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Bacterial Membrane Advanced article

Transport: Organization of . Introduction

Article Contents

Membrane Activities . Permeability of the Matrix of the Outer or Inner


. Passage of Metabolites across the Outer Membrane of

Etana Padan, Institute of Life Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel Gram-Negative Cells
. Passage of Metabolites through the Inner Membrane
Based in part on the previous version of this Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
(ELS) article, Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of . Primary and Secondary Transport Systems

Membrane Activities by Peter C Maloney. . Chemiosmotic Circuits

. Integrating Primary and Secondary Transporters

Bacteria have transport systems enabling them to accumulate needed nutrients, . Channels
extrude unwanted by-products and modify their cytoplasmic content of protons and . Virtual Proton Pumps: A Proton-motive Force Emerges
salts so as to maintain a composition conducive to growth and development. Most from Combining Transport and Metabolism

bacterial transport systems resemble their counterparts in eukaryotic cells, and similar . Is a Proton(ion)-motive Necessary?

principles operate in both cell types. Because bacterial transporters are often easier to . pH Homeostasis in Bacteria

deal with experimentally, they have become important models for their eukaryotic . Conclusion

brethren. The recent determination of the crystal structure of several bacterial Online posting date: 15th September 2009
transporters including ones that share homology with human transporters that are
important in health and disease has been a major breakthrough. It opened the way both
to the understanding of the mechanism of active transport as well as to rational drug

Introduction more), Ca2+ (a free ionic concentration of 0.1 mmol L21 or

less) and so on. In most cases, these transporters draw on an
Most bacteria share in common two barrier structures: an external source of energy (e.g. adenosine triphosphate
external cell wall, of varying composition in different cell (ATP) hydrolysis, or an electrochemical ion gradient), but
types, and an inner phospholipid bilayer, the plasma mem- in some settings the transporters themselves act to establish
brane. The cell wall resists cell swelling, the unavoidable these gradients. See also: Bacterial Cytoplasmic Mem-
consequence of enclosing a cytoplasm rich in impermeable brane; Bacterial Membrane Transport: Superfamilies of
molecules within a semipermeable and flexible plasma Transport Proteins; Intracellular Transport; Ion Trans-
membrane. This membrane itself functions as a partial port Across Nonexcitable Membranes
barrier to the diffusion of water-soluble materials, allowing Beyond the cell wall, different bacteria organize their
a temporary functional isolation of the cytoplasm from the surroundings in different ways. All bacteria shape their
external world. It is the job of transport proteins embedded environment, most commonly by secretion of enzymes,
in the plasma membrane bilayer to ensure that over the toxins or pheromones, and by decoration of their external
long run the cytoplasm sustains a composition hospitable surfaces with an ensemble of macromolecules. By far the
to growth, development and cell division. This is done by most extravagant scenario occurs in Gram-negative cells,
the transport of nutrients inward and waste products out- which enclose their cell wall with a second bilayer, the outer
ward, and by the restoration of ionic gradients dissipated membrane, whose outer leaflet is enriched for complex
by diffusive events. Indeed, transport systems comprise the phospholipids and polysaccharides. In these cells, the space
essential homeostatic mechanism for regulating cellular between the inner and outer bilayers becomes yet another
ionic balance of protons (usually approximately pH 7.5), functional compartment, the periplasmic space. Indeed,
Na+ (usually 10 mmol L21 or less), K+ (200 mmol L21 or the volume of the periplasm can in some cases rival that of
the cytoplasm, attesting to its potential, if not its actual
function. See also: Bacterial Cell Wall
Although, cell walls and membranes may differ greatly in
ELS subject area: Microbiology structure and composition among the main bacterial
groups (the archaea, the Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
How to cite: tive eubacteria), the various transport proteins of the
Padan, Etana (September 2009) Bacterial Membrane Transport: plasma membrane are strikingly homologous with each
Organization of Membrane Activities. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences other and often equally homologous to their eukaryotic
(ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
counterparts. As a result, despite their variable settings, we
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001418.pub2
believe such proteins exploit the same fundamental

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Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

principles relating structure and function. It seems likely porins are highly stable trimers whose subunit is a
this commonality of design (structural, biochemical and 16–18stranded b barrel (but see later discussion). The lu-
physiological) reflects an evolutionary chain that extends men of the individual barrels is penetrated by loops of var-
back to times well before the diversification of cells into the ying size and charge. In some cases, this confers a degree of
now-recognized three kingdoms: the archaea, the eubacte- selectivity that varies from weak to absolute.
ria and the eukaryotes. Indeed, one may argue that the
origin of a cellular basis of life was feasible only with Substrate-selective porins
discovery of how to construct such transport systems.
See also: Archaeal Cell Walls Some porins are specifically designed to aid the flux of their
substrates. This seems most often to reflect cases in which
the substrate has a mass, shape or charge that would oth-
erwise restrict its passage. A well-understood example is
Permeability of the Matrix of the Outer maltoporin (LamB), which facilitates the influx of glucose
or Inner Membranes polymers (maltotriose and oligomers of up to 7–8 units),
because the shape and composition of loops lining the
Membranes as barriers maltoporin b-barrel allow favourable interaction with the
pyranose ring. Similarly, the PhoE porin provides a selec-
The lipid nature of cell membranes presents a barrier to the tivity enhancing flux of anionic phosphate and organic
rapid and free diffusion of water-soluble molecules. Prac- phosphates, due to the presence of a positive charge on the
tically speaking, such membranes are absolute barriers to barrel lining. In the typical laboratory experiment, the need
macromolecules, but only partial barriers to passage of for such substrate-selective porins is not always obvious, as
small to moderately sized molecules. Inward diffusion of, it is common to supply the target compounds in high
say, glucose (a nonelectrolyte) can take tens of minutes or amounts or to provide alternative materials of smaller size.
several hours. Now, this might not seem such a long time to On the other hand, these selectivities confer distinct ad-
wait: but if competitors are waiting as well, it may be to vantage when substrate is present at a concentration low
your advantage to avoid even this partial barrier to entry enough to limit growth, a condition that might easily be
(or exit). Thus, when there is (or has been) selective ad- encountered in the wild (Bishop, 2008). See also: Mem-
vantage, one finds membrane proteins accelerating the brane Proteins
movement of molecules as small and permeant as glycerol Porins, as one might imagine, serve not only to perm-
(GlpF in Escherichia coli), urea (UreI in Helicobacter eabilize selectively the outer membrane. They can also serve
pylori) and even water itself (AqpZ in E. coli and else- as receptors for external elements such as phage, toxins or
where). Much of the story of membrane transport, then, in micronutrients and their chelates. For example, a porin is
bacteria as everywhere, is a recounting of how cells cir- used by E. coli as the receptor for iron-siderophore com-
cumvent this partial diffusion barrier to increase the input plexes (FepA) or ferric hydroxylates (FhuA). The recent
or output of compounds so as to favourably modify the crystallization of FepA and FhuA suggests that these porins
internal or external environment. See also: Bacterial may actually act as selective transporters, something not
Cytoplasmic Membrane; Bacterial Intracellular Mem- anticipated by early studies. As 22-stranded b-barrels, FepA
branes; Protein Translocation Across Membranes; Water and FhuA are the largest known porins, yet they appear
Channels; Water Channels: Aquaporins; Water Transport completely plugged at their periplasmic end by a globular N-
across Cell Membranes terminal domain and at their external face by extracellular
loops. Evidently, opening and closing at both ends is coor-
dinated with ligand binding at the outer surface, so the side-
Passage of Metabolites across the rophore can be trapped in the periplasm (Postle, 1999). This
method of transport across the outer membrane is orches-
Outer Membrane of Gram-Negative trated by a protein known as TonB (the name reflects that
Cells TonB mutants are resistant to phage T1). In a way not yet
understood, TonB associates with both its target porin/s and
Porins several inner membrane proteins to provide the energy
needed for substrate accumulation within the periplasm.
The Gram-negative cell outer membrane allows nearly un- Subsequently, substrate is taken into the cell by an adenosine
restricted passage of small to moderate size molecules (up triphosphate (ATP)-dependent transporter located in the
to approximately 600 Da) into the periplasm. This is due to inner membrane. Importantly, porins contribute to drug
the presence of large channels known as porins, present in resistance in bacteria (Pages et al., 2008)
hundreds to perhaps tens of thousands of copies per cell,
depending on the example. The outer membrane is there- Donnan effects
fore a selective sieve that admits most common nutrients
while still excluding macromolecules. Porin structure has The periplasmic space of Gram-negative cells, although
been revealed by crystallography. The most numerous devoid of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic

2 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

acid (RNA), does contain proteins and oligosaccharides the catalysed (facilitated) movements of sugars and amino
that are too big to escape through porins. The concentra- acids into animal cells, and it retains something of this
tion of these impermeant solutes, relative to the solute character even today.
content of the cytoplasm and the external medium, deter- Most lipid-soluble molecules pass readily through phos-
mines the balance of water flux into and out of the peri- pholipid membrane(s), so that access to the bacterial cyto-
plasm, and hence periplasmic volume. Since the solute plasm (or escape from it) is relatively easy for gases,
content of the cytoplasm is typically well regulated, move- detergents, hydrophobic peptides, the neutral species of
ment of water into and out of periplasm is largely deter- organic weak acids or bases and so on. In some of these
mined by the concentration of impermeant species in the cases, evolution faced the problem of extruding such ma-
external medium. In dilute solutions, the periplasm will terials after their initial inward diffusion. As a result, one
swell; if external (impermeable) solute content rises, the often finds transporters devoted to export, such as the
periplasm will shrink. eponymous ‘drug’ transporters. One presumes that the au-
The periplasmic proteins and oligosaccharides have nega- thentic substrates of such transporters are not the synthetic
tive charge at neutral pH, and the presence of so-called drugs against which they now act. Instead, their true sub-
‘fixed’ negative charges actually leads to development of an strates are bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal materials made
electrical potential, negative within the periplasm, across the by plants or other bacteria (or possibly by themselves).
outer membrane. All mobile ions are in equilibrium with this Gram-negative cells have an especially interesting class of
Donnan potential (Kutchai, 1998) in accordance with the exporters that manage to extrude substrate directly to the
Nernst relationship. Thus, with respect to the external outside world. In these instances, substrates are placed in
world, permeant cations (e.g. Na+, K+, H+, Ca2+) accu- the lumen of a long and complex tubular molecule that
mulate, whereas anions (e.g. Cl2, H2 PO 2
4 and SO4 ) are extends from the surface of the inner membrane all the way
expelled. Yet, under acidic extracellular pH, the periplasmic through the outer membrane. AcrAB-TolC of E. coli which
pH has recently been shown to equal the external pH (Wilks pumps out a very wide range of drugs and is responsible for
and Slonczewski, 2007). See also: Cell Membranes: many drug resistant bacteria has been most extensively
Intracellular pH and Electrochemical Potential studied with respect to structure and function (Murakami,
It is important to appreciate that the origins of a Donnan 2008; Nikaido and Takatsuka, 2009).
potential at the outer membrane differ from those of the
electrical potential usually present across the inner membrane
(later). A Donnan potential reflects the equilibrium distribu-
tion of small mobile ions, whereas the electrical component of
Primary and Secondary Transport
an ion-motive force reflects the fact that such small ions are Systems
not at equilibrium. Work (e.g. accumulation of something in
the periplasm) cannot be accomplished by linking an event to It is common practice to classify various transport systems
ion movement across the outer membrane, because the ion is as either primary or secondary, according to their use of
at equilibrium on both sides of the membrane. By contrast, energy. An external source of energy – ATP hydrolysis,
work is readily accomplished by a coupling of an event to say, or the absorption of light – drives reactions of primary
ionic movement at the cytoplasmic membrane, where ions transport. The list of mechanistically distinct primary
can flow down their electrochemical gradients. transporters is quite small (although there are a large
number of separate examples). In bacteria, a list of com-
mon examples includes: (1) the F0F1 ATPases (F, V or A
types) that couple ATP hydrolysis or synthesis to the
Passage of Metabolites through the movement of H+ or Na+; (2) the redox pumps linked to H+
Inner Membrane or Na+ movement and (3) the P type (or E1E2) ATPases
that move H+, Na+, K+ or Mg2+, Ca2+ and other metals.
Passive and facilitated diffusion Less frequently encountered would be (4) an Na+-translo-
cating decarboxylase; (5) the light-driven bacterio- and
As noted earlier, small water-soluble molecules (water, halorhodopsins that move H+ or Cl2 and (6) cases in which
urea, glycerol) can show significant passive diffusion methyl transfer reactions are coupled to cation extrusion in
through the lipid bilayer. Even so, one sometimes finds the archaea. By transporting ions (usually cations), these
proteins that further accelerate these movements, presum- systems generate transmembrane ionic gradients, and this
ably reflecting a past history of selective pressure. In the is significant to the later discussion of chemiosmotic cir-
three examples just cited, the mechanism of facilitation cuits (later). (7) The ABC solute ATPases move a wide
appears to be that of a channel; in two of these cases, the variety of substrates, inward or outward, at the expense of
structural basis of the channel is known to be a ring of a ATP hydrolysis and in eukaryotes cause resistance of can-
helices, quite different from the b barrels forming porin cer cells to chemotherapy. They are discussed elsewhere in
channels. But while such channels do ‘facilitate’ diffusion, this encyclopedia. See also: ATPases: Ion-motive; Bacterial
the term ‘facilitated diffusion’ is typically reserved for a Membrane Transport: Superfamilies of Transport Pro-
different context; the term was originally coined to describe teins; Ion Motive ATPases: V- and P-type ATPases

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Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

It is easier to conceptualize the reactions of secondary earlier of the two concerned a new idea about how sec-
transport. Here, substrates simply move from one side of ondary transport might occur. The later idea, envisioned
the membrane to the other. The reaction is thermodynam- by Peter Mitchell, dealt with primary transport events,
ically ‘downhill’, and there is no chemical transformation particularly proton pumps, and how they might integrate
of its participants. Moreover if more than one substrate is with secondary processes in the form of a chemiosmotic
moving, it is even possible that the downhill movement of circuit. In 1952, W Widdas developed a new model, the
one substrate might actually drive uphill movement of an- ‘mobile carrier’, to describe the transport of glucose by the
other, leading to what is sometimes called secondary sheep placenta. Before this, the transport of sugars or
‘active’ transport. A good example of this latter reaction is amino acids was discussed using terms set out by physiolo-
the coupled transport of H+ and lactose in E. coli. Because gists interested in the distribution of Na+, Cl2 and K+
the cell is electrically negative relative to the outside, and across muscle and nerve membranes or in the movement of
because internal H+ concentration is low (alkaline), the elec- salt and water across epithelia. The field was rich in coeffi-
trical and chemical forces promoting H+ entry can be used to cients of permeability and diffusion and in arguments
drive sugar accumulation as the two enter together. (This based on thermodynamics, none of which really helped in
specific example is treated more quantitatively later on.) understanding glucose transport. So Widdas took a differ-
ent tack. He imagined that a catalytic element (the ‘carrier’)
associated with substrate (glucose) in a one-for-one com-
Chemiosmotic Circuits plex that could diffuse (or reorient) across the thickness of
the membrane. At the other surface, substrate could be
Note that the primary pumps (classes 1–6, earlier) establish discharged by dissociation, allowing the unloaded carrier
ion gradients, whereas the secondary transporters might to return (reorient) to the original side, where it would be
use an ion as a substrate. If the two reactions occur in the
available to take part in yet another cycle. One full turn-
same membrane, a kind of cycle can develop as the ion is over, then, gave the net transport of a single substrate
pumped in one direction, ‘uphill’, and returns to the origi- molecule. (Note how this differs from transport through
nal surface, ‘downhill’, in co- or countertransport with an-
channels. In the equivalent turnover time – that is, between
other substrate (Figure 1). This arrangement is known as a the opening and closing of a channel – many tens of thou-
chemiosmotic circuit. sands of substrate ions might move, each with only a fleet-
ing glance at the protein.) See also: Mitchell, Peter Dennis;
Intellectual and experimental origins Oxidative Phosphorylation
Our view of chemiosmotic circuits comes as the merger of This new view accounted for the kinetics of glucose trans-
two lines of thought, both initiated in the early 1950s. The port by the placenta, Widdas’ experimental target. Indeed,

S2 H
+ H+ 2HG6P1-
S1 Na+ S3

3 4
1 5

H+ G6P2-
H+ ETC proton- 2H+ G6P2-
pHin 7.5
+ −
+ H+/ATPase


Figure 1 Chemiosmotic organization at the bacterial plasma membrane. A chemiosmotic H+ circuit initiated by electron transport-linked proton pumps is found
in aerobes and in facultative organisms (e.g. E. coli ) that are growing aerobically. Secondary transporters that complete this circuit (nos 1–5) are described in the
text. The H+/ATPase is using the proton electrochemical gradient to synthesize ATP. In anaerobic bacteria similar circuit can be maintained by anaerobic electron
transport or by the H+/ATPase that can function in reverse, hydrolizing ATP to maintain a chemiosmotic circuit (see Harold and Maloney, 1996). ETC proton
pumps: electron transport-linked proton pumps.

4 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

the model is as useful a simplification today as it was in (external pH less internal pH) and R, T and F have their
1952, and no better way of summarizing the kinetic prop- usual values. (R, the universal gas constant, is 1.99 kcal -
erties of these proteins has appeared. More important, mol21 K, T temperature in units of K and F Faraday’s
this view changed the intellectual and experimental land- constant, equal to 23 kcal mol21 volt.) By convention, the
scape of the field. In particular, the suggestion of a negative sign of Dp reflects the net tendency for protons to
stoichiometric binding between carrier and substrate legit- move inward. In bacteria, maximal values for Dp are on the
imized use of biochemistry in the study of membrane order from 2150 to 2180 mV (Padan et al., 1976). See also:
transport. Electron Carriers: Proteins and Cofactors in Oxidative
Widdas studied sugar transport mediated by what is Phosphorylation
now known as GLUT1 (glucose uniporter), a glucose In anaerobic bacteria and in facultative organisms
transporter in mammalian systems. Proof of the pro- growing under anaerobic conditions anaerobic electron
teinaceous and catalytic nature of the carrier (and proof transport may operate or the H+-ATPase exports H+ on
that bacteria have a cell membrane) was offered a year the expense of ATP hydrolysis to drive the chemiosmotic
later by Peter Mitchell, who described the exchange of circuit (Figure 1).
inorganic phosphate in Staphylococcus aureus (then A proton-motive force is the organizing element in
called Micrococcus pyogenes), a reaction mediated by Figure 1, but this is not the only way such circuits are
the hexose 6-phosphate transporter, UhpT. A short time arranged; other ion-motive forces are also established
later, in 1956, the lactose transporter (LacY) of E. coli under most conditions. For example, because bacteria
was described, setting the stage for a genetic analysis. prefer K+ as the main internal cation, there are usually
The final formative event in the field of secondary trans- mechanisms to extrude the Na+ that might otherwise
port was the insight of Crane (in 1959) – that a carrier accumulate in response to a long-standing membrane
might combine with more than one substrate, as in the potential. Accordingly, internal Na+ is usually low, and
cotransport of glucose and Na+ (by SGLT1, glucose/ there is an inwardly directed Na+ chemical gradient
Na+ symporter) in the mammalian gut. See also: Blood– (DpNa). This together with the membrane potential es-
Brain Barrier tablishes a sodium-motive force. The argument extends
As it happens, these founding events also introduced the to other cations (and anions), but H+ and Na+ merit
main biochemical mechanisms we now associate with sec- special attention, since most bacteria initiate a chemios-
ondary transport. Thus (using Mitchell’s terminology), motic circuit using either H+ or Na+ pumps (of a variety
GLUT1 mediates the reaction of uniport, in which a subst- of types).
rate moves alone, along its electrochemical gradient. UhpT
exemplifies antiport, in which substrates (here, phosphate Work performance by an ion-motive force
and sugar phosphate) exchange one with the other, while
LacY (or SGLT1) engages in symport or cotransport, as its The proton (ion)-motive force underlies operation of an
two substrates (H+ and lactose, Na+ and glucose) move extraordinary range of events. Quite literally, Dp is a res-
together in the same direction. ervoir of potential energy to be used in performance of
The coordination of secondary and primary transporters chemical, mechanical and osmotic work. Chemical work is
in a chemiosmotic circuit was not appreciated until Mitc- typically discussed in the context of ATP synthesis during
hell’s later work, begun in the 1960s, transformed our view oxidative or photophosphorylations; mechanical work is il-
of how mitochondria and chloroplasts carry out oxidative lustrated by rotation of bacterial flagella as ions move in-
and photophosphorylation. ward under the influence of electrical and chemical driving
forces. Osmotic work, the main concern of this article, relies
The contemporary view on the proton-motive force to provide the driving force for
much of the cell’s ongoing metabolite accumulation and
In bacteria as elsewhere, secondary reactions integrate with efflux.
one or more primary reactions in a chemiosmotic circuit of To illustrate how the proton-motive force drives solute
the sort shown in Figure 1. In that example, the circuit is transport, it is helpful to calculate the extent to which an
initiated by an electron-transport-linked proton pumps, as uncharged substrate (a nonelectrolyte) might accumulate
might occur in aerobic bacteria or in facultative organisms within a cell if its transport were mediated by a one-for-one
growing in aerobic conditions. Here, outward movement coupling with protons during a simple symport reaction. In
of protons, driven by redox reactions, generate a proton- this case, the free energy (in mV) made available for sub-
motive force, Dp, comprised of both chemical and electrical strate (S) accumulation is that liberated as a single proton
parts and commonly evaluated in electrical terms (mV) at (n=1) moves down its electrochemical potential gradient
approximately 278C: of, say, 2180 mV:

Dp ¼ Df  ð2:3RT=FÞDPH pDp ¼ Df  60DPH ¼ 180 mV ¼ energy available ½2

¼ Df  60DPH ðunits of mVÞ
where Dj gives the membrane potential (interior negative), In principle, all this could be recaptured as the chemical
DpH indicates the pH gradient across the membrane potential (in mV) of the transported molecule, reflecting its

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5
Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

accumulation within the cell: within the larger chemiosmotic circuit (Martinac et al.,
2008). See also: Ion Channels; Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
chemical potential ¼  ð2:3 RT=FÞ log½Sin =½Sout  When considering channels whose substrates are
¼  60 log½Sin =½Sout  charged, one should worry about the electrochemical
potentials across the membrane. In mammalian cells, the
Setting these relationships equal to each other leads one to activity of such channels determines the size and polarity of
conclude that in a perfect world the perfect cell could attain the membrane potential, which normally rests at a rather
an internal substrate concentration 1000-fold higher than constant (interior negative) value. But in bacteria, fungi
in the outside medium. Higher proton/substrate stoic- and probably in plants and in most eukaryote organelles, it
hiometry (n) would support higher accumulation ratios, is the activity of various ion pumps that sets the value of the
but such elevated ratios are unusual among bacterial me- membrane potential (as in Figure 1). In fact, the membrane
tabolite transporters. potential of bacteria may assume any number of steady
state values, depending on the value of DpH that ensures a
near-neutral internal pH. This is because the value of Dp
(but not its composition) is set by the thermodynamics of
Integrating Primary and Secondary ion pumping. Therefore, at external pH 7–8, where the pH
Transporters gradient is rather small (E. coli regulates its internal pH at
approximately 7.5–7.8) (see later discussion), the electrical
gradient is the main element supporting a chemiosmotic
The five secondary transporters shown in Figure 1 connect
circuit (Figure 1; eqn [1]). By contrast, the electrical gradient
in different ways to the overall chemiosmotic circuit. For
diminishes considerably as DpH expands to allow growth
example, the uniporter shown (no. 1) would work inde-
at lower external pH. In addition, we should not forget that
pendently of ambient electrical and pH gradients, except
bacteria are small (a radius of 0.5 mm gives an internal vol-
insofar as its substrate might carry a net charge or operate
ume near 5  10216 L). This means their internal ionic pool
as a weak acid or weak base. In the case of proton-linked
is limited and that opening a channel may have unexpected
symport with a nonelectrolyte (no. 2), both electrical and
consequences. For example, because there are only ap-
chemical components of the proton-motive force are rel-
proximately 7  107 K+ ions inside E. coli (approximately
evant as driving forces (eqn [1]). Example no. 3 shows an-
0.2 mol L21), the inappropriate opening of a single
tiport, or exchange. This is of special interest for it
K+ channel of the kind found in animal cells could deplete
illustrates how one might broaden the selectivity of a
cell K+ in a fraction of a second. In fact, this is exactly how
chemiosmotic circuit. Thus, by catalysing Na+ efflux, Na+/
a number of colicins kill E. coli; opening of even a single
H+ antiport supports a subsidiary circulation of Na+
colicin channel is lethal. See also: Voltage-gated Potassium
within the dominant H+ circuit, allowing this cell to carry
out Na+-coupled symport (no. 4). In the same way, if the
Nevertheless, a spectacular recent accomplishment has
dominant circulation were one of Na+, Na+/H+ antiport
been the crystallization of a K+ channel from Streptomyces
would allow coexistence of subsidiary H+-linked reactions.
lividans. In the inner membrane of E. coli there is an equally
The final example shown (no. 5) illustrates one of the re-
well-characterized mechanosensitive channel that relieves
actions underlying sugar phosphate transport. Here, note
sudden osmotic stress (swelling) by allowing outward pas-
that while the fundamental event is one of the neutral anion
sage of small to moderately sized metabolites. Hence, it is
exchange, the net reaction is equivalent to the cotransport
suggested that principles governing channel activity in
of 2H+ with G6P22, so that the exchange has the behav-
bacteria are probably very different from those used in
ioural phenotype of symport. The scheme of Figure 1 co-
much larger eukaryotes. See also: Protein Translocation
ordinates the activity of secondary transporters of varying
Across Membranes
chemical specificity and mechanistic type. It goes without
saying that other transporters are also present, some of
which, such as the ABC solute ATPases, can duplicate the
actions shown here without interacting with this circuitry.
See also: Ion Transport Across Nonexcitable Membranes; Virtual Proton Pumps: A Proton-
Sodium Channels; Sodium, Calcium and Potassium motive Force Emerges from
Combining Transport and Metabolism
Chemiosmotic circuits, largely built on the circulation of
Channels H+ or Na+, dominate solute traffic at the bacterial mem-
brane (Harold and Maloney, 1996). Most often, such cir-
Several bacterial channels have been noted already (GlpF, cuits are initiated by primary transport reactions, as
AqpZ, UreI). These are channels for nonelectrolytes, described earlier (Figure 1), but on more than one occasion
whose movement does not perturb the components of Dp; the same result appears from an unexpected association of
one can easily imagine these channels operating silently secondary transport and metabolism. In these cases, H+

6 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

itself is not moved. Instead, the end result of the metabolic when a traditional proton pump operates. In this way, the
cycle is as if a proton were actually moved. combined action of OxlT and the decarboxylase comprise a
metabolic cycle formally identical to a proton pump whose
Virtual pumps stoichiometry is 1H+ pumped per cycle. Continuing oper-
ation of this cycle ensures constant outward flux of pro-
This emergent feature of bacterial cell biology was first tons, and this is what supports all proton-linked activities
noted in studies of the anaerobe, Oxalobacter formigenes, in O. formigenes, including ATP synthesis, flagellar rota-
which uses oxalate decarboxylation to generate a proton- tion, solute transport and so on (Figure 2).
motive force (Anantharam et al., 1989). In Klebsiella Similar other virtual proton pumps linked with dec-
aerogenes a membrane-bound decarboxylase functions to arboxylations are known (oxalate!formate, histi-
initiate a circuit by extruding Na+, but in O. formigenes the dine!histamine, aspartate!alanine, lysine!cadaverine
decarboxylation reaction [I] is catalysed by a soluble, cyto- and so on). Any number of intermediate steps might sep-
solic enzyme. arate precursor and product. A good example of this more
complex construction occurs in Leuconostoc spp., where

OOC  COO þ Hþ ! HCOO þ CO2 þ energy ½I the antiport of divalent precursor (citrate) and monovalent
product (lactate) is feasible only after a number of inter-
The energy released by this decarboxylation is dissipated mediate steps.
as heat and cannot be used to drive ion transport. Instead, a There is no need for the coupled antiport of precursor and
new kind of proton pump appears when decarboxylation is product. These might instead move by entirely separate
considered together with the ways in which precursor (oxa- transporters, so long as the net import of negative charge (or
late22) is made available and product (formate2) removed its equivalent, the export of a positive charge) is in one-
(Figure 2). In this case, OxlT, a secondary transporter, ca- for-one stoichiometry with cytosolic proton/s that disap-
talyses the one-for-one antiport of divalent oxalate and pear. Here, the citrate/lactate couple provides a model. In
monovalent formate, leaving a single negative charge be- the same way, one can dispense with anions as charge car-
hind in the cytoplasm. At the same time, there is consump- riers. In at least two cells that contain urease (Bacillus paste-
tion of a single proton during the decarboxylation reaction. urii and Ureaplasma urealyticum), a virtual pump based on
Notice that the ion-motive gradients arising from this urea (precursor) entry and ammonium (product) exit sus-
overall cycle (an interior negative membrane potential, an tains the proton-motive force. (Urease catalyses hydration
interior alkaline cytoplasm) are identical to those that arise of urea: NH2 –CO–NH2+H2O!2NH3+CO2. In these
cases, it is likely that urea moves inward in exchange for
the NHþ 4 that arises when water combines with ammonia.)
Oxalate Finally, if the scalar metabolic reaction generates a gas or
other liquid-soluble material, one can avoid the step of car-
rier-mediated efflux of product. For this last example, one
OxIT could speculate about bacterial production of CH4 and H2,
Decarboxylase* since a membrane potential could arise from the entry of a
monovalent precursor (acetate, formate or bicarbonate)
Formate whose subsequent metabolism would consume a single pro-
ton for each CH4 or H2 that appears.
+ –

+ –
Alkaline Is a Proton(ion)-motive Necessary?
+ –
+ – Harold and Van Brunt (1977) showed that Enterococcus
faecalis, whose chemiosmotic circuitry resembles that of
Figure 1, grows indefinitely when the proton (and so-
dium)-motive force is collapsed by the channel-forming
ionophore, gramicidin. Survival without Dp requires a
4H+ medium at pH 7.5, with high K+, very low Ca2+ and
Na+, and millimolar levels of nutrients. This permissive
*10% soluble protein
medium effectively mimics the main ionic conditions re-
quired for cytoplasmic health, and at the same time
provide nutrients at high enough concentration to initi-
ATP ate metabolism. H+- and Na+-coupled solute transport-
ers continue to work, but a toxic build-up of internal H+
Figure 2 A virtual proton pump. In Oxalobacter formigenes, the
thermodynamic equivalent of a proton pump emerges from the functional
or Na+ is avoided as they return to the medium via the
association of OxlT, an oxalate22:formate12 antiporter, and an intracellular ionophore. Understandably, growth ceases outside this
decarboxylation system. Modified from Anantharam et al. (1989). narrow window, showing that chemiosmotic circuits and

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES & 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 7
Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

the genes that encode their constituent proteins are H+ antiporter activity and its unique regulation by pH.
essential in dealing with a variable and unpredictable It also paved the way to model the human antiporter,
environment, the natural bacterial environment. There- NHE1 which plays an important role in human path-
fore, in addition to energy transduction and a continu- ological conditions and therefore is a target for drug
ous supply of nutrients the chemiosmotic circuit is design.
needed for homeostatic mechanisms such as maintaining
a constant intracellular pH of the cytoplasm.

pH Homeostasis in Bacteria
Even now, examination of DNA sequence shows that there
In line with being the most common ions in nature, H+ are several thousands of distinct bacterial membrane trans-
and Na+ are the main ions of chemiosmotic circuits. porters; and with completion of the bacterial genomes in
Yet, when the concentration of these ions becomes too the current pipeline, this total could increase 10-fold. These
high or too low they turn into most potent stressors to primary and secondary transporters display an enormous
all cells. Therefore, all living cells are crucially dependent range of chemical specificity, yet because their ongoing ac-
on processes that regulate their intracellular pH, Na+ tivity creates a chemiosmotic circuit, they find themselves
and volume. working as a coordinated whole and regulated by Na+/H+
By applying various approaches to measure intracellular antiporter activity. This common organizational principle
pH it was demonstrated that bacteria have most potent pH directs microbial lifestyles in niches as disparate as the hu-
homeostatic mechanisms. Nonextermophilic bacteria man intestine and deep-sea vents.
grow over a broad range of external pH values from 5.5
to 9.0 and maintain a cytoplasmic pH 7.5–7.6 (Padan et al.,
2005). The alkaliphilic bacteria grow up to extracellular pH References
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formate exchange. The basis for energy coupling in Oxalobac-
teria grow down to pH 2 and their intracellular pH is ap-
ter. Journal of Biological Chemistry 264: 7244–7250.
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on the chemiosmotic circuit-related system, the Na+/H+ currents. In: Neidhardt FC and Ingraham JL (eds) E. coli and
antiporters (Figure 1) that both in bacteria and eukaryotic Salmonella typhimurium: Cellular and Molecular Biology, pp.
cells play primary role in pH and Na+ homeostasis. The 283–306. Washington DC: ASM Press.
Na+/H+ antiporter activity was discovered by P Mitchell in Harold FM and Van Brunt J (1977) Circulation of H+ and K+
bacteria (West and Mitchell, 1974) and since then has been across the plasma membrane is not obligatory for bacterial
found in the cytoplasmic membrane of all cells and in many growth. Science 197: 372–373.
organellar membranes. The genome project has yielded a Kutchai HD (1998) Ionic equilibria and resting membrane po-
multiplicity of genes that encode putative Na+/H+ anti- tentials. In: Berne RM, Levy MH, Koeppen BM and Stanton
porters, classified as members of the monovalent cation- BA (eds) Physiology, pp. 21–29. St Louis: Mosby.
proton (CPA) superfamily ( Two Martinac B, Saimi Y and Kung C (2008) Ion channels in microbes.
subfamilies NHE (Na+/H+ exchangers) and NHA (Na+/ Physiological Review 88: 1449–1490.
H+ antiporters) have orthologues from bacteria to humans Murakami S (2008) Multidrug efflux transporter, AcrB – the
and are suggested to share a similar structural fold. The pumping mechanism. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 18:
family prototype E. coli NhaA has been studied most ex- 459–465.
Nikaido H and Takatsuka Y (2009) Mechanisms of RND mul-
tensively studied (Padan, 2008). NhaA is indespensible for
tidrug efflux pumps. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1794: 769–
pH and Na+ homeostasis in E. coli and many other en-
terobacteria. The NhaA protein has been over-expressed,
Padan E (2008) The enlightening encounter between structure and
purified and reconstituted into proteoliposomes in a func- function in the NhaA Na+-H+ antiporter. Trends in Biochem-
tional form revealing the characteristics underpinning the ical Sciences 33: 435–443.
primary role of NhaA in pH homeostasis; NhaA activity is Padan E, Bibi E, Masahiro I and Krulwich TA (2005) Alkaline pH
pH dependent, a property it shares with many prokaryotic homeostasis in bacteria: new insights. Biochimica et Biophysica
and eukaryotic antiporters. NhaA has a high turnover rate Acta 1717: 67–88.
with a stoichiometru of 2H+:1Na+. Mutants deficient in Padan E, Zilberstein D and Rottenberg H (1976) The proton
any of these properties cannot survive at alkaline pH in the electrochemical gradient in E. coli cells. European Journal of
presence of Na+. Biochemistry 63: 533–541.
The recently determined crystal structure of NhaA has Pages JM, James CE and Winterhalter M (2008) The porin and
provided insights into the mechanisms of NhaA Na+/ the permeating antibiotic: a selective diffusion barrier in

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Bacterial Membrane Transport: Organization of Membrane Activities

Gram-negative bacteria. Nature Reviews. Microbiology 6: 893– Further Reading

Postle K (1999) Active transport by customized beta-barrels. Na- Jahns T (1996) Ammonium/urea-dependent generation of a pro-
ture Structural Biology 6: 3–6. ton electrochemical potential and synthesis of ATP in Bacillus
West IC and Mitchell P (1974) Proton/sodium ion antiport in E. pasteurii. Journal of Bacteriology 178: 403–409.
coli. Biochemical Journal 144: 87–90. Nicholls DG and Ferguson SJ (2002) Bioenergetics 3. Amsterdam:
Wilks JC and Slonczewski JL (2007) pH of the cytoplasm Academic Press.
and periplasm of E. coli: rapid measurement by green fluores- Stock JB, Rauch B and Roseman S (1977) Periplasmic space in
cent protein fluorimetry. Journal of Bacteriology 189: 5601– Salmonella typhimurium and E. coli. Journal of Biological
5607. Chemistry 252: 7850–7861.

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