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Achaikos "from Achaia" Alphaios "changing" Apollinaris "destroyer"

Achilleus "pain" "lipless" Ambrosios "immortal" Apollodoros "gift of Apollo"

Actaeon "effulgence" Amenophis "he who works Apollon "destroyer"

for Aton"
Acteon "love on to another" Apollonios "destroyer"
Ammon "the hidden one"
Adonis "my lord" Apostolis
Ampelios "vine" "apostle/messenger"
Adrastos "courageous"
Amyntas "defender" Apostolos
Adrastus "courageous"
Anakletos "invoked"
Aegidios "kid,young goat"
Archelaos "master of the
Ananias "compassion of
Aesop "hump-backed" people"
Aether "light/upper air" Archimedes "Master of
Anargyros "Poor"
Agamemnon "very resolute"
Anastasios "resurrection"
Archippos "master of horses"
Agapetos "beloved"
Anatolios "east" "sunrise"
Ares "ruination"
Agapios "love"
Anaxagoras "master of
Argos "shining"
Agathon "good" speech"
Argyris "silver"
Aias "mourner" Andonis "invaluable"
Argyros "silver"
Aineias "praise" Andreas "man" "warrior"
Aristaios "excellence"
Aiolos "nimble/quickmoving" Androkles "glory of a man"
Aristarchos "excellence"
Aischylos "shame" Andronikos "victory of a
man/warrior" Aristeides "excellence of
Aison "nimble/quickmoving" physique"
Angelos "angel/messenger"
Aisopos "Ethiop" Aristokles "excellent glory"
Aniketos "unconquerable"
Akakios "not evil" Aristodemos "excellence of
Annas "compassion of God"
Alexandros "defender of the people"
mankind" Antigonos "against the
Ariston "excellence"
Alexio "defender" Aristophanes "excellence"
Antipatros "against the
Alexios "defender" "appearing"
Alexis "defender" Aristoteles "excellence"
Antonios "invaluable"
Alexius "defender" Anubis "royal child"
Arkadios "of Arcadia = bear"
Alkaios "strength" Aphrodisios "risen from the
Arsenios "virile"
Alkimos "strong" foam"
Artaxerxes "righteous ruler"
Artemidoros "gift of Artemis" Chryses "golden" Dionysodoros "gift of
Artemisios "safe" "butcher" Daidalos "cunning worker"
Dionysos "Zeus-Nysa"
Asclepius "gives well-being' Damianos "to tame, to
subdue, to kill" Dorieus "Of the Dorian Tribe"
Asklepiades "gives well-
being" Damokles "glory of the Doros "gift"
Asklepios "gives well-being" Dorotheos "gift of God"
Damon "to tame, to subdue,
Athamus "rich harvest" Dorus "gift"
to kill"
Athanas "immortal" Drakon "dragon"
Dareios "wealthy"
Athanasios "immortal" Efstathios "good stability"
Deimos "fear, terror"
Atlas "the one who could not Eirenaios "peaceful"
Demetrios "loves the earth"
Eleftherios "the liberator"
Demokritos "judge of the
Atreus "fearless"
people" Eleutherios "the liberator"
Azarias "God's help"
Demon "the people" Elias "the Lord is my God"
Bakchos "to shout"
Demosthenes "strength of Elihud "my God has helped"
Barnabas "son of the people"
Eliud "my God has helped"
Demostrate "army of the
people" Elpidios "hope"
Bartholomaios "son of
Talmai" Emmanouil "God is with us"
Deucalion "new wine sailor"
Bion "life" Epaphroditos "loving"
Diabolos "accuser, slanderer"
Cadmus "the east" Epiktetos "newly acquired"
Dimitrios "loves the earth"
Caiaphas "to raise up" Erasmos "to love"
Dimitris "loves the earth"
Cambyses "handsome king" Erebos "darkness"
Dimosthenis "strength of the
Capaneus "arrogant" people" Eros "sexual love"
Chaos "primordial Diodoros "Gift of Zeus" Errikos "work-power"
Diodotos "Giver of Zeus" Esaias "God is salvation"
Charalampos "Shining
Diogenes "Born of Zeus" Esdras "help"
Diokles "Glory of Zeus" Euandros "Good man"
Chariton "grace, kindness"
Diomedes "Cunning as Zeus" Euristos "well-pleasing"
Charon "fierce brightness"
Dionysios "follower of Euclid "good glory"
Chrysanthos "golden flower"
Chrysaor "golden sword" Eugenios "well born"
Eukleides "good glory" Hephaistos "both feet Hypatos "most high,
crooked" supreme"
Euphemios "well-spoken"
Heracles "glory of Hera" Iairos "he shines"
Euphranor "delightful"
Heraclitus "glory of Herra" Iakchos "to shout"
Euripides "good swing"
Herakleides "Hera's little Iason "to heal"
Eusebios "good worship
(pious)" Iduma "red"
Heralkeitos "Glory of Hera"
Eustachys "good harvest" Iesos "God is Salvation"
Herakles "Glory of Hera"
Eustakhios "good harvest" Iesous "God is Salvation"
Hermes "of the earth"
Eustathios "good stability" Ihsoys "God is Salvation"
Hermogenes "Born of
Euthymios "good spirited" Ikaros "follower"
Eutropios "versatile" Ioannes "God is gracious"
Hermokrates "power of
Eutychios "fortunate" Hermes" Ioannis "God is gracious"

Evangelos "good tidings" Hermolaos "people of Isidoros "gift of Isis"

Fotios "light" Isokrates "equal power"
Herodes "heroes song"
Fotis "light" Jonas "dove"
Herodotos "Hero-given"
Gennadios "noble" Josias "God supports"
Hesiod "to send song"
Georgios "farmer" Judas "he who is praised"
Hesiodos "to send song"
Gerasimos "old age" Jude "he who is praised"
Hesperos "evening star"
Gregorios "watchful, vigilant" Kadmos "the east"
Hieronymos "Holy name'
Haemon "bloody" Kallias "beauty"
Hilarion "joyful, happy"
Haides "unseen" Kallikrates "beauty-power"
Hippokrates "horse power"
Haimon "bloody" Kambyses "handsome king"
Hippolytos "Horse-freer"
Hektor "defend, hold fast" Kapaneus "arrogant"
Homer "hostage"
Heli "ascend" Karpos "fruit, profits"
Homeros "hostage"
Heliodoros "gift of the sun" Kastor "beaver"
Horus "the distant one"
Helios "sun" Kephalos "head"
Hyakinthos "hyacinth flower"
Helladios "Of Greece" Kepheus "gardener"
Hyginos "healthy"
Hellen "Greek" Kerberos "demon of the pit"
Hypatios "supreme"
Hellenas "Greek"
Khristophoros "Christ Makarios "blessed" Nikias "victory"
Makednos "the high/tall Nikodemos "victory of the
Khristos "anointed" one" people"

Khthonios "of the Makedon "the high/tall one" Nikolaos "victory of the
earth/underworld" people"
Manasses "causing to
Kleisthenes "glorious forget" Nikomachos "victory battle"
Mathias "gift of God" Nikomedes "victory-scheme"
Kleitos "glory"
Mathaios "gift of God" Nikon "victory"
Konstantinos "steadfast"
Matthias "gift of God" Nikostratos "victory-army"
Kosmas "beauty, order"
Matthaios "gift of God" Nomiki "relating to the law"
Kosmos "beauty, order"
Menelaos "withstanding the Odysseus "to be angry/to
Kreios "master, ruler" people" hate"

Kreon "ruler" Mentor "spirit" Oedipus "sore feet"

Krios "master, ruler" Methodios "method" Oidipous "sore feet"

Kronos "horn" Metrophanes "mother- Oinone "violet tinted"

Kyprianos "from Cyprus" Okeanos "ocean"
Kyriakos "of the lord" Olympiodoros "gift of
Miltiades "red earth" Olympos"
Kyros "like the sun"
Mnason "one who Olympus "home of the Gods"
Lavrentios "of Laurentum"
Olysseus "to be angry, to
Lazarus "my God has helped"
Morpheus "shape" hate"
Leandros "lion-man"
Myron "myrrh" Onesimos "beneficial"
Lefteris "the liberator"
Narkissos "numbness, sleep" Onesiphoros "beneficial"
Leonidas "lion's son"
Neoptolemos "new war" Ophelos "help"
Linos "A cry of grief"
Nereus "water" Orestes "of the mountains"
Loukas "from Lucania"
Nestor "homecoming" Origen "mountain-born"
Lykourgos "wolf-work"
Nicolaos "victory of the Origenes "mountain-born"
Lysandros "freer, liberator" people"
Orion "light of heaven"
Lysimachos "freedom Nikandros "victory of a man"
Orpheus "darkness of night"
Nikephoros "bearer of a
Osiris "something that has
Macedon "the high/tall one" victory"
been made; a product"
Oulixes "to be angry/to hate" Pelagios "the sea" Porphyrios "purple"

Oulixeus "to be angry, to Perikles "surrounded by Poseidon "earth-shaker"

hate" glory"
Praxis "practice, exercise,
Ouranos "the heavens" Perseus "to sack, to destroy" action"

Paeon "healer" Phaidros "bright" Praxiteles "action, exercise,

practice" "aim, goal"
Paian "healer" Phanes "appear"
Priamos "ransomed"
Paion "healer" Philander "with love for
people" Prochoros "leader of the
Palaemon "far back, long
ago/alone, single" Philemon "affectionate"
Prokopios "advance,
Pallas "to brandish, to wield Philippos "lover of horses"
a weapon"
Philokrates "friend-power"
Prometheus "foresight"
Pamphilos "friend of all"
Philomenes "love-strong"
Proteus "first"
Pan "herdsman"
Philon "to love"
Ptolemy "aggressive,
Panagiotakis "all-holy"
Philotheos "friend of God" warlike"
Panagiotis "all-holy"
Phobos "fear" Pyrros "flame-like"
Panayiotis "all-holy"
Phoibos "shining one" Pythagoras "Python market"
Pankratios "all power"
Phokas "seal" Pythios "to rot"
Panos "all holy"
Photios "light" Seleukos "the conqueror"
Pantaleon "all-lion"
Phrixos "the ripple of water Serafeim "burning ones"
Pantheras "All to hunt; in the wind; the shivering of
Seth "dazzle"
panther" skin from fear"
Sethos "dazzle"
Paramonimos "constant, Platon "broad/flat; plateau"
enduring" Silouanus "from the forest"
Ploutarchos "source of
Paramonos "constand, wealth" Simon "hearkening"
Plouton "wealth" Simonides "flat-nosed type"
Paris "wager"
Podarge "fleet foot" Sokrates "sound power"
Patroklos "glory of the
Polydeuces "very sweet" Solon "wisdom"
Polydeukes "very sweet" Sophokles "skilled-glory"
Pavlos "small"
Polydorus "bears many gifts" Sophos "clever, skilled"
Pegasos "born near the pege
(source of the ocean, spring, Polykarpos "fruitful" Sophronios "self-controlled"
or well)"
Sosigenes "born safe/sound" Thanos "immortal" Usiris "something has been
made; a product"
Sotirios "salvation" Themistokles "Glory of Law"
Vangelis "good tidings"
Sotiris "salvation" Theodoros "gift of God"
Vasilios "king"
Spridion "little spirit" Theodosios "God-giving"
Vasilis "king"
Spiro "spirit" Theodotos "God-given"
Vlasis "talks with a lisp"
Spiros "spirit" Theodoulos "God-slave"
Vlassis "talks with a lisp"
Spyridon "spirit" Theokritos "God-judge"
Xanthippos "yellow horse"
Spyro "spirit" Theophanes "manifestation
of God" Xanthos "yellow;blonde"
Spyros "spirit"
Theophilos "God's friend" Xenocrates "foreign/strange
Stamatios "stop"
Theophylaktos "Gods guard"
Stamatis "stop"
Xenon "foreigner/stranger"
Stathis "good stability"
"servant;worshipper" Xenophon "foreign/strange
Stavros "crucifixion cross" voice"
Theristis "mowing month"
Stefanos "crown" Xerxes "ruler over heroes"
Theron "hunter"
Stelios "pillar" Yanni "God is gracious"
Theseus "a setting
Stephanos "crown" down/placing" Yannis "God is gracious"

Straton "army" Thoth "he who balances" Yianni "God is gracious"

Stylianos "pillar" Thoukydides "glory of God" Yiannis "God is gracious"

Takis "all-holy" Timaios "honor" Yiorgos "earth-

Tarasios "of Tarentum" Timon "honor"
Yorgos "earth-
Telamon "support" Timotheos "to honor God"
Telamonian Ajax "son of Titos "white clay;white
Zacchaeus "pure"
Telamon" earth"
Zacharias "God has
Telesphoros "bearing fruit" Tobias "God is good"
Teris "the liberator" Triton "of the third"
Zebedee "God has given"
Thaddeus "given of God" Tryphon "delicate, soft"
Zenobios "life of Zeus"
Thales "blossom" Tychon "hitting the mark"
Zenon "of Zeus"
Than "death" Urias "God is my light"
Zephyr "west wind"
Thanatos "death" Zephyros "west wind"
Zeus "God"

Zopyros "glowing"

Zoroaster "one who owns

golden/yellow camels"

Zosimos "likely to

Zotikos "full of life"

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