New Features: Mosaic Designer 2.4

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New features

Mosaic Designer 2.4

• M-TS support
• IO Module support
• New IO Modules
• Authoring tools for IO Modules
• HTTPS and WSS support
• MALC mapping enhancements
• Fixture templates
• Intensity-only fixtures on MALC
• New Patch UI
• Real time timelines
• Waypoint timelines
• New timeline presets
• Arabic & Greek character support in text preset
• Lasso select on Timeline
• Gradient generator & tools for presets
• More timecode buses
• Video black level
• Live video trigger
• Disable Output action
• Searchable trigger type pickers
• Install replication
• Single edit for digital and analog ports
• Live video monitor

Notable changes
Version 2.4.0

• "Time Server" renamed to "Network Primary"

• Audio in simulation fixed in Designer on Windows
• Cut/copy/paste patch for multiple universes across protocols
• Fixtures can now be swapped for another personality with different parameters or channel count
• Several issues with USB connectivity have been resolved
• Support for increased font size (on high DPI monitors) on Windows has been improved
• New trigger property: choose which controller will test conditions
• Controller properties for triggers and actions hidden by default with new project feature
• Support for trigger variables in IO module action properties

Known issues
• Controllers not shown in Network after interface change
• Designer must be restarted to register a new connection to an MSC over USB
• MSC X and MALC playback starts seconds before data network comes up
• Audio in Simulate doesn't support reduced playback rate
• Changing fixture type fails with different element counts
• Intermittent MALC playback crash after approx. 7 days
• Wake on proximity detection disabled for MTPC and M-TS while a power issue is investigated
• Timeline driven from timecode causes M-TS to crash

• All Unison Mosaic controllers and remote devices may be upgraded to version 2 firmware with the Mosaic Project Upgrade Tool (and back to version 1
firmware if required) except the following:
o MSC units with serial numbers between 001001 and 005xxx are not compatible with Mosaic Designer 2. Please continue to use Mosaic
Designer v1.x with these units. Note that this will only affect MSCs manufactured in 2010 or earlier - the original model with the expansion
port at one end
o The AVC is not supported in Mosaic Designer 2
• Project files created in Mosaic Designer version 1 can be converted to the new version 2 format with the Mosaic Project Upgrade Tool.
• MSC connections via USB require a driver. This is installed from within the Mosaic Designer Windows installer and from the Utilities folder of the Mac
OS X application bundle.
• There are a small number of things that are never going to be supported in Mosaic Designer 2. Projects affected by any of the items below should
consider staying on version 1:
• ETC Net2 is no longer supported
• Mac OS X 10.7.x and earlier is not supported

Bug fixes
Version 2.4.2

• 3750 - Web interface incorrectly reports TPC-RIO DALI interface is offline

• 4622 - Cannot send HTTP requests from multiple IO module actions in the same trigger
• 4631 - Crash immediately after loading project if it contains multiple nebula presets
• 4646 - MALC crashes during playback
• 4654 - IO modules unable to get current time correctly

Version 2.4.1

No changes from version 2.4.1 RC 2.

Version 2.4.1 RC 2

• 4409 - Crash on importing patch records when fixtures already patched

• 4532 - A fixture with only a hue table will crash playback
• 4563 - Forwarding triggers to test conditions on another controller can lead to repeated trigger activation
• 4564 - M-TS keypad control not executing actions
• 4570 - Crash when reloading fixture personality from library
• 4572 - Group number cannot be changed
• 4573 - Crash when deleting a fixture from the browser with no layout tabs open
• 4576 - MSC and MTPC don't report reset reason correctly

Version 2.4.1 RC 1

• 4537 - TPC-RIO can no longer be downgraded in Mosaic Firmware Upgrade Tool

Version 2.4.1 BETA 1

• 4399 - Help typing errors in Network > Remote Devices

• 4400 - Recovery tool references incorrect location for firmware files
• 4403 - Expose HTTPS port on web page configuration
• 4406 - Art-Net version out of date on Patch page of Help
• 4413 - Archive exception error when variables are disabled
• 4429 - IO modules Timer.remaining_time returning 0
• 4431 - Help has incorrect references to MTPC recovery and Mac OS firmware directory
• 4440 - Crash when upload cancelled
• 4458 - Crash when setting timeline number very high
• 4474 - TPC-RIO Output LED not on when unit is outputting DMX
• 4476 - Controller patch count not updated when pixel matrix patched to DVI is deleted
• 4482 - Unable to set MTPC inactive timeout if backlight timeout set to 'Never'
• 4498 - Touch Colour change and Touch Slider Move actions not working on M-TS
• 4502 - Crash when playing back media on MALC with a large loop count

Version 2.4.0

• 1545 - Dimensions shown for pixel matrix selected for MSC X DVI output don't update when pixel matrix size is changed
• 4349 - No mention of RIO IP addresses in Help
• 4391 - Art-Net discovery from Designer reboots controller

Version 2.4.0 RC 4

• 4292 - Crash when adding preset to a MALC after deleting and then adding a new MALC
• 4375 - Fixture library errors reported for some fixtures from online fixture library
• 4377 - Composition cannot be selected for presets on MALC or MALC Pro timeline rows
• 4380 - Crash when deleting a timeline with scene programming

Version 2.4.0 RC 3

• 4273 - Controller not unlinked from replicant (remains purple) if unlinked by changing universe count
• 4354 - Some DALI groups hidden at minimum window size
• 4359 - Crash on Save As
• 4365 - Controller serial number is not released when changing capacity
• 4366 - Digital Input trigger field changes do not update summary immediately
• 4368 - Crash upon patching multi-patchpoint fixture template with insufficient space on patch grid
• 4369 - Knockout from scenes doesn't simulate correctly on plan

Version 2.4.0 RC 2

• 1498 - Highlight in Patch then clear selection doesn't clear highlight

• 3477 - Crash when modifying MALC Pro masks
• 4139 - Red 'X's in trigger and action icons are not consistent
• 4264 - Controller shows unknown type if it goes offline with Configure dialog open
• 4278 - Trigger events not isolated between install replications
• 4279 - Show issue if using RIO with number less than 16 with install replications
• 4294 - IO module instance property editor loses focus immediately after obtaining focus
• 4296 - IO modules added to project after Save As not working
• 4297 - Cannot export IOM file at end of create module wizard
• 4302 - Crash when deleting multiple MALC content target instances in sequence
• 4309 - DVI output outside 1920x1200 causes controller to watchdog
• 4310 - Setting text slot from web interface doesn't work
• 4313 - Crash when deleting second controller in Network when a KiNET power supply has been added
• 4315 - Web interface Control page shows "IO Module" for all IO module trigger types rather than trigger type name
• 4319 - Do not encrypt icons in IOM files
• 4331 - Crash when you create, drag and then delete a MALC Pro mask
• 4332 - Remote devices don't show an issue if their serial number is not set or if the device is not online
• 4334 - The WebDAV folder on the controller is not password protected
• 4339 - Allow queries to be included in IO module HTTP GET requests
• 4346 - Release All API section of Controller API help not expanded by 'Show All' in Action API header
• 4350 - Async IO module API callbacks processed in wrong order
• 4355 - Scene project status is wrong

Version 2.4.0 RC 1

• 3586 - Library errors on first run on new machine

• 4183 - Crash when changing Live Video preview settings while simulating on a MALC
• 4189 - MSC sometimes doesn't output DMX after upload
• 4206 - MALC Pro web interface not reporting temperature
• 4261 - Rebuild text presets when project opened in new version
• 4262 - Crash when deleting fixtures while dragging a lasso selection
• 4266 - Simulating RGBW fixtures on a MALC fails to output white
• 4269 - Designer crashes when importing Lua script for custom preset
• 4274 - IO module custom icon images not shown when loading from an encrypted IOM
• 4276 - Crash when deleting composition and instances rapidly
• 4277 - Crash when deleting controllers from project

Version 2.4.0 BETA 13

• 2333 - Can't move KiNET power supply to another controller

• 3408 - Missing 'release all' from HTTP and JS controller APIs
• 3409 - 'Release all' by group in controller API
• 3467 - Using 'spread' offset in 1D preset on pixel matrix may have unexpected raster order
• 4068 - Moving KiNET ports - minor issues
• 4136 - Universe count of replicant should not affect default or other replicants
• 4157 - Inform user that a KiNET port may not be moved from an MSC to a MALC rather than attempting operation
• 4178 - Non-cursive Arabic text is too disconnected to read
• 4196 - BPI button press will match a BPS trigger incorrectly
• 4202 - Fixtures are patched in odd order when patching multiple fixtures at once
• 4203 - Disable Output doesn't prevent sACN being sent
• 4209 - KiNET ports listed in unexpected order on web interface Output page
• 4210 - White output when re-uploading project with frame array presets after changing patch only
• 4213 - Archiving project doesn't work
• 4220 - Crash when converting MALC Pro to MALC, then undoing
• 4221 - Content targets revert size if dragged
• 4223 - MALC fixture export doesn't create a valid file
• 4236 - Web interface toolbar button should open url with controller's domain, if given, not resolved IP address
• 4239 - Set Content Blur broken
• 4240 - Uploading to multiple replications fails
• 4241 - Download project from controller doesn't include IO Modules
• 4247 - Crash when adding content targets that are being rendered in active simulation

Version 2.4.0 BETA 12

• 3877 - Theme Editor panels have incorrect spacing

• 4159 - IO module triggers are not executing actions on controllers other than primary
• 4162 - Should not be able to add an MSC X or MALC with zero channel capacity
• 4163 - Banding issues with flipped content target instances
• 4170 - Small font in IO module creator on Select Package File page on OS X
• 4171 - Cut & Unpatch Universe actions only affect right-clicked universe, not whole selection
• 4173 - Two toolbars sometimes shown in Composition view
• 4179 - Network Primary watchdogs when it makes bad HTTP request in IO module
• 4184 - After replacing media with a modified file at same path, it is not uploaded to the controller
• 4187 - IO Module creator creates unnecessary properties
• 4188 - Preset length being refreshed incorrectly when changing current timeline
• 4190 - Crash when deleting large number of KiNET power supplies
• 4193 - Small font in IO module creator on Export IO Module Template page on OS X
• 4194 - Delete and Update module actions enabled in new project with no modules selected
• 4204 - Uploading to multiple controllers can cause memory corruption
• 4206 - MALC Pro web interface not reporting temperature
Version 2.4.0 BETA 11

• 3800 - Resizing content target snaps cursor to 0,0 temporarily

• 4090 - Make M-TS behave more like a BPS
• 4140 - Need a default icon for IO module triggers, conditions and actions if none set in module
• 4143 - Ctrl+Lasso on timeline doesn't deselect if preset is overlapped, then retracted
• 4146 - Module information doesn't refresh on module update
• 4151 - Create content target instance context menu doesn't work
• 4152 - Colour picker icons don't match colour picker orientation
• 4158 - Can import or create IO modules that don't then appear in the UI
• 4160 - Can't add new instance of IO modules in project saved with no module instances
• 4161 - Properties set to variables must return a descriptive string in module description handlers
• 4172 - MTPC goes inactive every second

Version 2.4.0 BETA 10

• 2334 - Cut/copy/paste multiple universes between output protocols

• 3901 - Support for variables in IO module action properties
• 4059 - "Save as backup" pop-up doesn't always appear on same screen as current Designer window
• 4097 - Recovery tool USB drive selection screen is unclear that the USB drive still needs to be selected
• 4106 - Patch point inconsistency
• 4137 - User registration dialog doesn't open on same screen as current Designer window
• 4138 - IO module HTTP API problems
• 4144 - IO module broadcast_event only being called on network primary
• 4147 - Projects with IO modules in 2.4.0 BETA 9 will be corrupted
• 4148 - Fixture models used on VLC layouts aren't restored to the library when reloading the project
• 4149 - Rename Time Server to Network Primary
• 4156 - New Art-Net Universe pop-over doesn't auto-focus on 'Universes' text box

Version 2.4.0 BETA 9

• 3248 - UI layout issues in Duplicate Fixtures wizard

• 3739 - Patch universe browser selection highlight is confusing and inconsistent
• 3797 - Need an elegant way to deselect universes in Patch UI
• 3933 - IO module triggers should default to first instance in project
• 3987 - Port column doesn't update when KiNET power supply number is changed
• 4001 - Allow Ctrl+Lasso to add to preset selection
• 4029 - MTPC screen never goes off if proximity detection is checked
• 4033 - Don't add out of bounds fixtures from VMT import to pixel matrix
• 4041 - Arabic text played backwards
• 4045 - Rework IO module management UI
• 4082 - Dropdown list in scene pickers for triggers has small font
• 4095 - IO module properties of type double don't use the default value from the configuration
• 4096 - MSC X rev2 LEDs do not illuminate
• 4098 - MSC X rev2 and MALC recovery process can fail to complete
• 4099 - Increase memory address space for Designer on Windows to load large projects
• 4100 - Clear RGB action icon has been changed
• 4102 - HTTPS not working from IO modules (Mailgun and HTTP API)
• 4105 - Crash when deleting patch
• 4108 - Adding KiNET power supply via auto-patch doesn't add all ports
• 4112 - Able to patch too many fixture patch points to a universe
• 4114 - IO module trigger match data always passed as table
• 4119 - IO module action controller property should be locked to "Time Server"
• 4120 - IO module trigger match data passed to test handler returns incorrect value for length operator
• 4122 - Unpatched sACN channels should have per-channel priority of zero
• 4123 - DVI output resolution will show empty dropdown when first enabled or in existing projects
• 4129 - Can't read response to HTTP PUT in IO module
• 4133 - Able to open project for edit simultaneously

Version 2.4.0 BETA 8

• 2735 - Show 'Auto-detect' in preferences if user's preferred OpenCL device isn't found
• 3316 - Capture Card firmware files not deleted after a MSC X/MALC recovery
• 3350 - Crash when dragging patch records
• 3397 - Font size of Text preset on MALC Pro overlay doesn't update properly
• 3429 - Web interface doesn't reload after controller firmware reload
• 3725 - Button configuration settings do not work on the BPI
• 3786 - MIDI message builder shouldn't show variable UI unless feature is enabled
• 3883 - Timeline conditions and actions should default to only timeline in project
• 3898 - Live video preset appearing when no suitable controller in the project
• 3903 - Allow conditions to be tested on another controller
• 3905 - When connected via USB controller configuration shows ethernet over USB IP address
• 3955 - Band in audio timeline properties is an empty combo box
• 3991 - Pasting an interface control that was on a deleted page can crash
• 3995 - Show an issue if a font for a text preset has no character ranges set
• 4022 - Logging empty strings doesn't add new line
• 4034 - Indicate old and new firmware versions when reloading firmware
• 4035 - Hide trigger, condition and action 'controller' settings with in-place enabled Designer project feature
• 4058 - IO module creator doesn't allow IP address editor to be set for property type IP address
• 4080 - A serial number can be assigned to multiple controllers
• 4092 - Programming on fixture (rather than group) doesn't output on controller when patched afterwards

Version 2.4.0 BETA 7

• 2639 - Auto-resize layout not accommodating entire fixture

• 3591 - New MTPC interface page background should default to image
• 4004 - Deleting controller leaves Output MIDI action with blank type

Version 2.4.0 BETA 6

• 370 - Lasso select on Timeline

• 2126 - Large MTPC interfaces fail to upload
• 3110 - Non-latin characters don't work in text preset
• 3946 - Line edits occasionally remain highlighted after focus is lost
• 3550 - Add a Live Video Input condition
• 3750 - MTPC + TPC-RIO reports that the DALI interface is offline
• 3951 - Network page on web interface should indicate which row is the controller itself
• 3977 - Undoing controller delete doesn't restore trigger/action controller

Version 2.4.0 BETA 5

• 165 - Ability to disable an output protocol in a trigger action

• 1873 - Designer layout issues with increased font size on Windows (for high DPI screens)
• 2443 - DVI output on an MSC X rev2 holds last output
• 3256 - Show graphical intro to new features after first install or upgrade
• 3327 - Web interface log does not report when HTTP Controller API request has been successful
• 3403 - GET /api/trigger does not return name property if the trigger does not have a name
• 3595 - Simulating timeline marks project as dirty
• 3597 - High bitrate media issue references MALC when none attached to project
• 3689 - Lua API doesn't return timeline group
• 3693 - Default timeline preset length not appropriate for long timelines
• 3695 - Add timeline types to 'New' drop-down menu
• 3745 - Legacy web API is insecure
• 3799 - Changing MALC to MALC Pro ignores extra compositions
• 3834 - Rename User API to Controller API
• 3840 - Layout should not shrink to fit imported fixtures, only expand
• 3860 - "Set Content Target Blur" delay variable editor has a maximum of 2
• 3864 - DALI Set Level defaults incorrect
• 3888 - Fix grammar in action names
• 3891 - Use loop button to indicate "auto release at end" option for timecode/real time timelines
• 3893 - Support up to 60x rate in simulation
• 3895 - Tidy up time source selection in Simulate view
• 3896 - Add a preset that fades from one colour to another
• 3904 - Rendering on timeline of Wave with Ramp Up and Ramp Down doesn't match output
• 3912 - IO module API: changing timer interval inside the timer's handler incorrectly calculates the next timeout
• 3942 - Default gateway label typo on web home page

Version 2.4.0 BETA 4

• 3770 - Custom fixture templates always have square shape

• 3841 - Trigger script naming doesn't autofocus for first script

Version 2.4.0 BETA 3

• 1126 - Mixture of copying & deleting (and undoing) fixture causes crash
• 1140 - Dynamic text slot special character validation
• 1937 - Deleting the controller that patch is focused on doesn't revert to the other controller
• 2463 - Moving a single patch record of a fixture will reselect all patch records for that fixture
• 2848 - Add a pixel matrix when importing a Color Kinetics VMT config and patching to an MSC
• 3175 - Add more tools for gradient workflow
• 3483 - Two finger zoom gesture does not work on OS X
• 3553 - Default property editors incorrectly initialised in Theme Editor
• 3609 - Allow configuration of all controller, TPC-RIO and RIO digital/analog IO at once
• 3626 - Wizards should appear in the centre of the current monitor
• 3644 - Small font size in Timeline view on OS X for time bar and preset names
• 3654 - Show a toolbar that allows navigation between the patch records of the selected fixture
• 3673 - VMT import onto non-VLC layout should create fixtures of size 4x4 and scale layout
• 3681 - MIDI short message values only update when spin box loses focus
• 3715 - Patch summary tooltips on layout don't show controller name
• 3717 - Archive exception when attempting to delete TPC interface
• 3724 - Media preset preview not updated if media clip is replaced
• 3754 - Media duration is incorrectly reported
• 3765 - Opening Interface or DALI view marks project as dirty
• 3785 - Trigger variable feature is disabled even if used by a pre-2.3 project
• 3817 - Allow release all action to filter by group while also choosing timelines or scenes
• 3822 - Timeline position is not updating on the Project Status web interface page when using timecode

Version 2.4.0 BETA 2

• 413 - Ctrl+drag on interface should create a copy of the selected controls

• 1188 - MSC fails to send packets and initialise after a soft reboot whilst using Ethernet over USB
• 1337 - USB Ethernet Manager needs to report version via application properties
• 1516 - Mosaic installer doesn't register that USB Bridge is already installed
• 1818 - Connecting an MSC via the USB port to a Mac on El Capitan causes the Mac to crash
• 3150 - Import Objects window shows elided text in buttons
• 3194 - KiNET power supply import/export file format doesn't match for port count column
• 3288 - Output Live universe mask names should include protocol
• 3303 - Expose parameters for more control over creation of random colour gradients
• 3436 - Setting key column as primary sort in timeline report appends group to key names
• 3572 - DALI fixtures don't appear in browser in Scene
• 3590 - Mouse wheel isn't always accepted by a colour slider
• 3602 - Content mask centre of rotation doesn't visually update when centred
• 3611 - Reorder astro event lists
• 3615 - Analog input values fail to report accurately at either end of range
• 3616 - Make script log messages more generic to reflect use of Lua API in IO modules as well as trigger scripts
• 3627 - Tooltip for fixture patch location should be immediate
• 3645 - DALI Recall Scene action initialises with 'Scene' set to 16
• 3674 - Trigger, Condition and Action lists should be searchable
• 3677 - Allow < and > characters in serial and ethernet triggers and actions
• 3707 - Crash when selecting a recent fixture model after deleting its library file

Version 2.4.0 BETA 1

• 337 - Migrate project load failure detection from v1

• 874 - Controllers not shown in Network after interface change
• 2192 - Scenes not available in reports
• 2450 - Don't limit fade and release time for timeline presets to preset length
• 2870 - Pasting fixtures doesn't prompt to resize layout if necessary
• 2923 - KiNET power supply address should be read-only in KiNET report
• 2958 - Uploading to a controller that isn't the time server in quick succession can crash that controller
• 3046 - Painting a scene on a timeline effectively overwrites the user's preferred fade time for future presets
• 3108 - Import Wizard doesn't reload the source file if it changes
• 3123 - Limit smallest control object you can create on a MTPC interface
• 3287 - Timeline does not keep correct scale nor position when clicking through different timeline tabs
• 3352 - White preset with effect wraps at effect extremes on Conventional and LED White fixtures
• 3365 - Setting group num property to 0 in user API calls should address All Fixtures group
• 3515 - Importing patch should support Art-Net address in Net/Sub-Net/Universe format
• 3600 - Change 'Script' log type to cover scripting and web requests
• 3612 - Remove "start of..." from astro event descriptions
• 3613 - MIDI show control cues don't support numbers over 99

Version 2.4.0 DEBUG 2

• 2004 - Allow Art-Net universe to optionally be specified in 3 parts, according to specification

• 2264 - Playing audio during simulation not working on Windows
• 2974 - Populate web interface login page with default controller user name
• 3220 - Save As defaults to the last Save location used in Designer
• 3279 - Gradient slider has dead zone when trying to move gradient stop
• 3295 - GET /api/timeline response contains extra values that are not in the documentation
• 3299 - Add the ability to crop live video on the MALC
• 3311 - Add controller temperature to Lua API
• 3315 - Zoom to fit MALC layout doesn't always move to the right position
• 3389 - MALC to report Unsupported video signal at normal log level, not debug
• 3425 - Art-Net pass-through capped at 255
• 3511 - Astronomical conditions don't keep offset when changing between non-real-time event types
• 3523 - Exporting single timeline/layout report creates incorrect files
• 3524 - Exporting timeline/layout reports can create files with invalid names
• 3526 - DMX input: Art-Net universe capped at 255
• 3535 - Enabling DVI output double counts a fixture's patch
• 3536 - DVI not removed when decreasing a controller's capacity
• 3538 - Import object error reports off by 1 row
• 3567 - Error when creating custom fixture from downloaded fixture
• 3568 - Restart required after fixture download
• 3570 - Import Media window defaults to install directory when first run
• 3578 - Output Live appears active in Designer after using Save As
• 3579 - Check State at Startup help text shown for RIO 08
• 3589 - Uploading to an associated controller shows the wrong error message

Version 2.4.0 DEBUG 1

• 1104 - Shift+Wheel to scroll left/right in timeline

• 1762 - Background colour for Layout and Timeline does not auto-update while the colour picker is open
• 1793 - Inform user when referenced resource has changed on disk
• 1799 - Allow user to specify bounding dimensions of imported pixel matrix
• 2339 - Add wrap property to content targets
• 2540 - Add application preference for live video test pattern
• 2902 - Shift+Click in Timeline view to select range of presets
• 2998 - Closing a project from project tab leaves project properties visible
• 3001 - Changing fixture type fails with different parameter counts
• 3064 - Text preset's transparency is no longer transparent
• 3116 - Add bold, italic and bold italic options for custom interface fonts
• 3281 - Simulation uses time source setting in Project mode even though the control is hidden
• 3324 - Change "New patch spacing" to use 'gap'
• 3357 - GET /api/trigger returns group_num which is not documented
• 3359 - GET /api/trigger - Condition and Action objects return icon property which is not documented
• 3390 - Row numbers in error messages for fixture import are wrong
• 3392 - Duplicate fixture dialog not fully reinitialised for Rectangle after earlier Circle duplication
• 3398 - Setting hold time of a chase effect is always rejected
• 3401 - Trigger number doesn't bounce back immediately if invalid number entered
• 3426 - Add project feature for use of live video
• 3443 - 2D Chase properties field in Timeline Report is blank
• 3444 - Perlin Noise properties field in Timeline Report is missing all colour data
• 3452 - Crash when deleting last compound fixture from project
• 3468 - Clear RGB action 'Target' properties can become cut off when large group names are used
• 3475 - Hiding unused rows doesn't reset on new project
• 3481 - Fitting content target to fixtures while simulating gives weird proportions
• 3494 - Setting time to 120s sets time to 00:01:20.00, instead of 00:02:00.00
• 3499 - Random preset runs in reverse when offset set to Spread
• 3504 - Astronomical condition missing suffix for 'Offset'
• 3512 - Project always gets marked as modifed after load

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