Eng 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bayawan
Bayawan City
Negros Oriental
Hag-um Elementary School



A. Listen as the teacher reads the story. Answer the questions that follow.
1. Who flew from place to place looking for some water?
A. Thirsty cow
B. Thirsty crow
C. Lonely crow
D. Lonely cow
2. Where was the large container with water found?
A. In a deserted house
B. In a farm house
C. In a big house
D. In a small house
3. Which shows the correct sequence of events in the story listened to?
A. The crow searched for water everywhere.
B. All the lakes and rivers had dried up and there was no sign of rain.
C. The crow saw a large container with water in it, but at the bottom.
D. The crow was able to quench its thirst.
E. The crow picked some pebbles and dropped them into the container.
4. “ I’ll surely die of thirst if I don’t find some water.” This statement shows that the
crow was-
A. worried
B. sad
C. afraid
D. excited
5. The crow thought of a way to reach the water in the container. It was able to
quench its thirst. The crow is-
A. Foolish
B. Hardworking
C. Kind
D. Wise
6. The place where the large container was found was empty. Which word in the
sentence is a synonym of deserted? _____________________
7. The water in the container was too low for the crow to reach. So, it dropped pebbles
inside the container until the water was high enough to reach. What word in the
sentences is the antonym of low? _______________________
8. Which set of words are read as place and lake?
A. make, leak
B. beak, cake
C. great, beat
D. fake, rake
9. The crows here reach the sea. Which group of words are read as the underlined
A. beat, heal, meat
B. neat, seat, bear
C. take, meal, seal
D. been, green, men
10. Which set words have the long /o/ sound?
A. bone, coil, done
B. cone, food, gone
C. joke, lone, rode
D. soup, tone, rose
11. Which set of words have the long /u/ sound?
A. cute, huge, sure
B. cube, make, tore
C. some, sum, hum
D. huge, look, none
12. Write a compound word to complete the sentence.
I like my ____________________ in our new house. I would sleep soundly in this
13. The crow brought pebbles to drop to the container. Which word is read with silent
A. ghost
B. bough
C. rough
D. aghast

Read the selection. Answer the questions that follow.

The Fox and the Camel

There was once a fox who hated water but needed to cross a river. He decided to come to
an agreement with a camel.
“If you carry me to the other side of the river,” he proposed to the camel. “I will show you
a field of sugar cane. Then, while you eat the sugarcane, I will dine on fish and crabs I find on the
river bank.
The camel without second thought, readily agreed and the fox jumped up on his back.
The crossing went perfectly but afterwards the fox, who had a much smaller stomach,
satisfied his hunger long before the camel.
While the camel was still eating, the fox began to howl. The noise brought the farmers
running with big sticks.
The fox managed to escape and hid but the camel could not avoid the beating.
“Why on earth did you do that?” asked the camel when he was carrying the fox back across
the river.
“Oh, it’s my habit to howl after dinner,” replied the fox, unmindful of the heavy beatings
suffered by the camel.
“Is that so? Well, I have a habit, too,” said the camel. “After eating, I always have a roll in
the water.” And he splashed down in the river, wetting the fox all over who was so terrified.
14. Who hated water but needed to cross a river?
A. fox
B. camel
C. farmers
D. fish
15. What brought the farmers running with big sticks?
A. The camel’s howl
B. The sight of the fox
C. The camel’s hump
D. The fox’s howl
16. The camel agreed without second thought to the fox. This shows that the camel is
A. stupid
B. wise
C. helpful
D. honest
17. While the camel was still eating, the fox began to howl. The noise brought the
farmers running with big sticks. The fox escaped but the camel did not escape the
beating. The fox was ________.
A. inconsiderate
B. clever
C. foolish
D. kind
18. Rearrange the events as they happened in the story. Write the letters in the story

A. While the camel was still eating, the fox began to howl.
B. The camel splashed down in the river, wetting the fox all over.
C. The farmers beat the camel with their sticks.
D. The camel agreed to carry the fox on his back to the other side of the river.
E. The camel asked the fox why he howled while he was still eating.
19-22. Write the plural form of the underlined nouns in each sentence.
19. The fox hated water. ______________________
20. The farmer came with stick. _______________
21. The fox looks out for sheep around. ____________
22. The farmer came running with his child. ___________

23-26. Classify the list of nouns as nouns as mass noun, count noun, abstract noun and
collective noun.

school of fish, water, crabs, hunger

23. Mass noun ______________
24. Count noun ____________
25. Collective noun __________
26. Abstract noun___________
Complete the sentence with an appropriate quantifier.
27. _______________of medicine can cure the camel’s wounds from the beating.
A. A box of
B. A few drops
C. A slice of
D. A dash of

Write in a possessive form the underlined phrases in each sentence.

28. The back of the camel was painful. __________________________________.
Choose the correct form of the verb for the sentence.
29. A camel (carry, carries) a hump on its back.
30-32. Write the directions in cooking rice. Use the sequence signals first, next, and


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Write directions correctly using Write directions but uses two Write directions but uses only
signal words (first, next, finally) correct sequence signals only one correct sequence signa

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