Facebook Ad Auction

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The ways in which marketers communicate with potential customers are called channels.

The three type of channels are:

 Owned - Owned media channels are controlled directly by the company

 Paid - Paid media channels are those that a company must pay to use (advertising)
 Earned - Earned media channels are those controlled by customers

Why Digital ?

 Low barrier to Entry

 Consumer behavior Trends
 Data and Measurment
Ad campaigns are usually classified as either “brand” or “direct response” campaigns.
A brand campaign prioritizes reach. The goal is to share your message with the target
audience and raise brand awareness and intent to purchase.
A direct response campaign is meant to drive an action. These typically offer a
promotion and a clear call to action (CTA) to try and incentivize the user to complete a
Programmatic - Create an audience segment in an ad exchange containing your desired
characteristics. Programmatic affords marketers a level of potential transparency and control
over their ad dollars.

Mobile Trends:

 Optimizing SEO for the way search behavior changes on mobile devices, such as keywords
utilized for voice search.
 Optimizing conversion rates for eCommerce and other desired actions that take place on
mobile devices.
 Incorporating responsive design and mobile design trends for email, social media, and
 Evaluating the apps you have and the ones you might need, then optimizing those
When a trusted source promotes your brand (on social media or through word-of-mouth
testimonials), it has a value that’s 12.85 times greater than paid media.

What comprises of a Good Content:

Influencer marketing - Influencers who promote your brand because they love it
Influencer advertising - Influencers who are paid partners.

Marketing objectives should be set considering Business Objectives.

Campaign Objective Framework:

An effective objective aligns with the phases of the customer journey and how you want to
interact with your audience in each phase.
Objectives should be simple like:

 User Acquisition
 Retention
 Increase in Revenue

Smaller objectives include:

 Awareness
 Consideration
 Experience


Email marketing - Best channels to get current customers to order more.

Digital channels – To acquire customers as it is a mix of out-of-home — something that’s
very top-level awareness with a very clear goal of what your product or service does.
KPI What is it How to define

Set A SMART (specific, measurable, What customer behavior are

Objectives actionable, realistic, time-bound) you trying to change? What
statement that describes why you will that do for the business?
are running the campaign.

Define KPIs The metrics you will use to What are the top 1–3
evaluate the success of your metrics that answer the
campaign. question, “Did we reach our
objective or not?”

Design The ways in which you will reach Where is your target
Tactics your target customer customer spending time?
What motivates them?

Execute Putting your tactics into action in What resources do you

Campaign the most effective channels. need to execute this
campaign? Who will do it?

Measure Measuring and analyzing your What metrics tell you how
Outcomes performance as it happens. you can improve

Optimize Adjusting your tactics based on What variables of your

Results data to ensure the best results campaign can you alter to
going forward. see if performance
SMART Objectives:

 Set/Defined number.
 Amount of time

The FUNNEL in Marketing:

There are two key frameworks for understanding a customer’s path to purchase:

 The marketing funnel.

 The customer decision journey.

Marketing Funnel:

The AIDA Model:

Is supported in today’s era of Marketing as:

Customer Decision Journey:

 Digital channels and tactics introduce customers to new choices during the evaluation stage.
Previously, this was the stage in which they would narrow down their choices.
 The post-purchase experience has historically been less of a focus for marketers. But today, it’s
becoming more and more critical because of social media and reviews.
 Loyalty is not a given once someone likes your product.
Now one has to continuously engage, entice, and bond with them in what is known as the
loyalty loop.

Customer Decision Journey is better understood by:

 How the category operates

 How people think
 How people use media in their daily lives

Modern Marketing Funnel:

Funnel Stage What is it Consumer Stage

Awareness Reach, brand, “top of I know what you have to

funnel” (TOFU) offer.
Interest Consideration, I’m thinking about it.
engagement, intent,
“middle of funnel” (MOFU )
Conversion Action, acquisition, direct The answer is yes!
response, revenue,
“bottom of funnel” (BOFU)
Retention Loyalty, post-purchase I’m evaluating whether or
experience not my purchase was
worth it.
Referral Advocacy I want to tell my friends
about this!
Track Funnels by:

 Align on objectives of marketing campaigns and activities.

 Identify moments in the customer decision process when your business is losing prospects.
 Optimize conversion rates from one stage of the funnel to the next.
 Automate messaging to prospects based on where they are in the funnel.
 Ensure you have balanced your marketing efforts between getting new prospects into the funnel,
converting those prospects you’ve reached, and retaining existing customers.

There’s less emphasis on pushing customers toward a purchase and more concern with
building relationships with them.


A message tailored to an individual user with the hope of increasing their engagement.
Personalization, however, gives the ads you see some structure. When you know that the
ads on a website are tailored to you, you have a manageable mental framework for
engaging with them. Personalized ads also stand out amid the chatter of ads in general.

Personalization efforts can be categorized into four major types:

 Individual recognition.
 Data segmentation.
 Content curation.
 E-Commerce recommendations.

Individual recognition inserts simple, personalized cues, such as names or images, into
large-scale marketing efforts, such as emails or landing pages.
Eg: Personalised Videos – Vidyard

Data segmentation identifies different groups of consumers with a common set of

addressable needs, behaviours, or traits. This data can come from internal sources (e.g.,
product usage), external sources (e.g., a user's current location), or consumer research.
Data segmentation can actually be more beneficial than individual recognition, as you're
targeting users based on their behaviour or needs at a certain point in time, not just by their

Emails should be triggered by Consumer Behavior.

Content curation requires two things: data on users' reading, browsing, or watch history and
tagged content that can be served and arranged based on that data.

Invasive can mean different things to different people, but one thing is consistent: Value
trumps invasiveness. This means you have to make sure your personalization is accurate;
there is nothing valuable about a random ad.

Consideration and Risks:


 Individual recognition- Mailchimp, Optimizely

 Data segmentation- Nielsen’s DMP, Marketo
 Content curation- Sitecore, Hubspot
 eCommerce recommendations- Adobe Marketing Cloud, Barilliance,
or Richrelevance.

Brands that deliver products and services that exceed your expectations… They reach your
heart as well as your mind, creating an intimate, emotional connection that you just can’t live
without. In other words, they create loyalty beyond reason.

Brand Identity comprises of:

A mission describes a vision for how you’ll impact your customers and how that impact is

If the mission is the reason your company exists, the value proposition tells customers what
problem you’re solving for them and why they’re better off with you in their lives. Value
propositions should be built upon a deep understanding of your target customer — their
needs, goals, and pain points — so you can articulate the benefits that resonate with them
the most.
There’s a simple three-step process for building a value proposition that’s clear and
compelling; one that addresses your customers’ pain points, what you offer, and why they
need it.

A personality should, well, personify your brand. A personality makes your brand interesting.
Being interesting makes people more likely to love your brand, and if someone loves your
brand, they’re more likely to engage with you and tell their friends all about it.

Values distill a brand’s mission, value proposition, and personality into a few key words.
They inform internal decision-making and operations, as well as external appearances and

Four different content marketing goals.

 Brand Awareness
 Lead Generation
 Customer Conversion
 Thought Leadership

Thought leadership can require producing volumes of high-quality content, such as

whitepapers and special reports. But it can also generate referral traffic, as your customers
get value out of sharing your content with people in their network.
The easiest way to listen to your customers is to review common customer service issues
and see if there are ways that content could address recurring ones.

User Persona: Gathered and synthesized user research from a collection of targeted users. Personas
are fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customers. They intricately define a company’s
target customer beyond shallow characteristics, such as age, sex, income, education and location.
Personas help us in marketing, design, sales, product and services.
Persona should focus on a specific person (not a group) and include clear information about their
behavior, demographics and goals.

 Prioritization
 Validation
 Internal Alignment
 Stay Focused


 Focused Groups
 Market Research and Surveys
 Funnel Metrics
 Customer Lifetime Value
 Online Resources
 CustomerData
 User Research and Interviews

While you might hope that your product will appeal to everyone, you need to have a specific
audience in mind as your primary user. This applies to even the most basic products.
WHY Online:

 Direct to Consumers - Brands sell their own merchandise on their own website
 eRetailers - Products from multiple brands from both online and offline entities
 Pureplay eCommerce - Online-only retailers that sell goods from a variety of brands

Revenue = traffic x conversion rate x average order value

To measure traffic – Google Analytics (Total number of visits to a page or site)

Conversion Rate - Percentage of visitors that completed a desired action or conversion.
Conversion Rate = conversions / traffic * 100
To increase conversion:

 Get customers as far down the funnel as possible

 Make it easy for customers to buy things buy things by removing friction in the
purchase flow
 Increase the certainty of purchase, instilling buyer confidence trough customer
reviews and real uses of products

Even if traffic and AOV remain unchanged, a higher conversion rate would mean more


Average Order Value, sometimes called Average Cart or Basket Size, is the average amount
of dollars paid for an order. You can find that out by dividing the total revenue by the total
number of orders for any given time period.
As customers add more items to their cart, the AOV goes up, and if the AOV increases,
independent of traffic and conversion rate, revenue will rise.

The product of these three factors—traffic, conversion rate, and average order value—gives
you your revenue.

New Balance’s integration of social media content from the customers is a great model for
effectively blending marketing and e-commerce.

A channel is a forum through which you can interact with your customer, such as social
media, email, and search. Mobile is a context in which users interact with marketing
channels, including some that are unique to mobile, like text messaging and QR codes. But,
remember — it’s not a channel itself.


1. Search
2. Paid search
3. News / PR
4. Apps
5. Location-based marketing (i.e. QR codes)
6. Mobile ads
7. Native ads
8. Messages & Chatbots

Google is moving toward “mobile-first indexing,” meaning its bots will look at your site only
through mobile to see what’s there. As a result, the common practice of “hiding” content in
your mobile experience means that that content won’t be seen by Google, and therefore
won't positively impact SEO.

In recent years, both Google and Facebook have introduced projects to produce “accelerated,”
mobile-friendly news articles to respond to rising trends in news searches in mobile browsers. This
may impact the visibility of your press. Google’s project is called Accelerated Mobile Pages, or AMP;
Facebook’s is called Instant Articles.
Facebook Auction has 3 Parts:

 Bid
 Estimated Action Rate
 Ad Quality and Relevance


 Standard (Generic Information)

 Specific (Specific Events)

Methods to implement Pixel Code in your website:

 Write code in head

 Install via Plugin
 Use Google Tag Manager

Event Mostly Tacked (E-Commerce) :

 Click Event
 View Content
 Add to Cart Event
 Checkout Event
 Sale/Purchase Event

Facebook 20% text rule i.e. text should only be 20% in your ad. Use Facebook text Overlay (for Image
Test – OK/Low/Medium/High)

A/B Testing – Used for Landing page/website to check if we change something and compare it to
previous one, is there an increase in conversion. (Only Single Change)
If more than one changes are made it is called as MULTI VARIED TESTING

Existing Page- Control

New page with change – Variation
Fees mail – done----------------------------------------------
Survey report (Janta) -----------------------------------
Green scheindler
Instagram engagement---------------------------
Olcademy HR – done ------------------------------------
10th May Report
Learn tools like photoshop/tableau/excel
Student loyalty program
General Assembly

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