100 All-Time Greatest Comics 3rd Edition-12

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Greatest Comics

anything necessarily. Alongside the widespread acclaim

So I did tend to that Watchmen and The Dark Knight
evolve this thing Returns received, they are often
where I did a complete accused of kick-starting the ‘grim
script where I ’n’ gritty’ period that followed in the
would talk about superhero genre, which was often
everything from done rather ham-fistedly. Do you
camera angles to think that was a regrettable element
lighting to ambience of the book’s success?
to emotional I think it was me who first actually
atmosphere to the blamed Watchmen and Dark Knight for
inner motivations of kick-starting that. At the time, I found it
the character, what rather depressing. I felt that Watchmen
they are thinking, what in particular had a deleterious effect on
expressions they have the industry; there was all of this joyless
got on their faces – very, grimness everywhere. Watchmen was
very thorough. I think actually not about grim superheroes. The
that most artists tend to only thing I was interested in Watchmen
enjoy that. for, and the only thing I remain interested
for, is the storytelling. The elaborate,
Frank Miller once crystalline story structure… the insanely
commented that, detailed dove-tailing of imagery and words
with Watchmen, you and I hoped that if people took anything
performed the autopsy from Watchmen it would be that. But,
on superheroes, while unfortunately, I guess it was easier to take
he got to perform the Rorshach’s brutality or the cynical, world-
brass-band funeral weary viewpoint.
MUST-READ MOORE The best of Moore’s comics with The Dark Knight
V FOR VENDETTA Returns. Do you agree with that? What are your feelings on the state of
A stark vision of a totalitarian Britain – gorgeously In a lot of instances you’ll find Watchmen the superhero genre?
rendered by David Lloyd – Moore’s passionate and Dark Knight grouped together, and I think that there are some individual good
protest against Thatcherite ideals of greed, jingoism works. Generally, I think it’s completely
this is because both came out of the
and anti-unionism remains one of his finest works,
still potent 25 years on. The story of an anarchist same comic company at the same time. dead in the water and exhausted. You’ll
terrorist’s battles against a fascist UK government is They both showed a darker vision of the get people like Warren Ellis who has a
also the first glimpse of Moore’s massive potential. superhero. I think that there is an essential freshness to his imagination. On the other
LOST GIRLS big difference between them, though. At hand, you have someone like Mike Allred,
Sixteen years in the making, this is Moore’s the time, when I was doing Watchmen, doing his weird, nostalgic, demented vision
unabashed paean to pornography – and utterly somewhere in my head I got this of superheroes. For a while, I was getting
beautiful it is too. Despite the controversy-baiting
premise – Wonderland’s Alice, Oz’s Dorothy and vainglorious notion that Watchmen ‘The Big DC’… I think it was Garth Ennis
Peter Pan’s Wendy meet in Austria and engage in a would be the absolute deconstructionist who referred to it as ‘The Big DC Bag of
vast sexual imbroglio – Moore treats his subject with last word on the superhero, and that Shite’… but that’s what we all call it now. I’ve
affection, sincerity and sensitivity. One of his most
personal works. somehow, mystically, after it had been got them to stop sending it to me recently
published, all the superhero book as it was just so depressing. I don’t even
SWAMP THING publishers would, I don’t know, turn to read Marvel Comics, but I’m assured that
The series that introduced Moore to the US market.
westerns or something like that, but it the situation is as bad there, if not worse.
He was on pioneering form, deconstructing and
re-imagining a then-formulaic character, infusing would be impossible to do superhero
the series with an intense strain of urban horror comics afterward – which was completely Much has been made of Watchmen’s
that at the time was truly startling. DC Comics’ stupid and a completely misplaced hope. apparent cinematic nature – do you
entire mature-readers oeuvre can be traced back to
Moore’s work here. What you really got afterwards was a kind agree with this?
of more pretentious superhero comics, Most people looking at Watchmen who
FROM HELL often with a lot more nasty, gratuitous were unfamiliar with comics would evaluate
The chief rival to Watchmen for the title of Moore’s
very best work, this fictionalised assessment of violence. Dark Knight was certainly a it with something that they are familiar with
the Jack The Ripper murders is a breathtaking grimmer picture of Batman, but if you – whether that be film, so you get people
accomplishment – dense, multilayered and look at the subtext of both books – in saying “Watchmen is very cinematic”,
immensely detailed. Deeply compelling and oddly
beautiful, Moore confronts his subject head on, Watchmen, all of the characters are when actually it’s not. It’s almost the
especially in the unflinchingly graphic rendition of flawed in some way. There is no way that exact opposite to cinematic. When I met
Mary Kelly’s death. they work in terms of the conventional with Terry Gilliam – who was at one point
THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY idea of the hero. Their presence is more proposed to be the director of a Watchmen
GENTLEMAN of a problem for the world that they film – and he asked me how I would film it, I
Even the overwhelmingly poor quality of the 2003 inhabit than any kind of ray of salvation had to tell him that if anyone had asked me
film version cannot reduce the sheer greatness of
or hope. With Watchmen, I was actually earlier, I would have told them that, frankly,
the source comic, drawn by Kevin O’Neill, that was
the crown jewel in Moore’s ‘America’s Best Comics’ exploring the real-world ramifications of I didn’t think it was filmable. Because,
imprint. Its marvellously simple and captivating these characters and ideas. There was I kind of designed it not to show off the
premise – the Victorian adventure fiction characters
that big difference between what Dark similarities between cinema and comics,
operating in a ‘super-group’ – ensured that it was a
massive hit. Knight and Watchmen. They’re two very which are there, but, in my opinion are fairly
different works. unremarkable. It was to show off the things


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