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(in URT) adj.

inactive, sluggish
Sounds like: IN DIRT

“Worms are INERT IN DIRT during the winter.”

 After Thanksgiving dinner, the family sat around and

remained INERT the rest of the day.

 The INERTNESS of pigs must be an inherited quality.

 (To be INERT is an act of INERTIA.) When the motor quit,

the car lacked INERTIA and rolled to a stop.

(rays) v.
to level to the ground;
to tear down or demolish
Sounds like: RAYS

“The alien RAYS RAZED the city.”

 The demolition team RAZED the building so that a new

one could be constructed.

 Beach erosion has RAZED the good bathing beaches

where we live.

 Bombs RAZED the town until not one building was left

(KREV us) n.
a crack forming an opening
Sounds like: CREVASSE (kruh VAS)

“A small CREVICE sometimes grows into

a large CREVASSE.”

 Walter’s lucky coin fell into a CREVICE between two

stones and was never seen again.

 The farmer’s weathered face was covered with wrinkles

the size of small CREVICES.

 (A large CREVICE is called a CREVASSE.) The mountain

climber’s fingers slipped from a CREVICE in the rocks,
and he fell into a CREVASSE a thousand feet deep.

(NAHV ul tee) n.
Sounds like: NOVEL

“The first NOVEL was a NOVELTY.”

 The kids rode their new bikes all day until the NOVELTY
wore off.

 When first invented, television sets were only an

interesting NOVELTY.

 Visiting Walt Disney World for the first time is an enjoyable


(PAWL tree) adj.
insignificant; of little value
Sounds like: POULTRY


 Jake left the waitress a PALTRY tip because her service

was poor.

 The PALTRY cowards ran from the battle and refused to

defend their country.

 The lawyer was inexperienced and could manage only a

PALTRY defense for his client.

(dee LEK tuh bul) adj.
pleasant, delightful, savory, delicious
Sounds like: LICK THE BOWL

“Granny’s pudding was so DELECTABLE, the


 The guests said the dinner was DELECTABLE.

 All the frozen dinners look DELECTABLE in the grocery

store, but sometimes the food is not as good as it looks.

 There is nothing that smells more DELECTABLE than

bacon frying on an open campfire.

(PEAR il) n.
something dangerous or risky; the condition
of being in danger or at risk or harm
Sounds like: PEARL

“The PERILS of PEARL diving.”

 Because he skipped school, Billy was in PERIL of losing

his part in the school play.

 It is PERILOUS to ride a bicycle on the highway at night.

 One PERIL of sky diving is you could land in a cactus


(lull) v.
to cause to sleep or rest;
a temporary period of calm (n.)
Sounds like: DULL

“The movie was DULL; it

LULLED us to sleep.”

 The high winds finally LULLED.

 Laura’s mom LULLED her to sleep by singing a soothing


 A LULL in the storm gave us a chance to run to our cars

and get to safety.

(dows) v.
to immerse in liquid; to drench
Sounds like: HOUSE

“Firemen DOUSE the burning HOUSE.”

 The fire started in the kitchen, but Billy had the good
sense to DOUSE the flames before they spread.

 I quickly DOUSED the rumor I was leaving the school to

study abroad.

 Mother DOUSED our dog in flea spray.

(DER uh likt) adj.
deserted, abandoned, neglected;
a bum (n.)
Sounds like: DEER LICKED


 A DERELICT ship, rusty and unpainted, lay anchored at

the dock.

 Our coach was DERELICT in her duties and often missed

team practices.

 DERELICTS who beg in the streets are often the product

of broken homes and poor education.

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Vocabulary Cartoon Review # 12.1

Match the word with its definition.

1. ___ inert - (in dirt) A) to tear down

2. ___ raze - (rays) B) neglected, deserted

3. ___ crevice - (crevasse) C) to immerse in liquid

4. ___ novelty - (novel) D) inactive

5. ___ paltry - (poultry) E) period of calm

6. ___ delectable - (lick the bowl) F) danger

7. ___ peril - (pearl) G) delicious

8. ___ lull - (dull) H) newness

9. ___ douse - (house) I) of little value

10. ___ derelict - (deer licked) J) a crack

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Vocabulary Cartoon Review # 12.2

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.

A) inert F) delectable
B) raze G) peril
C) crevice H) lull
D) novelty I) doused
E) paltry J) derelict

1. Thanksgiving dinner looked ____________.

2. The first novel was a ____________ to readers.

3. A ____________ ship was anchored at the dock.

4. Billy was in ____________ of getting bad grades for his poor class-
room conduct.

5. The demolition team prepared to ____________ the building.

6. Snails are mostly ____________ creatures.

7. Walter’s lucky coin fell in the street and rolled into a ____________.

8. Mother ____________ our dog in flea spray.

9. A ____________ in the rain gave us a chance to run home.

10. The unfriendly waitress received only a ____________ tip.

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Vocabulary Cartoon Review # 12.3

Multiple Choice: Circle the appropriate word for the provided definition.

1. violent, explosive anger; a fad 6. a person guilty of doing something

or craze wrong
a.) scowl a.) derelict
b.) peril b.) delectable
c.) raze c.) culprit
d.) rage d.) jar
2. to level to the ground; to tear 7. pleasant, delightful, savory, deli-
down or demolish cious
a.) inert a.) novelty
b.) douse b.) delectable
c.) raze c.) paltry
d.) rage d.) zany
3. something dangerous or risky; 8. to bump or shake; to have an irri-
the condition of being in danger tating effect
a.) frenzy a.) lull
b.) peril b.) burden
c.) raze c.) douse
d.) burden d.) jar
4. an angry frown; to make an 9. weighed down; an oppressive
angry facial expression load; something to be endured
a.) scowl a.) lull
b.) rage b.) burden
c.) peril c.) embed
d.) paltry d.) jar
5. in active, sluggish 10. deserted, abandoned, neglected;
a.) inert a bum
b.) delectable a.) derelict
c.) diverge b.) delectable
d.) paltry c.) culprit
d.) inert

Review #12

Review #12.1 Review #12.2 Review #12.3

Matching: Fill in the Blank: Multiple Choice:
1-d 1-delectable 1. d.) rage
2-a 2-novelty 2. c.) raze
3-j 3-derelict 3. b.) peril
4-h 4-peril 4. a.) scowl
5-i 5-raze 5. a.) inert
6-g 6-inert 6. c.) culprit
7-f 7-crevice 7. b.) delectable
8-e 8-doused 8. d.) jar
9-c 9-lull 9. b.) burden
10-b 10-paltry 10. a.) derelict

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