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To: Television Producers

From: America Citizens

Date: March 25, 2019

Regarding: Credibility of a Certain President, his staff and his supporters

As you know, Special Councel Robert Mueller’s report did NOT conclude whether or not anyone
associated with Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia, even though I asked Russia to find
Hillary’s emails on national TV. The Special Counsel made no recommendation on obstruction. This is
not to be construed as a guilty or not guilty decision. Mr. Mueller chose to allow the Senate (composed
of people deeply indebted to me to make that determination. There is no possible way that this can be
interpreted as a vindication of the president.

The completion of Mr. Mueller’s investigation is the result of a thorough and non-biased investigation of
the president, his campaign officials, attorneys and peers. Many of them and their Republican
supporters have been on your news programs, making false statements, often blatantly lying about the
facts and making false accusations about their opponents in order to influence the election in their

Examples of guests making outlandish and absurd false claims includes, but is not limited to:

Moving forward, we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards when booking such guests to
appear anywhere in your universe of production. You should begin by asking the basic question:

“Does this guest warrant further appearance on our programming, give outrageous and
unsupported claims made in the past?”
At a minimum, if these guests do reappear, you should replay their prior statements and challenge them
to provide the evidence which promoted them to make the wild claims in the first place.

The American people have been bombarded by these accusations, through the media for two long years.
They have been informed that their illegitimate president had colluded with Russia, a claim that is
contested but not disproven. In this case there must be introspection from the media who facilitat4ed the
reckless statements and a serious evaluation of how such guests are considered and handled in the

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