Calibration of Moisture Meters For Southern Hardwoods: Shupe

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Quarles and Milota (1991). The influ-
Correction factors for resistance- and capacitance-type moisture meters were deter- ence of kiln temperature on the perfor-
mined for 13 southern commercial hardwood species. The correction factors can he mance of handheld moisture meters
used with most resistance-type and the Wanger L-612 capacitance-type moisture me- seems to he minimal (Milota and Quarles
ters in the range from 6 to 26 percent moisture content. 1990).
The two types of portable electric me-
ters in widespread use today are resis-
tance types and dielectric (or capaci-
Muchofthehardwoodlumberthat 1994). Other studies have investigated tance) types. Wengert and Bois (1997)
is kiln-dried is destined for indoor utili- proper use and calibration of moisture found that both meter types performed
zation in secondary forest products. It is meters (ASTM 1992, James 1988). quite well, with the readings seldom be-
essential that such lumber be properly Numerous investigations have exam- ing more than 2 percent MC different
kiln-dried to minimize problems such as ined the influence of wood density and from the ovendly MC. Wilson (1999)
warp and starved glue joints. The use of temperature on the performance of var- found that in industrial conditions, in
moisture meters to determine wood ous moisture meters. Specifically, spe- timber stored under shelter, a capaci-
moisture content (MC) is favored by the cific gravity was used as a predictor of tance-type meter performed better than
industry because they are fast, inexpen- species correction factors for a capaci- three resistance-type meters.
sive, nondestructive, and relatively sim- tance-type moisture meter (Milota 1994). Correction factors are not currently
pletouse.Aprimarybarriertoproperuti- Quarles and Breiner (1989) developed available for many southern hardwood
lization of moisture meters is the need for multiple-regression techniques to deter- species. For example, correction factors
species-specific correction factors. The mine the relationship between readings for several of the species included in this
from a given meter and MC and density. study were not included with instruc-
manufacturer typically provides these
They found that the incorporation of tional materials received with the resis-
factors for some traditional commer-
density significantly improved the model tance meter from the Deltnhorst Instn-
cially valuable species. For other species,
for the high-frequency in-line and resis- ment Co. (Anonymous 1993). There-
a correction factor must be developed. fore, the objective of this study was to
tance handheld moisture meters but
Species correction factors have previ- not for the low dual-frequency in-line determine the species correction factor
ously been established by Milota (1996) or power-loss handheld moisture me- for 13 southern hardwood species using
and Salamon (1972) for several western ters. Similar findings were reported by a dielectric- and resistance type meter.
hardwood and softwood species, respec-
tively. Previous research has also estab-
lished moisture meter correction factors
for northern hardwoods (Wengert and The authors are, respectively, Associate Professors, School of Forestry, Wildlife, and
Fisheries, Louisiana State Univ. Agri. Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70803; and Assistant Profes-
Bois 1997). dahurian larch (Larirdahu- sor, Univ. of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, Canada V2N 429. This paper
rim) (Milota and Gupta 1996), jelutong (No. 02-22-0022) is published with the approval of the Director of the Louisiana Agri. Expt.
(Dyeru costulutu) (Milota 199I), bald- Sta. Tne authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the lumber donations of Fred Netter- ville
cypress (7hxodium distichum) (Wu Lumber Co. in Woodville,MS, and Marionneaux Lumber Co., lnc. in Livonia. LA. This paper
1997),and Pacific yew ( T u u s hrPv@lio) was received for publication in January 2002. Reprint No. 9424.
*Forest Products Society Member.
(Simpson and Loehnertz 1994), and
four topical wood species (Simpson


~ Specific grovi9 value by species. EXPERIMENTAL
Specific gravity (12% MC) Four 2.4-m-long, 127-mm-wide, 25-
Wood Scientific USDA Wood This mm-thick (8-ft. by 5-in. by 1-in.] boards
species name Handbook (1999) study
of 17 different species were obtained
0.60 0.51 (0.061* from two sawmills (Table 1). The mills
0.47 0.40 (0.02) were Fred Netterville Lumber Co. in
0.50 0.59 (0.03) Woodville, MS and Marionneaux Lum-
0.50 0.52 (0.03) ber Co., Inc. in Livonia, LA. The boards
0.53 0.47 (0.061 had been air-dried to about 30 percent
0.47 0.44 l0.081 MC. They were randomly selected in an
0.66 0.66 (0.05) order to obtain variability in the sam-
0.59 0.64 (0.031 ples. The hoards were planed on both
0.50 (0.02)
faces, from which 20 clear pieces, each
measuring 203 by 127 by 23 mm (8 by 5
0.49 0.53 (0.041
by 0.92 in.], were cut for each species.
0.68 0.69 (0.05)
0.39 0.40 10.01) The test samples were stacked on a
0.42 0.47 10.02) kiln cart and placed in a kiln at 100°F
-~ ~ ~

first at 90 percent relative humidity

(RH), then 80, 65, and 45 percent RH,
until equilibrium was reached at each
condition. These conditions correspond
to wood equilibrium MC of approxi-
mately20, 15, I l,andSpercent.Atedch
of the four conditions, the samples were
removed from the kiln and allowed to
~- u b 0 b r'
cool. They were covered with plastic
A\h -0 541 I 1756 n 57 I435 I 1125 0 87
film when not being handled or condi-
Cedar 0.9688 O.YIZX 0.98 3.732 0.59 I I 0.90
tioned. One moisture measurement was
Cherry 0.303 1.0297 0.96 4.637 0.8740 0.95 made with each of two meters on each
Elm 0.449 1.1573 0.92 2.928 1.0143 O.Y I wide face of each sample, and the san-
Hackberry 1.153 1.1397 0.94 2.931 0.9196 0.91 ples were weighed. At the end of the ex-
Maple -0.31 I I ,0733 0.95 1.972 0.8755 0.78 periment, each sample was ovendried at
Peeall 0.635 0.~979 0.96 2.149 1.2252 0.95 2 2 0 ° Ffor 48 hours and weighed. The
Red oak 1.273 1.1428 0.82 4.932 I ,087 I 0.80 sample volume was determined by the
Sap gum 0.667 0.9257 0.98 4. I26 0.7601 0.96 immersion method described in ASTM
Sycamore 2.138 0.9658 0.92 0.775 1.0443 0.97 D 2395-83 (1993). The ovendry weight
1.0952 0.85
and volume were used to calculate spe-
White oak 0.822 1.1591 0.97 4.538
cific gravity of each sample.
willow 1.248 1.2598 0.97 -0.013 1.3335 0.93
Yellow-poplar 1.3 I
S- 0.7723 4.042 0.7208 0.87 A Delmhorst model RC-IE moisture
-~~-~ - 0.86
-~ .~
meter was used for the resistance-type
~~~ ~

Merrr _
- ~ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ reading
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ ~
10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24%
Ash -0.73 ann - 1 .m -1.33 -1.63 -1.93 -2.23 -2.53 -2.82
Cedar -0.30 -0.20 -0.11 0.09 0.28 0.47 0.66 0.85 I .w
Cherry -0.52 -0.55 4l58 4l63 -0.69 4175 -0.m -0.86 -0.9 I
Elm -I.47 -1.61 -1.74 -2.02 -2.29 -2.56 ~2.83 ~3.10 -3.37
Hackbsny ~I.9Y -2. I I -2.23 -2.48 -2.72 -2.Yh -3.21 -3.45 -3.70
Maple 425 ~0.32 -0.39 -0.53 -0.66 -0.80 -0.93 ~I.a7 -1.21
Pecan -0.62 -0.h2 -0.h2 -0.61 -0.61 -0.60 -0.60 -0.59 -0.59
Red oak -2.10 -2.22 -2.34 -2.59 -2.83 -3.08 -3.32 ~3.82
Sap gum -o.nx 0.00 0.08 0.24 0.40 0.56 0.72 0.88 I .04
SycilmiXe -1.92 -1.89 -1.85 ~1.78 -1.71 ~1.M -1.57 ~1.50 -1.43
White oak -1.81 -1.94 -2.08 -2.35 -2.63 -2.90 -3.18 -3.45 -3.73
Willow -2.64 -2.84 ~3.05 -3.46 -3.X7 ~4.28 -4.69 ~ 5I I. -5.52
0 . 6 8 - 0 . 9 8 1.28- 1.88- 2.41 - 3.07 3.67 4.27 - 4 . 8 6
- - - --
_ _ ~ ~


-~ ~

TABLE 4. -Correction table for various species of wood (capacitance-rype meter].
Meter reading
Species 8% 10% 12% L4% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24%

Ash -2.10 -2.20 -2.30 -2.50 -2.71 -2.91 -3.11 -3.31 ~3.51
Cedar -0.78 -0.08 0.61 1.99 3.37 4.76 6.14 7.52 8.91

Cherry -4.09 -3.94 -3.79 -3.49 -3.20 -2.90 -2.60 ~2.30 -2 00

Elm -3.00 -3.01 -3.03 -3.06 -3.08 -3.11 -3.14 -3.17 -3.19

Hackheny -2.49 -2.40 ~2.31 -2.14 - I .96 -1.79 -1.62 -1.44 -1.27

Maple -2.25 -2.25 ~2.25 ~2.25 -2.25 -2.25 ~2.25 -2.25 -2.25

Pecan -3.22 -3.40 ~3.58 -3.95 -4.32 -4.69 -5.05 -5.42 -5.79

Red oak -5.18 -5.27 ~5.35 -5.51 -5.68 -5.84 -6.01 -6.17 -6.34

Sap gum -2.90 -2.59 ~2.27 -1.64 -1.01 -0.38 0.26 0.89 l.52

SyCamOre -I.OX -1.12 -1.16 -1.25 -1.33 -1.42 -1.m -1.59 -1.67

White oak -4.84 -4.93 -5.01 -5.19 -5.36 -5.53 -5.71 -5.88 -6.05

WlllOW -1.99 -2.24 -2.49 -2.99 -3.49 -3.99 -4.49 -4.99 -5.49

Yellow poplar -2.50 -2. II -1.72 ~0.94 -0. I 7 0.61 1.39 2.17 2.94
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_______
~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~
~ ~~
~ ~~ ~~

30 The correction factors for the various

species are shown for the resistance-
type and capacitance-type meters in Ta-
25 bles 3 and 4, respectively. As expected,
the two meters yielded different correc-
2 20
tion factors. A previous study reported
that a capacitance-type meter performed
0 better than the three pin meters com-
15 bined. It was more accurate, and quicker
and easier to use (Wilson 1999).
2 10 R-meter
In general, the experimental values
obtained from this study agree with pub-
lished results. The correction factors for
5 T the resistance-type meter are slightly
C-meter greater than those provided by the man-
ufacturer, particularly for higher density
0 ' I species such as white oak and red oak.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 A possible explanation is the slightly
OD MC (%) higher specific gravity of the white oak
and red oak specimens used in this study
as compared to other published values
Figure 1.-Meter reading versus MC forthe resistance- and capacitance-type me- (Table 1).
ters for willow wood.
Graphs of meter readings versus
ovendrv MC of selected species are il-
lustrated in Figures l through 3, for wil-
meter. Insulated pins were positioned correction factors were determined by
low, cherry, and sycamore. The data
parallel to the grain at a depth of 12.7 linear regression, with the meter reading
from the resistance-type and capaci-
mm (0.5 in.) and readings were immedi- as the dependent variable and true MC
tance-type are shown for the
ately taken upon complete insertion of as the independent variable. lected species. It appears that the meters
the pins into the sample. A Wagner are more accurate at lower MC levels
model L-612 moisture meter wils used since the data points are tighter (less
for the capacitance-type meter. It was The results of the regression analysis variability)at the lower MC values, This
placed at the center of the sample, paral- are shown in Table 2. Because none of is especially noticeable with the capaci.
le1 to the grain. During the study, the re- the slopes of the regression equations for .I..-_ ..._
sistance meter was checked against a the various species are equal to I , it is
known resistance block, and the capaci- evident that the correction factor varies
tance meter was calibrated against a ca- with MC. In general, the coefiicient of Moisture meters should he used when-
pacitance plate. The calibration equip- determination (?) shows a good tit for ever the operator desires an estimation
ment fcir both meters was provided by the different species when using both of the MC of wood. In instances in
the respective meter manufacturers. The the resistance and capacitance meters. which the actual MC, rather than an esri-



Cherry American Society of Testing and Materials

(ASTM). 1992. Standard test method of
use and calibration of hand-held moisture
20 meters. ASTM D 4444-92. ASTM, West

s? Conshohocken, PA.

. 1991. Standard test methods for

15 specific gravity of wood and wood-base ma-
terials. ASTM D 2395-83. 1993 Annual
Book of ASTM Standards. ASTM, West
Conshohocken, PA.

g 10 Anonymous. 1993. Instructions to best utilize
moisture meters on wood. Delmhorst Instrw

R-meter ment Co., Towaco, NJ.
James, W.L. 1988. Electric moisture meters for
5 w a d . GTR-6. USDA Forest Sew., Forest
Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.
Milota, M.R. 1991.Carrcctionfactors farmois-
0 ture-meter measurements of jelutong ( L W a
costulam).Forest Prod. J . 41(2):49-50.
0 5 10 15 20 25 . 1994.Specificgravity asapredic-
OD MC (Yo) tor of species correction factors for a capaci-
tance-type moistuTe meter. Forest Prod. J.
1996. Calibration ofmoisture me-
Figure 2.- Meter reading versus MC for the resistance- and capacitance-type me- ters for western hardwood species. Forest
ters for cherry wood. Prod. J. 46(1):39-42.
and R. Gupta. 1996. MoisNre me-
ter correction factors for dahurian larch from
the Russian far east. Forest Prod. J. 46(6):

andS.L. Quarles. 1990.Theinflu-
30 ence of kiln temperature on the performance
25 Sycamore of handheld moisture meters Forest Prod. J.
Quarles, S.L. and T.A. Breiner. 1989. Effect of
E.20 density on in-line and handheld moisture me-
ters. Forest Prod. I. 39(S):S1-54.
and M.R. Milota. I99 I . Influence
15 of kiln temperature and density on the perfor-
mance of in-line moisture meters. Forest
W Prod. J. 41(5):61-65.
5 10 Salamon, M. 1972. Resistancemetercorrection

2 R-meter factors for western softwood species. Forest
Prod. I. 22(12):46-47.
5 C-meter
Simpson, W.T. 1994. Resistance moisture me-
ter correction factors for four tropical wood
species. FPL-RN-0260. USDA Forest Sew..
Forest Prod. Lab., Madison, WI.
0 ' I
and S.P. Loehnettc. 1994. Resis-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 tance moisture meter correction factor for Pa-
OD MC (%) cific yew. Forest P r d . J. 44(1):63-64.
USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab.
1999. Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engi-
Figure 3. -Meter reading versus M C forthe resistance- and capacitance-type me- neering Material. Forest Prod. Soc., Madison,
ters for sycamore wood. WI.
Wengert, G. and P. Bois. 1997. Evaluation of
electic moisture meters on kiln-dried lumber.
Forest Prod. J. 47(6):60-62.
mation, is needed, the ovendry method The correction factors presented in this
study are best applied in practice when Wilson, P.J. 1999. Accuracy of a capacitdnce-
of MC determination is recommended. type and three resistance-type pin meters for
Properly used meters may he within & 3 using the same models of moisture me- measuring wood moisture content. Forest
percent of the actual piece MC if several ters as used for this study. A user should Prod. J. 49(9):29-32.
samples are measured, and the accuracy follow the manufacturer's instructions Wu, Q. 1997. Calibration ofmoisture meters fix
of the meter may wuy with wood source for properly using a meter, including ad- baldcypress (Taxodium dirtichum). Forest
justing for temperature, if necessary. Prod. I. 47( IO):77-78.
(Milota and Quarles 1990).



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