Test Questionnaire

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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Lanao del Norte
Kawit Oriental Integrated School of Fisheries

Name _______________________________________Grade & Section _______ Score_________

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the function of the Respiratory System?

a. To take in glucose and convert it into useable energy.

b. Send signals through the spinal cord and brain to tell other parts of the body what to do.
c. Take waste products and take them out of the body.
d. To allow gas exchange to provide parts of the body with oxygen.

2. What are the parts of the Respiratory System?

a. lungs, alveoli, ribs, liver

b. lungs, trachea, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, nasal cavity, heart
c. intercostal muscles, lungs, trachea, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, nasal cavity
d. throat, bronchioles, bronchi, alveoli, stomach, ribs

3. What is the pathway of air during inhalation and exhalation?

a. mouth, trachea, stomach, lungs

b. mouth, lungs, trachea
c. lungs, mouth
d. mouth, trachea, lungs

4. Where does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system?

a. diaphragm
b. lungs
c. alveoli
d. bronchioles

5. What is the first part of the respiratory system?

a. pharynx
b. larynx
c. mouth
d. nose

5. Which organ serves to filter and warm the air entering it?

a. air sacs
b. bronchi
c. diaphragm
d. nasal cavity

6. How will you describe the pathway of oxygen in the breathing system?

a. oxygen travels to the trachea

b. air goes to the bronchi and bronchioles
c. from nose and mouth to the alveoli
d. From the nose and mouth, oxygen travels to the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and then into the

7. What are bronchial tubes?

a. air passages inside your lungs

b. blood vessels inside your body
c. tiny air sacs that deliver oxygen to the blood
d. air passage going to your heart

8. When you breathe in air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out ____________.

a. carbon dioxide
b. carbon monoxide
c. oxygen
d. hydroxide

9. Which of the following is not good for the lungs?

a. exercising
b. singing
c. smoking
d. yelling

10. The part of the body that consist of the nose, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, and trachea is
called ___________.

a. upper quadrant
b. lower respiratory tract
c. upper respiratory tract
d. lower quadrant

11. How many lobes does the right lung contain?

a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3

12. What are the thin hairs inside the nostrils?

a. cilia
b. mucus
c. tonsils
d. mucous membranes

13. The act of bringing air into and out of the lungs?

a. exhaling
b. coughing
c. breathing
d. inhaling

14. What is the tube that is also known as your wind pipe?

a. esophagus
b. trachea
c. bronchi
d. alveoli

15. Name the process of gaseous exchange in the body.

a. lymphatic system
b. respiration
c. cardiovascular system
d. respiratory system

16. What is the purpose of the little hairs inside the nose?

a. To fight disease.
b. They serve no purpose.
c. To keep dust out of the lungs.
d. To tickle the nose and cause sneezes.

17. What important activity takes place in the lungs?

a. Food is digested.
b. Liquid waste is filtered from the blood.
c. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.
d. The trachea is exchanged for the larynx.

18. When we breathe in, we inhale many gases, including oxygen. What happens to the gases that
the body can't use?

a. They are exhaled.

b. They are changed into oxygen by the lungs.

c. They circulate through the body and are disposed of later.

d. They are absorbed into the digestive system and used to create energy.

19. What body structure protects the lungs from outside harm?

a. cartilage
b. tiny sacs
c. rib cage
d. diaphragm

20. To go on living, the body's cells need food, water, chemicals, and ___________.

a. helium
b. oxygen
c. vegetables
d. carbon dioxide

21. What is the function of trachea?

a) Filters air we breathe.
b) Releases air out of the body.
c) Carries air to the lungs.
d) Exchange of gases.

22. What are some diseases of the respiratory system?

a. bronchitis, asthma, emphysema

b. bronchitis, meningitis, ulcers
c. ulcers, emphysema, asthma
d. asthma, diabetes, bronchitis

23. What is Asthma?

a. inflammation of the inner nose

b. inflammation of the Throat
c. when your lungs start to deteriorate
d. when you have difficulty breathing

24. What is Emphysema?

a. swelling of the thyroid

b. progressive disease of the lungs that limits the amount of air going to the lungs
c. swelling of the mouth and liver
d. progressive disease of the trachea and stomach

25. A flap over the trachea that keeps out food and anything else that could clog the trachea.

a. epiglottis
b. larynx
c. pharynx
d. bronchi

26. If someone smokes cigarettes constantly for a long time, their alveoli will eventually be coated
with tar. This is bad because _____________.

a. It does not as good as when they are not coated.

b. Its more difficult to diffuse things in and out of the lungs.
c. The alveoli cannot move as well when they are coated.
d. The alveoli do not have room to grow.
27. Which of the following is a function of the respiratory system?

a. gas exchange
b. absorption of nutrients
c. transport of oxygen
d. structural support

28. When the diaphragm contracts (is pulled downward), _______ occurs.

a. inhalation
b. exhalation
c. a hiccup
d. the lungs deflate

29. What happens when you breathe in?

a. your diaphragm expands and your ribcage contracts

b. your diaphragm contracts and your ribcage expands
c. your diaphragm explodes and your ribcage contradicts
d. your diaphragm does not move and rib cage will contracts

30. How many lungs do humans have?

a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 4

31. Smoking affects which of the following?

a. breath
b. taste
c. lungs
d. all of the above

32. Which of the following DOES NOT happen during inhalation?

a. The diaphragm moves up.

b. Air moves into the lungs.
c. The pressure in the lungs decrease.
d. The ribs move upward and outward.

33. What is the diaphragm's main function?

a. pump blood into the lungs
b. pump carbon dioxide out of the lungs and pull oxygen into the lungs
c. pump oxygen out of the lungs and pull carbon dioxide into the lungs
d. none of the above

34. Inside each of your lungs there are tubes called bronchi. These branches into even smaller tubes
much like the branches of a tree. What are at the ends of these tubes?
a. alveoli
b. diaphragms
c. cells
d. bronchioles

35. What would happen if your respiratory system stopped working?

a. you would get a transplant
b. you would die
c. nothing
d. you will have a new life

36. Which of the following is affected by the respiratory system?

a. yawn
b. hiccup
c. sneeze
d. all of the above

37. What is responsible for picking up the oxygen in lungs and carrying it to all the body cells that
need it?
a. red blood cells
b. white blood cells
c. veins
d. arteries

38. The trachea is a part of the respiratory system. What can the trachea also be called and what is
its function?
a. windpipe, filters the air we breathe
b. windpipe, releases air out of the body
c. tubes; carries air to the lungs
d. voicebox

39. Normal rate of respiration in an adult human being is _______ times/ minute.

a. 10-12
b. 12-14
c. 16-18
d. 22-24

40. Which part of the respiratory tract is also known as the voice box?
a. pharynx
b. trachea
c. larynx
d. epiglottis

41. Tar is a chemical in a cigarette that causes ____________.

a. asthma
b. dizziness
c. cancer
d. addiction
42. Nicotine is a drug which will cause ___________.

a. asthma
b. dizziness
c. cancer
d. addiction

43. All of the following are increase risk of developing lung cancer except_________.
a. smoking
b. exposure to radon or asbestos
c. exposure to coal products or radioactive substances such as uranium
d. history of seasonal allergies

44. When you inhale, what will happen to your lungs?

a. inflate
b. turn purple
c. deflate
d. do a dance

45. As you breathe, this contracts and flattens to give your lungs a room to fill up with air.

a. larynx
b. lung balloon
c. diaphragm
d. bronchiole

46. Which respiratory disease is characterized as inflammation of the bronchi and the bronchial tubes
due to infections, smoking or pollutants?

a. emphysema
b. chronic bronchitis
c. asthma

47. Which of the following can help improve your health if you have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD)?

a. not smoking
b. exercising regularly
c. drinking alcohol
d. a and b

48. Which system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and
the cells?

a. circulatory
b. digestive
C. excretory
d. respiratory
49. Which of the following sites would be the most lethal if obstructed by a foreign body?

a. right bronchus
b. alveoli
c. left bronchus
d. trachea

50. If someone smoke cigarettes constantly for a long time, their alveoli will eventually be coated with
tar. This is bad because ____________.

a. It does not as good as when they are not coated.

b. It’s more difficult to diffuse things in and out of the lungs.

c. The alveoli cannot move as well when they are coated.

d. The alveoli do not have room to grow.

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