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Subject: Creative Writing

Strands: HUMSS
Prelim Examination

General Instructions:
1. Follow the instructions carefully.
2. Chatting is not allowed during the exam. Students that are caught will receives a failing
grade on the exam.

Test I. Differentiate
Instructions: Classify the difference of technical, academic and creative writing.

Technical Writing Academic Writing Creative Writing

1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.

Test II. Essay.

Instruction: Answer in 3-5 sentences.

1. Why does imagination and sensory image important in creative writing? (5pts)

2. What will happen if the lost of sensory image occurred in creative writing? Give an
example. (10pts)

Test III. Creating

Instruction: Write a creative essay that discuss the journey of a learners in the K12. Used figures
of speech (e. g. metaphor, onomatopoeia, or personification). Write in 3 paragraphs composed of
3-5 sentences. (20pts)

“No legacy is as rich as honesty.”-W. Shakespeare

Prepared by. Ms. Lynneth G. Luy, LPT

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