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Our Reviews, Your Experience.

service than

Cab service Why cabs

are Travel to
right at
becoming unknown
your a part of locations.
doorsteps. our lives?

What names come in your mind when
you hear the word „CAB‟?

Companies holding the major UBER

market of cab services-

Some numbers, defining these companies-

• Founded in 2009. • Founded in 2010


• Came to India in 2013. • An Indian origin company.
• Valuation- $72 billion (Feb, • Valuation- $4 Billion (Sept.
2018) 2018)
• 5m weekly in India. Around • Global users 125m (2018).
714,286 daily! (2018) • Indian users 5.9m (2017).
• 450,000 registered drivers in • Total drivers over 1M (2018)
India. (2018) • Total vehicles 450,000 (2018).
• 500 million total trips in India • Ola rides 1.5m per day (2018).
in 4 years. (2018)
• Uber controls 46% of the
market in India – the world’s
third-biggest. (2018)

Not to forget, these numbers are increasing continuously!

These enormously large amount of numbers leads us to
some very crucial points.

 Talking about India, these two companies are touching lives of

2.2M people DAILY!

 Travelling in a cab with their driver controlling the car is just

same as placing our life in the driver‟s hands. One wrong move
and you could be hurt!

 Continuing the above point, are these systems which are daily
dealing with people‟s lives perfect? For the same reason, could
any system be perfect?

Let‟s find the answer by meeting 5 different people, each one of them having
their incidents to tell which happened within the duration of just 30 days!
1. Khushboo Thakkar- Attack to life!

Link to post-

2. Astha Gupta- Loot and Threat!

Link to original post-
3. Malvika Gupta- Attempt to molest 4 women!

Link to post-

4. Vinayak Gudigop- Misbehavior and vulgarity!

Link to original post-

5. Prerna Malhotra- Attempt to harass!

Link to post-

 When we are living in a time where even a single life
matters, these five different cases on attempt to harass,
molest, loot & harm happened within a period of hardly
30 days.

 As per data, there are almost 200-250 tweets getting

tweeted by people complaining about their bad cab
experiences. That makes it around 6000-7500 cases per

 Also, these are just the number of cases on twitter. There

are people who don‟t use twitter or don‟t register their
complain. If we include them, the count would have been
much, much higher. Maybe 10,000 cases per month!!
We also came across too many “Today my Uber…” conversations in India.
Delhi, in particular.

1. Today my Uber cancelled on me like, 4 times in a row.

2. Today my Uber driver drove so recklessly, I was scared for my life.
3. Today my Uber had lizards in it. LIZARDS. And so on.

If one will do further • Harassment.

research on social • Driver calling back to girls.
media, news sites, • Misbehavior.
• Usage of vulgar or bad language during ride, by
talk to people or driver.
whichever way that • Driver not coming to location
could give data to • Rash driving.
twitter, one will see • Driver talking on phone while driving.
numerous of cases • Robbery.
of • Watching movie/video while driving and what not!
So, again the same question. Is there system, touching so many lives, even

 After looking at the overall stats, a system hurting lives of around 10,000
people per month, can‟t be perfect.

 Things are still going to be the same until people start getting aware of this
unsaid threat. If this hasn‟t been the case, the number of complaints should
have been very, very low.

 That simply means that these cab companies aren‟t taking their customers
seriously. And that‟s where this system is not perfect!

But why nobody’s

doing anything?
Are lives that
cheap in India?
JANTA, a community of cab users who care for their safety and value
time, brainstormed over some of the ways to make people aware of
this unsaid threat.

After multiple discussions,

these were some of the ways
that we thought could be
actually effective.

i. Social Media groups are vulnerable to activeness. One may not

guarantee how long will these groups survive for such topic.

ii. There‟s a huge chance of people going off-topics or muting the group
because of such large audience.

iii. Online petitions and campaigns do create awareness, but one may not
guarantee a solution actually being taken because of them.

iv. Government‟s intervention is actually a great way because rules by an

authority could have bounded everyone to follow norms, but with a
population of approx. 1.32 billion it would take decades to get visible

v. In today‟s digital world where everyone‟s using mobile apps for their
day-to-day chores, apps may prove to be a great way for this. But how?
A Little More Light On Government’s Intervention

 Everybody knows how important seat belts and helmets are, right? People wear them
because they are not sure if any idiot would come and hit them on road, even if they were
driving the safest.

 “Under section 129 r/w 177 Motor Vehicle Act, a person driving without helmet shall be
liable to pay a penalty of INR 100/-” The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

 “Statistics reveal that 70%-90% of accidents are caused due to road users‟ behavior and
lack of awareness about helmet use,” says a report by Chennai‟s transport commissioner

 Pointing out that of the 2.51 crore vehicles in the state, about 84% are two-wheelers, most
fatalities involved two-wheelers and occurred due to lack of helmets. 4091 and 2956
deaths occurred in 2016 and 2017 respectively because riders were not wearing helmets.

 So, considering second, third and fourth point, even after Government‟s rules and
intervention it took Chennai around 28-29 years to reduce the numbers to this level. Just
think of the situation of the country as a whole!

 Therefore, we said that it will take decades through this way.

Final Conclusion- Let The App Help!

 Imagine an app that tells you every complaint there has been about
the cab driver you‟re about to ride with, saving yourself from an
unsafe cab ride and a bad overall experience.

 Simply take a screenshot of your app once a driver is assigned to

you, upload it into the app, and know your driver‟s safety rank in
under 30 seconds.

 If you see any red flags, immediately cancel and re-book.

 You can also help make your city safer by reviewing your cab after
completing a ride. It works the same way, take a screenshot, upload
it and review — all under 30 seconds.

And that‟s what JANTA app is all about! Janta values honesty and
simplicity, and that is what our app is about- unbiased reviews and
simple to use.
Features of JANTA App-

1. All reviews, whether good or bad, are shown.

- Anywhere you see reviews - be it Amazon, Google Play Store, Zomato, Glassdoor,
TripAdvisor, etc - you get to see both good and the bad. But on Uber/Ola, you are only
shown the „hand-picked‟ good reviews. On JANTA app, you get to see both good & bad
reviews, which means you can choose to cancel also.

2. You can review a driver as soon as your trip starts. We believe that the best time to
review a driver is 15-minutes after your ride has started, and not after it has ended. After
your trip, you are in a hurry to get on to your next thing and usually end up skipping the
review process.

3. You can review a driver even if the driver cancels on you or refuses to go to your

4. We share data on how your review has impacted others.

5. We review both Uber and Ola rides. Many drivers drive with both Ola and Uber. We
show reviews from both the services at one place.

6. A third party which isn't owned by service provider is best suited to provide review data
than the service provider itself.
Using JANTA app is same as using a seat belt or a helmet.

How? Have a look at this analogy-

 You wear these things for your safety even if you haven‟t met an accident yet.
Similarly, using JANTA app „atleast‟ ensures the caution part of your cab ride.

 You don‟t know if any idiot would come and hit you on road even if you were
driving your safest. Hence, you wear a helmet or a safety belt. Similarly, you
don‟t know which driver will be assigned and what was his past behavior with
riders, until you read the reviews at JANTA app and get informed.

 Most importantly, your family cares for you and you care for them. What‟s
harm in investing 10 seconds to wear a seat belt/helmet or checking cab
reviews at JANTA for your safety? You never know which idiot is coming for you
in either case!
How to use JANTA app?

Book your

a screenshot where
you can see the
license plate

Share screenshot
with JANTA app.

Read reviews
(both positive
and negative)

an informed
And That’s How The Reviews Look Like!

Example 1

Example 2
Basic FAQs

1. Why should I use JANTA app? I haven‟t encountered any bad experience

Ans. It‟s good to hear that you haven‟t encountered any bad one. But how
does that mean that something bad couldn‟t happen with you in future. You
can‟t wait for something bad to happen and then take measures, right? Even a
single bad experience with you or someone you love could shake your life!

Remember- precaution is always better than cure!

2. How JANTA app will help me?

Ans. JANTA app helps by informing you about every complaint there has been
about the cab you‟re about to ride in, saving yourself from an unsafe cab ride,
saving your time and avoiding a bad overall experience. Just take a screenshot
of your OLA/UBER ride, share it with JANTA app, read reviews and make an
informed decision.
3. But Uber/Ola provide their own driver ratings? How‟s JANTA app any different?

Ans. Over the years, the review process of cab drivers on OLA/UBER app has been
tinkered so much that it has now become useless. How?

1. You can review a driver only after the trip is over and not during the trip.
2. Only the „hand-picked‟ good reviews are shown. Have you ever read a negative
review for a driver? Does that mean that all the drivers are „beyond perfect‟ or
the reviews are audited? Think.
3. Only Uber provides those „hand-picked‟ reviews. Ola doesn‟t give any
information other than those „stars‟. How‟s anyone going to know that why those
star rating is low or high?
4. You can't review a driver who cancels on you after making you wait for 15

Unlike these things, JANTA app gives reviews before starting your ride, can review
the driver while the trip is still on, provides with both good/bad reviews and gives
the option to review those drivers who cancels on you.
4. Are the reviews at JANTA app genuine?

Ans. JANTA app is a platform where members can read one another‟s experiences
and make an informed choice while riding in cabs. Strongly believing in the „right to
write‟, we want every genuine consumer‟s voice heard. The JANTA team along with
automatic fraud filters ensure that they are working at all times to identify, block and
remove fake review & reviewers.

5. I have already reviewed my cab on Uber/Ola. What‟s the point of writing a review
on JANTA app?

Ans. The reviews you write on Uber/Ola are heavily scrutinized and hand-picked
before being published. Think about it - have you ever seen a negative review for
any driver on these apps? In fact, you can‟t even review a driver who cancels your
trip or worse, forces you to cancel by denying to go to your destination.

JANTA app is offering you a platform where you can actually write negative reviews
and we will show them to everyone. The practice of writing genuine reviews is
eventually going to help you as well in future. Why do people write app reviews on
Playstore or clothes‟ reviews on Myntra? So that people might know about the
product for the next time they‟ll use it. One could write review for clothes but not for
something that could ensure their safety?
Yes! Janta is social!

How could a community with the name „JANTA‟ (meaning

people) be antisocial?

Right now we are at three major social media platforms-

Facebook (
Instagram (
Twitter (
Content that makes your heart content!

There are majorly five types of content getting published on our social media

1. #JantaReports : We spread the news of actual cab incidents happened

with people to make everyone aware of this unsaid threat.

2. #JantaCases: Publishing the cases (only the major ones) where a person,
after his/her cab exp., writes a review on JANTA app; again to
make everyone aware.

3. #JantaBlogs: Blogs and articles on cab related topics, giving you insights and
sharing your pain.

4. #JantaMemes: What‟s a social media page for public without memes on cab
related scenarios?

5. #JantaStories: Tales that touch your heart, the section we are yet to start.

6. Every other trending topics, generic posters, relatable contents, app features
and wordplays (still haven‟t checked the page!)
You can check reviews of every(costly) commodity before
purchasing it online, can‟t you check your cab reviews
before giving your life in the hands of your driver?

Is your life that cheap?

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