10 Grammar

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Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.

Question 2 Rewrite the following sentences according to the

instructions given after each and making other changes that may be necessary, without changing the meaning of any
sentence. [10]

1. To the best of my knowledge, he is vegetarian. (Begin: As far as ….)

2. The train journey from Kolkata to Asansol takes three hours. (Begin: It is a ….)
3. The peon cannot leave unless I permit him. (Use: without)
4. ‘Kindly leave the bag here, Madam’, said the porter. (Change the narration)
5. The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it. ( Remove: so….that)
6. He was a poet as well as a statesman. (Combine to make a negative sentence)
7. As soon as the awards were announced, the winners walked to the podium. (Begin: No sooner…)
8. No one came as late as Diana to the party. . (Change to superlative)
9. The thought of being alone terrified her. (change the voice)
10. Put your books aside, people may fall over them. (Use: lest)
Question 3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition: [5]
1) I looked ……. my nephew while his parents went out.
2) We should not look ……. upon the poor.
3) Farmers look ……. to a better standard of living.
4) The principal promised to look ……. her case.
5) I am trying to look ……. my key.
Rewrite as directed the following sentences without changing the meaning.
1. I was annoyed by his behaviour. [Change the voice]

2. I am invited. [Supply a question tag]

3. The teacher said, “Have you done your homework?” [Change the narration]
4. As soon as the tiger saw the rabbit, it attacked. [Begin. No sooner…].
5. No other athlete in our school is as fast as Rachel. [Use: Fastest]
6. If you do not hurry up, you will miss the train. [Begin: Unless…]
7. I was so tired that I was not able to follow him. [Use: too]
8. Can we ever forget those happy days? [Rewrite as an Assertive sentence]
9. He did not come. He did not write a letter. [Use:’neither… nor…’]
10. He passed the examinations. He got a gold medal.[Use:’not only…’]
II. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate article.
1. Raj Mahal is ____ top class hotel.
2. Could we change ___ the topic of discussion?
3. ___ honest man is always trusted.
4. __ African continent is full of conflicts.
5. He is ____ European writer.
ICSE English: Grammar Preposition Revision Exercise
Posted by: icseenglish on: June 5, 2010
 In: grammar | ICSE English | prepositons | Revision Exercise

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Choose the right preposition:

1. He was touched _____________ pity when he heard the tale.
2. There is always a demand ___________ good tailor.
3. He was in great need ___________ money.
4. He fell ____________ with his best friend and refused to talk to him.
5. The pupils must commit this ___________ memory.
1. He was touched__________ pity when he heard the news.
2. You have no aptitude __________ business.
3. Need you bring __________ that topic again?
4. She insists ___________ wearing that dress.
5. I met an old friend __________ the party
1. Children often quarrel___________ their toys.
2. The waiter laid the table________ dinner.
3. She was annoyed__________ being disturbed.
4. He was anxious to be popular________ everyone.
5. It was kind____________ him to be so helpful.
1. She is a year older_________ I am.
2. They could not elicit any information _________ the prisoner.
3. She did not play the piano, because ___________ a septic thumb.
4. A basket was provided __________ the disposal of waste paper.
5. This fabric is superior____________ that one.
1. The teacher was pleased_______ the performance of the student.
2. He slept _________ eight o’ clock.
3. The cat sprang _________ the table.
4. I shall return________ an hour.
5. He will be dropped ___________ the team if he does not make a big score.
Answers to the English Grammar and Composition Aptitude Test
Posted by: icseenglish on: May 29, 2010
 In: English Grammar and Composition Aptitude Test Answers | grammar

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English Grammar and Composition

Aptitude Test Answers

Question 1
You are living in a big city but the water supply of your colony is very poor. As
summers are going on all the residents face acute shortage of water. Write a letter to
the Editor of a reputed newspaper drawing the authorities’ attention to the problem.
Format: Official
Self Address
29 May, 2009.
The Editor
The Times of Hyderabad
Points to be Included:
 Introduction:Name and essential details: such as resident of Nowhere Colony.
 Reason for writing the letter:The acute water shortage to be brought to the attention of
the authorities through the newspaper.
 Presentation of the problem:Acute water shortage due to summer.
 The difficulties faced by the residents of the colony. (examples)
 Personal difficulties.(examples)
 Suggestions if any to lessen the misery
 Request to publish the letter.
Yours sincerely,
Yours truly,
Yours faithfully,
(Any one)
Name in Full
Question 2
Rewrite as directed: [10]
a. Very few subjects are as important as English. (Use: most)
English is one of the most important subjects.
b. Only if India wins the cup, we will have a holiday.( Change into a negative sentence)
Unless India wins the cup, we will not have a holiday.
If India does not win the cup, we will not have a holiday.
c. The matter was reported to the commissioner. (Change the voice)
The commissioner was reported of/about the matter.
d. She is very dull in studies. She is smart-looking. ( Combine the sentences)
Though dull in studies, she is smart-looking.
In spite of /Despite being dull in studies, she is smart looking.
e. The Judge said to the Prosecutor, “Do you agree with the arguments presented
yesterday?” Change into indirect speech)
The Judge asked the Prosecutor whether he agreed with the arguments presented (on)
the previous day/the day before.
f. As soon as the results were declared, the web-server was very busy.
(Begin: No sooner…)
No sooner were the results announced than the web-server was busy.
g. He said to his friend,” I go for a walk every day.” (Change into reported speech)
He said to/told his friend that he goes for a walk every day.
h. I can go to the theater. (Provide a suitable question tag)
I can go to the theater, can’t I?
i. He is a diplomat and a poet. (Use: Not only…)
j. Not only is he a diplomat but also a poet.
Question 3 [5]
Rewrite using the correct preposition:
i. Even though they were tired, they carried on their journey.
ii. In spite of the heavy rain, the meeting was not put off.
iii. Contrary to their expectation, it snowed heavily.
iv. The mob burned down the building.
v. You can look up the word in the dictionary.
English Grammar and Composition Aptitude Test
Posted by: icseenglish on: May 26, 2010
 In: English Grammar and Composition | grammar

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English Grammar and Composition

Aptitude Test
Time: One Hour

Max Marks: 25
Question 1
You are living in a big city but the water supply of your colony is very poor. As summers are going on all the
residents face acute shortage of water. Write a letter to the Editor of a reputed newspaper drawing the
authorities’ attention to the problem. [10]
Question 2
Rewrite as directed [10]
a. Very few subjects are as important as English. (Use: most)
b. Only if India wins the cup, we will have a holiday.( Change into a negative sentence)
c. The matter was reported to the commissioner. (Change the voice)
d. She is very dull in studies. She is smart-looking. ( Combine the sentences)
e. The Judge said to the Prosecutor, “Do you agree with the arguments presented yesterday?” Change into indirect
f. As soon as the results were declared, the web-server was very busy.
(Begin: No sooner…)
g. He said to his friend,” I go for a walk every day.” (Change into reported speech)
h. I can go to the theatre. (Provide a suitable question tag)
i. He is a diplomat and a poet. (Use: Not only…)
Question 3 [5]
Rewrite using the correct preposition:
1. Even though they were tired, they carried…. their journey.
2. In spite of the heavy rain, the meeting was not put….
3. Contrary ….. their expectation, it snowed heavily.
4. The mob burned…..the building.
5. You can look….. the word in the dictionary.
6. Once you get the question paper, evaluate the entire paper. Do not rush into……0……. (answer). Select questions you are
very sure of marks; the ones you want to answer. ……1……. (answer) questions that you find easy because that gives you
confidence and also time to take the rest of the exams. ……2……. (peace). When you have a choice, make sure that you
select problems because they can be. ……3……. (solve) in a shorter span of time and you can be sure of full marks. But if
you are not sure of problems then select paragraph answers.
7. . ……4……. (time) your paper and. ……5……. (sure) that you complete at least 10 minutes before the due time. After. ……6…….
(answer) every question take a minute to revise the answer. This would be useful in case you don’t find time to review your
answer sheet ……7……. (late). After. ……8……. (complete) the answers revise. Revision is. ……9……. (extreme) critical because
it can help you identify mistakes and. ……10…. (correct) them.
8. And finally after the exam, please understand that you cannot do anything about the way you have answered, just relax and
wait for the results
9. 1. Answer
10. 2. peacefully
11. 3. solved
12. 4. Time
13. 5. ensure
14. 6. answering
15. 7. later
16. 8. completing
17. 9. extremely
18. 10. correct
19. (c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. [5]
20. a. Aurangzeb was the descendant of Shajahan.
21. b. The rescuers ran short of adequate assistance.
22. c. We should attribute our success to our teachers and parents.
23. d. The Minister resigned from.the cabinet due to ill health.
24. e. The flood victims were resigned to their fate.
25. f. The Gazette is available for reference in the library.
26. g. We should avail of every opportunity to succeed.
27. h. When the car broke down, we had to walk home.
28. i. The curfew was imposed on all areas of the city
29. j. We should try our best to be true to our principles.
(a) Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes necessary; do not change the
meaning of any of the sentence. [10]
1. Why did Renuka skip the test?
(Change the voice)
2. “Did you understand the poem well yesterday?” the teacher asks.
(Begin: The teacher asked….)
3. He snatched the ball from him and scored a goal.
(Begin: Not only…..)
4. The Kotla grounds were too damaged to conduct the match.
(Use: so….that)
5. Though skilled in painting, he was not admitted to the competition.
(Begin: Despite…)
6. As soon as the match started, the crowd turned violent.
(Begin: No sooner….)
7. Ajay is very popular in the class as he is intelligent.
(Use the noun form of ‘intelligent’)
8. ‘The Hurt Locker’ is one of the best films released this year.
(Use: good)
9. He saw the car rushing towards him and leapt aside.
(Begin: Having……)
10. The police are looking into the matter.
(Provide a suitable question tag)
(b) Complete the following paragraph with the suitable form of the verb given in the brackets. Do not copy the paragraph. Write
only your answers with the correct number of the blank [5]
Example: ……0…….; 0 = answering
Once you get the question paper, evaluate the entire paper. Do not rush into……0……. (answer). Select questions you are very sure of
marks; the ones you want to answer. ……1……. (answer) questions that you find easy because that gives you confidence and also
time to take the rest of the exams. ……2……. (peace). When you have a choice, make sure that you select problems because they
can be. ……3……. (solve) in a shorter span of time and you can be sure of full marks. But if you are not sure of problems then select
paragraph answers.
. ……4……. (time) your paper and. ……5……. (sure) that you complete at least 10 minutes before the due time. After. ……6…….
(answer) every question take a minute to revise the answer. This would be useful in case you don’t find time to review your answer
sheet ……7……. (late). After. ……8……. (complete) the answers revise. Revision is. ……9……. (extreme) critical because it can help you
identify mistakes and. ……10…. (correct) them.
And finally after the exam, please understand that you cannot do anything about the way you have answered, just relax and wait
for the results
(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. [5]
1. Aurangzeb was the descendant ….Shajahan.
2. The rescuers ran short …… adequate assistance.
3. We should attribute our success …….. our teachers and parents.
4. The Minister resigned …………..the cabinet due to ill health.
5. The flood victims were resigned…… their fate.
6. The Gazette is available ……. reference in the library.
7. We should avail …… every opportunity to succeed.
8. When the car broke……, we had to walk home.
9. The curfew was imposed…….. all areas of the city
10. We should try our best to be true ….. our principles.

Grammar Revision Questions

Posted by: icseenglish on: February 6, 2010
 In: grammar | Revision Questions 06022010

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Rewrite the following sentences correctly according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may
be necessary but don’t change the meaning of the sentence.
1. The Director accepted his proposal ultimately. (Use: ‘rejected’)
2. His father is too honest to accept bribe. (Remove: ‘too’)
3. As soon as I started to run, my left foot was twisted.(Use: ‘no sooner’)
4. Your son was admitted to this school last year. (Use: ‘admission’)
5. The news is too good to be true. (Remove: ‘too’)
6. As soon as the chairman arrived, the directors put up their demands. (Use: no sooner’)
7. He agreed with his son on the choice of his subjects. (Use: ‘oppose’)
8. The king received his General coldly after losing the war. (Use: ‘cold’)
9. Shankar is so intelligent that he doesn’t need any advice.(Use: ‘too’)
10. As soon as the crowd started shouting the slogans, the Minister ran away. (Use: ‘no sooner’)
11. He succeeded in the competition in the very first attempt. (Use: ‘fail’)
12. She does not intend to participate in the tournament. (Use: ‘intention’)
II. The following words / pairs have different meaning. Use each of them in separate sentence to illustrate this.
1. root
2. operation
3. suit, suite
4. stationary, stationery
5. here, hear
6. there, their
7. plain, plane
8. pray, prey
9. finger
10. access, excess
1.Supposing it is an emergency, we should act immediately. (Use: provided…)
2.It is admitted that he is the greatest leader. ( Begin: All …)
3.Be honest and you will be respected by everyone. (Use: Everyone…)
4.Gullible as he is as, he was not taken in by the fraud. (Begin: In spite of…)
5.My father was very charitable to everyone. (Use: the correct form of treat)

6.Had Richard known what to do; he should have saved much time. (Begin: If…)
7.This rumour is incredible. (Begin: This rumour cannot …..)
8. The new budget made the public glad.Begin:The public…)
9.”How prophetic was Cassius’ words that day!” said the soothsayer.(Change the narration)
10.The students said,” Let there be no tests today.” (Change into Reported Speech)
Question 2
Complete each of the sentences by using an appropriate word in the blanks. [5]
1.There was a steep decline ____________ the standard of education for the last decade
2.The peasants believed that rain was the source _________ God’s will.
3.At the end of the day, there is no alternative ___________ hard work.
4.Achilles was a lot more valiant __________ Agamemnon.
5.The foreigner wanted to know how to get ___________ the airport to the hotel.
6.He did not focus on the studied because ____________ a distracted mind…
7.A favourable atmosphere is provided in the school ___________ the pupils.
8.I prefer fast food ___________ any other food.
9.The common man rejoiced __________ the President’s declaration.
10.He revenged himself ________enemies.
Grammar Exercise
Posted by: icseenglish on: December 9, 2009
 In: grammar

Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make necessary changes without
changing the meaning of any of the sentence.
1. The thieves ran away when they heard the dogs bark. (Begin: Hearing…)
2. Only the poor deserve the relief. (Begin: None…)
3. If you eat more, you will become sick. (Begin: The more…)
4. The teachers did not approve the mischief of the students.( Change the voice)
5. All hope the Summit will bring a relief to global warming.(Begin: It …)
6. If I were you, Graham, I would call the doctor. (Begin: He advised…)
7. That he achieved the goal gladdened him. (Use: the noun form ‘achieve’)
8. Though there was heavy security the mob looted the shops. (Begin: Despite…)
9. I have never seen such a savage spectacle. (Begin: Never before…….)
10. Gita said, “Mohan, unless you catch a taxi, you will not reach Chennai today.”
11. (Change into Reported speech)
Question 2
Fill in the blanks with the apt form of the verb given in brackets
1. All the boys…… [gather] in the school hall before the guest….. [arrive].
2. He …… [feel] hungry because he ….. [not eat] anything for many hours.
3. The fire…. [spread] to the next house before the fire brigade …. [arrive].
4. Rajan …..[work]in the company for a number of years before he … [force] to quit.
5. He …… (shout) at the children, when I …..(enter) his house.
Question 3
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
1. A place of worship should promote an air …… spirituality peace.
2. Robert has been suffering ……… influenza since last week.
3. He went out …………. meet his friend..
4. The political leaders take a different stand …… this issue.
5. James insists ………. an apology for the misbehaviour.
Grammar Revision Questions
Posted by: icseenglish on: December 6, 2009
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Question 1
Rewrite the sentences according to the directions
given after each:
1. Students often find
homework uninteresting. . (Begin with: It is …)
2. Try again and you will
solve the problem. (Begin with: Unless…)
3. We shall hear
Rafi’s voice no more. (Begin with: Alas! Rafi’s voice…)
4. ‘I did not inform you of
the test,’ said Kiran to Ravi. (Use: apologized)
5. Robert started to play
cricket a year ago. (Begin with: Robert has …)
An Approach to ICSE
Question 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the
word/words given in brackets:
1. If he doesn’t come,
we _______________ the picnic. (postpone)
2. If I were as rich as
John, I ______________ you with money. (help)
3. She would never come to
the wedding if __________ her. (not invite)
4. If you __________ a
taxi, you would get there in time. (take)
Rich as he is, he does not squander. (Use: Although…)
Grammar Revision
Posted by: icseenglish on: December 5, 2009
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Question 1
Rewrite as directed without changing the meaning:
1. People grew a lot of rubber in Malaysia. [Begin: A…]
2. He tried harder and harder but achieved less and less. [Begin: The….]
3. “Shall I ask her to wait,” said Pamela. [Change into Reported Speech]
4. It was so late that I could not attend the class. [Use: too]
5. Prizes were being given by the Minister when the lights went out. [Change the voice]
An Approach to ICSE

6. If you had not advised me, I would have fallen into the trap. [Begin: But….]
7. I am coming with you. [Provide a suitable question tag]
8. This is the biggest elephant I have ever seen. [Use: big]
9. As soon as Rama starts to run the race, the crowd cheers her. [Begin: No sooner …]
10. Both the answers are wrong. [Begin: Neither….]
11. Neither John nor his friends ……… to blame. [Use: is/are]
12. The United Nations have its headquarters in U.S.A. [Correct the sentence]
13. He is a principled man. [Use: principle]
14. But for my help, she would not have succeeded. Begin: Had…]
15. If he apologizes, he will be pardoned. [Use: Unless…]
16. The teacher asked, “Will you confess your mistake?” [Change into indirect speech]
17. Let the child not be disturbed. [Change into active voice]
18. Very few Prime Ministers are as scholarly as our Prime Minister. [Change into superlative]
19. He is so ill that he cannot not attend the meeting. [Use: too]
20. The task was not pleasant. It was not easy either. [Combine the two sentences]
21. The Principal is calling everyone from this class. [Begin: Everyone…]
22. How kind a person Anurag is! [Begin: What…]
23. It was wrong on the part of the management to dismiss him. [Use: ought]
24. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. [Begin: No other…]
25. There were only a few coins in the purse that Seema lost. [Begin: The purse…]
26. “I do not think I can finish the work by today”, said the plumber. [Change the narration]
27. There is nothing more beautiful than the sunset. [Begin: Is….]
28. If you do not mend your ways, you will get into trouble. [Begin: Mend…]
29. He is not a reckless driver. [End: recklessly]
30. She exclaimed that Kolkata is a very congested city. [Change into direct speech]
31. Very few foods are as healthy as milk. [Change into superlative]
32. Andrew is the best cobbler in our town. [Change into positive]
33. Hyderabad is one of the cleanest cities in India. [Use: clean]
34. A deer does not run as fast as a cheetah. [Begin: A cheetah…]
35. No other poet is as popular as Shakespeare. [Use: most]
36. Mr. Ram came last of all for the meeting. [Change into positive]
37. Some monuments are perhaps more beautiful than the Taj. [Use: most]
38. ‘Why don’t you sing a song, Rita?’ said Suresh. (Rita)
39. To Iqbal’s surprise, the office was closed. (find)
40. The play I saw last week was better than this one. (good)
Grammar Revision Practice
Posted by: icseenglish on: December 2, 2009
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Question I
Rewrite as directed:
1. Rama said to me, “I shall complete this work as soon as I can.”
(Begin with: Rama told….)
2. Meena is one of the tallest girls in the class.
(Use: “taller”)
3. My father told me that he had been working all day.
(Begin with: My father said……)
4. Shakespeare was the greatest dramatist of the world.
(Use: ‘great’)
5. Sudarshan said, “Mother, I have taken dinner”.
(Begin with: Sudarshan told…….)

6. Harry Potter is the most popular character of child fiction.

(Use: ‘more’)
7. He said to me, “Time and tide waits for none.”
(Begin with: He reminded……)
8. No other hill station in India is as beautiful as Darjeeling.
(Use: ‘most beautiful’)
9. Robert said to his friend, “I have brought apples for you.”
(Begin with: Robert told……)
10. The stranger said to the policeman, “Please show me the way to the medical store.”
(Change into reported speech)
11. Put your tools away, people may fall over them.
(Use: lest)
12. Although she was too young, they appointed her.
(Begin: In spite……………..)
13. “How beautiful the sunset looks tonight!” said Neelam.
Begin: Neelam exclaimed …………..)
14. She could not afford to buy the computer as she was poor.
(Begin with: Being…)
15. We have difficulty in saving money.
(Begin: It ……..)
Question 2
Fill in each blank with the word which is appropriate.
1. His system of working is different ……………… yours.
2. I congratulated him ……………. his success.
3. The army must inquire ………… the matter.
4. The students quarreled ……….. themselves.
5. They have been with us ………… a long time.
6. Water is convertible …………vapour.
7. The responsibility is ……………. my shoulders.
8. He has many advantages …………… you.
9. He was so amusing that all laughed ……. Him.
10. Carelessness may result……… many deaths

Grammar and Composition Questions
Posted by: icseenglish on: February 21, 2009
 In: composition | grammar | Letter

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Question 1
The trend of organizing weddings at ‘Marriage halls’ is fast catching on. This convenient to all, except the occupants of the residential
areas where these have sprung up. Write a letter to the District Commissioner of your town complaining about the noise pollution
and other inconveniences caused by this new trend. Suggest a suitable remedy.
Question 2
Change the voice
1. I was happy at the glad news.
2. Trust in God and do the right.
3. God helps those who help themselves.
4. They will not agree to this proposal.
5. Who has injured you?
6. Do it now and here.
7. His friends laughed at him.
Question 3
as directed
1.Very few foods are as healthy as milk. [ Change into superlative]
2. Andrew is the best cobbler in our town. [ Change into positive]
3. Hyderabad is one of the cleanest cities in India. [ Use: clean]
4. A deer does not run as fast as a cheetah. [Begin: A cheetah…]
5. No other poet is as popular as Shakespeare. [ Use: most]
6. Mr. Ram came last of all for the meeting. [ Change into positive]
7. Some monuments are perhaps more beautiful than the Taj. [Use: most]
Tranformation of Sentences
Posted by: icseenglish on: December 7, 2008
Rewrite as directed
1. The Principal is calling everyone from this class. [Begin: Everyone…]
2. How kind a person Anurag is! [Begin: What…]
3. It was wrong on the part of the management to dismiss him. [Use: ought]
4. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. [Begin: No other…]
5. There were only a few coins in the purse that Seema lost. [Begin: The purse…]
6. “ I do not think I can finish the work by today”, said the plumber.[Change the narration]
7. There is nothing more beautiful than the sunset. [Begin: Is….]
8. If you do not mend your ways, you will get into trouble. [Begin: Mend…]
9. He is not a reckless driver. [ End: recklessly]
10. She exclaimed that Kolkata is a very congested city. [Change into direct speech]

1. There is still a glimmer of hope that the strike …………………………….. this week.

will end

would end
2. Parents tend to gloss …………………………….. their children’s mistakes.


3. Be a good winner and don’t gloat ……………………………. your victory.


4. In fairy tales gnomes always …………………………….. hidden treasures.

are guarding

would guard
5. When something goes wrong, he always makes me the …………………………..


6. The king’s enemies ………………………….. a rebellion.


7. Walking a tightrope ……………………………. the falls was a foolhardy venture.


8. You should try to forbear ……………………………. saying such nasty things.


9. I forbid you …………………………………. out after midnight.
to stay

from staying

Either could be used here

10. The bridge had been built with ……………………………… labor.

11. His speech was brief but …………………………..


12. The ………………………………… seizure of US sailors by British naval officers was one of the
causes of the war of 1812.


1. There is still a glimmer of hope that the strike will end this week.
2. Parents tend to gloss over their children’s mistakes.
3. Be a good winner and don’t gloat over your victory.
4. In fairy tales gnomes always guard hidden treasures.
5. When something goes wrong, he always makes me the goat.
6. The king’s enemies fomented a rebellion.
7. Walking a tightrope across the falls was a foolhardy venture.
8. You should try to forbear from saying such nasty things.
9. I forbid you to stay / from staying out after midnight.
10. The bridge had been built with forced labor.
11. His speech was brief but forceful.
12. The forcible seizure of US sailors by British naval officers was one of the causes of the war of

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