Camile Ofemia Ignacio: Objective

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Block 16 Lot 17 St Catherine Street Capitol Parkland

Camarin, Caloocan City



To give my best of excellent service, and good moral to your company.

Seeking challenging position where my interpersonal skills and experience can be demonstrated
and further developed.


Name: Camile Ofemia Ignacio

Age: 16 years old


 Hardworking
 Kind
 Long Tempered
Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a little bee who was
getting very tired of having animals and people steal his honey. If he
only had a weapon, a way to fight off the thieves. He wished and
wished, and prayed and prayed, but the gods did not grant his
request. One day, he decided to ask Jupiter, king of all the gods, for
help. He would have asked a lesser god, but Jupiter was the only
god he knew how to find.

The little bee flew up to the heavens and buzzed and buzzed until
he caught Jupiter's attention. "My king," he buzzed. "I have brought
you a gift of honey!"

One taste and Jupiter's face lit with delight. "What a wonderful gift!"
Jupiter smiled. "What can I do for you, little bee?"

Quivering with fear, but determined to try, the bee explained his

"Hum," mused Jupiter, which sounded very wise. Actually, he had

no idea what he could do to help. Such a delicious taste was sure to
be popular. In fact, he would very much like more of this honey

"I was thinking," the little bee buzzed nervously, "I could guard my
honey myself if I had a weapon. Something like a stinger!"

Jupiter's face grew angry. "You would sting the gods? You would
sting ME?"
"Oh no," cried the little bee. He jerked back in alarm. He nearly
squashed himself flat when he rammed into Juno, queen of all the
gods, who was listening nearby. Jupiter offered his wife a taste of

"Such a wonderful taste needs protection!" Juno agreed. "I suggest

you give EVERY bee a stinger. Of course there must be a payment. I
know! Any bee who uses your gift must pay for it with their life.
That way, each bee has a choice - protect and die, or share."

"Oh no!" cried the little bee. But Jupiter was already nodding.

"As always my love, a brilliant idea. (Jupiter would do just about

anything to keep Juno happy. This was such a small request,
compared to most.) With a wave of his hand, it was done. "There
you go, little bee. Your wish is granted."

"Thank you mighty Jupiter, thank you my queen," the little bee
gasped, trying without much success to sound grateful for his gift.
He flew quickly away, then sunk back to Earth. For nearly two
days, he hid behind his beehive, hoping the other bees would ignore
him forever. He knew they would not be happy with him when they
heard the news. It was quite noisy at home. All the bees were
buzzing about, showing off their new stingers. No one noticed him
at first, hiding behind his beehive. But finally, a swarm encircled
him. A loud buzzing erupted when he told them what he had done.
But bees are loyal. They knew he had tried to help. As their queen
pointed out, they did have a choice, which was something to be
grateful for. Besides, perhaps this gift would not last. Some gifts the
gods gave disappeared after a while.

Sadly, this gift did not go away. Even today, any bee who uses his
stinger has to pay with his life.

A bush rat called Oyot was a great friend of Emiong, the
bat; they always fed together, but the bat was jealous of the
bush rat. When the bat cooked the food it was always very
good, and the bush rat said,
"How is it that when you make the soup it is so tasty?"
The bat replied, "I always boil myself in the water, and my
flesh is so sweet, that the soup is good"
He then told the bush rat that he would show him how it
was done; so he got a pot of warm water, which he told the
bush rat was boiling water, and jumped into it, and very
shortly afterwards came out again. When the soup was
brought it was as strong and good as usual, as the bat had
prepared it beforehand. The bush rat then went home and
told his wife that he was going to make good soup like the
bat's. He therefore told her to boil some water, which she
did. Then, when his wife was not looking, he jumped into
the pot, and was very soon dead.
When his wife looked into the pot and saw the dead body of
her husband boiling she was very angry.
and reported the matter to the king, who gave orders that
the bat should be made a prisoner. Every one turned out to
catch the bat, but as he expected trouble he flew away into
the bush and hid himself. All day long the people tried to
catch him, so he had to change his habits, and only came
out to feed when it was dark, and that is why you never see
a bat in the daytime.

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