Objectives:: by The End of The Course, The Learner Should Be Able To

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The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable

students to:
 recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us
 appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics
 enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving
 understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of
 develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning
when solving problems
 become confident in using mathematics to analyse and solve problems
both in school and in real-life situations
 develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further
studies in mathematics
 develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect
critically upon their work and the work of others
 develop a critical appreciation of the use of information and
communication technology in mathematics
 appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its
multicultural and historical perspectives.


By the end of the course, the learner should be able to:

1. develop a positive attitude towards learning Mathematics

2. perform mathematical operations and manipulations with confidence, speed and accuracy
3. think and reason precisely, logically and critically in any given situation
4. develop investigative skills in Mathematics
5. identify, concretise, symbolise and use mathematical relationships in everyday life
6. comprehend, analyse, synthesise, evaluate, and make generalizations so as to solve
mathematical problems
7. Collect, organize, represent, analyse, interpret data and make conclusions and predictions
from its results
8. apply mathematical knowledge and skills to familiar and unfamiliar situations
9. appreciate the role, value and use of Mathematics in society
10. develop willingness to work collaboratively
11. acquire knowledge and skills for further education and training
12. communicate mathematical ideas


At the end of the course, students should be able to:

 know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the five

branches of mathematics
 use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in
both familiar and unfamiliar situations including those in real-life contexts
 select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those
in real-life contexts.

The topics that have been covered by the Mathematics Course focus on:
developing a feel for numbers, the ability to analyse and solve problems,
presenting the solutions clearly, checking and interpreting the results. Applying
mathematics in everyday situations, reason logically and developing an
understanding of the part that Mathematics plays in learners’ own lives and the
world around them are the characteristics that the course has aimed at.

1.Eva shows responsible behavior, works well with a group and shows
appreciation for the efforts of classmates. She is very conscientious and shows
excellent effort and care with daily work. Eva is able to apply concepts and
procedures to solve simple problems. She demonstrates considerable
understanding of mathematical concepts, especially those related to angles,
sequences, displaying data. Eva takes the time to ensure she provides
complete and organized solutions to problems.

2.Clara shows maturity when solving problems with classmates and uses good
communication. She is dependable and reliable, follows directions effectively, and
follows through on her commitments to herself and others. Clara follows simple
mathematical arguments and is able to communicate with some clarity and
justification of reasoning. She is able to perform repetitive tasks, when first given
an example. Clara should continue to practice hers math skills by completing all
work assigned in class.

3.Maria needs frequent reminders to be attentive during instructions and

lessons. She is able to follow examples and correctly substitute numbers into
formulae to solve problems. Maria has a good understanding of mathematical
concepts, especially those related to angles and displaying data. Maria should
continue to ask for help as soon as difficulties arise and prepare more
thoroughly for tests to improve her achievement level.

4.Sofia works well with classmates in group work and often takes a leadership
role. She is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible attitudes and behavior
in the classroom. Sofia has good numerical skills and is able to independently
solve problems when first given an example. She should focus on preparing
more thoroughly for tests to improve hers achievement level.

5.Sara G has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this year.
Please continue to nurture and encourage this behavior over the summer. She
always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom. Sara demonstrates a
thorough understanding of all concepts and communicates with
considerable clarity and justification of reasoning. She should
concentrate on the organization and structure of solutions to problems and
strive to maintain his high level of performance to date.

Sara N demonstrates a willing and conscientious effort in her daily work. She
needs to show more appropriate behavior when interacting with classmates.
Sara is able to perform complex mathematical steps with accuracy. She routinely
applies mathematical concepts and procedures to solve complex
problems. Sara should work on rereading problems to identify the most
important aspects to consider before beginning hers solution. She needs to
double-check hers answers prior to submitting them. Hers work is
frequented by minor errors that can be easily fixed by reviewing their


7.Matei relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives

and experiences. He is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible attitudes
and behavior in the classroom. Matei follows simple mathematical arguments
and is able to communicate with some clarity and justification of reasoning. He
has good numerical skills and can use them in a variety of contexts.
Matei should work on providing complete solutions by showing all
mathematical steps leading to the final answer.

8.Eric is an enthusiastic member of the class and shows willingness to learn. He

has shown excellent ability to set goals and be persistent in achieving them. Eric
is very conscientious and shows excellent effort and care with daily work. He
always comes to class prepared and has demonstrated a strong work ethic by
completing all assigned tasks. He should concentrate on the organization and
structure of solutions to problems and strive to maintain his high level of
performance to date.
9. Alex is interested in his own learning, listens attentively, and makes a solid
effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process. He always
comes to class prepared and has demonstrated a strong work ethic by
completing all assigned tasks. Alex is able to correctly identify key pieces
of information given in a problem and then substitute numbers into
formulae to solve it.
He should continue to ask for help as soon as difficulties arise and prepare
more thoroughly for tests to improve his achievement level.

10.Tudor shows responsibility and follows directions whenever they are given.
He is focused in class and willingly participates in group discussion. Tudor takes
the time to ensure he provides complete and organized solutions to problems.
He needs to double-check his answers prior to submitting them. His work is
frequented by minor errors that can be easily fixed by reviewing their

11.Vicki is accountable and responsible. She makes smart decisions, admits

mistakes and listens to opportunities to improve. Vicki needs to show more
appropriate behavior when interacting with classmates. She is able to apply
steps of a problem solving process with considerable effectiveness.
Vicki should strive to complete all work assigned in grade 7 math as it will
lead to a better overall understanding of the concepts covered.

can describe the properties and relationships of the interior and exterior angles
of triangles, quadrilaterals. She excelled in the analytic geometry unit where she
was able to use coordinates to determine and solve problems involving

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