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20180709-5110 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 7/9/2018 3:32:00 PM


Founded Before 1570
G. Anne Richardson T H E P O W H ATA N C O N F E D E R AT I O N
Chief ( P O W H ATA N W I D O K O D A D I W I N )
T r i b a l O f fi c e
J. Mark Fortune
5036 Indian Neck, Virginia 23148
Asst. Chief
(804) 769-0260 or 1242
Fax (804) 769-9250
Faye Fortune

Judith Fortune

June 12, 2018

Rich McGuire, Director

Division of Gas - Environment and Engineering
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE

Washington, DC 20426

Re: Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Docket Nos CP15-5S4-000, -0001; CP15-555-000;CP15-556

D e a r M r. M c G u i r e :

1 write to inform you that the Rappahannock Tribe has worked with Atlantic to resolve
its outstanding concerns regarding tribal consultation and any potential impacts to cultural or
historic resources associated with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project.

The Tribe does, however, expect the Federal energy Regulatory Commission and other
signatories to the Programmatic Agreement for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project to comply
with the terms of that agreement, including requirements associated with any unanticipated
finds identified during project construction.


G. Anne Richardson
20180709-5110 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 7/9/2018 3:32:00 PM
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