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Open Dialogue Research Journal


An ISIS ghter: ‘I was forbidden at the

Gates of Heaven…’
Written by ORIENTAL REVIEW on 04/03/2015

This fabulous story came from Aleppo, Syria earlier this week. A 32-year old ISIS jihadist has
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recently experienced clinic death after recieving multiple gun shot wounds in clashes with the
Syrian Army forces and left helpless by his fellow ghters at the battle eld. He was found
unconscious by monks of the Saint Dominican Catholic Presbytery of Ayyash hours after his
collapse. They carried his body 26 kilometers to give a proper burial before this man came
miraculously back to life.

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As he came back to his senses, he reported to priest Hermann Groschlin of the visions he had
whilst in the afterlife, an event that profoundly changed him.

“He told me that he was always taught that to die as a martyr would open him the Gates of
Jannah, or Gates of Heaven” recalled the priest. “Yet, as he had started to ascend towards the
light of the Heavens, devilish entities, or Jinns he called them, appeared and led him to the ery
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pits of Hell. There he had to relive all the pain he had in icted upon others and every death he
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And How? had caused throughout his entire life. He even had to relive the decapitations of his victims
02/04/2019 himself”, an experience the jihadist claims will haunt him for the rest of his life.

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“Then Angel spoke unto him and told him that he had failed miserably as a human soul, that he
would be banned from the Gates of Heaven if he chose to die, but that if he chose to live again,
he would have another chance to repent of his sins and walk along God’s path once again”

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The young man claims he was brought back to life in moments and eventually converted to
Christianity days later,being assured that  he had been misled throughout his religious life in the
jihadist environment.

The young man, who’s wounds have surprisingly healed in a very short time, has chosen to live
amongst the members of the Catholic presbytery who rescued him from the desert and hopes his
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story will help other ISIS ghters change their ways and convert to the one and only true God.
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Øystein Åssen
04/03/2015 at 10:31 PM

Is the picture here authentic of the man?

05/03/2015 at 7:02 AM

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Clearly this story is not true, Muslims don’t believe that souls go to Heaven (paradise, jannah, etc) upon death.

In Islamic thought people only go to paradise AFTER judgement day. This is the point of contention with the Christian saints concept, Christian saints
are already in Heaven, BEFORE the day of judgement!!

Who is reporting this story? Christian monks who do believe in instant teleportation to paradise upon death….hmmm….

The whole story stinks to high heaven (pun intended ;))…for years now similar stories with judo-christian concepts & terms are translated to Arabic
and published as part of some weird psyop campaign……I had hoped this site was better than to paddle this nonsense…

Seán McGouran
05/03/2015 at 9:18 PM

“Judeo-Christian”? Surely the sequence is Judeo-Christian-Muslim?

Or have Muslims been expelled into the Outer Darkness? Is that because they want to arrange their own affairs without reference to their former
Imperial masters, or Uncle Sam (who isn’t imperialist – he just behaves like one…).

08/03/2015 at 6:45 AM

If he is going to live in a catholic presbytery, he did end up at the gates of hell.

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Jim Eagle Featherr
08/03/2015 at 7:46 AM

First, I was a Christian preacher for about 24 years and a converted Christian for 27. Now I am a pagan and worship the gods. But, concerning this
story the question should rst be was he really dead, or in a coma dreaming. I am certain he has heard about the Christian stories before. Next. If he
was really dead or some such, what kind of Muslim ISIL man was he? Was he ghting, causing mayhem, and torture because he was following the
words of the Koran, or was he doing all those things because he personally just liked it, and thought it was a fun game? I knew many Christians who
seemed to obey the New Testament only because it was, for them, a fun hobby. As Jesus warned, men who prayed only because they wanted to be
seen doing so by other men would only receive that reward, i.e. being seen by other men. Only those who prayed to God because they had their heart
into serving Him would receive a heavenly reward. Were I Muslim, I would likely preach that if one follows the Koran one should do everything for and
because of Allah, by the teaching of Muhammad in the Koran. Thus this wounded man’s reliving the pain he in icted sounds like, deep down he
regretted what he had done. Had he really felt that he had been following Allah and not just his own pleasure and inclination, he might not have felt
such guilt. I mean do the ISIL guys make jokes and get off on the blood they cause? Are some trying to prove what tough dudes they are? Or are they
merely serving Allah’s commands from their hearts?

08/03/2015 at 7:47 AM

Really interesting but not the rst of its kind. Similar stories comes regularly where bad people has a chance to redeem there life after a short trip
outside their body! And some free and mature people learn from this.

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08/03/2015 at 8:55 AM

Re-Read the KJV bible.

“All will be judged- ESPECIALLY Christians.”

jill Adelus
08/03/2015 at 4:47 PM

There are 5 worlds below the of them PARADISE where Islamic ISIS believes is destined for martyrs is actually empty..its a place where
Old Testament Saints were held before Jesus died for their sins so they could have EtErNaL life in Heaven..when Jesus arose from the dead he had to
go to God’s(3rdHeaven)1st to ensure His Dad accepted His Blood sacri ce..n BeFoRe he could empty Paradise to take these people to Heaven…
Matthew27:51-53 tells how Paradise was emptied of these people…Islamic jihadists have their own Paradise sadly for them it involves being
marched thru the 1st world of the underground..aka Sheol Hebrew for HELL..Lost for EtErNiTy to Jesus…they will suffer personally ALL the suffering
they have in icted..beheadings..kni ng s on themselves r eternity.OvEr n OVeR again whilst Satan looks n laughs at them..ReAl TeRRoR

08/03/2015 at 6:48 PM

Because this did not happen according to what muslims believe about when men will be judged, it must be false? Why would God work according to
the erroneous beliefs of muslims? God is Truth, and He does things His way, not our way. “My ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your

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thoughts.” It seems that people just don’t want to believe these things happen, and in their apoplexy in reading these accounts become twisted in
their own logic and utter the stupidest things.

08/03/2015 at 11:07 PM

The comment by Terry Huggles apparently is correct. A simple Google search shows no such monastery.

Shame on the pathetic liar who wrote that smarmy propaganda, and ditto for the sites that have repeated it without fact-checking.

Anthony Ruijtenbeek
10/03/2015 at 2:52 PM

As i wrote in the Facebookcomment section:

It’s a hoax. The man in the picture is ISIL commander Abu Muhammad, token on april 16, 2014 in a Turkish state hospital:

The original story of a ISIL commander who had an near-death experience came rst from this satirical site:
ghter-converts-to-christianity-after-allah-refuses-him-entrance-to-gates-of-heaven/ You can very easy determine that it’s satire. By reading their

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disclaimer, but one can also do an image search on Google for the picture of ‘priest Hermann Groschling’. What you get is this stockphoto of an
Ukranian man:

also; the source of this speci c article,that came from is now removed, it’s a dead link:

Still wondering why this article isn’t edited, how much more proof does one need?

JoHan Rabie
11/03/2015 at 1:05 AM

I have no doubt in my mind that this is a true story,The Bible is clear the true things of the spirit is foolishnes to those that are perishing,If you are not
a christian then you will de natly disagree with what I say here, I had a heavenly and hell experience myself 18 years ago and this Man is right,he has
no reason to lie,and I am sorry to those that believe in paradise there is no paradise just heaven,that is why this man saw heaven and not pradise,God
showed him the truth and now he is free.

12/03/2015 at 12:15 PM

He tell the truth. Hell en heaven is real

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Fatima Christian
21/03/2015 at 7:05 PM

I know of several people who have visited heaven and the one thing they have noticed is that there are NO MUSLIMS in Heaven! Period! These are
not fools-one gentleman has one of the highest-recorded IQs in the US! Remember that Mohammed was a pedophile who had sex with little girls as
young as two! I believe he also had a ve-year-old wife! That is SICK people! There is no other word for it! And to murder a two-hour old baby simply
because its parents were Christians is EVIL BEYOND EVIL!

william allan
21/03/2015 at 10:56 PM

no one goes to heaven, JESUS is going to rule on earth after the judgement

Magnum Bob
22/03/2015 at 7:23 AM

Nemo – perhaps you should reread the account and review logic 101. Your “refutation” of the story does not stand up to scrutiny. The account did not
say this Muslim stated a belief from Islamic teaching that no Muslim would teach, thereby falsifying the account. It says “this is what the man said he
saw when he died,” quite independent of what instruction he was given as a Muslim. The whole point of the story is that what he saw was so different
from what Islamic doctrine led him to believe he should see, that he abandoned Islam.

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me meme
22/03/2015 at 7:30 AM

if you did not know this, they are going to try to unite all religion into one and there’s a high probability that this entire story was fabricated to merge
Islam with Catholicism

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Shepherd Stud

27/03/2015 at 10:59 PM

Believe. …in one GOD the GOD of Abraham in all faiths he is the same just different languages and different names but is still the great I AM. …

19/05/2015 at 12:33 AM

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Any body who lied with the things of God to petronice God,have commited a grivious sin.did God ask you to tell lie about his existance,or things of the
spirit.i think it maybe true

20/06/2016 at 5:56 PM

If you don’t mind, I’m going to use the picture you had of Heaven (the one that ran with your article about the ISIS ghter) for a few days. Let me know
if that a problem please

thanks much

Michael Brown

21/06/2016 at 10:10 AM

No problem, Michael!

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22/08/2016 at 2:35 PM

This story is probably accurate. And this story shows yet again that islam is false and that catholic christianity is probably right.

I don’t have to read such stories to know that islam is false!

03/01/2017 at 10:47 AM

its actually pathetic,your anger,resentment,prejudice and opinion does not and can not change the truth,if man has the power to chose where to go
after death would he not had decided not to die as well,God is superior to all,it doesn’t matter he created you a free moral agent which means that he
gave you the power to make decisions and choise as to what you want ,so don’t delude yourself.he decides what happens to you

07/01/2017 at 4:39 AM

this is true ,,,heaven and hell is real

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23/02/2019 at 9:05 AM

look at all these doubters yes this is a real picture of the man (there are also more on youtube)and they claim they are religious,wow. like Jim eagle
feather ,,,if he watched over 30 hours of NDE which he shouldn’t have to he should already know god to be true if hes a Christian (because it takes
people that much and more to be convinced) he would eventually know it to be true how are all these people seeing the exact same thing, its best to
watch the Muslim and atheist ones that way you know there is no bias,,take the ignorant “nemo” comment,,clearly its not true he writes..what
because he said so,,wow and he cant even work out that ummm duh he went there because god showed him the place that it does exist,,a place
Muslims don’t believe in, and now he knows how wrong he was, thats not hard to work out. anyone with a thinking brain can see now that god is more
real then ever, taking Adams rib to make Eve would have been understood or scoffed at years ago but its easy to see now times have advanced that
its a form of cloning just like when they talk about Mary being a virgin thats because she was its called arti cial insemination but of course god would
be at a much more advanced level than humans, same with when god talks about ever lasting life its reincarnation,,when people have NDE some
souls are described as lighter than others so your soul returns as its not black dark and if it continues to do bad through every incarnation,,you
eventually go to nothing to darkness your soul is dark, and you’re at a disadvantage because its like a new slate there is no remembering your past
life,,it ha to be your soul doing all the work and starting over again,,people who have had some of these DNE have had more than 1 life review and told
they cant come in yet they have to go back there are way too many similarities for them all to imagine it all, Take an atheist Dr who was a brain
surgeon when his patients came back they would tell him what they see like god angels,hell and he would tell them it was their brain function until
one night he was in bed and god this searing pain and then was transported to the hospital immediately and he seen god spoke with god everything
the things he always doubted he was now seeing,,only thing was he had no brain function,it was for over 40 minutes dead FLAT LINED no brain
activity. and it was also more real to him than life. he then converted and is a believer now, anyone who looks at the magni cent human structure
nature and how it all works and think this all just came out of some big bang clearly cant think,,its as clear as day that there is thought behind it all.

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23/02/2019 at 9:09 AM

typo( Taking Adams rib to make Eve would NEVER have been understood or WOULDN’T have been understood

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