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1. What was the socio-political context when the Kartilya was written?

How crucial was this document in

the 19th century Philippines?

2. How would you describe the Kartilya in terms of its form/writing style and content? What are its main
teachings and how are they presented?

3. Research on why Andres Bonifacio, who was then the Supremo or Supreme Leader of the Katipunan,
opted to adopt Emilio Jacinto’s Teachings of the Katipunan instead of his own draft of the Dekalogo ng
Katipunan (Katipunan code of conduct). Do you find this decision sound? How are their representatives
different and alike?

4. Why can the Kartilya be considered timeless and relevant to the industrializing and globalizing

5. As a student, how will you embody the main teachings and guiding principles of the Kartilya?
Concretize your answer and cite specific lines from the document.

1. Discuss the context the speech was delivered.

2. Watch the speech of Cory Aquino. Describe the scene. How was the speech? How did the audience
react to her half-hour-long address?

3. What was in her speech that convinced the House of Representatives to grant two-hundred-million-
dollar emergency aid to the Philippines? What were the issues raised or views pointed out in her

4. How did the speech affect you as a viewer? In what way would it be rendered relevant to the current
conditions of our country? Cite specific lines from the speech.

5. What are the points in her speech that you agree and disagree with? Which lines hit home?

1. Who is Emilio Aguinaldo? How did he end up as the leader of the revolution?

2. According to the declaration, how did the Spanish colonization begin?

3. Who were the inspirations of the revolution?

4. What role did the Americans play in the narrative?

5. Considering the American and Japanese occupations as well as the current state of the Philippines,
how important is the 1898 Declaration of Independence?

1. Who is Antonio Pigafetta? What is his role in the Magellan-Elcano expedition?

2. According to Pigafetta, how did the locals of the island welcome Magellan and his crew?

3. How are the islander’s way of life, cultural practices, and religious beliefs described? What does
Pigafetta’s account tell us about the conditions of the Visayan islands in the 16th century?

4. Based on Pigafetta’s account, how did the battle of Mactan start?

5. Why was Pigafetta’s journal not published?

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