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David:. ​Hello Sam and Yael.

David: ​How are you?

Sam: ​I'm fine, tanks.
Yael: ​How about you?
David​ Good Thanks.
Sam: ​Mmm… And where is Ivan?
David: ​I don't know!
Yael: ​I think he will arrive later and introduce us to his friends at the
Sam and David: ​Oh!... yeah! It's amazing.


David: ​There comes Ivan

Ivan: ​Hello! David, Sam and Yael. How are you today?
Sam:​ Hello! Ivan, we are very well, waiting for you?
Ivan: ​Tanks, they are my new friend from the University.
Ximena: ​Hello everyone. my name is Ximena.
Sam: ​Ximena? How do you spell Ximena?
Ximena: ​X-I-M-E-N-A.
Sam: ​oh! Okay thanks.
David: ​Were are you fom Ximena?
Ximena: ​I'm from Mexico City.
David: ​Really? It's great!
Ximena: ​Yeah! And how about you?
David: ​Me too, I'm from Mexico City originally but I grew up in
Yael:​ I'm from Zacatecas.
Iván:​ Zacatecas? Very nice.
Yael: ​Yeah! It's very nice. So, what are you study?
Sam and David:​ We study art, what do you do Ximena?
Ximena: ​I'm a singer but studied medicine.
David: ​Oh! Cool, are you famous?
Ximena:​ Just little, jajajaja.
Iván: ​I love her music. She's amazing.
Ximena: ​Oh! Thanks you Ivan.
Sam, David and Yael: ​Oh! Cool, nice to meet you Ximena.
Yael: ​How old are you Ximena?
Ximena: ​20 years old.
Yael: ​Oh! My brother is 20, he's a singer.
Ximena: ​Singer? Is he famous?
Yael: ​Yes, very famous.
Ximena: ​Yeah… amazing.
David: ​Are you study Xime?
Ximena: ​No, i'm a painter.
​David:​ painter? Really? What are you painting?
Ximena: ​There beautiful and interesting.
David: ​Woow… you are a professional.

Xim: ​What's this? Sam, are these your sunglasses?

Sam: ​Yes, they are my favorite sunglasses.
Xim: ​they are pretty.
Sam: ​Oh! Thanks.

Sam: ​Wait-were is my wallet?

Iván: ​Your wallet is behind the water bottle.
Sam: ​Oh my god! Thanks
Ivan: ​Your welcome.

Ximena: ​Where is Yael?

Ivan: ​I think he's asleep
Yael: ​Oh! I'm sorry, Where is Sam?
Xime: ​I think, she's at the cafeteria.
Ivan: ​Really? I'm hungry.
Yael: ​Let's eat at my house.
Ivan: ​Yes… let's go, please.

Xime: ​Let's eat at the Yaels house.

Sam: ​Ok great.
David: ​But lirt we go to the cinema.
Sam: ​What's your favorite movie?
Yael: ​My favorite movie is The Lion King.
And my favorite character is Mufasa.
David: ​Oh! Me too.
Ivan: ​I don't like, my favorite movie is Toy Story.
Sam: ​What is your favorite character?
Ivan: ​My favorite character is Buzz Lightyear.
Xime: ​Oh… My favorite character is Woody.

Yael: ​Oh! Is my mother

David: ​What's your mother like?
Yael: ​ammm...My mother is smart, shy and strict.
David:​ strict? Is very, very strict?
Yael:​ No, no, so… so…
David: ​ok, my mother is smart, relax and outgoing.
Yael:​ Oh… great!
Ivan: ​Let's buy the tickets four moure.
The Lion King?
​Todos: ​Yes, please.
Ivan: ​See you in front of the cinema.
Yael: ​no, no next to of the restaurant.
Ximena: ​No, un front of the cinema.
Yael: ​Good.
Sam: ​Where's Ivan?
Xime: ​He's on the cinema.
Sam: ​Let's go!

Ximena: ​mmm… and where to go this vacation Sam?

Sam: ​maybe we will visit my grandparents
Ximena:​ Oh… cool… where are you grandparents from?
Sam:​ they´re from San Luis Potosi, look i have a picture of my family
Ximena: ​so who´s this?
Sam: ​My mother. and this is my father. He´s an interesting, quiet and
nice man. He´s forti-five now.
Ximena: ​Oh… and how about your mom?
Sam;​ She´s angry, outgoing, smart and pretty. She´s forty-one
Ximena:​ fifty-one? Really?
Sam:​… forty-one
Ximena: ​Oh… I´m sorry. and they must be your grandparents
Sam:​ yes, sure… my grandmother. she´s a pretty woman. she´s
seventy-two now. she reads the newpaper in the morning
Ximena:​ What´s your grandmother name?
Sam:​ Agustina
Ximena:​ Agustina? How do you spell Agustina?
Sam:​ sure… A-G-U-S-T-I-N-A
Ximena: ​that´s a nice name. ammm… whta´s your grandfather like?
Sam:​Oh… my grandfather is amazing, nice and interesting. He´s
seventy-six.He listens to music in the morning.
Ximena:​ yea… that´s grat. enjoy your vacations
Sam:​ thank you Ximena. And you will go on vacation?
Ximena:​ I´m not sure… I think I´ll be home
Sam:​ it´s okay
(llega David y pregunta por el número de Iván)
David: ​Excuse… Ximena. is this Ivan´s number? 55-39-41-52-73
Ximena:​ no, it´s not. is 55-39-41-54-63
Davida:​ thank you Ximena
Ximena: ​you´re welcome
( David le marca a Iván)
Iván:​ Hello
David:​ Hi Davida, i´m David. Where are you? we are next to restaurant
Iván:​ I´m in cinema, in front of the candy store
David:​ ok. we´re going over there
Iván:​ I see them here
Ivan: ​I have the tickets, the movie starts at 4:00
David:​ perfect, let's buy popcorn

( Yael se dirige hacia David y Sam)

Yael:​ and what do you do on the week?

Sam:​ in the mornings from Monday to Friday I get up, I like to go to the
gym. Everyday eat breakfast at home. from monday to thursday take a
class the English. on Friday in the evenings I like to go with my friends to
eat. i don´t like to clean the house, but on saturdays I have to clean the
house. And sunday I wake up late, I like to have breakfast with family
and go shopping. what about you Yael?

Yael: ​Oh cool! the Monday to tuesday I have the same routine, in the
morning I get up, I take a shower, I eat breakfast after go to school, I eat
my lunch, in the night I go to my house, I do my homework, I eat my
dinner and go to bet.
The Friday to Sunday go out with my friends or with my girlfriend. I like to
go to the Beer Factory.

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