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Copyrighl © I F.-\C 10lh T,ie nlli,,1 \I·.,rid COIlf(ress.

'funich. FRC. I'lK7


Z. Krzeminski
D rl"/rlll/l'//I of' f/n/rim / EI/Kill/·/'/m.!!:. T erhl/ic!I/ Clli,'rrsiII IIf C: ~SIIl(//lI1t'(f.
C :rslllChll<l'II. PII/ruu/

Abstract. Principles of nonlinear control of an induction motor with

field-oriented coordinate system are presented. A new multi-scalar
model of the induction motor is introduced, to which nonlinear control
system has been applied. The new control system is compared with the
field-oriented system.
Ke~vords. Nonlinear control systems; a.c. motors; electric drives;
feedback ; modelling; multivariable systems

IN'rFtODUcnON speed Wa are as follows:

The last achievements of differential d"Ws
geometry make it possible to answer the Us RsIs + ( f t ' + j Wa47s /5/
question whether nonlinear multidimentio-
nal system of the form
d '+' r
x = f/x! + g/u/ /1/ o = RrIr + ( f t ' + j/W a - w/\..V
r r /6/
where x is vector of state variables and where us' is, I r , '+'5' '+-'r' are voltage,
u is vector of control, is transformable current and flux apace vectors of stator
by the nonlinear change of coordinates
and rotor, respectively, Rs and Rr are
y = y/x! /2/ stator and rotor resistances.
and nonlinear feedback The next mechanical equilibrium equation
completes description of the induction
u = u/x,v/ /3/ motor
into the linear system d Wr
- = Im/ ,+,*T
Jdt 5 5
/ - m0 /7/
y = Ay + Bv /4/
where A and B are constant matrices. where '+'~ is the conjugate complex of
vector ~s' J is moment of inertia and
As has been shown by !(rzeminski /1983/,
a change of coordinates and nonlinear mo is load torque.
feedback can transform a system with an I t ha s been sholm by Dlaschke /1971/ that
induction motor fed by a current source the induction motor can be controlled in
inverter into two linear subsystems. the same way as a separately exc1ted com-
This idea is extended in the paper on an pensated dc motor when the coordinate
induction motor controlled by the field- system is connected with the rotor field
oriented method and generalized by intro- vector. Co~~only, d-q coordinates are
ducing a new multi-scalar model of the used in such cases and the vector of ro-
induction motor. tor flux has only a d-component as it has
been shown in Fig. 1. Equations /5/-/7/
DESCRIPTION OF INDUCTION MOTOR take the following forms for the compo-

The space vector method, developed by d "+'Sd

Kovacs and Racz /1959/, has been used in ~ - Rsisd + W1 '+'sq + u sd /8/
this paper to describe the induction mo-
tor. All assumptions, which are accepted d \j./sg
in the generalized electric machine
dt - R5 i sq - W1 Y-'Sd + u sq /9/
theory have also been accepted in this
paper. d I.J.l
rd - Rr i rd /10/
Voltage equations of the stator and rotor ""dt"'
space vectors, defined in a frame of re-
ference rotating with an arbitrary angle

35R Z. Krzc lllinski



Nonlinear control proposed here gives the

If the magnetic path is assumed to be li- possibility of eliminating the interac-
near, the following relationshi~ may b~ tions in /18/ and /19/.
written for the elimination of '+' sand ir
components: Controls of the forms

L LrLm
~sd== y;- 1
sd + L m "Vrd /12/ Rrw 'f-i.d + y d/
r r
If'sq -i /13/
Lr sq u
L m. 1
i rd -
Lr sd +
Lr '+'rd /14/ where Yd and yq are new inputs, transform
/18/ and /19/ into linear differential

di /24/
Lr d 'Vsg
~ /16/
dt w dt
dis Lr
where ~dt =- s w sq + Y q
R -i /25/

/17/ Using Yd and Yq as new inputs, controllers

can be applied to improve dynamic proper-
and Ls' L r , Lm are stator, rotor and mutu- ties of controlling the components of fs.
al inductances. The angular velocity of the frame of refe-
rence W can be computed from equation
Thus for components of is and l.J.J r the fo- 1
llowing equations can be derived from RrLm isd
/8/-/i6/: W1 = ~ 4J + Wr /26/

resulting from the separ a tion of /2/ into

real and imaginary components.

+ wLr y.;rd + -tl\V s d

di L Although nonlinear controls /22/ and /23/

~ - [l..Li - W i - eliminate interactions betwecn control
dt s w sq 1 sd schemes of i s d and i sq , the whole system
remains coupled as the torque is a product
+ ~Sq /19/ of ljJ d and i
r sq
• If rotor flux is reduced,
the time constant in /21/ changes and an
d I.jJrd adaptive controller for speed control is
--;rr- /20/ required. This problem can be overcome by
nonlinear change of coordinates and nonli-
near feedback linearizing system. The po-
d '+'r ssibility of such control can be checked
d't /21/ by applying the theorem o f Jakubczyk and
Respondek /1980/ to the system described
by /18/-/21 / . As extensive mathematical
The concept behind field-oriented control methods of differential geometry must be
is that rotor flux can be controlled used for this, only main results are given
according to /20/, with isd acting as con- in this paper.
trol input. Component i serve as an in-
sq Let new variable x, replacing isq in the
put in order to control the torque as a
model of the induction motor, be chosen
product of and i as follows
rd sq
Unfortunately transition from field-orien-
ted voltage components u and u to /27/
sd sq
current components described by /18/ and
/19/ involves leakage time constants and Then
interactions, which must be compensated
for by a control. PI controllers are /28/
usually used to control stator current
and using / 27 / , /i9/ and /20/
:-'; o lllille ar COlllro l o f' Indu ctio n i\Io lO r 359

R L Lm xiSd Lm 2 L
<IT /Lrr + Rs !../x + R - - - - W1 i sd
'+'rd -
W I.jI
1-W rd
+...!.. lIJ u
w T rd sq /29/
w' rLr \Vrd
The equations /i8/ and /21/ take the
forms: forming variables is usually the most
complicated part of a control system with
the induction motor, even although no
nonlinear control is applied,
This disadvantage can be avoided when new
variables are used for describing the in-
/30/ duction motor. In this paper it is propo-
sed to choose new vari ab l e s as follows:
x W /39/
11 r
x 12 'Vrxisy - 'ti-yisx /40/
The equation /20/ remains unchanged. x I.}'2
21 r /41/
The nonlinear controls of the form
x 22 'Vrxisx + 4{y i sy /42/

where x,y denote axis of a frame of refe-

rences rotating with arbitrarily-chosen

u /33/

transforms the system described by /29/ , ang le speed. Usually W = 0 is recomen-

/30/, /3i/ and /20/ into two linear sub- ded for simplification a of measurements.
systems: The new va riables a r e sc a l ar an d a re used
in a new multi-sc a l a r model of the induc-
- electromagnetic subsystem tion motor.
d'V rd Differentiation of /39/-/42/ using diffe-
/31 / r ential equations for compon ents in the
~ frame of reference x ,y g ive s the next
equations for a new multi-scalar model of
the induction motor :
/4 3/
- mechanical subsystem
dw r Lm 1
~- /36/
dt r
dx Rr Lr
(IT - /Lr + Rs7 x + v 2 /37/ /45/

The transformation is loc a l a nd the model R Lm

given by /34/-/37/ i s true only for T x + x x _r_'X +
x 22 11 i2 + "Lr 2i
'+'rd ;, 0 /38/

Controllers for the subsystems c a n be /4 6/

synthesed using well-known me thods of tile
linear system theory,
NONLtN EAlt CON mOL i,'orr HULTI- It w + Rs L2r - Rr L2
Tx wLr
As presented in the previous section, the
field-oriented sys tem with nonlinear con- u /48/
trol requires the tr un s formation of va- 1 4IrxUsy - 4JryUsx
riables measured in fixed coordinates,
into variables in a frame of reference u 4{.x u rx + 41ryusy /4 9/
rot a ting with a ngu l a r spe e d l' Output
variables of controller s mu s t be tr a ns- Ther e a re onl y fo ur diff erenti a l equa tions
formed fro m the rot a ting frame of refe- for describing the induction motor. The
rence into fixed coordina tes, The part of exact positioning of th e motor flux and
system for comput a tions defining the po- stator current vectors is not important
sition of frame of reference and trans- as /43/-/46/ fully describe the static
360 Z. Krzt'lllinski

and dynamic properties of the induction linear systems.

motor. It may be interpreted that the mo-
tor torque does not depend on the posi-
tion of the rotor flux and stator current CO~~ARISON OF FIELD-ORIENTED
vectors in any frame of reference, but on AND NEW SYSTEMS
the mutual position of these vectors. The
vector product x and the scalar product In a "classical" field-oriented system,
12 nonlinearites exist in differential equa-
x of rotor flux and stator current vec- tions for the components of the current
tors and the square of rotor flux x are vector which can be compensated by suita-
21 ble nonlinear control.
chosen as the new variables. These three
variables fully describe the values of Although even if nonlinearities in diffe-
flux and current vectors and thelr mutual rential equations for the current vector
position, because components in the field-oriented system
a re compensated by the control, the non-
linearity in the differential equation
/50/ for the rotor speed remains and requires
an adaptive controller when the rotor
flux is reduced.
The new inputs u 1 and u 2 are the vector
product and the scalar product of the ro- More complicated system of differential
tor flux vector and the stator voltage equ a tions appear if new variables are
vector. If components of the rotor flux chosen in form /27/ for the field-orien-
vector are measured in an arbitrary co- ted system or in form /39/-/42/ for the
ordinate system, components of the stator multi-scalar model system. The main bene-
voltage vector c a n be computed as follows fit of these systems is that the motor
torque is the st a te variable which causes
independence of speed control on the
u 2 \.jJrx - u 1 \.Vrl actual value of the rotor field.
u sx 2 /51/
r In the field-oriented system, current
vector components are computed as follows
u 1 ~rx + u 2 \Vrl

[ ~SdJ cos~ Sin~l

u sy 2 /52/
[ /59/
Isq - sin~ cos~
As with fi e ld-oriented systems, the regu-
lators can be applied for control of x 12 where
and x 22 to compensate for interactions
and nonlinearities, but in this paper cos~ /60/
nonlinear control of the next form is 4/r
sinq 'JIrt?>
w Lm /61/
u x + m1 ] /53/ \.j.Jr
1 Lr [xu 2lx2 2 + \V/

u2 ~/ - x x -
L x 2 + x 222
n-ill 12 +
\V,r = V\t{~+ 1.+1 2

Lr 11 12 rLr x 21 No computations similar to /60/ -/62/ are

needed for a system with nonlinear change
/54/ of coordinates and transformations /40/
ane! /42/ are similar to /59/ in comple-
The controls /53/ and /54/ transform sys- xity.
tem /43 / -/46/ into two independent sub-
systems: Nonlinear control to compensate for non-
linearities in the described system with
- mecha nical subsystem a nonlinear c!1ange of variables, is more
complex when such a system is based on a
field-oriented method. "lore calculations
/55/ are required for controls /32/ and /33/
than for / 53/ and / 54/. In addition, the
variable 4./ , which requires extraction
r 2
of square root from yJr' must be computed
/56/ for controls /32/ a nd /33/ . This disad-
vantag e is aVOided in the system with
- electromagnetic subsystem proposed new variab les /40/-/42/.
For field-oriented system with nonlinear
/57/ change of variable according to /27/ this
change is further development of the sys-
tem which made it the most complicated of
the three systems with nonlinear control
/5 8/ here presented.

Controllers for the subsystems can be Further possibility is that the other
synthe tized using methods of control of pair of spa ce vectors can be chosen as
Nonlin ear Co ntro l o f Indu ct ioll 1\10101' 36 1

a basis for nonlinear change of coordina- CONCLUSION

tes which increases flexibility of nonli-
near control as applied to the induction The nonlinear control of the induction
motor fed from current or voltage source motor gives the possibility of avoiding
inverters. instabilities which occur in certain con-
ditions in the field-oriented system.
From the presented systems with nonlinear
RESULTS OF SIMULATION control, the system with the multi-scalar
model of induction motor gives all the
The scheme of the control system with advantages of nonlinear control and its
multi-scalar model of the induction motor degree of complication is comparable with
has been shown in Fig. 2. Additional ele- a classical field-oriented system.
ments have been introduced to assure the
starting of the system when the motor is
unexcited and division by zero appears in REFERENCES
equations for control. Proportional feed-
back was applied to the electromagnetic Blaschke, F. /1971/. Das Prinzip der
subsystem and PI controllers to the me- Feldorientierung , die Grundlage fur
chanical subsystem. die TRANSVECTOR-Regulung von Dreh-
feldmaschine. Siemens Z., vol. 45,
The starting of the system shown in 757-760. --
Fig. 2 was digit a lly simulated and re- Jakubczyk, B., and Respondek, W. /1980/.
sults have been shown in Fig. 3. The full On linearization of control systems.
independence of subsystems dynamics is nUll. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci.
apparent. "lath., XXVIII, 517-522.
Kovacs, K. P., and Racz, I. /1959/.
Transiente Vorgange in Wechselstrom-
maschinen. Vertrag der Ungarischen
Akademie der Wiesenschaften, Buda-
Krzeminski, Z. / 1983/. Doctoral thesis.

Fig. 1. Space vectors in the field-

oriented frame of references

I 5 I
t U1 U,scx.
t 'frcx. ~(3 (sex. lS~ Wr



X11& MSC X12

Fig. 2. Simulated control system, IM - induction motor, NCC - nonlinear change of

controls, NCV - nonlinear feedback, ESC - electromagnetic subsystem controller,
MSC - mechanical subsystem controller, S - system for first part of starting
362 Z. Krzem inski

""",I I
I.0.2 ,
0..3 M
, •

0.1 0.2 t(s)



0.1 0.2 t(s)


x12 It

0.2 0.3 0'1
'220.5 t .r:: ,


xZ1 01 0.2 0.3 t(s)

'( L:
01 0.2
0.3 0.'1 lM

Fig. 3. Transients for starting of simulated

system, x2iref = const.

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