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Infantile colic

About 1 in 5 babies develops colic. Colicky babies cry hard and continuously, at about the same
time each day, at least 3 days a week. But they are otherwise healthy. It generally begins at about
2 weeks of age and goes away by the fourth month.

Signs and Symptoms

All babies get fussy sometimes. But colic is more severe. Colic symptoms include:

 Crying for more than 3 hours, at least 3 times a week, over the course of at least 3 weeks,
although the baby is otherwise healthy (RULE OF 3).
 Kicking a lot, pulling the legs up close, and making tight fists
 The baby's tummy seems hard, and the baby burps and passes gas often
 Crying that sounds like the baby is in great pain
 Spitting up frequently after feeding

Treatment Options
 If mother is breastfeeding,ask her to nurse whenever the baby seems hungry, usually
every 2 to 3 hours. Ask mother to avoid caffeine, dairy products, citrus fruits, soy
products, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and spicy foods. The infant's head should be
elevated during and after feedings.
 If the baby is being bottle-fed, ask the mother to use a formula that is not based on cow's
milk and that is not iron-fortified. The baby should be in a sitting position when feeding,
and back massaged to get rid of gas bubbles. The mother should burp after every ounce
or two of formula.
 Ask mother to try the "colic carry" -- Place baby, chest down, on your extended forearm,
with his head supported by your hand and his legs on either side of your elbow. Use your
other hand to provide additional support and walk around with the baby.
 Ask mother to hold baby close, offer a pacifier, try rocking or rubbing baby's back or
stomach, give baby a warm bath, take a car ride with the baby, play soft music, or use an
infant swing to ease the crying.

Drug Therapies
No drugs are recommended, although simethicone (Mylicon), an over-the-counter gas remedy,
may be helpful.

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