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Policeman Health & Position Tracking System

An Applied Research Paper for

RES 1(Research Methods)

Presented to the

Faculty of the Department of Computer


University of Cebu – Main Campus

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree




Navarette, Rhold James Steven S.

Gilig, Neil Adrian P.

Acuya, Ravy H.

March 2018


1.1 Introduction PAGE

Rationale 1

1.2 The Problem

Statement of the Problem 2

1.3 Significance of the Study 2

1.4 Scope and Limitation 3

1.5 Definition of Terms 3






- Research Environment (Include Environmental Map) 7

- Research Respondents 7

- Research Instrument 8

- Research Procedure

- Gathering of data 8

- Treatment of Data 8

3.2 Methodology

- Prototyping in SDLC 9

3.3 Process

- Block Diagram 10

- Schematic Diagram 11

- Flowchart 12







A Transmittal Letter 20

B Research Instrument (Questionnaire) 21

C Timetable of Activities (Gantt Chart) 22




The nation’s security is monitored and kept by country’s own police

officers. Some concerns regarding the safety and how the policeman
effectively doing it’s job. Many countries have already lost so many policeman
in drug raids and sending arrest warrants as there was no proper health
backup and connectivity between the policeman on the operation area and the
police chief. Policeman are mainly known for their courage, in spite of scarce
ammunitions and safety measure, they have many triumphs to their credits.
All must be really concerned about the safety of the policeman, and so for that
reason the researchers have decided to design a project which will efficiently
keep a check on the health status of the policeman, and his precise location
to equip him with necessary medical treatments as soon as possible.
Policeman’s tracking is done using GPS used to track the current location of
the policeman. For monitoring the health parameters of policeman, bio
medical sensors such as temperature sensor and heart beat sensor will be
1.2 Statement of the Problem

These proposed project, Policeman Health & Position Tracking System

aims to help keep track of the policeman on the field.

Specifically, the study will answer the following questions:

1. How to know what is the policeman doing in an operation?

2. How to track the exact location of the policeman in an operation?
3. How to monitor the vital signs of the policeman?
4. How the police personnel in the base can detect that some
policeman in the field needs back-up?

1.3 Significance of the study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

To students. The proposed study serves the students as their reference or

guide in creating their program. It will also help students taking computer related
courses to identify the best programming language to use.

To Policeman. The proposed study will help the policeman to have more
confident in the field when in case they are in emergency and when they want help.

To future researcher. The proposed study will benefits and help the future
researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study.
1.4 Scope and Limitations

This paper has an idea of tracking the policeman and it’s health status
which enables the police personnel to plan the strategies of the
operation. The control room gets location of policeman from GPS. The
base station can access the current status of the policeman which is
displayed on the PC. And hence can take immediate action by sending
help for the policeman or sending backup for threat ahead. The position
and orientation of policeman is trapped using GPS.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Tracking - follow the course or trail of (someone or something), typically in

order to find them or note their location at various points.

GPS - Global Positioning System, an accurate worldwide navigational and

surveying facility based on the reception of signals from an array of
orbiting satellites.

Biomedical sensors - tools that detect specific biological, chemical, or

physical processes and then transmit or report this data. Biomedical
Sensors may also be components in systems that process clinical
samples, such as increasingly common “lab-on-a-chip” devices.

Pi camera - is a 5MP CMOS camera with a fixed focus lens that is capable of
capturing still images as well as high definition video. Stills are captured
at a resolution of 2592 x 1944, while video is supported at 1080p at 30
FPS, 720p at 60 FPS and 640x480 at 60 or 90 FPS. The camera is
supported in the latest version of Raspbian, Raspberry Pi's preferred
operating system.

Navigation - the process or activity of accurately ascertaining one's position

and planning and following a route.

Review of Related Literature

2.1 Related Literature

Police Tracker

Police Tracker is a commonly use device all around the world except for
Philippines which implemented this rule just last year. This use of device has
been evolved during the passing of time because it helps the police chief in
monitoring his/her police personnel so that doing wrong things is dangerous.

2.2 Similarities and Differences

While all the devices and precautionary measures that the police
department being upgraded, it is all down to one specific conclusion, it is the
safety of the policeman is at stake so this device and system has been made.

3.1 Research Methodology

This chapter contains the research design. It presents the following:

research method used, instruments or tools in gathering the data, research

environment and research respondent’s.

Research Environment

Figure 3.1: Location Map of University of Cebu-Main Campus

Figure 1 shows the location of the University of Cebu-Main Campus. It

is located along 155A Sanciangko St, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu. The study will be

conducted inside the campus.

Research Respondent

There are Fifty (50) participants in the survey questionnaire.

Criminology Interns and Police Officers are among those 50 respondents. The
respondents were given free time to complete the survey questionnaire. After
collecting the questionnaires, the responses will be tallied, computed,
analyzed, and recorded.

Research Instrument

The instruments used was a research-made questionnaire checklist to

gather the needed data. A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting

of series of items. The draft of the questionnaire was write based on the

researcher’s readings and previous studies. In this survey type, choices are

provided for every question or statement and open comments or suggestions

in the question. The choices represent the agreement of each respondents on

the given question. The survey questionnaire enabled the respondents to

answer easily. The instruments will be validated by researchers before it laid

on to the study.
Research Procedure

Gathering of Data

The researchers conduct a survey and gather information to the

students and other people present in the university. The questionnaires

checklist that aims to drew out proper response on the objectives of the study

was constructed. In administering the questionnaires, the researcher give free

time to the respondents to answer the questions. The questionnaire made by

the researcher was presented to analyzed and checked by the adviser to

ensure the validity of response. After data gathering, the researcher collected

and apply the statistical treatment to be used with the study.

Treatment of Data

After collecting the data needed, the researcher tabulated and analyzed

the data gathered manually with the aid of computer. The table were made to

organize, summarize and analyze the data gathered, to be easily determined

the differences.
3.2 Methodology

Prototyping in SDLC

- Initial Assesment

- User Requirements
- Exisiting System Evaluation
- System Design

- System Specification

- Installation
- Coding, testing and debugging

Finalize - Evaluation
- Documentation
- Implementation
3.3 Process

3.3 Block Diagram

Module Module

Body Body
Microcontroller Microcontroller
Temperature Temperature

Pulse Pulse
Sensor Sensor

Camera Microcontroller Microcontroller Camera


Figure 3.3: Block Diagram showing the project’s system, both hardware and
software showing in schematic form the general arrangement of parts or
components of a complex process.
3.4 Schematic Diagram

Figure 3.4: Schematic representation of the ESP8266 and the other sensors.
Figure 3.5: Schematic representation of the raspberrypi 3 and pi camera.

3.6 Flowchart

Figure 3.6 Shows the system flow of the pi camera policeman vest and server.

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