Storyboard Write-Up

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Aaron Tuong

Film Storyboard
The film storyboard was a horror/post apocalyptic based story that was highly influenced on the tv show
“The Walking Dead”. The first shot begins introducing the main character who I’ve intentionally gave him
a lone wolf persona, I intended to do this by making him look quite scruffy and in solitary to add the sense
of independency with as little dialog in the scene; as a result, making him a mysterious figure in the story.
Even though I have managed to do this with my drawing, the character’s appearance didn’t meet my
expectations because of my drawing abilities. If I was given more time or had another chance in
redrawing my storyboard, It would be expected for myself to focus on adding more detail into my settings
to create an immersive world for anyone who looks at my storyboard; but this isn’t as much as a priority
because the scene could be changed due to inability to film in the area or possibly a better location that
would create a stronger effect and would work better than the original or the specific settings couldn’t be
found. Lastly, I would like to add a lot more camera movement in my scene to engage the audience in the
movie - this doesn’t require implementation in my storyboard though, as my character and the stills in the
scene establishing him as an unpredictable character, even with a few shots of him pre-apocalypse.

Advert Storyboard
I used “Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli Crisps” as the product for my advert storyboard. My thoughts of
creating the advert was to make a cinematic trailer with a fiery Action themed storyline to generate a
sense of enthusiasm from the audience and using their enthusiasm, to build up the eager to buy the
product. Producing the storyboard, I had to make it unusual for all audiences and creating interest by
making my characters food products like the movie “Sausage Party” with a lot less adult humour. The
plan was to intensify the advert so people would stop whatever they’re doing and watch the advert as if it
was a movie; as a result, I placed both calm and powerful epic soundtrack in scenes as if war was
occurring to strike the audience to thinking it’s a scene from a film. Eventually, before the chillies and
potatoes clash, it would go into a slow-motion to which they merge, developing into a crisp and then
introduce the appetizing crisps brand to the audience. Looking back at the storyboard, I’d like to add a lot
more detail such as drawing more chillies and potatoes in the battle instead of shadows and faint

Game Storyboard
The game storyboard was heavily inspired by Miniclip game “Soccer Stars” which is a casual game on
both Computer and iOS. As a casual game, the game mechanics would be easy - a simple drag back
which allows you to aim and fire when letting go, similarly like a bow. The main objectives of the game is
simple as well, as your aim is the score 3 goals before your opponent. The age rating of the game would
be 12 and up as it does contain somewhat form of gambling as you face other players. If I was to redo the
game storyboard, I’d add more detail and possibly changing the art style of the game, making it less of a
direct copy of the original game. Furthermore I’d also look into modifying and adding more to the main
menu by applying better art and making the buttons bigger than originally.

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