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Problem 63 – Mathematics (Algebra)

In 1945, Arthur Clarke, a scientist and science-fiction writer, predicted that

an artificial satelliete placed at a height of 2248 miles directly above the
equator would orbit the globe at the same speed with which the earth was
rotating. This belt along the equator is known as the Clarke Belt or
Geostationary orbit. If the radius of the earth is 4000 miles and assume
g = 32.2 fps, determine the length of the Geostationary orbit.

C = 2πR
R = 2248 + 4000 = 26248
C = 2π(26248) = 164921

Problem 64 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The revenue R from selling x number of computer boards is given as R =
60x and the cost C of producing them is given by C = 50x + 5000. Find
how many boards must be sold to break-even and how much money is
needed to produce the breakeven number of boards.

60x = 50x + 5000 C = 50(500) + 5000
x = 500 C = 30,000

Problem 65 – Mathematics (Algebra)
During the 2016 Major League Baseball season, the number of wins for
the Toronto Blue Jays, the New York Yankees and the Milwaukee
Brewers were three consecutive integers. Of these 3 teams, the Yankees
had the most wins and the Brewers has the least wins. The total number
of wins by these 3 teams was 249. How many wins did the Yankees have
in the 2016 season?

Brewers = x Toronto Jays = x + 1 Yankees = x + 2
x + x +1 + x + 2 = 249
3x = 246
x = 82
No. of wins for the Yankees = 82 + 2 = 84

Problem 66 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A serving of yogurt contains 120 calories, 21 grams of carbohydrates and
5 grams of protein. How much fat is provided by this serving of yogurt?

C = 4h + 9f + 4p
120 = 4(21) + 9f + 4(5)
f = 1.78 grams

Problem 67 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A local coffee shop (Bo’s Coffee) is serving raisins which contains 130
calories and 31 grams of carbohydrates. If the raisins are fat-free food,
how much protein is provided by this serving of raisins?
C = 4h + 9f + 4p
130 = 4(31) + 0 + 4p
p = 1.5 grams

Problem 68 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Christian de Angelo has scores of 68, 65, 75 and 78 on his algebra test.
Use a compound in equality to find the scores he can make on his final
exam to receive a C in the course. The final exam counts and a C is
received if the final course average is from 70 to 79.
a) 67 ≤ final score ≤ 94 c) 71 ≤ final score ≤ 93
b) 69 ≤ final score ≤ 90 d) 72 ≤ final score ≤ 92

Problem 69 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Carol Trump would like to pay cash for a car when she graduates from
college and estimates that she can afford a car that costs between $4000
and $8000. She has saved $500 so far and plans to earn the rest of the
money by working the next two summers. If Carol plans to the same
amount each summer, use a compound inequality to find the range of
money she must save each summer to buy the car.
a) $1750 ≤ $3750 c) 1950 ≤ $3650
b) $1850 ≤ $3870 d) 1650 ≤ $3560

Problem 70 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A car rental company charges $19.95 per day for a compact car plus 12
cents per mile for every mile over 100 miles driven each day. If Mr. Okada
bill for 2 days use is $46.86, find how many miles he drove.

[19.95 + 0.12(x – 100)] 2 = 46.86
7.95 + 0.12x = 23.43
x = 129 miles/day
No. of miles he drove = 129(2) = 258

Problem 71 – Mathematics (Algebra)

The Las Vegas area was hit hard after the housing crash in 2009. In the
fourth quarter of 2009, there were 15,710 home sales, and in the fourth
quarter of 2014, there were 12,680 home sales. Predict the number of
home sales in the fourth quarter of 2020.

y = mx + b
x y 15710 = m(2009) + b
2009 15710 15710 = 2009m + b
2014 12680 12680 = 2014m + b
2020 ? 15710 = 2009m + b
- 3030 = + 5 m
m = - 606
15710 = - 606(2009) + b

b = 1233164

y = - 606(2020) + 1233164
y = 9044 homes
Problem 72 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The Whammo Co. has learned that by pricing a newly released Frisbee at $6, sales will
reach 2000 per day. Raising the price to $8 will cause the sales to fall to 1500 per day.
Assume that the ratio of change in price to charge in daily sales is constant and let x be the
price of the Frisbee and y the number of sales, estimate the daily sales of Frisbees if the
price is set at $7.50.

x y y = mx + b
6 2000 2000 = 6x + b
8 1500 1500 = 8x + b
7.50 ? 500 = - 2x
x = - 250
1500 = 8(- 250) + b
b = 3500

y = mx + b
y = - 250(7.5) + 3500
y = 1625

Problem 73 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The number of McDonals restaurants worldwide in 2014 was 36,258. In 2009, there were
32,478 McDonalds restaurant worldwide. Let y be the number of McDonald restaurants in
the year x, where x = 0 represents in the year x, where x = 0 represents the year 2009.
Determine the number of McDonalds restaurants worldwide in 2018.

x y y = mx + b
0 32478 32478 = m(0) + b
5 36528 b = 32478
9 ? 36258 = m(5) + + 32478
m = 756
y = mx + b
y = 756(9) + 32478
y = 39282

Problem 74 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The amount of U.S. Federal Gov’t. income y (in trillions of dollars) for fiscal year x
from 2012 to 2015, (x = 0 represents 2012) can be modeled by the linear equation
y = 0.36x + 5.04. The amount of U.S. Federal Gov’t. expenditures y (in trillions of
dollars) for the same period can be modeled by y = 0.03x + 6.03. Based on the
data from the U.S. Dept. of Treasury, in what year will the expenditures will be
equal to the income?

y = 0.03x + 6.03 (expenditures)
y = 0.36x + 5.04 (income)
0.03x + 6.03 = 0.36x + 5.04
0.33x = 0.99
x = 3 years
They will be equal in 2012 + 3 = 2015

Problem 75 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Find the equation y = ax2 + bx + c if it has ordered pair solutions (1, 6), (-1, -2) and
(0, 1), respectively.

6 = a(1)2 + b(1) + c
- 2 = a(-1)2 – b + c
Solve for a = 3
y = 3x2 + 4x - 1

Problem 76 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Keith Robinson is a chemistry teacher who needs 1 liter of a solution of 5% hydrocloric acid
(HCl) to carry out an experiment. If he only has a stock solution of 99% HCl, how much water
0% acid must be mixed to get 1 liter of 5% solution?

0% 99% 5%
x y = x+y
0(x) + 99y = 5(1)
y = 0.05
x = 1 - 0.05
x = 0.95 liter of water

Problem 77 – Mathematics (Algebra)
During the 2013-2014 regular NBA season, the top-scoring player was Kevin Durant of the
Oklahama City Thunder. Durant scored a total of 2593 points during the regular season. The
number of free throws (each worth one point) he made was 127 more than 3 times the
number of three point field goals he made. The number of 2 points field goals he made was
46 less than the number of free throws he made. How many three-point field goals did Kevin
Durant make during the 2013-2014 NBA season?

x = no. of free throws
y = no. of 2-point field goals
z = no. of 3-point field goals

x = 127 + 3z (127 + 3z) + 2(x - 46) + 3z = 2593

y = x – 46 35 + 6z + 2x = 2593
x + 2y + 3z = 2593 35 + 6z + 2(127 + 3z) = 2593
12z + 289 = 2593
z = 192

Problem 78 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Rabbits in a lab are to be kept on a strict daily deit that includes 30 grams
of protein, 16 grams of fat and 24 grams of carbohydrates. The scientist
has only three food mixes available with the following grams of nutrients
per unit.

Mixture Protein Fat Carbohydrates

Mix A 4 6 3
Mix B 6 1 2
Mix C 4 1 12

How many units of mix B are needed daily to meet each rabbit’s deitary

4A + 6B + 4C = 30
6A + B + C = 16
3A + 2B + 12C = 24
Solve for B = 3

Problem 79 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Gerry Gundersen mixes different solutions with concentrations of 25%, 40% and
50% to get 200 liters of a 32% solution. If he uses twice as much of the 25%
solution as of the 40% solution, find how many liters of 40% solution he uses.

25% 40% 50% 32%
+ + =
x y z 200
x = 2y
y = 0.5
x + 0.5x + z = 200
1.5x + z = 200
0.25x + 0.40y + 0.50z = 0.32(200)

0.25x + 0.40y + 0.50z = 0.32(200)

0.25x + 0.40(0.5x) + 0.50z = 64
0.45x + 0.50z = 64
1.5x + z = 200
0.75x + 0.50z = 100
0.45x + 0.50z = 64
0.30x = 36
x = 120
y= = 60 liters

Problem 80 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The revenue equation for a Samsonite backpack is y = 32x where x is the
number of backpacks sold and y is the income in dollars for selling x
backpacks. The cost equation for these units is y = 15x + 25500, where x
is the number of backpacks manufactured and y is the cost in dollars for
manufacturing x backpacks. Find the number of units to be sold for the
company to break even.

y = 32x
y = 15x + 2550
32x = 15x + 2550
x = 1500

Problem 81 – Mathematics (Algebra)
An F-100 plane and a Toyota truck leave the same town at sunrise and
head for a town 450 miles. The speed of the plane is three times the
speed of the truck and the plane arrives 6 hours ahead of the truck. Find
the speed of the truck.

450 450 3V
= -6 V
3V V
450 = 450(3) - 3V(6)
450 miles

V = 50 mph

Problem 1 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Find three numbers such that the second number is 3 more than twice the
first number, and the third number is four times the first number. The sum
of the three numbers is 164.

x + (2x + 3) + 4x = 164
x = 23

2x + 3 = 49

4x = 92

The three numbers are 23, 49, 92.

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Suppose that a computer store just announced an 8% decrease in the
price of a particular computer model. If this computer sells for $2162 after
the decrease, find the original price of this computer.

x – 0.08x = 2162
x = 2350

Problem 3 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A pennant in the shape of an isosceles triangle is to be constructed for the Slidell
High School Athletic Club and sold at a fund-raiser. The company manufacturing
the pennant charges according to perimeter, and the athletic club has determined
that a perimeter of 149 centimeters should make a nice profit. If each equal side of
the triangle is twice the length of the third side, increased by 12 centimeters, find
the lengths of the sides of the triangle pennant.

(2x + 12) + (2x + 12) + x = 149
x = 25

2x + 12 = 62

Therefore, the length of the sides of the triangle are 25, 62, 62.

Problem 4 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Kelsey Ohleger was helping her friend Benji Burnstine studey for an algebra exam.
Kelsey told Benji that her three latest art history quiz scores are three consecutive
even integers whose sum is 264. Help Benji find the scores.

x + (x + 2) + (x + 4) = 264
x = 86

x + 2 = 88

x + 4 = 90

The three consecutive even integers are 86, 88 and 90

Problem 5 – Mathematics (Algebra)
In 2010, 8476 earthquakes occurred in the United States. Of these, 91.4% were
minor tremors with magnitudes of 3.9 or less on the Richter scale. How many
minor earthquakes occur in the United States in 2010? Round to the nearest
whole number.

8476(0.914) = 7747

Problem 6 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Karen Estes just received an inheritance of $10,000 and plans to place all the
money in a savings account that pays 5% compounded quarterly to help her son
go to college in 3 years. How much money will be in the account in 3 years?

⎛ 0.05 ⎞
A = 10000 ⎜ 1 + = 11,607.55
⎝ 4 ⎟⎠

Problem 7 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The fastest average speed by a cyclist across the continental United States is 15.4
mph, by Pete Penseyres. If he traveled a total distance of about 3107.5 miles at
this speed find his time cycling in days, hours and minutes.

3107.5 = 15.4t
201.79 = t
t = 8 days, 9 hours, 50 minutes

Problem 8 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A serving of cashew contains 14 grams of fat, 7 grams of carbohydrate,
and 6 grams of protein. How many calories are in this serving of

C = 4h + 9f + 4p
h = number of grams of carbohydrate
f = number of grams of fat
p = number of grams of protein
C = 4(7) + 9(14) + 4(6)
C = 178 calories

Problem 9 – Mathematics (Algebra)
In the United States, the annual consumption of cigarettes is declining.
The consumption c in billions of cigarettes per year since the year 2000
can be approximated by the formula c = - 9.4t + 431 where t is the number
of years after 2000. Use this formula to predict the years that the
consumption of cigarettes will be less than 200 billion per year.

c = - 9.4(20) + 431 = 243
- 9.4t + 431 < 200
9.4t = 231
t = 24.6 say 25

The annual consumption of cigarettes will be less than 200 billion in


Problem 10 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The cost C of producing x number of scientific calculators is given by
C = 4.50x + 3000, and the revenue R from selling them is given by R = 16.50x.
Find the number of calculators that must be sold to break even.

C = 4.50x + 3000
R = 16.50x
4.50x + 3000 = 16.50x
x = 250 calculators

Problem 11 – Mathematics (Algebra)

Chine, the United States, and France are predicted to be the top tourist
destinations by 2020. In this year, the United States is predicted to have 9 million
more tourists than France, and China is predicted to have 44 million more tourists
than France. If the total number of tourist predicted for these three countries is 332
million, find the number predicted for each country in 2020.

C = no. of tourist in China
F = no. of tourist in France
U = no. of tourist in United States

C = F + 44
C + F + U = 332
F + F + 44 + 9 + F = 332
3F = 279
F = 93

C = 93 + 44 = 137
U = 9 + 93 = 102
Problem 12 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Th number of cars manufactured on an assembly line at a General Motors
plant varies jointly as the number of workers and the time they work. If 200
workers can produce 60 cars in 2 hours, find how many cars 240 workers
should be able to make in 3 hours?

60 = K(200)(2)
N= (240)(3) = 108

Problem 13 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Boyle’s law says that if the temperature stays the same, the pressure P of
a gas is inversely proportional to the volume V. If a cylinder in a steam
engine has a pressure of 960 kilopascals when the volume is 1.4 cubic
meters, find the pressure when the volume increases to 2.5 cubic meters.

k 1344
P= P= = 537.6 kPa
V 2.5
960 =
1344 = k

Problem 14 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Hooke’s law states that the distance a spring stretches is directly
proportional to the weight attached to the spring. If a 40-pound weight
attached to the spring stretches the spring 5 inches, find the distance that
a 65-pound weight attached to the spring stretches the spring.

d = kw
5 = k(40)
d = (65) = 8.125

Problem 15 – Mathematics (Algebra)
If a certain number is subtracted from the numerator and added to the
denominator of 9/19, the new fraction is equivalent to 1/3. Find the

9-n 1
19 + n 3
3(9 - n) = 19 + n
27 - 3n = 19 + n

Problem 16 – Mathematics (Algebra)
If the cost, C(x), for manufacturing x units of a certain product is given by
C(x) = x2 – 15x + 50, find the number of units manufactured at a cost of

C(x) = x2 – 15x + 50
9500 = x2 – 15x + 50
x2 – 15x – 9450 = 0
x = 105

Problem 17 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The world’s highest bridge, the Millau Viaduct in France, is 1125 feet
above the River Tarn. An object is dropped from the top of this bridge.
Neglecting air resistance, the height of the object at time t seconds is
given by the polynomial function P(t) = - 16t2 + 1125. Find the height of
the object when t = 8 seconds.

P(t) = - 16t2 + 1125
P(8) = - 16(8)2 + 1125
P(8) = 101

Problem 18 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A company that manufactures boxes recently purchased $2000 worth of
new equipment to offer gift boxes to its customers. The cost of producing
a package of gift boxes is $1.50 and it is sold for $4.00. Find the number
of packages that must be sold for the company to break even.

2000 + 1.50x = 4x
2.50x = 2000
x = 800

Problem 19 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Mr.s Laser agrees to give her son Mark an allowance of $0.1 on the first
day of his 14-day vacation, $0.20 on the second day, $0.40 on the third
day, and so on. Write an equation of a sequence whose terms correspond
to Mark’s allowance. Find the allowance Mark will receive on the last day
of his vacation.

r= =2
a n = a1 r n−1
a n = 0.1(2)n−1

a14 = 819.20

Problem 20 – Mathematics (Algebra)
If the third term of an arithmetic sequence is 23 and the eighth term is 63.
Find the sixth term.

an = a1 + (n – 1)d Solving for a1 = 7, d = 8
23 = a1 + (3 – 1)d Therefore the sixth term is
23 = a1 + 2d a6 = 7 + (6 – 1)(8)
a6 = 47
63 = a1 + (8 – 1)d
63 = a1 + 7d

Problem 21 – Mathematics (Algebra)

Find the first four terms of a geometric sequence whose first term is 8 and
whose common ratio is – 3.

an = a1 rn-1

a1 = 8

a2 = 8(-3)2-1 The four terms are 8, - 24, 72, - 216.

a2 = - 24

a3 = 8(-3)3-1
a3 = 72

Problem 22 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The research department of a company that manufactures children’s fruit
drinks is experimenting with a new flavor. A 17.5% fructose solution is
needed but only 10% and 20% solutions are available. How many gallons
of the 10% fructose solution should be mixed with the 20% solution to
obtain 20 gallons of a 17.5% fructose solution?

x y 20
10% 20% 17.5%
+ =
90% 80% 82.5%

10x + 20y = 20(17.5)

90x + 80y = 20(82.5)

Solving for:
x = 5 gallons of 10% fructose solution
y = 15 gallons of 20% fructose solution

Problem 23 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A motel in New Orleans charges $90 per day for double occupancy and
$80 per day for single occupancy during off-season. If 80 rooms are
occupied for a total of $6930, how many rooms of each kind are

Let x = no. of double room
80 – x = no. of single room

90x + 80(80 – x) = 6930

x = 53 double rooms
80 – x = 27 single rooms

Problem 24 – Mathematics (Algebra)
An endangered species of sparrow had an estimated population of 800 in
2000 and scientists predicted that its population would decrease by half
each year. Estimate the population in 2004.

an = a1 rn-1
r = 0.5
a1 = 800

an = 800(0.5)5-1
an = 50 sparrows
Problem 25 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The number of cases of new infectious disease is doubling every year such that
the number of cases is modeled by a sequence whose general term is
an = 75(2)n-1, where n is the number of the year just beginning. Find how many
cases there will be at the beginning of the sixth year. Find how many cases there
were at the beginning of the first year.

No. of cases at the beginning of the sixth year:
an = 75(2)n-1, n=6
an = 75(2)6-1
an = 2,400 cases

No. of cases at the beginning of the first year.

an = 75(2)n-1, n=1
an = 75(2)1-1
an = 75 cases

Problem 25 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Keith Robinson bought two Siamese fighting fish. But when he got home, he found
he only had one rectangular tank that was 12 in. long, 7 in. wide, and 5 in. deep.
Since the fish must be kept separated, he
12 in 7 in
needed to insert a plastic divider in the diagonal
of the tank. He already has a piece that is 5 in. in
5 in
one dimension but how long must it be to fit
corner to corner in the tank?

x2 = (7)2 + (12)2 5 in
x = 13.89 in.
Problem 26 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The value of an automobile bought in 2012 continues to decrease as time
passes. Two years after the car was bought, it was worth $20600; four
years after, it was bought, it was worth $14600.

➀ Assuming that this relationship between the number of years past

2012 and the value of the car is linear, write an equation describing
this relationship. Hint: Use ordered pairs of the form (year past 2012,
value of the automobile).
an = a1 + (n – 1)d

After 2 yrs, n = 2 After 4 yrs, n = 4

20600 = a1 + (2 – 1)d 14600 = a1 + (4 – 1)d
20600 = a1 + d 14600 = a1 + 3d

Solving for:
a1 = 23600
d = - 3000

General equation:
an = 23600 + (n – 1)(- 3000)
an = 26600 – 3000n

➁ Use this equation to estimate the value of the automobile in 2018.

At 2018, n = 6
a6 = 26600 – 3000(6)
a6 = $8600
Problem 27 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A starting salary for a consulting company is $57000 per year with
guaranteed annual increase of $2200 for the next 4 years. Write the
general term for the arithmetic sequence that models the potential annual
salaries and find the salary for the third year.

an = a1 + (n – 1)d an = 54,800 + 2200n
an = 57000 + (n – 1)(2200) when n = 3
an = 57000 + n(2200) – 2200 an = 54,800 + 2200(3)
an = 54,800 + 2200n an = $61,400

Problem 28 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Find the earthquake’s magnitude on the Richter scale if a recording
station measures an amplitude of 300 micrometers and 2.5 seconds
between waves. Assume that B is 4.2. Approximate the solution to the
nearest tenth.

⎛ a⎞
R = log ⎜ ⎟ + B
⎝ T⎠
⎛ 300 ⎞
R = log ⎜ ⎟ + 4.2
⎝ 2.5 ⎠
R = log(120) + 4.2

R = 6.3

Problem 29 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The Rogun Dam in Tajikistan (part of the former USSR) is the tallest dam
in the world at 1100 feet. How long would it take an object to fall from the
top to the base of the dam?

S = Vot + ½ at2
S = - 1100 ft.
a = - 32 ft/sec2
Vo = 0
- 1100 = 0 + ½ (- 32)t2
t = 8.29 seconds

Problem 30 – Mathematics (Algebra)
After applying a test antibiotic, the population of a bacterial culture is
reduced by one-half every day. Predict how large the culture will be at the
start of day 7 if it measures 4800 units at the beginning of day 1.

an = a1 rn-1
r = 0.5
a1 = 4800

an = 4800(0.5)7-1
an = 75 units

Problem 31 – Mathematics (Algebra)
If a radioactive element has a half-life of 3 hours, then x grams of element
dwindles to x/2 grams after 3 hours. If a nuclear reactor has 400 grams of that
radioactive element, find the amount of radioactive material after 12 hours.

an = a1 rn-1
r = 0.5 or ½
a1 = 400

an = 400(1/2)5-1
an = 25 grams

Problem 32 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A ball is dropped from a height of 20 feet and repeatedly rebounds to a height that
is 4/5 of its previous height. Find the total distance the ball covers before it comes
to rest.

Consider the problem as
infinite geometric sequence.
20 ft
r= a1 = 20 ft.
a 20
S= 1 = = 100
1 - r 1 - 4/5

Due to rebounding, double the distance minus the initial.
T = 2(100) - 20 = 180 ft.

Problem 33 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The sum of three numbers is 40. The first number is five more than the
second number. It is also twice the third. Find the numbers.

x = 1st no.
y = 2nd no.
z = 3rd no.

x + y + z = 40 (1)
x=y+5 (2)
x = 2z (3)

Convert eqn. (2) and (3) in terms of x

x = 27
z= (5)
Substitute (4) and (5) to eqn. (1)
⎡ x ⎤
⎢ x + (x - 5) + = 40 ⎥ 2
⎣ 2 ⎦
2x + 2x - 10 + x = 80
5x = 90
x = 18
y = 13

Problem 34 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The number of baby gorillas born at the San Diego Zoo is a sequence defined by
an = n(n – 1), where n is the number of years the zoo has owned gorillas. Find the
total number of baby gorillas bonr in the first 4 years.
S4 = ∑ i(i - 1)
i =1

S4 = 1(1 - 1) + 2(2 - 1) + 3(3 - 1) + 4(4 - 1)

S4 = 20

Problem 35 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A company’s cost per tee shirt for silk screening x tee shirts is given by the rational
3.2x + 400
function C(x) = . Find the cost per tee shirt.
➀ For printing 1000 tee shirts
3.2x + 400
C(x) = ; x = 1000
3.2(1000) + 400
C = $3.60

➀ For printing 100 tee shirts
3.2x + 400
C(x) = ; x = 100
3.2(100) + 400
C = $7.20
Problem 36 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Mark Keaton’s workout consists of jogging for 3 miles and then riding his
bike for 5 miles at a speed 4 miles per hour faster than he jogs. If his total
workout time is 1 hour, find his jogging speed and his biking speed.

x = speed in jogging t1 = time in jogging
x + 4 = speed in biking t2 = time in biking
v= t1 + t 2 = 1 x = 6 mph jogging speed
d 3 5
t= + =1 x + 4 = 10 mph biking speed
v x x +4

Problem 37 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Suppose that an open box is to be made from a square sheet of
cardboard by cutting out squares from each corner as shown and then
folded along the dotted lines. If the box is to have a volume of 128 cubic
inches, find the original dimensions of the sheet of cardboard.

Assume cut-out of 2 in. by 2 in.
V=l x w x h
128 = (x – 4)(x – 4)(2)
x = 12 in.

Therefore, 12 in. by 12 in.

Problem 38 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A sprinkler that sprays water in a circular pattern is to be used to water a
square garden. If the area of the garden is 920 square feet, find the
smallest whole number radius that the sprinkler can be adjusted to so that
the entire garden is watered.

920 = x 2
x = 30.33 ft.
2 2
2 ⎛ x⎞ ⎛ x⎞ Sprinkler
r =⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2⎠

r = 21.45 ≈ 22 ft. x

Problem 39 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Gary Marcus and Tony Alva work at Lombardo’s Pipe and Concrete.
Mr. Lombardo is preparing an estimate for a customer. He knows that
Gary can lay 4 slab of concrete in 6 hours. Tony can lay the same size
slab in 4 hours. If both work on the job and the cost of labor is $45.00 per
hour, determine what the labor estimate should be.

⎛ 1 1⎞
⎜⎝ 6 + 4 ⎟⎠ t = 1

t = 2.4 hours
Labor estimate = 2.4(45) = $108
Problem 40 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The average speed of the winner Meb Keflezighi during the 2014 Boston
Marathon was 1.46 kilometers per hour faster than the first female to
cross the finish line, Rita Jeptoo. If Keflezighi ran 29.52 kilometers in the
time that Jeptoo ran 27.33 kilometers, find the speed of Jeptoo, rounded
to the nearest tenth.

x = Rita’s speed t1 = time of Meb
x + 1.46 = Meb’s speed t2 = time of Rita
v= t1 = t 2
d 29.52 27.33
t= =
v x + 1.46 x
x = 18.22 = 18.2 km / hr

Problem 41 – Mathematics (Algebra)

Hertz Car Rental Agency charges $25 daily plus 10 cents per mile. Budget
charges $20 daily plus 25 cents per mile. Find the daily mileage for which
the Budget charge for the day is twice that of the Hertz charge for the day.

2(25 + 0.10x) = (20 + 0.25x)
5x = 30
x = 600 mi.

Problem 42 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The maximum weight that a rectangular beam can support varies jointly as its
width and the square of its height and inversely as its length. If a beam ½ foot
wide, 1/3 foot high and 10 feet long can support 12 tons. Find 2/3 foot wide, ½ foot
high, and 16 feet long.

Let W = weight D = height
B = width L = length
2 ( 1 )2
BD2 3 2
W =K W = 2160 • = 22.5 tons
L 16
WL 12(10)
K= = 1 1 2 = 2160
BD2 2(3)

Problem 43 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The intensity of light (in foot-candles) varies inveresely as the square of x, the
distance in feet from the light source. The intensity of light 2 feet from the source is
80-foot candles. How far away is the source if the intensity of light is 5 foot

Let I = intensity of light
x = distance in feet from the light source
I= 2
k = I x 2 = 80(2)2 = 320
5= 2
x = 8 feet
Problem 44 – Mathematics (Algebra)
In 2010, 9 out of 20 top grossing movies were rated PG-13. At this rate,
how many movies in a year with 599 releases would you predict to be
rated PG-13? Round to the nearest whole movie.

Rate of PG-13 movies =
No. of PG-13 movies in a year = (599) = 269.55

Problem 45 – Mathematics (Algebra)
If the voltage V in an electric circuit is held constant, the current I is inversely
proportional to the resistance R. If the current is 20 amperes when the resistance
is 20 ohms, find the current when the resistance is 150 ohms.

⎛ 1⎞
I = V⎜ ⎟
⎝ R⎠
V = IR
If V is held constant,
I1 R1 = I2 R 2
20(20) = I2 (150)

I2 =

Problem 46 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Smith Engineering is in the process of reviewing the salaries of their surveyors.
During this review, the company found that an experienced surveyor can survey a
roadbed in 4 hours. An apprentice surveyor needs 5 hours to survey the same
stretch of road. If the two work together, find how long it takes them to complete
the job.

Rate Time Spent Part of work done
Experienced ¼ t t/4
Apprentice 1/5 t t/5
Total work done = 1

t t
+ =1
4 5

t = 2.22 hours

Problem 47 – Mathematics (Algebra)
An experienced brick layer can construct a small wall in 3 hours. An apprentice
can complete the job in 6 hours. Find how long it takes if they work together.

Rate Time Spent Part of work done
Experienced 1/3 t t/3
Apprentice 1/6 t t/6
Total work done = 1

t t
+ =1
3 6

t = 2 hours
Problem 48 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The speed of Lazy River’s current is 5 mph. If a boat travels 20 miles downstream
in the same time that it takes to travel 10 miles upstream, find the speed of the
boat in still water.
D = Vt
Vdownstream = Vstill + 5 mph
Vupstream = Vstill - 5 mph
Going downstream: ( )
20 miles = Vstill + 5 mph (t 1 )
Going upstream: ( )
10 miles = Vstill - 5 mph (t 2 )
t1 = t 2

20 10
Vstill + 5 Vstill - 5
Vstill = 15 mph

Problem 49 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The sum of the reciprocals of two consecutive integers is 75/56. Find the two
x = first integer
x + 1 = second integer
1 1 - 15
+ =
x x + 1 56
x = -8
x + 1 = -7
Problem 50 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Two trains going in opposite directions leave at the same time. One train travels
15 mph faster than the other. In 6 hours, the trains are 630 miles apart. Find the
speed of each.

V1 = speed of first train
V2 = V1 + 15 = speed of second train
t = 6 hours
D1 = distance traveled by the first train
D2 = 630 – D1 = distance by the second train
D1 = V1 (6) --- ➀
D2 = V2 (6)
630 – D1 = (V1 + 15)(6) ---➁
630 - V1 (6) = (V1 + 15)(6)
V1 = 45 mph
V2 = V1 + 15 = 60 mph

Problem 51 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A giant tortoise can travel 0.17 miles in 1 hour. At this rate, how long would it take
the tortoise to travel 1 mile? (Round to the nearest tenth of an hour)

D = Vt
D 0.17
V= = = 0.17 miles/hour
t 1
Time it takes to travel 1 mile
D 1 mile
t= = = 5.88 hours
V 0.17 mile/hour

Problem 52 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A local dairy has three machines to fill half-gallon milk cartons. The machines can
fill the daily quota in 5 hours, 6 hours and 7.5 hours, respectively. Find how long it
takes to fill the daily quota if all three machines are running.

Rate Time Spent Part of work done
1 1/5 x x/5
2 1/6 x x/6
3 1/7.5 x x/7.5
Total work done = 1

x x x
+ + =1
5 6 7.5

x = 2 hours

Problem 53 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A denominator of a fraction is 1 more than the numerator. If both the numerator
and the denominator are decreased by 3, the resulting fraction is equivalent to 4/5.
Find the fraction.

x = numerator
x + 1 = denominator
(x) - 3 4
(x + 1) - 3 5
x =7
x 7
x +1 8

Problem 54 – Mathematics (Algebra)
In 2 minutes, a conveyor belt can move 300 pounds of recyclable aluminum from
the delivery truck to a storage area. A smaller belt can move the same quantity of
cans the same distance in 6 minutes. If both belts are used, find how long it takes
to move the cans to the storage area.
300 pounds
Rate of big = = 150 pounds/min.
2 minutes
300 pounds
Rate of small = = 50 pounds/min.
6 minutes
150t + 50t = 300

t = 1.5 minutes

Problem 55 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A plane flies 465 miles with the wind and 345 miles against the wind in the same
length of time. If the speed of the wind is 20 mph, find the speed of the plane in
still air.
D1 = Dwith the wind = 465 miles at time t
D2 = Dagainst the wind = 345 miles at time t
D1 = V1 t D2 = V2 t
V1 = Vst + 20 V2 = Vst - 20
D1 D2
V1 V2

465 345
Vst + 20 Vst - 20
Vst = 135 mph
Problem 56 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Two joggers, one averaging 8 mph and one averaging 6 mph, start from a
designated initial point. The slower jogger arrives at the end of the run a
half-hour after the jogger. Find the distance of the run.

First jogger: Second jogger:
D1 = distance for 1st jogger D2 = distance for 2nd jogger
V1 = 8 mph for 1st jogger V2 = 6 mph for 2nd jogger
t1 = time for 1st jogger t2 = time for 2nd jogger
t2 = t1 + ½
D1 = V1 t1 = 8t1 D2 = V2 t2 = 6(t1 + ½)

Equate D1 = D2
8t1 = 6(t1 + ½)
t1 = 1.5 hours
D = 8(1.5) = 12 miles

Problem 57 – Mathematics (Algebra)
The initial size of a virus culture is 6 munits and it triples its size every day.
Find the general term of the geometric sequence that models the culture’s

an = a1 rn-1
an = 6(3)n-1

Problem 58 – Mathematics (Algebra)
Jose takes a job that offers a monthly salary of P4000 and guarantees him a
monthly raise of P125 during his first year of training. Find the general term of the
arithmetic sequence and his monthly salary at the end of his training.
an = a1 + (n – 1)d
an = 4000 + (n – 1)(125)
an = 3875 + 125n
Salary at the end of his training:
an = 4000 + (12 – 1)(125)
an = P5375

Problem 59 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A triangular display of cans in a grocery store has 20 cans in the first row, 17 cans
in the second row and so on, in an arithmetic sequence.
➀ Find the number of cans in the 5th row.
a1 = 20
d = 17 – 20 = - 3
a5 = a1 + 4d
a5 = 20 + 4(- 3) = 8 cans
➁ Find the number of cans in the 5th row.
an = 2 a1 = 20 d=-3
an = a1 + (n – 1)d
2 = 20 + (n – 1)(- 3)
0 = 18 – 3n + 3
3n = 21
n = 7 rows
➂ No. of cans in the top row = 2
Problem 60 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 486 ft., and it continues to
bounce one-third the height from which it last fell. Find the general term
for this geometric sequence. Find how many bounces it takes for the ball
to rebound less than 1 foot?


a2 = = 162 a1 = 486
a3 = = 54
54 1
r= =
162 3
No. of bounces = 6
when n = 6
a n = a1 r n−1
162 54 18 2/3 < 1
5 6
⎛ 1⎞ 2
a n = 486 ⎜ ⎟ = 2
⎝ 3⎠ 1 2 3 4 5 6

⎛ 1⎞
a n = 486 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 3⎠
an =
Use n = 6 bounces
Problem 61 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A small theater has 10 rows with 12 seats in the first row, 15 seats in the
second row, 18 seats in the 3rd row and so on. Write an equation whose
term corresponds to the seats in each row.

a1 = 12 a2 = 15 a3 = 18 a4 = 21
a5 = 24 a6 = 27 a7 = 30 a8 = 33 (check)

d = 15 – 12 = 3
an = a1 + (n – 1)d
an = 12 + (n – 1)(3)
an = 9 + 3n
an = 9 + 3(8) = 33

Problem 62 – Mathematics (Algebra)
A grant from an alumnus to a university specified that the university was to
receive $800,000 during the first year and 75% of the preceding years
donation during each of the following 5 years. Find the total amount
donated during the 6 years.
a1 = 800000 r = 0.75 n=6
a(1 - r n )
1- r
800000 ⎡⎣1 - (0.75)6 ⎤⎦
S= = $2,630,468.75
1 - 0.75

Problem 1 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A hunter wished to take his one-piece rifle on a train . . . .
Answer: Put it diagonally in a cubical box 1 yard on a side

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Stations A and B are 120 miles apart on a single-track railroad. . . .

Answer: 300 miles

Problem 3 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A man walks one mile south, one mile west, then one mile north, ending
where he began. . .

Answer: Infinite

Problem 4 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A bricklayer has 8 bricks, seven of the bricks . . .

Answer: 3, 3, 2

Problem 5 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Maynard’s grandfather clock is driven by two weights. . . .

Answer: 9 p.m. or 3 p.m.

Problem 6 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Dr. Furbisher LaRouche, the noted mathematician. . . .

Answer: 10 cents/number

Problem 7 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Assuming the sun rises at 6:00 a.m. and sets at 6:00 p.m….

Answer: Align the hour hand with south azimuth

Problem 8 – Mathematics (Statistics)
The numbers are divided into three groups as follows…

Answer: 15 and 16 in the 3rd group,

17 in the 2nd group

Problem 9 – Mathematics (Statistics)
In a fast Major Legue baseball game, pitcher Hi N…

Answer: 25 pitches

Problem 10 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Determine the next three terms of the sequence 12, 1, 1, 1. . . .

Answer: 2, 1, 3

Problem 11 – Mathematics (Statistics)
The least number of links that must be disengaged from a 23-link chain…

Answer: 4th and 11th

Problem 12 – Mathematics (Statistics)
State University won their first football game of the season 17 to 0…

Answer: 0, 3, 6, 8

Problem 13 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A chemist has three large test tubes and a beaker with 54 cc of elixir...

Answer: 50

Problem 14 – Mathematics (Statistics)
How many colors are necessary for the squares of a chessboard…

Answer: 8 colors

Problem 15 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A neat computer programmer wears a clean shirt every day…

Answer: 15 shirts

Problem 16 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Passenger on an excursion bus consisted of 14 married couples…

Answer: 18 children, 8 couples

Problem 17 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Very few people are aware of the growth pattern of Jack’s beanstalk…

Answer: 198 days

Problem 18 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Six boys on a hockey team pick a captain by forming a circle…
Answer: 10

Problem 19 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A jig-saw puzzle contains 100 pieces…

Answer: 99

Problem 20 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A novice librarian shelved a twelve volume set of encyclopedias ….

Answer: Between 10 and 3

Problem 21 – Mathematics (Statistics)
“Four” in English, “Cinco” in Spanish…
Answer: Each of these numbers is equal to the number of letters in
its name

Problem 22 – Mathematics (Statistics)
What operation can be performed three successive times on a solid
Answer: Turning

Problem 23 – Mathematics (Statistics)
The simple substitution cipher message was worked out o a blackboard
and accidentally erased…
Answer: ASYLU

Problem 24 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A safe has 3 dials shown above. It will open only when a three-letter
Answer: PYX

Problem 25 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A lighthouse shows successive one-second flashes of red, white, green,
green, white, red…
Answer: 1/6
Problem 26 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Four players played a hand of hearts at $1 a point…

Answer: 4

Problem 27 – Mathematics (Statistics)
In a memorable game with the Podunk Polecasts…

Answer: 30

Problem 28 – Mathematics (Statistics)
Mary Ann Moore’s father has a yatch and so has each of his 4 friends…

Answer: Downing

Problem 29 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A Solid State Physicist gives a small stag party…

Answer: 2 including the host

Problem 30 – Mathematics (Statistics)
A rich farmer had 15 childern by his first wife and 15 by his second wife…

Answer: second wife

Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability
1. A drawer contains red socks and black socks. When two socks 7. The game of craps, played with two dice, is one of America’s
are drawn at random, the probability that both are red is ½. fastest and most popular gambling games. Calculating the odds
associated with it is an instructive exercise.
a) How small can the number of socks in the drawer be? The rules are these. Only totals for the two dice count. The player
Answer: 4 throws the dice and wins at once if the total for the first throw is 7
or 11, loses at once if it is 2, 3, or 12. Any other throw is called his
b) How small if the number of black socks is even? “point”. If the first throw is a point, the player throws the dice
Answer: 21 repeatedly until he either wins by throwing his point again or
loses by throwing 7. What is the player’s chance to win?

2. A three-man jury has two members each of whom independently Answer: 8/36
has probability p of making the correct decision and a third
member who flips a coin for each decision (majority rules). A
one-man jury has probability p of making the correct decision. 8. An urn contains 10 black balls and 10 white balls, identical
Which jury has the better probability of making the correct except for color. You choose “black” or “white”. One ball is
decision? drawn at random, and if its color matches your choice, you get
$10, otherwise nothing. Write down the maximum amount you are
Answer: The 2 juries have identical probability willing to pay to play the game. The game will be played just
Answer: What we cans ay is that you should be willing to pay at
3. In a common carnival game, a player tosses a penny from a least as much to play the second game as the first.
distance of about 5 feet onto the surface of a table ruled in 1-inch
squares. If the penny (3/4 inch in diameter) falls entirely inside a
square, the player receives 5 cents but does not get his penny
9. Two strangers are separately asked to choose one of the positive
back; otherwise he loses his penny. If the penny lands on the
whole numbers and advised that if they both choose the same
table, what is his chance to win?
number, they both get a prize. If you were one of these people,
what number would you choose?
Answer: 1/16
Answer: 1

4. Chuck-a-Luck is a gambling game often played at carnivals and

gambling houses. A player may bet on any one of the numbers 1,
10. Two strangers who have a private recognition signal agree to
2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Three dice are rolled. If the player’s number appears
meet on a certain Thursday at 12 noon in New York City, a town
on one, two or three of the dice, he receives respectively one,
familiar to neither, to discus an important business deal, but later
two, or three times his original stake plus his own money back;
they discover that they have not chosen a meeting place, and
otherwise he loses his stake. What is the player’s expected loss
neither can reach the other because both have embarked on
per unit stake? (Actually the player may distribute stakes on
several numbers, but each such stake can be regarded as a
separate bet.) Answer: Empire State Building

Answer: 8%/day
11. Three prisoners, A, B, and C, with apparently equally good
records have applied for parole. The parole board has decided to
5. Mr. Brown always bets a dollar on the number 13 at roulette release two of the three, and the prisoners know this but not
against the advice of Kind Friend. To help cure Mr. Brown of which two. A warder friend of prisoner A knows who are to be
playing roulette, Kind Friend always bets Brown $20 at even released. Prisoner A realizes that it would be unethical to as the
money that Brown will be behind at the end of 36 plays. How is warder if he, A, is to be released, but thinks of asking for the
the cure working? name of the one prisoner other than himself who is to be
(Most American roulette wheels have 38 equally likely numbers. If released. He thinks that before he asks, his chances of release
the player’s number comes up, he is paid 35 times his stake and are 2/3. He thinks that if the warder says “B” will be released,” his
gets his original stake back; otherwise he loses his stake.) own chances have now gone down to ½, because neither A and B
or B and C are to be released. And so A decides not to reduce
Answer: Kind Friend will be cured first. his chances by asking. However, A is mistaken in his
calculations. Explain.
Answer: Prob. of A’s release = 2/3
6. We often read of someone who has been dealt 13 spades at
bridge. With a well-shuffled pack of cards, what is the chance
that you are dealt a perfect hand (13 of one suit)? (Bridge is
played with an ordinary pack of 52 cards, 13 in each of 4 suits, 12. Coupons in cereal boxes are numbered 1 to 5, and a set of one of
and each of 4 players is dealt 13.) each is required for a prize. With one coupon per box, how many
boxes on the average are required to make a complete set?
Answer: 52 x 12! Answer: 11.42
Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability
13. Eight eligible bachelors and seven beautiful models happen 20. If a chord is selected at random on a fixed circle, what is the
randomly to have purchased single seats in the same 15-seat row probability that its length exceeds the radius of the circle?
of a theater. On the average, how many pairs of adjacent seats
are ticketed for marriageable couples? a) Assume that the distance of the chord from the center of the
circle is evenly (uniformly) distributed from 0 to r.
Answer: 7 7/15 Answer: 0.866

b) Assume that the midpoint of the chord is evenly distributed over

14. A tennis tournament has 8 players. The number a player draws the interior of the circle.
from a hat decides his first-round rung in the tournament ladder. Answer: 0.75
Suppose that the best player always defeats the next best and
that the latter always defeats all the rest. The loser of the finals c) Assume that the chord is determined by two points chosen so
gets the runner-up cup. What is the chance that the second-best that their positions are independently evenly distributed over the
player wins the runner-up cup? circumference of the original circle.
Answer: 2/3
Answer: 4/7

21. Duels in the town of Discretion are rarely fatal. There, each
15. Suppose King Arthur holds a jousting tournament where the contestant comes at a random moment between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m.
jousts are in pairs as in a tennis tournament. The 8 knights in the on the appointed day and leaves exactly 5 minutes later, honor
tournament are evenly matched, and they include the twin served, unless his opponent arrives within the time interval and
knights Balin and Balan. What is the chance that the wins meet in then they fight. What fraction of duels lead to violence?
a match during the tournament?
Answer: 1/4 Answer: 1/6

16. When 100 coins are tossed, what is the probability that exactly 50 22. The king’s minter boxes his coins 100 to a box. In each box he
are heads? puts 1 false coin. The king suspects the minter and from each of
100 boxes draws a random coin and has it tested. What is the
Answer: 0.08 chance the minter’s peculations go undetected?

Answer: 0.366
17. A, B, and C are to fight a three-cornered pistol duel. All know that
A’s chance of hitting his target is 0.3, C’s is 0.5, and B never
misses. They are to fire at their choice of target in succession in 23. The king’s minter boxes his coins n to a box. Each box contains
the order A, B, C, cyclically (but a hit man loses further turns and m false coins. The king suspects the minter and randomly draws
is no longer shot at) until only one man is left unhit. What should 1 coin from each of n boxes and has these tested. What is the
A’s strategy be? chance that the sample of n coins contains exactly r false ones?

Answer: So A fires his first shot into the ground and then tries to e - mmr
hit B with his next shot. Answer:

18. Two urns contain red and black balls, all alike except for color.
24. Airborne spores produce tiny mold colonies on gelatin plates in a
Urn A has 2 reds and 1 black, and Urn B has 101 reds and 100
laboratory. The many plates average 3 colonies per plate. What
blacks. An urn is chosen at random, and you win a prize if you
fraction of plates has exactly 3 colonies? If the average is a large
correctly name the urn on the basis of the evidence of two balls
integer m, what fraction of plate has exactly m colonies?
drawn from it. After the first ball is drawn and its color reported,
you can decide whether or not the ball shall be replaced before
Answer: 0.224
the second drawing. How do you order the second drawing and
how do you decide on the urn?

Answer: Therefore if red is drawn first replace it before drawing 25. A bread salesman sells on the average 20 cakes on a round of his
again. route. What is the chance that he sells an even number of cakes?
(We assume the sales follow the Poisson distribution.)

Answer: 0.568
19. In an election, two candidates, Albert and Benjamin, have in a
ballot box a and b votes respectively, a > b, for example, 3 and 2.
If ballots are randomly drawn and tallied, what is the chance that
at least once after the first tally the candidates have the same
number of tallies?
Answer: 0.08
Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability
26. What is the least number of persons required if the probability 33. You have looked a 5 locomotives and the largest number
1 observed is 60. Guess how many locomotives the company has.
exceeds that two or more of them have the same birthday?
Answer: 78
(Year of birth need not match.)

Answer: 23
34. If a stick is broken in two at random what is the average length of
the smaller piece? What is the average ratio of the smaller length
to the larger?
27. You want to find someone whose birthday matches yours. What
is the least number of strangers whose birthdays you need to ask
about to have a 50-50 chance? 1
Answer: of its length, ratio is .386
Answer: 253

35. A game consist of a sequence of plays; on each play either you

28. If r persons compare birthdays in the pairings problem, the or your opponents scores a point, you with probability p (less
probability is PR that at least to have the same birthday. What 1
should be in the personal birth problem to make your probability than ) he with probability 1-p. The number of plays is to be
of success approximately PR?
even -2 or 4 or 6 and so on. To win the game you must get more
than half the points. You know p say 0.45, and you get a price if
r(r −1) you win. You get to choose in advance the number of plays. How
2 many do you choose?

Answer: 10
29. At Las Vegas, a man with 20 dollars needs 40 dollars, but he is
too embarrassed to wire his wife for more money. He decides to
invest in roulette(which he doesn’t enjoy playing) and is 36. From a shuffled deck cards are laid out on the table one at a time,
considering two strategies :bet the 20dollars on ‘evens’ all at face up from left to right, and then another deck is laid out so that
once and quit if he wins or loses or bet on evens one dollar at a each of its cards is beneath a card of the first deck. What is the
time until he has won or lost 20 dollars .Compare the merits of average number of matches of the card above and the card below
the strategies. in repetitions of this experiment ?

Answer: if he beats 20 dollars at once and quits gives him the Answer: 1
probability of 0.474
If he beats 1dollar at a time until he has won 20 dollars gives him
the probability of 0.11 37. The king to test a candidate for the position of wise man, offers
him a chance to marry the young lady in the court with the
largest dowry. The amounts of the dowries are written on slips of
1 paper and mixed. A slip is drawn at random and the wise man
30. How thick should a coin be to have chance of landing on must decide whether that is the largest dowry or not, If he
decides it is, he gets the lady and her dowry if he is correct;
otherwise he gets nothing. If he decides against the amount
written on the first slip, he must choose or refuse the next slip,
Answer : 35% as thick as the diameter of coin
and so until he chooses one or else the slips are exhausted. In
all, 100 attractive young ladies participates, each with a different
dowry how should the wise man make his decision.
31. Shuffle an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards containing four
aces. Then turn up cards from the top until the first ace appears. Answer: The king draw the slips to the wise man only the rank of
On the average, How many cards are required to produce the first a slip among those drawn thus far. Only a slip that has the
ace? largest dowry thus far is worth considering, call such a dowry a
Answer: 10.6th card

38. Starting from an origin O, a particle has a 50-50 chance of moving

1 step north or 1 step south, and also a 50-50 chance of moving
32. A railroad numbers its locomotives in order, 1,2,….N. One day one step east or 1 step west. After the step is taken, the move is
you see a locomotive and its number is 60. Guess how many repeated from the new position and so on indefinitely. What is
locomotives the company has? the chance that the particle returns to the origin?

Answer: 119 Answer: probability to return to the origin is P = 1

Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability
39. As in the two dimensional walk, a particle starts at an origin 0 in
three space. Think of the origin as centered in a cube 2 units on a
side. One move in this walk sends the particle with equal
likelihood to one of the eight corners of the cube. Thus, at every

move the particle has a 50-50 chance of moving one unit up or
down, one unit east or west, and one unit north or south if the
walk continues forever , find the fraction of particles that returns
to the origin.

Answer 0.239

40. Suppose we toss a needle of length 21 (less than 1) on a grid with

both horizontal and vertical rulings spaced one unit apart. What
is the mean number of lines the needle crosses?(I have dropped
2a for the spacing because we might as well think of the length of
the needle as measured in units of spacing.)

Answer: 1.27

41. Two urns contain the same total numbers of balls, some blacks
( )
and some whites in each. From each urn are drawn n >3 balls
with replacement. Find the number of drawings and the
composition of the two urns so that the probability that all white
balls are drawn from the first urn is equal to the probability that
the drawing from the second is either all whites or all blacks.

Answer: zn = xn + yn
Where z = the number of white balls in the first urn and x = the
number of whites and y = the numbers of blacks in the second.
Problem 1 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
Towers A and B stand on a level ground. From the top of tower A which is
30 m. high the angle of elevation of the top of tower B is 48˚. From the
same point the angle of depression of the foot of tower B is 26˚. What is
the height of tower B in meters?
Solution: D
30 42˚ 48˚ 74˚
Sin 26˚ = BC C
BC = 68.435 26˚
h 68.435 30
Sin 74˚ Sin 42˚
h = 98.3 m. 26˚

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
From the top of a building, the angles of depression of points A and B are
21˚ and 32˚ respectively. Points A and B are 100 m. apart and are of the
same elevation as the foot of the building. How high is the building.

Solution: C
21˚ 32˚
100 BC
Sin 11˚ Sin 21˚ 11˚
BC = 187.82 m. h
h = 187.82 Sin 32˚
h = 99.5 m.
21˚ 32˚

Problem 3 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
A car travels from point C northward for one hour then eastward for half
an hour, the shifted N. 30˚ E. If the constant speed of the car is 40 kph,
how far directly from point C will it be after 2 hours?

Solution: 20t
20 sin 60˚
(CF)2 = (30)2 + (57.32)2 30˚ =17.32
CF = 64.7 km. 57.32
20 60˚

30 G 40
20 cos 60º=10


Problem 4 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
A building and a tower stands 80 m. apart on a horizontal. At a point
midway between them, the angles of elevation of the top of the building
and the tower are complimentary. If the tower is 60 m. high, what is the
height of the building?

h θ
tan θ = 40
40 h
tan θ =
θ 90-θ
h 40
40 60
40 40
h = 26.7 m.

Problem 5 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The angles of elevation of the top of a tower at two points 30 m. and 80
m. from the foot of the tower, on a horizontal line, are complimentary.
What is the height of the tower?

h θ
tan θ =
tan θ = h
h 30 θ 90-θ
80 h
h = 49 m. 50 30

Problem 6 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
A ship sailed in the direction of S. 42˚ W. at a speed of 15 nautical miles
per hours. Two hours later another ship left the same port in the
direction of N.60˚W. at a speed of 18 nautical miles per hour. After how
many hours will the second ship be directly North of the first ship?

Solution: 18
15 t + 30 18 t 60˚ 60˚ 60˚ 60˚
Sin 60˚ = Sin 42˚
10.04 t + 20.07 = 15.59 t 78˚ 78˚
t = 3.62 hrs.

42˚ 42˚





42˚ 42˚


Problem 7 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
A triangle has two known sides, namely AB = 40 m, AC = 60 m. Point D is
on line AB such that AD = 25 m. Point E is on the line AC such that the
area ADE is one third of the area of ABC. How far is E from A?

Solution: B
40 (60) Sin θ 1 25 x Sin θ
( ) = D
2 3 2
x = 32 cm. from A. θ
A x E C


Problem 8 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The perimeter of triangle ABC = 180 m. A = 46.567˚, B = 104.478˚, what is
the dimension of the side opposite the biggest angle?

Solution: B
P Sin B
b = Sin A + Sin B + Sin C
180 Sin 104.478˚ 104.478˚
Sin 46.567˚ + Sin 104.478˚ + Sin 28.955˚ c a
b = 80 m.

46.567˚ 28.955˚

Problem 9 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
In triangle ABC, AB = 15 m, BC = 18 m, and CA = 24 m. How far is the
point of intersection of the angular bisectors from vertex C?

S= 2
18 + 24 + 15 B
S = 28.5
S - a = 10.5
r a=18
S - b = 4.5 r
S - c = 13.5
A r
A = S (S - a)(S - b)(S - c) θ
A = 28.5 (10.5)(4.5)(13.5) b=24 θ

A = 134.83 m2 C
134.83 = r (28.5)
r = 4.73

Using Cosine Law:
(15)2 = (18)2 + (24)2 - 2(18)(24) Cos C
C = 38.62˚
2θ = 38.62˚
θ = 19.31˚
Sin 19.31 = OC
OC = Sin 19.31˚
OC = 14.30 m.

Problem 10 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The sum of two angles is 1600 mils and their difference is 40
grads. Find the value of the bigger angle in degrees.

6400 mils = 360˚
400 grds = 360˚
40 grds = 36˚
1600 mils = 90˚

x + y = 90
x - y = 36
2x = 126
x = 63˚

Problem 11 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The sum of interior angles of a pentagon is _____.

Sum = (n - 2) 180
Sum = (5 - 2) 180
Sum = 540˚
Problem 12 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The angles of elevation of the top of a tower were observed from
points A and B which lie on a horizontal line passing through the
foot of the tower. B is 5 m. away from the tower. A and B are 8
m. apart. The angle at B is twice as much as that at A. How high
is the tower?


tan θ = 13 θ
tan 2θ = 5
A θ B 2θ
2 tan θ C
tan 2θ =
1 - tan2 θ 8m 5m
h (2) (13)
5 = h 2
1 - (13)
(2) 13 (13)2
5 = (13)2 - h2
1 2(13)
5 (13)2 - h2
130 = 169 - h2
h = 6.24

Problem 13 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
In the spherical triangle ABC, A = 116˚19', B = 55˚30' and
C = 80˚37'. Find the values of a.

Cos A = -Cos B Cos C+Sin B Sin C Cos a
Cos 116˚19' = - Cos 55˚30' Cos 80˚37' + Sin 55˚30' Sin 80˚37' Cos a
a = 115.57˚

Problem 14 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
Determine the area of the spherical triangle ABC if A = 140˚,
B = 75˚, C = 86˚ and r = 40 m.

E = A + B + C - 180
E = 140 + 75 + 86 - 180
E = 121˚
π r2 E
Area = 180

π (40)2 (121)
Area = 180
Area = 3379 m2

Problem 15 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
In triangle ABC, AB = 30 m, BC = 36 m, and AC = 48 m. The perpendicular
bisectors of the sides intersect at point P. How far is P from side BC?

S= 2 B
36 + 48 + 30
S= 2 15 18
S = 57 r
c=30 a=36
d1 d2
S - a = 21 15 P
r d3 r
S - c = 27 A C
24 b=48 24

A = S (S - a)(S - b)(S - c)
A = 57 (21)(9)(27)
A = 539.32 m

A = 4r

36 (48)(30)
539.32 =
r = 24.03

2 2 2
d1 = (24.03) - (18)
d1 = 15.92 m. from side BC

Problem 16 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
A right triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 7.5 cm. One of its sides is
15 cm. long and its area is 54 The length of one side is _____ .

A= 2

xy B
54 =
xy = 108 y x
x2 + y2 = (15)2
x2 + y2 = 225
x2 + ( 108
x ) 2
= 225

x4 + 11664 = 225 x2
x4 - 225x2 + 11664 = 225x2
x4 - 225x2 + 11664 = 0

Let a = x2
a2 = x4
a2 - 225a + 11664 = 0
a = 144
144 = x2
x = 12
y = 12


Problem 17 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The area of an isosceles triangle is 86 The interior angle between
equal sides is 32˚. Find the length of the shortest side.

b2 Sin A Sin C
Area = 2 Sin B

b2 Sin 74˚ Sin 74˚

86 = 2 Sin 32˚
c=a a=c

b = 9.93 m.

74˚ 74˚


Problem 18 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
In triangle BCD, BC = 25 m. and CD = 10 m. Compute the perimeter of
the triangle. D

BD = 34 < 35
Perimeter = 34 + 25 + 10 C
Perimeter = 69 25

Problem 19 – Mathematics (Trigonometry & Plane Geometry)
The interior angles of a triangle are A, B and C.
If tan A tan B tan C = 12, find the value of tan A + tan B + tan C.

tan A + tan B + tan C = tan A tan B tan C
tan A + tan B + tan C = 12
Problem 18 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Find the value of xo prescribe in Rolles theorem for f(x) = x3 – 12x on the interval
0≤x≤2 3 .

f(x) = x3 – 12x
y = x3 – 12x
y’ = 3x2 – 12 = 0
Then xo = 2

Problem 19 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Find the value of xo prescribed by the law of the mean given f(x) = 3x2 + 4x – 3,
a = 1, b = 3.

From the law of mean:
f(b) - f(a) f '(x o ) when g(x o ) = x 12 this becomes the law of mean
g(b) - g(a) g'(x o ) g'(x) = 1
f(a) = f(1) = 3(1)2 + 4(1) - 3 36 - 4 6x o + 4
f(a) = 4 =
3-1 1
f(b) = f(3) = 3(3)2 + 4(3) - 3 32 6x o + 4
f(b) = 36 2 1
f '(x o ) = 6x o + 4 6x o + 4 = 16

g'(x o ) = 1 6x o = 12
g(b) - g(a) = 3 - 1 = 2 xo = 2

Problem 20 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A circular hole 4 in. in diameter and 1 ft. deep in a metal block is rebored
to increase the diameter to 4.12 in. Estimate the amount of metal

Let x = radius of circular hole
V = 12π x 2
f(x) = 12π x 2 f '(x) = 24πx o
b = 2.06 in.
a = 2.0 in.
b - a = 0.6
f(2.06) - f(2)
= 24πx o
2.06 - 2
2 < x o < 2.06 take x o = 2
f(2.06) - f(2)
= 24πx o
2.06 - 2.0
= 24π (2)
f(2.06) - f(2) = 0.06(24)π(2)
f(2.06) - f(2) = 2.88 π

Problem 21 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Find the value of xo as prescribed by the generalized law of the mean,
given f(x) = 3x + 2, g(x) = x2 + 1, 1 ≤ x ≤ 4.

f(b) - f(a) f '(x o )
g(b) - g(a) g'(x o )
f(b) = f(4)
f(b) - f(a) f '(x o )
f(4) = 3(4) + 2 = 14 =
g(b) - g(a) g'(x o )
f(a) = f(1)
14 - 5 3
f(1) = 3(1) + 2 = 5 =
17 - 2 2x o
g(b) = (4)2 + 1 = 17 9 3
g(a) = (1)2 + 1 = 2 15 2x o
f(x) = 3x + 2 3 3
f '(x o ) = 3 5 2x o

g(x) = x 2 + 1 5
xo =
g '(x) = 2x

Problem 1 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A rocket is fired into the air, and its height in meters at any given time t
can be calculated using the formula h(t) = 1600 + 196t – 4.9t2. Find the
maximum height of the rocket and the time at which it occurs.

h(20) = 1600 + 196t – 4.9t 2
= 196 - 9.8t
t = 20 sec.

h(20) = 1600 + 196(20) – 4.9(20)2

h = 3560 m.

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Max wants to make a box with no lid from a rectangular sheet of
cardboard that is 18 inches by 24 inches. The box is to be made by cutting
a square of side x from each corner of the sheet and folding up the sides.
Find the value of x that maximizes the volume of the box.


18-2x 18

x 24-2x x

V = (24 - 2x)(18 - 2x)(x)

V = 4x 3 - 84x 2 + 432x
= 12x 2 - 168x + 432 = 0
x = 3.4

Problem 3 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Find the absolute maximum and minimum values of y = x3 – x on the
interval [- 3, 3].

y = x3 - x
= 3x 2 - 1 = 0
At x = - 3 y = - 24
x=3 y = 24
The function has a local min. at x = and absolute min. when x = - 3.

The function has a local min. at x = - and absolute max. at x = 3

Ans: absolute max. at x = 3
Absolute min. at x = - 3

Problem 4 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A rectangle is to be inscribed in a semicircle with radius 4, with one side
on the semicircle’s diameter. What is the largest area this rectangle can

Solution: x2+y2=16
y = 16 - x 2
A = 2xy y

A = 2x 16 - x 2 x x x

A1 = xy
A = 2x 16 - x 2
dA x(- 2x)
= + 16 - x 2 (1) = 0 Area = 2A
dx 16 - x 2
2(4) 32
2x 2 = 16 - x 2 Area =
3 3
3x 2 = 16
2(4) (16)(2)
2 16 Area =
x = 3
4 2(4)(4) 2
x= Area =
Area = 15.08 say 16
y = 16 -

Problem 5 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A poster is to contain 100 square inches of picture surrounded by a 4-inch
margin at the top and bottom and a 2-inch margin on each side. Find the
overall dimensions that will minimize the total area of the poster.

xy = 100 x
2 2
A = (x +4)(y + 8)
A = xy + 4y + 8x + 32 4
x(100) 4(100)
A= + + 8x + 32
x x
400 y
A = 100 + + 8x + 32
A = 132 + + 8x
dA 400 4
=0- 2 +8=0
dx x
8x 2 = 400
x = 50
100 50
y= •
50 50
y= 50
y = 2 50

Ans : 4 + 50 by 2 50 + 8

Problem 6 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A circular pool of water is expanding at the rate of 16π in2/sec. At
what rate is the radius expanding when the radius is 4 inches?

A = π r2
dA dr
= π 2r
dt dt
16π = 2π(4)
= 2 in / sec.

Problem 7 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A 25-foot long ladder is leaning against a wall and sliding toward the floor.
If the foot ladder is sliding away from the base of the wall at a rate of
15 ft/sec, how fast is the top of the ladder sliding down the wall when the
top of the ladder is 7 feet from the ground?


y=7 dy/dt


x 2 + y 2 = (25)2
when y = 7
dx dy
2x + 2y =0 x 2 = (25)2 - (7)2
dt dt
⎛ dy ⎞ x = 24
24(15) + 7 ⎜ ⎟ = 0
⎝ dt ⎠

dy 360
=- = - 51.43
dt 7

Problem 8 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A spherical balloon is expanding at a rate of 60π in3/sec. How fast is the
surface area of the balloon expanding when the radius of the balloon is 4

V = π r3
S = 4π r 2
dV 4 2 dr
= π (3)r
dt 3 dt
2 dr
60π = 4π(4)
dr 15
dt 16
dS dr
= 4π(2)(4)
dt dt
dS 8π(15)
= (4) = 30 π in2 / sec.
dt 16

Problem 9 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
An underground conical tank, standing on its vertex, is being filled with
water at the rate of 18π ft3/min. If the tank has a height of 30 ft. and a
radius of 15 ft., how fast is the water level rising when the water is 12 ft.
deep in feet/min?

⎛ y⎞ r
π⎜ ⎟ y
⎝ 2⎠
π 3
V= y
π r2 h
V= y=12
y 30
r 15
y = 2r
dV π 2 dy
= 3y
dt 2 dt

π dy
18π = (3)(12)2
12 dt
= 0.5 ft / min.

Problem 10 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A circle is increasing in area at the rate of 16π in2/sec. How
fast is the radius increasing when the radius is 2 inches?

A = π r2
dA dr
= π 2r
dt dt
16π = π(2)(2)
= 4 in / sec.

Problem 11 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
A rocket is rising vertically at a rate of 5,400 miles per hour. An observer
on the ground is standing 20 miles from the rocket’s launch point. How
fast (in radians per second) is the angle of elevation between the ground
and the observer’s line of sight of the rocket increasing when the rocket is
at an elevation of 40 miles?

tan θ =
dθ 1 dh
sec 2 θ =
dt 20 dt h
dh 5400
= = 1.5 m/sec.
dt 3600
tan θ =
tan θ = 2
dθ dh / dt
sec θ
dt 20
sec 2 θ = 1 + tan2θ
sec 2 θ = 1 + (2)2 = 5

dθ 1.5
5 =
dt 20
dθ 3
= rad / sec.
dt 200

Problem 12 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
If the position of a particle at a time t is given by the equation
x(t) = t3 – 11t2 + 24t, find the velocity and the acceleration of the
particle at time t = 5.

x(t) = t 3 - 11t 2 + 24t
= 3t 2 - 22t + 24
V = 3(5)2 - 22(5) + 24
V = - 11

a = 6t - 22
a = 6(5) - 22

Problem 13 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
If the position of a particle is given by x(t) = t3 – 12t2 + 36t + 18,
where t > 0, find the point at which the particle changes direction.

It changes direction when the velocity is zero.
x(t) = t 3 - 12t 2 + 36t + 18
= 3t 2 - 24t + 36 = 0
t 2 - 8t + 12 = 0
t = 2 and t = 6

Problem 14 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
How far does a particle travel between the eighth and tenth seconds if its
position function is x(t) = t2 – 6t?

x(t) = t2 – 6t
V(t) = 2t – 6
Velocity is negative if t < 3 and positive if t > 3.
Compute the absolute value of the distance traveled from t = 2 to t = 3 and
add to the absolute value of the distance traveled from t = 3 to t = 4.
x(t) = t2 – 6t

From t = 2 to t = 3
S1 = [(3)2 – 6(3)] – [(2)2 – 6(2)]
S1 = (9 – 18) – (4 – 12)
S1 = - 9 + 8 = - 1

From t = 3 to t = 4
S2 = |(4)2 – 6(4)| - |(3)2 – 6(3)|
S2 = (16 – 24) – (9 – 18)
S2 = - 8 + 9 = 1
Total distance = S1 + S2 (but absolute values)

Problem 15 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Find the velocity and acceleration of a particle whose
position function is x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 60t + 3 for t > 0.


x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 60t + 3

V(t) = 6t2 – 42t + 60

a(t) = 12t - 42

Problem 16 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Find the time when the particles speed increasing if it has a position function
x(t) = 2t3 – 21t2 + 60t + 3.

V(t) = 6t2 – 42t + 60
Set V = 0 (when it will stop)
6t2 – 42t + 60 = 0
t2 – 7t + 10 = 0
(t – 2)(t – 5) = 0
t=2 t=5

Set acceleration a = 0
a(t) = 12t – 42 = 0
t = 7/2
Note: When the velocity and
when 2 < t < 7/2 acceleration will have opposite signs,
t=3 the particles speed is decreasing.
V = 6t2 – 42t + 60 When the velocity and acceleration
V = 6(3)2 – 42(3) + 60 have the same signs, the particles
V = - 12 (negative) speed is increasing.
Therefore, the time interval where the
a = 12t – 42 velocity is increasing is 2 < t < 7/2
a = 12(3) – 42 and t > 5.
a = - 6 (negative)

when t > 5
V = 6t2 – 42t + 60
V = 6(6)2 – 42(6) + 60
V = + 24 (positive)

a = 12t – 42
a = 12(6) – 42 = + 3 (positive)
Problem 17 – Mathematics (Differential Calculus)
Given that the position of a particle is found by x(t) = t3 – 6t2 + 1, t > 0, find
the distance that the particle travels from t = 2 to t = 5.

x(t) = t3 – 6t2 + 1
V(t) = 3t2 – 12t
Set V = 0 and find critical values.
3t2 – 12t = 0
t=0 t=4

Because the particle changes direction after 4 sec., we have to figure out
two time intervals separately from t = 2 to t = 4 and from t = 4 to t = 5 and
add the absolute values of the distances.

t = 4 and 2
S1 = [(4)3 – 6(4)2 + 1] – [(2)3 – 6(2)2 + 1]
S1 = - 31 + 15 = 16

S2 = [(5)3 – 6(5)2 + 1] – [(4)3 – 6(4)2 + 1]

S2 = - 24 + 31 = 7

Total distance that the particle travels = S1 + S2 = 16 + 7 = 23


➀ Find dy/dx if f(x) = ex3

y = e x3
dy/dx = ex3 (3x2)

➁ Find dy/dx if f(x) = etan x

y = etan x
dy/dx = etan x sec2 x

➂ Find the second derivative if f(x) = ex2

y = e x2
dy/dx = ex2 2x
y’ = 2x ex2
y” = 2[(x)ex2 (2x) + ex2 (1)]
y” = 4x2 ex2 + 2 ex2

➃ Find the derivative of f(x) = log10 x

ln x
loga x =
ln a
log10 x =
x ln 10
y' =
x ln a

➄ Find the derivative of f(x) = log8 (x2 + x)

y = log 8 (x 2 + x)
ln x
y' =
ln a
2x + 1
y' = 2
(x + x) log8

➅ Find y’ if f(x) = loge x

1 1
y' = =
x ln e x

Note :
loga x =
x ln a
loga u =
u ln a
2x + 1
y' = 2
(x + x) log8

Note: y = ax
y' = ax ln a dy/dx

y = au
y’ = au ln a du/dx

➀ f(x) = 3x
Find y’ = ?
y = 3x
y’ = 3x ln 3

➁ y = 84x5
y’ = 84x5 ln 8 (20x4)

➂ y = πSin x
y’ = πSin x Cos x ln π

➀ Find y’ if y = xx
y = ex ln x

x ln x = x(1/x) + ln x (1)
x ln x = 1 + ln x

y = ex ln x (1 + ln x)
y = xx (1 + ln x)

Problem 1 – Mathematics (Integral Calculus)

Find the average value of f(x) = x2 from x = 2 to x = 4.

y = x2

1 4
Average value =
4 -2 ∫
x 2 dx

1 ⎡x ⎤ 3
Average value = ⎢ ⎥
2 ⎣ 3 ⎦2

1 56 28
⎡ 3 3

Average value = ⎣(4) - (2) ⎦ = =
6 6 3

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Integral Calculus)

Find the average value of f(x) = Sin x on (0, π)

1 π
Average value =
π-0 ∫0
Sin x dx

1 4
Average value = ⎡⎣ - Cos x ⎤⎦
π 2

Average value = [ -Cos π + Cos 0] = 2

π π

Problem 3 – Mathematics (Integral Calculus)

Find the area of the region between the curve y = Sin x and
y = Cos x from 0 to π/2.


y y=cosx

π/4 π/2 π 1.5π 2π

A = 0.414(2) = 0.828

Problem 4 – Mathematics (Integral Calculus)
Find the area of the region between the curve x = y2 and the curve
x = y + 6 from y = 0 to y = 3

y2 = y + 6
x2 x1-x2
y2 - y - 6 = 0
(9, 3)
(y - 3)(y + 2) = 0
y=3 y=-2
x=3+6=9 x1
(6, 0)
A = ∫ (x1 - x 2 )dy
A = ∫ (y + 6 - y 2 )dy
0 x=y + 6
⎡ y2 y3 ⎤
A= ⎢ + 6y - ⎥
⎣2 3 ⎦0
⎡ (3)2 (3)3 ⎤
A= ⎢ + 6(3) - ⎥ -0
⎣ 2 3 ⎦

A= + 18 - 9
9 27
A= +9=
2 2

Simple Interest:
I = P r t

Problem 1 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

Ex. Terms of sales:
P90000 payable in 120 days
P85500 payable in 45 days
Find the equivalent annual rate of simple interest if paid in 120 days.

Interest = 90000 - 85500
75 days
Interest = 4500
I = Prt 0 45 120

⎛ 75 ⎞
4500 = 85500 r ⎜
⎝ 360 ⎟⎠ 85500 90000

r = 0.2526
r = 25.26%
Simple Interest:
I = P r t

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

What is the annual rate of simple interest if P265 is earned in four months on an
investment of P15000?

⎛ 4⎞
265 = 15000(r) ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 12 ⎠
265 = 5000 r
r = 0.053
r = 5.3%

Problem 3 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

Determine the principal that would have to be invested to provide P200 of simple
interest income at the end of 2 years if the annual interest is 9%.

200 = P(0.09)(2)
P = P1111.11
Compound Interest:
0 n


F = P(1 + i)

Problem 4 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

Suppose that the interest rate is 10% per year, compounded annually.
What is the minimum amount of money that would have to be invested for
a two-year period in order to earn P300 in interest?

F = P(1 + i)n
Interest = F – P = 300
300 = P(1 + i)n – P
300 = P(1.10)2 – P
P = P1428.57
Problem 5 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Suppose that a man lends P1000 for 4 years at 12% per year simple
interest. At the end of 4 years, he invests the entire amount which he then
has for 10 year at 8% interest per year compounded annually. How much
money will he have at the end of the 14 year period?

0 12% n

F1 = P + Prt
F1 = 1000 + 1000(0.12)(4) P1= P1000
F1 = 1480

F2 = P2 (1 + i)n 0 8% n

F2 = 1480(1.08)10
F2 = P3195.21
P2= P1480

Problem 6 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Compare the interest earned from an investment of P1000 for 15 years
per annum simple interest with the amount of interest that could be earned
if these funds were invested for 15 years at 10% per year, compounded

For simple interest:
I = Prt
I = 1000(0.10)(15)
I = 1500
For compounded interest:
F = P(1 + i)n
I + P = P(1 + i)n
I + 1000 = 1000(1.10)15
I = 3177.25

The compounded interest is 3177.25/1500 = 2.12 times that of simple


Problem 7 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

The ABC Co. deposited P100,000 in a bank account on June 15 and
withdrew a total of P115000 exactly one year later. Compute the annual
interest rate which the company has paid.

I = Prt
15000 = 100000(r)(1)
r = 0.15 = 15% per year
Interest Compounded Continuously
0 n


F = Pe where er n = compound amount factor if compounded continuously

I = F – P (interest)
Effective annual interest rate: Ie = e – 1

Problem 8 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

Compute the interest for an amount of P200,000 for a period of 8 years if
the rate was 16% compounded continuously.

F = P er n
F = 200,000e0.16(8)
F = P719,328
I = 719,328 – 200,000
I = P519,328
Deffered Annuity
a) Future Worth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
n =10
A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦
F1 = A A A A A
F2 = F1 (1 + i) 1
n 1=5

b) Present Worth
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A ⎡(1 + i) 1 - 1⎤
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

F= ⎣ ⎦
i A A A A A A

A[(1+i)n1-i] n 1=5
P= n = 10 F= i
n P
(1 + i)
Problem 9 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Find the value after 20 years in pesos of an annuity of P120,000 payable
annually for 8 years, with the first payment at the end of 2 years if money
is worth 5%.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20



A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦

F1 =
20000 ⎡⎣(1.05)8 - 1⎤⎦
F1 = = P190,982.16

F2 = F1 (1 + i)n
F2 = 190,982.16(1.05)11 = P326,644.33
Problem 10 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Find the present value of an annuity of P25000 payable annually for 8
years with the first payment at the end of 10 years if money is worth 5%.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


A ⎡(1 + i) 1 - 1⎤

F1 = ⎣ ⎦
25000 ⎡⎣(1.05)8 - 1⎤⎦
F1 =
F1 = P238,727.22
(1 + i)n
P = P104,156.11
Future Worth of Annuity Due
(payments at the beginning of the period)

0 1 2 3 4 5 n


A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦

F= + A(1 + i)n

Problem 11 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

Mr. Franklin wants to save for a new sportscar that he expects will cost
$3800 4 years from now. How much money will he have to save each
year and deposit in a savings account at the beginning of each year that
pays 6.25% per year compounded annually to buy the car in 4 years.

Solution: 0 1 2 3 4

A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦

F= + A(1 + i)n A A A A A
A ⎡⎣(1.0625)4 - 1⎤⎦
38000 = + A(1.0625)4
A = P6707.38
Difference between sums of annuity due and
an ordinary annuity:

Difference = A [(1 + i) - 1]

Problem 13 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)

What is the difference between the sums of an annuity due and an
ordinary annuity for the following data?
Periodic payment = P150,000
Terms = 20 years
Payment interval = 1 year
Interest rate = 12% compounded annually

Difference = A [(1 + i)n - 1]
Difference = 150,000[(1.12)20 - 1]
Difference = P1,296,943.96
Depreciation: Declining Balance Method

Problem 14 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Original cost = P150,000 Economic life = 8 years
Salvage value = P9000
Determine the depreciation in the first year using declining balance

Dep. = (F.C.)(1 – K)m – 1 K
SV = FC(1 – K)n
9000 = 150000(1 – K)8
(1 – K)8 = 0.06
1 – K = (0.06)0.125 = 0.70351
K = 0.29649
Dep = FC(1 – K)m – 1 K
Dep = (FC)(1 – K)0 K
Dep = FC(K)
Dep = 150,000(0.29649)
Dep = P44,474
Depreciation: MARCS Method (Modified
Accelerated Cost Recovery System Method)

Problem 15 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Original cost = P5000
Salvage value = P500
Life n = 5
Compute the depreciation of the equipment on the 3rd year only using
MARCS Method.

1 ⎡2 ⎤
1st year dep = ⎢ (5000) ⎥ = 1000
2 ⎣5 ⎦
2nd year dep = (5000 - 1000) = 1600
3rd year dep = (5000 - 1000 - 1600) = P960
Depreciation using Straight Line Method

Problem 16 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Original cost = P120,000
Salvage value = P10,000
Life n = 10 years
Find the book value after 5 years.

(FC - SV)
Total Dep = (5)
(120000 - 10000)
Total Dep = (5) = P55000

Find the sunk cost if it is sold for P30,000.

Sunk cost = 55000 – 30000 = P25,000
Depreciation using Sum of Years Digit Method

Problem 17 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
First cost = P900,000
Salvage value = P450,000
Life n = 5 years
Find the sum of the depreciation cost in the first 2 years.

Sum of years = (1 + n)
Sum of years = (1 + 5) = 15
(FC - SV)(5 + 4)
Total dep after 2 years =
(900000 - 450000)(9)
Total dep after 2 years =
Total dep after 2 years = P270,000
Depreciation using Sinking Fund Method

Problem 18 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
First cost = P100,000
Salvage value = P20,000
Life n = 8 years
Rate of interest = 6%
Find the depreciation at the end of the 6th year using Sinking Fund

(FC - SV)i
Annual dep =
(1 + i)n - 1
(100000 - 20000)(0.06)
Annual dep = 8
= P8082.88
(1.06) - 1
Dep. at the 6th year = P8082.88 (equal for every year)
Capital Recovery Factor for a Uniform Series

0 1 2 3 4 n
A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦
(1 + i)n i A A A A A A
A (1 + i) i
P (1 + i)n - 1 P
⎛A ⎞
⎜⎝ P , i%, n⎟⎠ (capital recovery factor)

Problem 19 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
A certain engineer who is about to retire has accumulated P50,000 in a savings
account that pays 6% per year, compounded annually. Suppose that the engineer
wishes to withdraw a fixed sum of money at the end of each year for 10 years,
what is the amount that can be withdrawn?

⎛A ⎞
⎜⎝ P , 6%, 10 ⎟⎠ = 0.1359

A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦

(1 + i)n i
A (1 + i)n i
P (1 + i)n - 1
A (1.06)10 (0.06)
P (1.06)10 - 1 A
= 0.1359
A 50000
= 0.1359 A = P6795
Present Worth Factor (Uniform Series) Annuity

A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦ 0 1 2 3 n

(1 + i)n i
P (1 + i)n - 1 A A A A A
= (present worth factor)
A n
(1 + i) i
⎛P ⎞
⎜⎝ A , i%, n⎟⎠ (present worth factor)

Problem 20 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
An engineer is planning his retirement has decided that he will have to withdraw
P10,000 from his savings account at the end of each year. How much money must
the engineer have in the bank at the start of his retirement if his money earns 6%
per year, compounded annually and he is planning a 12 year retirement (12
annual withdrawals)?

(P / A, 6%, 12) = 8.3839
A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦
(1 + i)n i
P (1 + i)n - 1
A (1 + i)n i
P (1.06)12 - 1
= = 8.3839
A (1.06)12 (0.06)
= 8.3839
= 8.3839
P = P83839
Sinking Fund Method (Uniform Series, Annuity)

0 1 2 3 n
A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦
i A A A A
A i
= (sinking fund factor)
F (1 + i)n - 1 F

Problem 21 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Suppose that a fixed sum of money A will be deposited in a savings account at the
end of each year for 20 years. If the bank pays 6% per year, compounded
annually, find A such that a total of P50,000 will be accumulated at the end of the
20 year period.

Solution: 0 1 2 3 4 20
(A / F, 6%, 20) = 0.02718
A ⎡⎣(1 + i)n - 1⎤⎦ A A A A A
A i F=50000
F (1 + i)n - 1
A 0.06
= (sinking fund factor)
F (1.06)20 - 1
= 0.02718
= 0.02718
A = P1359
Gredient Series Factor

A 1 n 3G
= - (gredient series factor) 2G
G i (1 + i)n - 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 n

Convert to a uniform series:

0 1 2 3 4 5 n

Problem 22 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
Dr. Anderson plans to make a series of gradient-type withdrawals from his savings
account over a 10 year period, beginning at the end of the second year. What
equal annual withdrawals would be equivalent to a withdrawal of P1000 at the end
of the second year, P2000 at the end of the 3rd year . . . . P9000 at the end of the
10th year, if the bank pays 9% per year compounded annually?

Solution: 9000
8000 (A/G, 9%, 10)=3.7978
A 1 n 4000
= - 3000
G i (1 + i)n - 1 2000
A 1 10
= -
G 0.09 (1.09)10 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 10
= 3.7978
= 3.7978
0 1 2 3 4 5 9 10
A = P3797.80
Problem 23 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
The ABD Company is building a new plant, whose equipment maintenance costs are
expected to be P500 the first year, P150 the second year, P200 the third year, $250 the
fourth year, etc., increasing by P50 per year through the 10th year. The plant is expected to
have a 10-year life. Assuming the interest rate is 8%, compounded annually, how much
should the company plan to set aside now in order to pay for the maintenance?

Solution: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G ⎡ (1 + i) - 1
n ⎤
P1 = ⎢ - ⎥
i ⎣ (1 + i)n i (1 + i)n ⎦ 550 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

G = P50 i = 0.08 n = 10 G(P/G, i = 8, n = 10)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50 ⎡ (1.08)10 - 1 10 ⎤
P1 = ⎢ - ⎥
0.08 ⎣ (1.08)10 (0.08) (1.08)10 ⎦
100 150
P1 = P1298.84 250
n 550
A[(1 + i) - 1]
P2 = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(1 + i)n i
⎡(1.08)10 - 1⎤
P2 = 100 ⎣ 10
⎦ = P671 400
(1.08) (0.08)

400 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P3 =
P3 = P370.37 A A A A A A A A A A=100

Total P = P1 + P2 + P3
Total P = 1298.84 + 671 + 370.37
Total P = P2340.21
Problem 24 – Mathematics (Engineering Economics)
A mine is for sale. A mining engineer estimates that, at current production
levels, the mine will yield an annual net income of P80,000 for 15 years,
after which the mineral will be exhausted. If an investor’s MARR is 15%,
what is the maximum amount he can bid on this property?
(MARR = min. attractive rate of return)


0 1 2 3 4 15
A[(1 + i)n - 1]
(1 + i)n i A A A A A

800 ⎡⎣(1.15)15 - 1⎤⎦

(1.15)15 (0.15) P

P = P467,789.61

(P / A, i = 0.15, n = 15) ------ 5.8474 from table

P = 80000(5.8474)
P = P467,789.61
Problem 1 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Find the distance from the point (5, - 3) to the line 7x - 4y - 28 = 0.

Solution: y
Ax1 + By1 + C1
A2 + B2
(-) (7x1 - 4y1 + 28) x
d = (-)
(7)2 + (4)2
7(5) - 4(- 3) - 28 (5,-3)
d = 2.36

Problem 2 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Find the area bounded by the line 2x - y + 10 = 0 and the coordinate axes.

2x - y + 10 = 0
when x = 0 y=0 2x-y+10=0
y = 10 x = - 5
5 (10)
A= 2 10
A = 25


Problem 3 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Find the slope of the line whose parametric equations
are x = 4 t + 6 and y = t - 1.

y = 2 (x + 1)
y = 2x + 2
y = mx + b

Problem 4 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
A line has a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of 8. It
passes through point (-2, y). Find the value of y.

y = mx + b
y = 3x + 8
y = 3 (-2) + 8

Problem 5 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Determine the length of the tangent to the circle
x2 + y2 - 4x - 5 = 0 from (8, -2).

x2 - 4x + 4 + y2 - 5 = 4
(x - 2)2 + (y - 0)2 = 0
t2 = x2 + y2 - 4x - 5 x
t2 = (8)2 + (-2)2 - 4 (8) - 5
t = 5.57

Problem 6 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Determine the equation of the radical axis of the circles x2 + y2 -
18x - 14y + 121 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 6x + 6y + 14 = 0.

x2 + y2 - 18x - 14y + 121 = 0
x2 + y2 - 6x + 6y + 14 = 0
- 12x - 20y + 107 = 0
12x + 20y - 107 = 0

Problem 7 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Determine the length of the latus rectum of the parabola
x2 - 6x - 12y - 51 = 0.

x2 - 6x + 9 = 12y + 51 + 9
(x - 3)2 = 12y + 60 x
(x - 3)2 = 12 (y + 5)
latus rectum = 12


Problem 8 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Find the length of the latus rectum of the curve 9x2 + 25y2 = 225.

9x2 + 25y2 = 225 y
x2 y2
25 + 9 = 1
a a
a2 = 25 b=3
a=5 x V c c F’
b2 = 9
2 b2 a=5 a=5
L= a
2 (9)
L = 5 = 3.6
Problem 9 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
What is the angle in degrees, between an asymptote of the hyperbola
x2 - 4y2 - 2x - 63 = 0 and the x-axis?

x2 - 2x + 1 - 4y2 - 63 = 1 y asymptote
(x - 2)2 - 4 (y - 0)2 = 64
(x - 2)2 (y - 0)2
64 - 16 =1
a2 = 64 θ x
b2 = 16 a
tan θ = a
tan θ = 8
θ = 26.6˚

Problem 10 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Find the length of the latus rectum of the curve r Sin2 θ = Cos θ.
r Sin2 θ = Cos θ (r,θ)

r (yr ) 2=x
r r y
y2 x
= θ
r r x
y2 = x x
4a = 1 (latus rectum)
Problem 11 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
The vertices of a triangle have polar coordinates of (0, 0˚), (6, 30˚) and
(9, 70˚). Find the area and perimeter of the triangle.
(9, 70ß)
Solution: y
9 (6) Sin 40˚
Area = 2
Area = 17.36 sq.units
(BC)2 = (9)2 + (6)2 - 2 (9)(6) Cos 40˚ (6, 30ß)
BC = 5.85 40ß
A 30ß
Perimeter = 9 + 6 + 5.85 (0, 0)

Perimeter = 20.85 units

Problem 12 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
The distance between the foci of an ellipse is 5. If its eccentricity is 0.5,
what is the distance between the directrices?

Solution: Directrix
2c = 5 y
c = 2.5
e = 0.5
a b a
c=ae V V’
2.5 = a (0.5) F c c F’
d=e a a
d=a/e d=a/e
d = 10
Distance between directrices = 2 (10) = 20
Problem 13 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Using polar coordinates, a point is at (7, 38˚). Find its rectangular
x = r Cos θ (r,θ)
x = 7 Cos 38˚
x = 5.56 r y
y = 7 Sin 38˚
y = 4.3 θ
Rectangular coordinates (5.5, 4.3) x

Problem 14 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
Find the horizontal asymptote of the curve y = 4
x - 3x2 - 1

y= 4
x - 3x2 - 1
y= 3 1
1- 2- 4
x x

when x = α
y= 3 1
1- -
α α
y - 2 = 0 (horizontal asymptote)
Problem 15 – Mathematics (Analytic Geometry)
The equation of a given conics is x2 + y2 = 25. Find the
length of the sub-tangent at (-3, 4).



4 θ
θ C
D 3

AD = sub-tangent
4 3
AD = 4
AD = 5.33

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