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Conman Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Problem Statement:

The course of action Alice George should follow for her future stint in Conman Systems Pvt.


Alice George has dedicated 4 years of her life to Conman Systems Pvt. Ltd. She performed
astonishingly well and the market share of the company in laptop sales rose from less than 1%
to about 5% in the last 4 years. Since the beginning, she did not get any promotion from the
post of Vice President in the company and had to prove her worth to the company every day.

After reshuffling in the company, she had to report to Mr. Sen, the new managing director.
Conman systems Pvt. Ltd. used to cater to only home computing, now they also wanted to enter
into business computing. They appointed Manohar Naik as General Manager, marketing with
the special responsibility of the business computing market where he had to report to Alice
George. After 5 weeks of familiarization programme, Mr. Sen informed Alice that they are
creating a new department public relation and offered her vice president post in the department.
The reshuffling will result in Manohar Naik heading the marketing department and if she
wishes to continue in the marketing department then she has to report to Manohar Naik.


1. Take the new responsibility of the Vice President in the Public Relationship
2. Continue to work in the marketing department under Manohar Naik.
3. Take the new responsibility of Vice President in the Public Relationship department
and start scouting for a job simultaneously.
4. Resign from the job and scout for a new job.
5. Ask for some time from Mr. Sen for justification of why she should be promoted in the
department of marketing only not in public relations.

Evaluation of Alternatives:

1. Changing the core area of specialization after 15 years of hard work in the marketing
sector will arise questions on her career. The responsibilities she was handling would
not be there with her anymore and she has to explore her skills in totally new sectors.
2. Continuing work under Manohar Naik will abate her respect in the organization. Her
set of values and Mr. Naik’s set of values differ a lot which will lead to tension
between the two. She would have to compromise which will cause dissatisfaction and
less dedication towards her work.
3. This alternative will make sure there is no gap in her career. Working for a few days
in the public relations sector will help her hone her other skills as well.
4. Finding a new job in any sector is difficult. Leaving the current job without any other
alternative will lead to a gap in career and too much uncertainty.
5. The track record she has speaks for itself. No one will want her to leave the company.
The decision may have been taken in a hurry and her showing the records and a
different perspective can lead to change in resolution of Mr. Sen.

Alternative Selected:

Alice George should select the third alternative. Working in a new department will give her a
new perspective and will also help her to hone her skills. The track record she has will attract
other companies to absorb her on the conditions she will have. There will be no gap in her
career and it will give her sufficient time to scout for the best options available in other
companies. She can negotiate with the other companies more efficiently related to the job
responsibilities, package, and position in the hierarchy.

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