Deber de Ingles 1ro BGU PAG 23 STAGE1 y 2

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Project Stage 1

 Get in groups and think about learning activities for teens.

Against Child Abuse/ Contra el Maltrato Infantil._ because today there
are people who mistreat children and is a cause of suffering for children and
families, and can have long-term consequences. for example, the types of
abuse1 are: Physical abuse, Negligence, Sexual abuse, Emotional abuse, and
that causes: Social isolation, Aggressiveness, Alcohol (abuse of / dependency),
Animentary (behavior disorders), Anxiety, Learning (problems of), Attention
(decrease of), Autoconcept (poor), Auto-esteem (poor), Concentration
(decrease in), Conduct (changes from), Drugs (disorders of the), Destructive
behaviors, Cooperation (poor), Culpa (feelings of), Delink(criminal behavior),
Dependence in social relations, Depression, Disobedience, Drugs (abuse),
Emotional (mismatches), Decolation (poor performance, low school
expectations, absenteeism),Posttraumatic stress, Hyperactivity, Hostility,
Humor (changes from), Impulsivity, Fear of the relationship with people,
Socialization (problems of relationship with peers, attachment, friendship,
affection, socialization), Sleep (alterations of), Sexuality (inappropriate sexual
behavior, aggressive sexual behavior), Suicide (ideas, self-harm).

Against the Drug/Contra la droga._ because there are many people who
get involved to "free them from the problems they have" in their lives, and that
is why they get involved or look for drugs, but that begins when a "friend" tells
them: with that you can free yourself. Of the problems that you have or that are
candies that make you forget your problems and give them to you, it depends
on the age the person has and so they are told to try them.

Concern for the environment/Preocupación por el medio ambiente._

because there are people who do not care so much about nature and,
therefore, pollute it without knowing that it affects the environment, nature, for
example, when they burn trash, when they send toxic waste to rivers , tree
cutting, industries, among other things, and all that will destroy the planet
because we do not know how to take care of it or protect it so that this does not

The racism/ El racismo._because there are still a lot of places in the world
where social and cultural exclusion still happens, as well as racism. People lose
their self-esteem and isolate themselves. It does not seem as bad as poverty or
wars, but in reality millions of people suffer racism around the world. Racism
can take many forms, such as gender or cultural, social or sexual racism and so

VIH/ SIDA._because VIH is one of the biggest epidemics in third world

countries. There are more than 40 million people living with AIDS, and 65% of
them are women. And the statistics are alarming: 90% of children infected with
HIV and 60% of women live in Africa, in the sub-Saharan region.

 Investigate if students in your class have done these activities.

To know more about the topic I have chosen (concern for the
environment), to see what things we do wrong and what would be the
solution or recommendations that would give us, because now we do not
know how to help the environment.

Name: Mishell Carrion

Course: 1ro Contabilidad
Project Stage 2
 Choose one learning activity per group to promote in a
Because today the planet is polluted and the ozone layer is
destroyed quickly, and that generates more heat or colder than
normal and there are also climate changes with more intensity in
some countries, since the planet is damaged or destroyed by us.

 Prepare a set of recommendations for students to get

involved in the activity your group is promoting.

1. save water
2. Recycle
3. Eat seasonal foods
4. reuse bags and covers
5. avoid taking the car
These are one of the many recommendations that can be
given to not pollute the environment.

Name: Mishell Carrion

Course: 1ro Contabilidad

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