Final Manuscript Banaba (Lagerstroemia Speciosa) Leaf Extract As Anti-Bacterial Soap

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Banaba (Lagerstroemia spaciosa) Leaf Extract as Germicidal Soap

An Experimental Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the Special Science

Program of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research 1

Ellaine Marie S. Marron


Joseph A. Sarmiento, LPT

Research Adviser

Evelyn C. Biay, Ed. D.

HT-III, Science and Technology Dept


Principal IV

Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School

Villasis, Pangasinan

March 2019

This research proposal entitled “BANABA (Lagerstroemia speciosa LEAF EXTRACT AS

ANTI-BACTERIAL SOAP)”, is prepared and submitted by Ellaine Marie S. Marron in

partial fulfilment of the requirements in the Special Science Program, has been examined and

recommended for acceptance and approval of ORAL EXAMINATION.




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of_____




Critic Reader Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements in the Special Science


Date: _________________


Principal IV

First of all, the researcher is grateful to The Almighty God for establishing her to

complete this research paper.

The researcher wants to give her sincere thanks to Mr. Joseph A. Sarmiento, The

Research Teacher, for evaluating and guiding her throughout this whole process, by providing

tips and teaching the proper methods for making her research study a successful one.

The researcher also wants to give her sincere gratitude to Dr. Evelyn C. Biay, the

DRECMNHS Research Program Adviser and the Head Teacher III of Science and Technology,

for her expert, sincere and valuable guidance and encouragement extended to the researcher.

The researcher also takes this opportunity to thank her parents who worked hard to

motivate and support her financialy. As well as her peers who motivated her and supported her

in her journey in the midst of consequences.

The researcher finally gives gratitude to one and all who, directly or indirectly, have lent

their helping hand in this venture.


The researcher would like to dedicate this research study to the students of Don Ramon

E. Costales Memorial National High School, to the Science Department and the Library of the


The researcher would also like to dedicate this study to the researcher’s ever-supportive

family, relatives, friends, and teachers in this institution.

Table of Contents



Table of Contents........................................................................................................................iii

List of Figures.............................................................................................................................iv

List of Tables...............................................................................................................................v


Background of the Study...............................................................................................................1

Conceptual Paradigm....................................................................................................................4

Statement of the Problem..............................................................................................................5

Scope and Delimitation..................................................................................................................5


Definition of Terms........................................................................................................................6

Materials and Methods:


Research Design...........................................................................................................................7



Data Gathering Instrument..........................................................................................................11

Statistical Tool.............................................................................................................................12


Appendix A: Financial Plan........................................................................................................15

Appendix B: Gantt Chart............................................................................................................16

Appendix C: Evaluation Checklist..............................................................................................17

Appendix D: Plagiarism Check..................................................................................................18

Appendix E: Checklist for Adult Sponsor...................................................................................20

Appendix F: Student Checklist...................................................................................................22

Appendix F: Research Plan/Project Summary Instructions.......................................................23

Appendix G: Approval Form.......................................................................................................24

Appendix H: Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form.....................................25

Appendix I: Qualified Scientist Form.........................................................................................26

Appendix J: Risk Assessment Form..........................................................................................27

Appendix K: Human Participants Form......................................................................................28

Appendix L: Human Informed Consent Form............................................................................29

Appendix M: Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Risk Assessment Form........................30

Appendix N: Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue Form.........................................................31

Appendix O: Continuation/Research Progression Projects Form..............................................32

Appendix P: Official Abstract and Certification..........................................................................33

List of Figures

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm..................................................................................................4

List of Tables

Table 1.Two Group Design......................................................................................................8

Table 2. Likert Scale..................................................................................................................11


According to Balangcod et. al. (2014) many diseases particularly caused by pathogenic

microbes, have been successfully treated to this day with a variety of available anti-bacterial

drugs. However, prices of drugs also are increasing and the search for alternative medicinal

sources still persists. She mentioned that even with an ever increasing number of synthetic

drugs, it is still impossible to disregard the contributions of plants to modern medicine. The bane

that diseases bring to mankind has fueled the incessant quest for effective, yet affordable,

therapeutic substances leading even the most sophisticated drug companies to continue

exploring the possibilities that the plant kingdom can offer. Studies on plant remedies not only

serve to make the public more conscious regarding sources of alternative medicines, but also

serve to open more venues for future drug discoveries.

According to Stuart (undated), Banaba is a deciduous tropical flowering tree, 5 to 10

meters high, sometimes growing to a height of 20 meters. The bark is smooth, gray to cream-

colored, and peels off in irregular flakes. The leaves are smooth, large, spatulate, oblong to

elliptic-ovate, 4 to 8 centimeters in width, 12 to 25 centimeters in length, shedding its takes off

the primary months of the year. Blooms are 6-parted, purplish lilac or mauve-pink, seldom pink,

5 to 7.5 centimeters over, and borne in expansive, terminal panicles up to 40 centimeters in

length. Petals are oblong-obovate or obovate, in no time clawed, and 3 to 3.5 centimeters long;

the edges are undulate and hardly fimbriate. Natural product could be an expansive nutlike

capsule, obovoid or ellipsoid, and 2 to 3.5 centimeters long. The seed has a color pale brown,

with a wing 12 to 18 millimeters long.

According to Nirmala et. al. (2017) Lythracease family is the most common name for

Lagerstroemia speciosa. Lagerstroemia speciosa or Banaba is a medicinal tree traditionally

used to lower blood sugar in the body. Research on leaf extracts reveals that anti-bacterial, anti-

inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fibrotic, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic and xanthine oxidase inhibition,

diuretic, decongestant activity. The plant also has essential metals like sodium, potassium, iron,

zinc, and magnesium which were clinically proved. Rich in corosolic acid (a substance found to

possess blood-sugar-lowering, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties), Banaba also

contains ellagitannins, a class of compounds with antioxidant effects ( Wong, 2018). According

to Traci (undated), Banaba leaves also contain a compound called corosolic acid, which has

been identified as one of the main agents for banaba's glucose lowering effect.

According to Laruan et. al. (2014) the methanolic extract of Lagerstroemia speciosa

leaves, locally known as Banaba, was subjected to phytochemical analysis for secondary

metabolites and antibacterial screening against Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium,

Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa using a modified Kirby-Bauer method.

Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of anthraquinones, flavonoids, saponins and

tannins. The extract exhibited high antibacterial activity against three of the bacteria in order of

sensitivity as E. coli > S. aureus > P. aeruginosa but had no activity against Salmonella

typhimurium. The medicinal value of this plant could be attributed to the presence of one or

more of the detected metabolites.

According to Herriman (2017) the microscopic appearance of Staphylococcus aureus is

round and resembles that of a sphere (cocci). Because of the way the bacteria divide and

multiply, it will appear in clusters or tetrads. In Greek, staphylococcus implies “clusters of

grapes.” The utilize of a common bacteriological recolor, the Gram recolor, makes a difference

to distinguish S. aureus. The living being will shows up purple utilizing this recoloring method

and is called gram-positive. According to Mandal (undated) Staphylococcus aureus could be a

sort of microscopic organisms. It stains Gram positive and is non-moving little circular molded or

non-motile cocci. It is found in grape-like (staphylo-) clusters. That is the reason why it is

commonly called Staphylococcus.

Staphylococcus is a group of bacteria (germ or microbe) that can cause many infectious

diseases in various tissues of the body. Staphylococcus is more familiarly known as

staph (pronounced "staff"). Staph-related illness can range from mild and requiring no treatment

to severe and potentially fatal (Shiel et. al. undated). According to Charmaine (2017) a staph is

the most common and shorter name for the Staphylococcal infection

According to Ondusko et. al. (2018) Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that can

cause a variety of illnesses through suppurative or nonsuppurative (toxin-mediated) means S.

aureus may be a common cause of skin and skin structure infections as well as osteoarticular

contaminations within the pediatric populace. They too specified that, S. aureusis too identified

in cases of septicemia, infective endocarditis, pneumonia, visual diseases, and central

apprehensive framework contaminations. To plan suitable experimental treatment, pediatricians

ought to be learned almost the resistance designs of S. aureus in their communities, counting

methicillin and clindamycin resistance.

According to Tong et. al. (undated) S. aureus could be a driving cause of bacteremia

and infective endocarditis as well as osteoarticular, skin and delicate tissue, pleuropulmonary,

and device-related contaminations.. aureus could be a driving cause of bacteremia and infective

endocarditis as well as osteoarticular, skin and delicate tissue, pleuropulmonary, and device-

related contaminations.

Staphylococci can cause numerous shapes of disease. S aureus causes shallow skin

injuries (bubbles, styes) and localized abscesses in other locales. S aureus causes deep-seated

infections, such as osteomyelitis and endocarditis and more serious skin infections
(furunculosis). S aureus may be a major cause of healing center obtained (nosocomial) disease

of surgical wounds (Foster, undated). According to Levy (2016) One of the foremost genuine

conditions caused by a staph disease is endocarditis, which influences the endocardium (the

internal lining of the heart). According to Bush et. al. (undated) the bacteria can spread from

person to person by direct contact, through contaminated objects (such as gym equipment,

telephones, door knobs, television remote controls, or elevator buttons), or, less often, by

inhalation of infected droplets dispersed by sneezing or coughing.

The conceptual paradigm mainly shows the variables that will be used in the study. The

independent variable shows the possible amounts of Banaba leaf extract that might be added to

the soaps while dependent variable shows the affected factors based on the amount of the



Amount of Banaba (Lagerstromia The Effectivity of BANABA

speciosa) Leaf Extract that will be added

( Lagerstroemia speciosa )
to the soaps
as GERMICIDAL SOAP in terms of:

a.) fragrance,

b.) texture

c.) inhibiting the growth of bacteria


d.) cost.

Commercial Germicidal Soap

Figure1: The Paradigm of the Study showing the relation between the independent and dependent variable.
The researcher came up with this study to make an anti-bacterial soap from Banaba

(Lagerstroemia speciosa) leaves to prevent Staphylococcus to infect the skin of people and to

determine its effectiveness as anti-bacterial soap.

In this study the researcher wants to determine the effectiveness of Banaba

(Lagertroemia speciosa) as germicidal soap. Specifically it aims to answer the following

questions : (1) What are the anti-bacterial properties present in Banaba (Lagerstroemia

speciosa) leaf extract which can be used as germicidal soap? (2) How effective is the Banaba

(Lagerstroemia speciosa) germicidal soap in terms of: (a) fragrance, (b) texture,

(c) inhibiliting the growth pf bacteria and (d) cost? (3) Is there a significant difference between

the Banaba soap and the commercial product in terms of: fragrance, texture, inhibiting the

growth of bacteria and cost.

The hypothesis of this study is that there is no significant difference between Banaba

(Lagerstroemia speciosa) soap and the commercial product in terms of: fragrance, texture,

inhibiting the growth of bacteria and cost.

The study will only focus on the leaf extract of Banaba ( Lagerstroemia speciosa ) as

germicidal soap. The fruit, roots, and bark of Banaba will not be included in making this soap.

This will be conducted at #30 San. Lorenzo St., Barraca Villasis, Pangasinan in school year


This study will help the users to prevent diseases caused by pathogenic microbes with

cheap and effective anti-bacterial soap without buying expensive medicines.

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for a better


Banaba. This is a flowering tree that is native in the Philippines and India.(Balangcod et. al.) In

this study the researcher will use the extract of Banaba leaf as an additive in making a soap.

Extract. A substance that you get from something by using a machine or chemicals. In this

study the extract of Banaba leaf will be used in making this soap.

Germicidal. A substance or agent that kills germs, especially pathogenic microorganisms. This

will be the main function of the soap in this study.

Soap. A substance that is used for washing something. This will be the product that the

researcher will turn the leaf extract of Banaba.

Staphylococcus aureus. Any of genus of a nonmotile gram-positive spherical bacteria that

occur singly, in pairs or tetrads or in irregular clusters and include causative agents of diseases.

In this study the, researcher will use the Banaba leaf extract to cure this infectiouse bacteria.
Materials and Methods

This part present a brief discussion about the method and procedures that will be

used in this study. Specifically, it includes the material, the research design, treatment,

procedures of experiment, preparation of the Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa) leaf extract,

statistical toll and data gathering instrument.


The Materials that will be used in this study are: mortar and pestle, clean cloth, a

molder, a spoon or a mixing tool, 300 g of Banaba leaves, 20 mL of distilled water, 100 g of

glycerin, and 10 mL of lemon essential oil.

Research Design

This study will be using two group design as an experimental design. Two comparable

groups are employed as experimental and control groups. The experimental group is the

Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa) leaf extract as antibacterial soap while the control group is

the commercial product being compared to the homemade product.

Table 1: Research Design

Respondents Commercial Product Experimental Product

1 X X

2 X X

3 X X

4 X X

5 X X

6 X X

7 X X

8 X X

9 X X

10 X X

11 X X

12 X X

13 X X

14 X X

15 X X

Legend: X- Result

a. Plant Material

The researcher will be collecting the Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa) leaves in Barraca

Villasis, Pangasinan. The researcher will be collecting matured leaves of Banaba

(Lagerstroemia speciosa).

b. Phythochemical Testing

The researcher’s variable; Banaba leaf, will be taken into a phythochemical analysis at

Virgin Milagrosa University Foundation (VMU), San Carlos City, Pangasinan.

c. Collecting and Preparing the Banaba anti-bacterial soap

The Banaba leaves will be washed thoroughly first before blending. Then the blended

leaves will be filtered using a clean cloth. The other ingredients including water, and glycerin will

then be mixed with the extract using a pot under low heat. A spoon will be used to evenly stir

the mixture. Then the essential oil will be added in the mixture. Finally, after cooling the product

in room temperature, the mixture will be poured in the molder to completely set.

d. Application/ Testing

The researcher will be giving 1 sample to each respondents to use as soap when taking a

bath. It will be used by them at least once or twice a day for 1 week.
Figure 2: Research Flowchart

Gather the ingredients and materials.

Wash leaves thoroughly.

Blend leaves finely.

Filter the extract with clean cloth.

In a pot melt the glycerin soap.

Mix all the ingredient excluding essential oil.

After the mixing all the engredients add the essential oil.

Pour the mixture in a mold and let it set.


The main respondents of the study are volunteers in all ages but volunteers with

sensitive skin and allergic to any ingredient stated are warned not to use the soap beforehand.

In total, there will be 15 respondents.

Data Gathering Instrument

After the usage of the product, a questionnaire will be given to each respondent and they

will be required to answer the questions honestly. The respondents’ ages and genders will be

included in the questionnaire. The following likert scale will also be used.

Table 2: The smell, and effectiveness of the product will be the variables to be observed by the

respondents. The highest scale is five while the lowest scale is one.


Rating Smell Effectiveness______________

5 Very Fragrant Very Effective

4 Moderately Fragrant Moderately Effective

3 Fragrant Effective

2 Not so Fragrant Not so Effective

1 Not Fragrant Not Effective

Statistical Tool

Arithmetic mean will be employed to determine the effectiveness of the homemade soap

in terms of fragrance, and texture.

The researcher will be using T-test in treating the gathered data in this study. T-test is a

single factor as a data tool in measuring the effectiveness of the product in treating

Staphylococcus aereus.

Balangcod, T. et al. (2014). Phytochemical and antibacterial property of Lagerstroemia spesiosa

(L.) Pers. And its ethnomedicinal importanceto indigenous communities of Benguet

Province, Philipines.

Bush, L.M. et al. (n. d.). Staphylococcus aureus infection. Retrieved on June 11, 2018 from


Charmaine, C. (2017). 10 Symptoms of Staph Infection. Retrieved on June 11, 2018 from

Herriman, R. (2017). Characteristics of Staphylococcus Aureus

Laruan, L.M.V. et al. (2014). Phytochemical and antibacterial property of Lagerstroemia

spesiosa (L.) Pers. And its ethnomedicinal importanceto indigenous communities of

Benguet Province, Philipines.

Levy, J. (2016). Staph Infection Symptoms, Causes and Natural Treatments

Mandal, A. (n. d.). What is Stahylococcus Aureus?.Retrieved on June 12,2018 from

Nirmal, P. et al. (2017). A review on Lagerstroemia speciosa. Retrieved on June 12, 2018 from

Ondusko, D.S. et al. (2018). Staphylococcus aureus

Shiel, W.C. et al. (n. d.). Staph Infection (Stahylococcus Aureus). Retrieved on June 11, 2018

Stuart, G.U. (n. d.). Banaba Lagerstroemia sppeciosa (L.) Pers. Retrieved on June 12, 2018


Tong, V.C. et al. (n. d.). Staphylococcus aureus: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical

Manifestations and Management

Traci, U. (n.d.). Health Benefits of Banaba Leave. Retrieved on June 11, 2018 from

Wong, C. (2018). The Benefits and Uses of Banaba. Retrieved on June 12, 2018 from
Appendix A

Financial Plan

The table below shows the needed materials in conducting the study; including their

quantity and their cost.

_____ Materials________________________________Amount___________________

300 g of Banaba leaves Free

Clean Cloth Free

10 mL of essential oil Php 150.00

Mortar and Pestle Free

Spoon or Mixing tool Free

80 g of Glycerin Php 50.00

20 mL of Distilled Water Free

Total: Php 150.00

Appendix B

Gantt Chart

Proposal July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019

Title Defense

Writing the Introduction

Writing the Materials and


Writing the Questionnaire


Finalizing the Manuscript

Poster Layout

Final Defense
Appendix C

Evaluation Checklist


1. Gender

____Male ____Female

2. Age (You should be above thirteen years old and aren’t allergic to any ingredient stated.)

__________ years old.

Please rate the Banaba anti-bacterial soap based on the given scale below:

Legend for fragrance and texture:

5- Excellent 2- Fair

4- Very Good 1- Poor

3- Good

FACTORS 5 4 3 2 1


Appendix D

Plagiarism Check
Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Information

Name : Ellaine Marie S. Marron

Age : 14

Gender : Female

Birthdate : March 10, 2004

Birthplace : Barraca Villasis, Pangasinan

Address : Barraca Villasis, Pangasinan

II. Family Background

Father : Mr. Elanio A. Marron Occupation: Farmer

Mother : Mrs. Belmarina S. Marron Occupation: House Wife

III. Educational Background


Barraca Community School

Barraca Villasis, Pangasinan

Kindergarten to Grade 6

Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School

Gen. Luna St. Poblacion Zone II, Villasis, Pangasinan

Grade 7 to 10

IV. Seminars and Achievements

 2018 Municipal Research Training Workshop Focused on Experimental and

Descriptive Research at Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High


V. Achievements

Mural Painting Contest (Group Category)- 4th Placer

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