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Module No. ___

Name: __________________________________________________________ Year and Section: ________________

Activity No. 1

As a review, describe each of the following elements of art which you have learned in your art classes in the earlier
grade levels.

a. Line: _____________________________________________________________________________________
b. Shape: _____________________________________________________________________________________
c. Form: _____________________________________________________________________________________
d. Space: _____________________________________________________________________________________
e. Color: _____________________________________________________________________________________
f. Value: _____________________________________________________________________________________
g. Texture:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Now review the following principles of art, which you have studied before. Briefly describe each one.

a. Rhythm / Movement
b. Balance
c. Emphasis
d. Harmony / Unity / Variety
e. Proportion


For each element of art above, cite one sample work by an impressionist or post-impressionist painter and briefly
describe how this element was applied in a way. You may use the following format:

 Element: ___________
 Name of the artist: _________________
 Title of work: ____________________________
 How the element was applied: ___________________________________

For each principle of art above, cite one sample work by an impressionist or post-impressionist painter and briefly
describe how this element was applied in a way. You may use the following format:

 Principle:____________
 Name of the artist: _________________
 Title of work: ____________________________
 How the element was applied: ___________________________________
a. Name three of the most prominent artists of the impressionist movement._______________________________
b. Who were two of the most famous post – impressionist? ____________________________________________
c. What new techniques or styles distinguished post impressionism from earlier impressionism?_______________


a. What qualities make an artwork expressionistic? ____________________________________________________

b. Where did neoprimitivism gets its influences?______________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
d. What are the characteristics of fauvism? __________________________________________________________
e. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
f. Why was the child’s term “dada” fitting for the art movement known as dadaism? ________________________
g. What style of painting is Salvador Dali known for?___________________________________________________
h. What are movement expressed the artists’ social role? ______________________________________________

a. Explain the difference between expressionism and abstractionism.__________________________________

b. How did the cubists give a sense of dynamism and energy to their work? _____________________________
c. Who is considered the most famous abstractionist and cubist artist? ________________________________
d. Describe how each of the following styles reflected modern life:
Mechanical Style:

ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM: action painting, color field painting

a. What are the two of the movements emerged from The New York School? ___________________________
b. Why were action painting and color field painting given their names? ________________________________
c. Who was the artist who became famous for his action painting style? _______________________________
d. Describe how the elements and principles of art were used in the unique techniques and approaches of
these movements ________________________________________________________________________

Pop Art, Op Art, Contemporary Art

a. How was pop art different from the earlier Dadaist movement? ____________________________________
b. From where did pop art draw its subject? ______________________________________________________
c. Name the foremost artist of pop art movement? _______________________________________________
d. Explain how elements of art were used to create the special technical effect in op art. __________________
e. What is conceptual art? How is it unlike any other movement before it? _____________________________


a. What are the distinct characteristics of installation art? ___________________________________________

b. Why is it called installation? _________________________________________________________________


a. What are the different names for performing arts? _______________________________________________

b. In what decade did this art form emerge ? _____________________________________________________
c. As distinct from traditional art form, what or who serve as the medium in performance art? Explan briefly. _
d. Give examples of places where performance art takes place. _______________________________________

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