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Unit Test in Animal Production 8

Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________________

1. It refers to domesticated birds of fowls.

a. Poultry b. Livestock c. Amphibians d. Mammals
2. These are devices that make the work of man easier and faster.
a. Bolo b. Shovel c. Spade d. Tools
3. It refers to one or more domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food,
fiber and labor. They are usually four legged animals.
a. Livestock b. Poultry c. Mammals d. Amphibians
4. This is a large cutting tool of Filipino origin like machete, used particularly in the jungles.
a. Shovel b. Spading fork c. Bolo d. Pruning shears
5. It is a hand tool used for digging and moving soil and granular materials.
a. Bolo b. Spading fork c. Rake d. Shovel
6. This structure is designed to meet the special needs of newly weaned pigs.
a. Pickup truck b. Nursery facilities c. Feed bins d. Brooder
7. These are containers where feeds are stored for future use.
a. Pickup truck b. Nursery facilities c. Feed bins d. Brooder
8. These fixtures should be provided in the laying house to facilitate collection of manure.
a. Dropping board b. Compact utility tractor c. Castration rack d. Incubator
9. The device used for maintaining the eggs of birds to allow them to hatch.
a. Dropping board b. Compact utility tractor c. Castration rack d. Incubator
10. These are horizontal poles where birds can sit and rest especially during night time.
a. Castration rack b. Incubator c. Manure spreader d. Perches
11. In mixing feed ingredients, wear ___________ to protect your eyes from irritation.
a. Gloves b. Safety glasses c. Helmet d. Goggles
12. In doing farming activities, right tools for the right task should be ____________.
a. Ignored b. Followed c. Observed d. Both B and C
13. A heated container that can have its temperature controlled in at least one are.
a. Brooder b. Feed bins c. Nursery facilities d. Pickup truck
14. A starter feed is given to ____________ kgs. Weaners until the pigs are about three months old weigh 30 to 35 kgs.
a. 1 to 10 kgs. b.10 to 20 kgs. c. 20 to 30 kgs. d. 30 to 40 kgs.
15. This is a hand tool used for loosening the soil and turning over the materials in a compost heap.
a. Spading fork b. Shovel c. Rake d. Bolo
16. Which of the following tools is the most appropriate tool in cutting branches of trees?
a. Hammer b. Bolo c. Rake d. Spading fork
17. Which of the following tools is used to collect animal manure from the ground?
a. Bolo b. Hoe c. Rake d. Shovel
18. It is a tool used to clean and level the ground.
a. Rake b. Hoe c. Bolo d. Spading fork
19. It refers to a two-wheeled transport tool pushed or pulled by one or more people or animals.
a. Hand cart b. Wheel barrow c. Spading fork d. Hoe
20. It is like a small scythe; it is used for cutting tall grass.
a. All-purpose bolo b. Haras c. Kutsilyo d. Bulo-guna
21. It is also called “tip bolo” or itak, was a popular weapon of choice in the revolution against the Spanish colonial
government and during the Philippine – American War.
a. Garab b. Pinuti c. Sundang d. Bulo-guna
22. Which of the following is NOT a hand tool?
a. Socket driver b. Phillips head driver c. Electrician’s pliers d. Circular saw
23. How to determine the FCR or (Feed Conversion Ration)?
a. FCR is equal to gain in weight (kg) divided by feed consumed (kg)
b. FCR is equal to feed consumed (kg) divided by gain in weight (kg)
c. FCR is equal to gain in weight (kg) multiplied by feed consumed (kg)
d. FCR is equal to feed consumed (kg) multiplied by gain in weight (kg)
24. What is the space requirements for broiler from Day-old to three weeks?
a. 1.0 sq.ft./bird b. 0.5 sq.ft./chick c. 0.3 sq.ft./chick d. 0.1 sq.ft./chick
25. What is the brooding temperature requirement for chicks from 0 to 1 week in ®C?
a. 32.2 – 35.0 b. 29.4 – 32.2 c. 26.7 – 29.4 d. 23.4 – 26.7
26. A tool used for measuring the distance between two symmetrically opposing sides.
a. Caliper b. Folder ruler c. Ruler d. Squares
27. It is a curved and handheld aquaculture tool for harvesting grain crops or cutting grasses for hay.
a. Shovel b. Rake c. Sickle d. Mattock
28. A device used to strike or deliver blows to an object like driving nails, fitting parts and breaking up objects.
a. Hammer b. Plier c. Wrench d. Cutter
29. A device for measuring the weight of an object.
a. Paper weight b. Measuring tool c. Weighing Scale d. Square
30. This is the most popular type of measuring tools, it usually is 6 or 12 inches in length.
a. Ruler b. Speed square c. Folding ruler d. Try square
31. The most versatile and widely used shovel, used for digging, scooping or shoveling dirt from one point to another.
a. Irrigation shovel b. Round point shovel c. Garden shovel d. Scoop shovel
32. A tool used to tighten or loosen screws
a. Hammer b. Screwdriver c. Wrench d. Pliers
33. The following are the advantages of restricted feeding Except:
a. better feed conversion ratio (FCR) b. good carcass quality
c. better health control d. lower Average Daily Gain
34. What is the recommended minimum watering space requirements for 4 wks-8 wks broiler?
a. 0.5 cm./bird b. 0.6 cm./bird c. 1 to 2 cm /bird d. 4-5cm /bird
35. How much is the recommended minimum feeding space requirements for broilers?
a. 2.5 to 5 cm/bird b. 5 to 6.5 cm/ bird c. 7-6 cm/ bird d. 7.5 to 9 cm/bird
36. What is the recommended brooding temperature for over 4 weeks chicks?
a. 32.2-35.0 C b. 29.4- 32.2 C c. 26.7-29.4 C d. no more heat supply required
37. Which of the following feeding methods controls the amount of feed given to a certain amout just to satisfy the
appetite of the pig?
a. Restricted b. limited c. ad libitum d. combination of restricted and ad libitum
38. Which of the following is an advantage of Ad libitum type of feeding method?
a. less feed competition b. thicker backfat c. less control on health problems d. None of the above
39. Which of the following feed is given to pigs weighing 60 kgs.?
a. Beginner feed b. starter feed c. Grower feed d. Finisher feed
40. Finisher feeds is given to pigs weighing _____________________.
a. 40 kgs b. 80-90 kgs c. 60 kgs d. 60-70 kgs
41. Which of the following is a disadvantage of restricted feeding?
a. less chance of coping with higher market price b. less digestive problems
c. better health control d. All of the above
42. Which of the following is the biggest advantage of the combined feeding method ad libitum and restricted?
a. growth potential of the animal can be maximized during its first 50 kgs. of growth
b. better use of good feed (better FCR) c. higher ADG with good carcass qualify d. All of the above
43. The brooding temperature of 26.7- 29.4 C is given to chicks aged__________.
a. 0-1 weeks b. 1-2 weeks c. 2-4 weeks d. above 4 weeks
44. How much Crude Protein (CP) does a starter feed contain?
a. 18 % b. 20 % c. 25% d. 40%
45. Which of the following is the exact formula of getting the FCR?
a. FCR= feed consumed/ gain in weight b. FCR= gain in weight/feed consumed
c. FCR= # of pigs/gain in weight d. FCR= feed consumed/ # of pigs
46. How much is the FCR if the price of the broiler per kilo is 150 pesos and the head of the broiler weigh 3 kilo?
a. 300 b. 50 c. 15 d. 10
47. How much is the FCR if the price of the broiler per kilo is 280 pesos and the head of the broiler weigh 4 kilo?
a. 170 b. 700 c. 28 d. 70
48. If the broiler weighs 2 kilo and the price of the broiler per kilo is 320, the FCR is ____________
a. 160 b. 60 c. 100 d. 120
49. If the FCR is 93 and the price per kilo of the broiler is 930 pesos, How much is the weight gained by the broiler?
a. 5 b. 2 c. 8 d. 10
50. Compute for the feed consumed if the FCR is 90 and the gained weight of the broiler is 2 kilos.
a. 1080 b. 180 c. 80 d. 270

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