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University of Luzon

College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism

Dagupan City,Pangasinan


On the Job Training (OJT) is a training program for students

designed to immerse them in a work environment relevant to their

courses in the attempts to learn productivity, knowledge, and respect for

the workplace. It is course requirements providing an opportunity to not

only apply the theories, principles and ideas learned in the school but

also enhance the technical knowledge, skills and attitudes of students

towards work necessary for satisfactory job performance. It is also serve

as a venue where students earn experience in career positions relevant to

their choice of academic degrees as well as open up other future career

choices towards gainful employment.

On the Job Trainings provide the students with actual workplace

experience, exposure to various management styles, industrial and

procedures of various occupations in relation to their respective fields of

learning. This is also provides standards and guidelines for conducting

OJTs such as amount of workload, number of hours, learning objectives,

monitoring scheme and sanctions.

Internship is a practical experience opportunity offered by school

or companies, to willing and capable beginners of a profession, for a fixed

term. Internship is normally offered to the undergraduate students.

University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

Some companies give stipend to the internee. It is very beneficial for the

students, which help them to learn the practical impact of their study

and know about a specific industry. It gives you opportunity to apply

your theoretical knowledge. There are many benefits of internship. When

you work you learn. It can add the remarkable value for the student’s

career. In internship the students get experience and practical exposure

to their theoretical knowledge which they studied in the classes. During

internship the students get the chance to learn more about themselves

and get connected with other interns and develop their personal network.

In an internship, the students are given the chance to showcase their

skills, talents, commitment, and value to a prospective employer.

In November 7, 2018 was our flight going to Thailand. It was 3

hours flight then we arrived in Thailand. Then we go to the embassy to

submit our papers to be able to work for internship there, after that we

go to the other airport going to Phuket, Thailand. We arrive in Baan Khao

Lak and it’s already dark, they show our room and told to us that we

meet tomorrow morning, I fix my things and rest. In November 8, 2018 is

our first day of work. The Supervisor of the HR P’Jack tour us in the

Hotel and he show us our designated place and then he give us our

uniform for our training there, He also introduced the staff their and our

Restaurant Supervisor P’Cha who will handle and help us working there.
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

P’Cha oriented us about what to do there and if we need help just ask

her. I was assigned in the Food and Beverage Department and the start

of my work is 6:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon and that’s my

schedule for the month of November. Then we go to the breakfast area or

Baitong to observe on what they doing.

In the next day my task is open the Sandy Restaurant then clean it

and the surroundings of it. After I finish preparing in the Sandy

Restaurant I will help the Beach boy to open the Pool Bar then put the

clean beach towels on the side, then open the all the sun beds and

umbrellas in the Pool area and Beach area. I thought it’s easy to open

the Sandy Restaurant but it’s not, it’s hard to open the Roll up duck door

and it have 6 of it that need to open, also it’s hard to open the umbrellas

around the pool and beach because you need more strength and force to

lift it up to open, at first I can’t open a single umbrella but the beach boy

“Pee bay” teach me on how to do it. That’s my every day task, it’s hard

but I don’t think it as a difficult work because I can do it. After one week

the Restaurant Supervisor P’Cha put me in the breakfast area “Baitong”.

My new task there is to clean the tables and set up the table napkins,

knife and fork, then put salt and pepper in every table. I also set the

small table, two chairs and ashtray for the smoking area outside of the

Baitong for the guest who wants to smoke after or before they eat. We
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

make sure it’s already prepared before 7:00 am because some of the

guest wake up very early to have there breakfast. I help the guest and

bus out the empty plates, clean the table and set up new one. After all

the guest eats in the Baitong we clean it then prepared it for tomorrow.

After I throw the garbage from Baitong I go to the other restaurant the

“Sandy Restaurant” and then I help them to bus out the plates there and

set up new one. Our supervisor told me that after one month I can get

the order of the guest because right now I need to be familiar in their

food and drinks in the menu. It’s hard to know and memorize the food in

their menu because the name their food there is in thai it is hard to read

and speak it, but I ask the staff there on how to speak it and slowly

learning it. The staffs there are very kind and if you ask something or

need something they are very helpful. At first I was very nervous talking

with our guest maybe if did or said something wrong like that but I see

their smile on their face like they thanking me for our service that we

gave to them and I got confidence and motivated because of that. I

learned a lot in my first month there like taking care of our guest and

also the importance of our expression. Because in our industry which is

Hospitality Industry, just show a simple smile, be friendly and

approachable with them it will give a good impact and also it encourage
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

the guest to come back again in the Hotel. I am very happy because I

meet new people and new friends. I gained knowledge and experience.

In December 01, 2018 our Restaurant Supervisor P’Cha gave me

my new schedule and I will start my work at 2:00 in the afternoon to

11:00 in the night until December 15 then I will go back to morning shift.

This is a new challenge for me and I know it is hard but I’m willing to

learn in order to improve myself to make me better in the future. My task

here still the same I serve the guest, bus out the empty plates and set up

the table. Before I open, now in afternoon shift I’m the one who close it. I

also get orders but if they ask about the thai food I ask other staff to help

me. I also runner of the food, after they get the order of the guest I’ll get

the yellow bin and the big tray then I go to the kitchen. I’ll give the yellow

bin to them and wait, if all the food is ready I put it on the big tray and

go back to the Sandy Restaurant, I’ll ask help to the other staff or trainee

to help me to serve the foods to the guest. When it’s already 4:00 in the

afternoon we change the set up for the dinner. After that I help the beach

boy to close the all the umbrellas and sun beds in the pool and beach

area, before I close the sun beds we make sure it is clean and doesn’t

have sands on it. Then I go back to the Sandy Restaurant and serve if

there’s a guest. When it’s already 10:40 in the night we putting back all

the table cloths and table napkins in the storage room. We lock all the
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

cabinets and freezer that have wine, beer and other drinks, and then we

close the restaurant at 11:00pm. After closing I get the Bag which

contains used napkins and table cloths and I put it on the front of

housekeeping room for the laundry tomorrow. In December 16, 2018 my

start of work is back to 6:00 am to 3:00 pm and my task is same last

time when I’m morning shift.

In January 11, 2019 they put me in the afternoon shift again and

with the other trainee. My task there is getting the order of the guest and

served it to them, If it is already 4:00pm we will change the setup for the

dinner then if it is already finish I’ll go to help the beach boy closing the

umbrellas and sun beds after that we also close the Pool bar and put all

the beverage/alcohols in the cabinet and lock them. We put the used

beach towels to the bag and bring it in the front of housekeeping room.

After helping the beach boy I go back to the Restaurant and served the

guest and if someone call in the restaurant and want to have room

service of food they give me the yellow bin and the bill for the food, I go to

the kitchen and give the yellow bin and wait for the food, when the food

is ready I’ll go to the room of the guest and give the food and their bill for

paying or signing.

In the month of February is my hardest month of working there

because my schedule is 2:00pm to 11:00pm and I’m the only trainee

University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

working in afternoon shift. Our Bar Supervisor “Pee Nen” told me that

they need more people in the morning because that month our Hotel is

fully booked. Sometimes there’s so many guest in the night and we need

to move quickly and set up, get the orders and served. It is also very hard

to be runner of the food because the restaurant is little bit far from the

kitchen. I need to go there as fast as possible to get the food then go back

at the restaurant and served it to the guest because we didn’t want the

guest wait for their food and if the guest wants some extra plate or some

sauce that we didn’t have in our restaurant I will go back again to the

kitchen. When the Beach Boy day offs I will standby in the Pool Bar. If

the guest go there and want to change their towels I will get their old

towel or if they are new I get there Beach Towel Card and exchange it for

the Beach Towels then write their room number in the book. Because

there’s no beach boy I do their work. When it’s already 6:00pm I close all

the umbrellas and sun beds around the pool and beach area then I close

the Pool bar and put back the all beverage in the cabinet and lock it and

the freezer. I put all the used beach towels in the bags and bring it to the

back of the restaurant and used the cart there to put it on the front of

Housekeeping room. The bags that contain used beach towels are very

heavy and it’s hard to carry. But all I think that day is all the struggles

that I feel that will be developing into strength that I will need for myself.
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

I’m just thinking positive in my mind because if I think negative it will

attract more negative thoughts and it will never give me positive life.

March 01, 2019 to April 23, 2019 they put me back to morning

shift. My task there is still the same last time I help at the Baitong, setup

the tables, help the guest, bus out the empty plates/glass/cups and

clean the table then set up with table napkin, knife and fork. I cut

watermelon, pineapple and carrots and I peel the orange this are all for

making the juice in the fruit juicer machine. If all the guest is already

finish we clean the restaurant and put back all the equipments that we

used. After we clean the Baitong, I double check if all the sockets are

already pulled off then I leave and get the trash to throw it. After I throw

all the trash I go to the Sandy Restaurant and help them. Sometimes in

the morning they told me to go to the Sandy Restaurant to open it and

clean it. Then I will help the beach boy to his work then I go back to the

Sandy Restaurant to put all the tables with table cloths and then I put

placemats, table napkins, knives and forks. I just wait if there’s a

customer I will give them the Food and Drink Menu and get their order,

and then if the drinks or food is ready I served them. If they want to pay

I’ll get their bill to the cashier and give to the customer and wait to sign it

or pay cash.
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

In April 22, 2019 the Human Resources Department (HR) invited

us the all Trainee from Philippines to eat in the Baitong. All of the HR

Department and also supervisors in different department are there to

have simple celebration with us for working there because we will finish

our internship there. In April 23, 2019 is our last day of working there

and our last task is to move the all the equipments in the other

restaurant because they want to move the breakfast area to the Sandy

Restaurant. After we finish moving all the equipments we go back to the

Sandy Restaurant and help them there. We have 3 days for there for

doing what we want and then we will go back to the Philippines at April

26, 2019. When we are leaving the Hotel and we are on our way going to

the airport, I feel like just we just arrive in the Thailand yesterday it’s like

it happen very fast.

Working in Thailand is great because I meet many people from

different country, different of food that I didn’t taste before, different

cultures and belief and also there so much experience and knowledge

that I gained. And it is also help me to enhance my communication

skills, flexibility and adaptability in the situation. The hardest part of my

internship before in Thailand was being far from my family and

sometimes after I work I just sit there and think about my family if they

are okay.
University of Luzon
College of Hotel and Restaurant Management - Tourism
Dagupan City,Pangasinan

During the internship I’ve learned a lot. Most especially the value

of time, I learned to give time management in my duty. In everything I do

I always give my best not only because I need to do it but because I want

to make our customer happy while I’m serving them. Being an intern in

Thailand was a great experience because it showcase the talents and

characters that I don’t think I ‘am and I have before. I could proudly say

that internship molded me to be a better person, to appreciate little

things, to learn many aspects of work and most of all it brings me out of

the box. I become more responsible in work especially in time.

I want to thanks the Baan Khao Lak Beach Resort for the warm

welcome to us during the internship and also the guidance and

appreciation in all my works. Without those people behind this

internship I wouldn’t gain this knowledge. I promise to use and apply

what I’ve learned during my intern and it will be big help for me soon.

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