denominators we see that 32 = 2n – 1.
Since 32 = 25 = 2n – 1
Geometric Sequences
The Sum of the First n Terms of a Geometric Sequence
1 – r n
a + ar + ar + … +ar = a 1 – r
2 n–1

Example E. Find the geometric sum :

2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
We have a = 2/3 and r = –3/2, and an = –81/16. We need the
number of terms. Put a and r in the general formula we get the
specific formula
an= 2 ( – 3 ) n–1
3 2
To find n, set an = –81 2 ( – 3) n – 1
16 3 2
–243 = ( – 3 ) n – 1
32 2
Compare the denominators we see that 32 = 2n – 1.
Since 32 = 25 = 2n – 1
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
we get the sum S
2 1 – (–3/2)6
S = 3 1 – (–3/2)
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
we get the sum S
2 1 – (–3/2)6
S = 3 1 – (–3/2)
1 – (729/64)
= 23 1 + (3/2)
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
we get the sum S
2 1 – (–3/2)6
S = 3 1 – (–3/2)
1 – (729/64)
= 23 1 + (3/2)
= 23 5/2
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
we get the sum S
2 1 – (–3/2)6
S = 3 1 – (–3/2)
1 – (729/64)
= 23 1 + (3/2)
= 23 5/2
= –133
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
we get the sum S
2 1 – (–3/2)6
S = 3 1 – (–3/2)
1 – (729/64)
= 23 1 + (3/2)
= 23 5/2
= –133
The “sum” of infinitely many terms of an arithmetic sequences
is always infinite.
Geometric Sequences
Therefore there are 6 terms in the sum,
2/3 + (–1) + 3/2 + … + (–81/16)
1 – r n
Set a = 2/3, r = –3/2 and n = 6 in the formula S = a 1 – r
we get the sum S
2 1 – (–3/2)6
S = 3 1 – (–3/2)
1 – (729/64)
= 23 1 + (3/2)
= 23 5/2
= –133
Adding of infinitely many terms of
an arithmetic sequences is always infinite.
But it’s possible to add infinitely many terms of
a geometric sequence to obtain a finite sum.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of it,
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of
what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of take ½ of
what’s left what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4 or 1/8
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of take ½ of take ½ of

what’s left what’s left what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16..
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of take ½ of take ½ of

what’s left what’s left what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16..

we see that 12 + 1 1 + 1
4 8 16 + .. = 1
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of take ½ of take ½ of

what’s left what’s left what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16..

we see that 12 + 1 1 + 1
4 8 16 + .. = 1
Hence it’s possible to add infinitely many positive numbers
and obtain a finite sum.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of take ½ of take ½ of

what’s left what’s left what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16..

we see that 12 + 1 1 + 1
4 8 16 + .. = 1
Hence it’s possible to add infinitely many positive numbers
and obtain a finite sum. In fact, the sum of infinitely many terms
from a geometric sequence with ratio | r | < 1 is always finite.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
The following demonstration illustrates how it’s possible to add
infinitely many positive numbers and obtain a finite sum.
Starting with a rope of length 1,

take ½ of take ½ of take ½ of

what’s left what’s left what’s left
take ½ of it, or 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16..

we see that 12 + 1 1 + 1
4 8 16 + .. = 1
Hence it’s possible to add infinitely many positive numbers
and obtain a finite sum. In fact, the sum of infinitely many terms
from a geometric sequence with ratio | r | < 1 is always finite.
The example above is the sum of the geometric sequence
½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, … with r = ½ so their sum is finite.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
For example, the geometric sequence ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, …
(with r = ½) shrinks to 0 as the terms go further out.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
For example, the geometric sequence ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, …
(with r = ½) shrinks to 0 as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → 0 as n → ∞.
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
For example, the geometric sequence ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, …
(with r = ½) shrinks to 0 as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → 0 as n → ∞.
In particular if | r | < 1 then as n → ∞, we have that r n → 0
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
For example, the geometric sequence ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, …
(with r = ½) shrinks to 0 as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → 0 as n → ∞.
In particular if | r | < 1 then as n → ∞, we have that r n → 0 and
1 – r n
a + ar + ar2 + … +arn–1 + .. = a 1 – r
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
For example, the geometric sequence ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, …
(with r = ½) shrinks to 0 as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → 0 as n → ∞.
In particular if | r | < 1 then as n → ∞, we have that r n → 0 and
1 – r n a
a + ar + ar2 + … +arn–1 + .. = a 1 – r = 1 – r
Infinite Sums of Geometric Sequences
If r > 1, then rn grows larger as n gets larger.
For example, the terms of the geometric sequence 2, 4, 8, 16…
(with r = 2) grows larger as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → ∞ as n → ∞.
So clearly in the cases when r > 1 then
a + ar + ar2 + … + arn + … = ±∞ just as 2 + 4 + 8 + ... = ∞
But if 0 < r < 1, then rn →0 hence an shrinks to 0 as n gets larger.
For example, the geometric sequence ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16, …
(with r = ½) shrinks to 0 as the terms go further out.
We write this as an → 0 as n → ∞.
In particular if | r | < 1 then as n → ∞, we have that r n → 0 and
1 – r n a
a + ar + ar2 + … +arn–1 + .. = a 1 – r = 1 – r
The Sum of Infinitely–Many Terms of a Geometric Sequence
Given a geometric sequence a, ar, ar2 … with| r | < 1

then  a rn = a + ar + ar2 + … = a
n=0 1–r
Geometric Sequences
Example F. Find the infinite–geometric sum
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
Geometric Sequences
Example F. Find the infinite–geometric sum
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
We have a = 3/2 and r = –2/3, hence
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
1 – (–2/3)
Geometric Sequences
Example F. Find the infinite–geometric sum
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
We have a = 3/2 and r = –2/3, hence
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
= = (3/2) (3/5) = 9/10
1 – (–2/3)
Geometric Sequences
Example F. Find the infinite–geometric sum
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
We have a = 3/2 and r = –2/3, hence
3/2 + (–1) + 2/3 + … + (–16/81) + 32/243 + ..
= = (3/2) (3/5) = 9/10
1 – (–2/3)
Example G. The area of the
cross–section of a shell may
be approximated with summing
geometric sequences.
Find the cross sectional area of 15 cm2
all the chambers assuming the
cross–sectional area of each
chamber is 1.15 times of the
previous one.
google source
Geometric Sequences
Assuming the ratio of 1.15
is the cross–sectional areas of
the successive chambers,
the areas of the chambers form
a geometric sequence, 15 cm2
starting with the first area of
15 cm2 with r = 1/1.15.

google source
Geometric Sequences
Assuming the ratio of 1.15
is the cross–sectional areas of
the successive chambers,
the areas of the chambers form
a geometric sequence, 15 cm2
starting with the first area of
15 cm2 with r = 1/1.15.
Hence the approximate total
area is the infinite sum:
15 + 15(1/1.15) + 15(1/1.15)2 + 15(1/1.15)23 + ... google source
Geometric Sequences
Assuming the ratio of 1.15
is the cross–sectional areas of
the successive chambers,
the areas of the chambers form
a geometric sequence, 15 cm2
starting with the first area of
15 cm2 with r = 1/1.15.
Hence the approximate total
area is the infinite sum:
15 + 15(1/1.15) + 15(1/1.15)2 + 15(1/1.15)23 + ... google source

 15(1/1.15)n
= n=0
Geometric Sequences
Assuming the ratio of 1.15
is the cross–sectional areas of
the successive chambers,
the areas of the chambers form
a geometric sequence, 15 cm2
starting with the first area of
15 cm2 with r = 1/1.15.
Hence the approximate total
area is the infinite sum:
15 + 15(1/1.15) + 15(1/1.15)2 + 15(1/1.15)23 + ... google source

 15(1/1.15)n
= n=0
= 15
1 – (1/1.15)
= 115 cm2
Geometric Sequences
Given that a1, a2 , a3 , …is a geometric sequence find a1, r,
and the specific formula for the an.
1. a2 = 15, a5 = 405
2. a4 = –5/2, a8 = –40
2. a3 = 3/4, a6 = –2/9
Sum the following geometric sequences.
1. 3 + 6 + 12 + .. + 3072
1. –2 + 6 –18 + .. + 486
1. 6 – 3 + 3/2 – .. + 3/512

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