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ICT deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile
phones, telephone, Internet, etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information.

ICT stands for Information and Communication Technologies.


Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia” due to the following reasons:
1. Huge growth of ICT relation jobs around the country, one of which is call center
or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) centers.
2. According to 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the
International Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones per 100
Filipinos in the year 2012.
3. In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippines Business and Industries
in 2010, the ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total employment population.
4. Time magazines declared Makati City, Philippines-Rank 1 as the “Selfiest Cities
in the World” Cebu Ranked no. 9.


ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) -ENIAC used panel-to-panel
wiring and switches for programming, occupied more than 1,000 square feet, used
about 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighed 30 tons. It was believed that ENIAC had
done more calculation over the ten years it was in operation than all of humanity had
until that time

Timothy Berners-Lee created the world wide web. After graduating from Oxford
University, Berners-Lee became a software engineer at CERN (European Organization
for Nuclear Research). , the large particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland.
3 fundamentals of the web:
1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language. The markup (formatting) language for
the web.
2. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier. A kind of “address” that is unique
and used to identify to each resource on the web. It is also
commonly called a URL
3. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Allows for the retrieval of linked
resources from across the web
Types of Web:
1. Static Web (Web 1.0)
Also known as flat page or stationary page the page cannot be manipulated by
the user.
2. Dynamic Web (Web 2.0)
Allows the user to interact with the web page. User may be able to
comment,create a user account. Being a dynamic page, web pages are affected
by the users preferences.
Examples of Web 2.0:
• Social Networking Sites
• Blogs
• Wikis
• Video Sharing sites
Features of Web 2.0

• Folksonomy – allows the user to catergorize, and classify/arrange

information using a freely chosen keywords (e.g tagging)
• Rich User Interface – content is dynamic and responsive to user’s input.
Example would be website that shows local contents.
• User Participation – Others may be able to put a content on their own
through comments, reviews and feedback.
• Long Tail – Services are offered on demand rather than a one-time
3. Semantic Web (Web 3.0) – a movement led by W3C (world wide web consortium).
Provides a framework that allows the data to be shared and reuse to deliver web
Problems of the Web 3.0:
• Compatibility
• Security
• Vastness
• Vagueness
• Logic

1. CONVERGENCE – synergy of technological advancements to work on similar
goal or task.
2. SOCIAL MEDIA - Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies
that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests
and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
6 Types of Social Media:
1. Social networks
A social networking site is a social media site that allows users to connect and
share with people who have similar interests and backgrounds. Facebook,
Instagram, and Linkedin are three of the most popular examples of a social
network website.
2. Bookmarking sites
These sites allow users to save and organize links to any number of online
resources and websites. A great feature of these sites is the ability for the users
to “tag” links, which makes them easier to search, and invariably, share with
their followers. StumbleUpon is a popular example of a bookmarking site.
3. Social news
A social news site allows its users to post news links and other items to external
articles. Users then proceed to vote on said items, and the items with the highest
number of votes are most prominently displayed. A good example of a social news
site is Reddit.
4. Media sharing
Media sharing websites allow users to share different types of media, such as
pictures and videos. Most of these sites also offer social features, like the ability
to create profiles and the option of commenting on the uploaded images. As we
all know, YouTube still remains the most well-known media sharing site in the
5. Microblogging
These are just what they sound like, sites that allow the users to submit their
short written entries, which can include links to product and service sites, as well
as links to other social media sites. These are then posted on the ‘walls’ of
everyone who has subscribed to that user’s account. The most commonly used
microblogging website is Twitter.
6. Blogs and forums
An online forum is a site that lets users engage in conversations by posting and
responding to community messages. A blog comment site is the same thing
except being a little more focused. The comments are usually centered around
the specific subject of the attached blog. Google has a popular blogging site aptly
titled, Blogger. However, there are a seemingly endless number of blogging sites,
particularly because so many of them are niche-based, unlike the universal
appeal of general social media sites.

3. MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES - Mobile technology is the technology used for

cellular communication. Mobile code-division multiple access technology has
evolved rapidly over the past few years. 5G is currently the fastest mobile
4. ASSISTIVE MEDIA- is a nonprofit Internet-based reading service to serve
people with visual and reading impairment
Braille is a technology used by blind people to read/write.


10 Computer Commandments
1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's computer files.
4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not
paid (without permission).
7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without
authorization or proper compensation.
8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are
writing or the system you are designing.
10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and
respect for your fellow humans

Types of Digital People

• Digital Native
• Digital Immigrant


This Act shall be known as the “Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012” officially recorded
on September 12, 2012.

Cybersecurity refers to the collection of tools, policies, risk management approaches, actions,
training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be used to protect the cyber
environment and organization and user’s assets.

Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and
(1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without
(2) Cyber-squatting. – The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad
faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others from registering
the same
(3) Cybersex. — The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly
or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with
the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.
(4) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or prohibited acts defined and punishable
by Republic Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009, committed
through a computer system.
(5) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any
other similar means which may be devised in the future.
(6) Identity Theft. – The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer, possession,
alteration or deletion of identifying information belonging to another, whether
natural or juridical, without right: Provided, That if no damage has yet been
caused, the penalty imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.

Cyberspace - the notional environment in which communication over computer
networks occurs.
Cybercitizen - denotes a "citizen of the Internet" or a member of the "cybercommunity."
Netizen has the same meaning.
Cyber awareness – awareness of the importance of cyber security.
Cyberbullying - is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another

A computer virus, much like a flu virus, is designed to spread from host to host and has
the ability to replicate itself.
a computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the way a
computer operates and that is designed to spread from one computer to another.


(1) TIME BOMB - A time bomb is a virus program that performs an activity on a
particular date
(2) LOGICAL BOMB - A logical bomb is a destructive program that performs an
activity when a certain action has occurred.
(3) WORM VIRUS - A worm is also a destructive program that fills a computer
system with self-replicating information, clogging the system so that its
operations are slowed down or stopped
(4) BOOT SECTOR VIRUS - A boot sector virus infects boot sector of computers.
During system boot, boot sector virus is loaded into main memory and destroys
data stored in hard disk
(5) MACRO VIRUS - A macro virus is associated with application software like
word and excel. When opening the infected document, macro virus is loaded
into main memory and destroys the data stored in hard disk
(6) SCRIPT VIRUS - Commonly found script viruses are written using the Visual
Basic Scripting edition (VBS) and the JavaScript programming languages
(7) TROJAN VIRUS - Trojan Horse is a destructive program. It usually pretends as
computer games or application software. If executed, computer system will be
damaged. Trojan Horse usually comes with monitoring tools and key loggers
Actions to prevent virus infection

1. Always update your anti-virus software at least weekly.

2. Back up your important files and ensure that they can be restored.
3. Change the computer's boot sequence to always start the PC from its hard drive

4. Don't share Drive C: without a password and without read-only restrictions.

5. Empty floppy drives of diskettes before turning on computers, especially

6. Forget opening unexpected e-mail attachments, even if they're from friends

7. Get trained on your computer's anti-virus software and use it.

8. Have multiple backups of important files. This lowers the chance that all are
9. Install security updates for your operating system and programs as soon as
10. Jump at the chance to learn more about your computer. This will help you spot


It has a profound impact on the way ideas are formed and knowledge is created.

• Internet Researching is the faster than other medium.

• Internet Researching will save user’s physical distance.
• You can share information with other people.
• Quality of information speed, immediacy, and complete disregard for physical

• Possibility of leak of someone’s personal information. And it can make negative

effect in your life.

• There is so many incorrect information that are trying to find.

• You can get many harmful objects such as advertising
• Unrecognized bias difficulties in verifying writer’s credentials.
1. Check your resources
2. Ask good question
3. Go beyond the surface
4. Be patient
5. Respect Ownership
6. Use your Network

Search Engines - A computer program that searches documents especially on the world
wide web for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they
are found.
1. Google
2. Bing
3. Yahoo
4. Ask.com
5. AOL.com
6. Baidu
7. Wolframalpha
8. DuckDuckGo
9. Internet Archive
10. Yandex.ru


Allows the company to send the same letter to a large number of people without
having to manually change the name, address and other contact details of the

Is a set of effects that can be applied to objects in Powerpoint so that they will
animate in the SlideShow Power Point

Is a selectable object that includes the path information to another object.

Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft PowerPoint. With this option, you
can insert an Excel file that would look like a table to a presentation.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS,
Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a
macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications
If you need to sum a column or row of numbers, let Excel do the math for
you. Select a cell next to the numbers you want to sum,
click AutoSum on the Home tab, press Enter, and you’re done.
The COUNT function counts the number of cells that contain numbers,
and counts numbers within the list of arguments. Use
the COUNT function to get the number of entries in a number field that
is in a range or array of numbers.

The Excel COUNTA function returns the count of cells that contain
numbers, text, logical values, error values, and empty text (""). COUNTA
does not count empty cells.
Purpose :
Count the number of non-blank cells
=COUNTA (value1, [value2], ...)
value1 - An item, cell reference, or range.
value2 - [optional] An item, cell reference, or range.
COUNTIF is a function to count cells that meet a single criteria. COUNTIF
can be used to count cells with dates, numbers, and text that match
specific criteria. The COUNTIF function supports logical operators
(>,<,<>,=) and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching.
=COUNTIF (range, criteria)


1. Balance - The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly
distributed on the screen.
2. Emphasis - An area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape
or color to attract the viewer's attention. objects, texture, colors, and space is
evenly distributed on the screen.
3. Movement - Visual elements guide the viewer's eyes around the screen
4. Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm - These are the repeating visual element on an
image or layout to create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is achieved when
visual elements create a sense of organized movement.
5. Proportion - Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with
one another
6. Variety - This uses several design elements to draw viewer's attention.
1. Purpose
Good web design always caters to the needs of the user. Are your web visitors looking
for information, entertainment, some type of interaction, or to transact with your
business? Each page of your website needs to have a clear purpose, and to fulfill a
specific need for your website users in the most effective way possible.

2. Communication
People on the web tend to want information quickly, so it is important to communicate
clearly, and make your information easy to read and digest. Some effective tactics to
include in your web design include: organising information using headlines and sub
headlines, using bullet points instead of long windy sentences, and cutting the waffle.

3. Typefaces
In general, Sans Serif fonts such as Arial and Verdana are easier to read online (Sans
Serif fonts are contemporary looking fonts without decorative finishes). The ideal font
size for reading easily online is 16px and stick to a maximum of 3 typefaces in a
maximum of 3 point sizes to keep your design streamlined. Principles of effective web
design_Serif vs Sans Serif Typography

4. Colours
A well thought out colour palette can go a long way to enhance the user experience.
Complementary colours create balance and harmony. Using contrasting colours for the
text and background will make reading easier on the eye. Vibrant colours create emotion
and should be used sparingly (e.g. for buttons and call to actions). Last but not least,
white space/ negative space is very effective at giving your website a modern and
uncluttered look.

5. Images
A picture can speak a thousand words, and choosing the right images for your website
can help with brand positioning and connecting with your target audience. If you don’t
have high quality professional photos on hand, consider purchasing stock photos to lift
the look of your website. Also consider using infographics, videos and graphics as these
can be much more effective at communicating than even the most well written piece of

6. Navigation
Navigation is about how easy it is for people to take action and move around your
website. Some tactics for effective navigation include a logical page hierarchy, using
bread crumbs, designing clickable buttons, and following the ‘three click rule’ which
means users will be able to find the information they are looking for within three clicks.

7. Grid based layouts

Placing content randomly on your web page can end up with a haphazard appearance
that is messy. Grid based layouts arrange content into sections, columns and boxes
that line up and feel balanced, which leads to a better looking website design.

8. “F” Pattern design

Eye tracking studies have identified that people scan computer screens in an “F”
pattern. Most of what people see is in the top and left of the screen and the right side of
the screen is rarely seen. Rather than trying to force the viewer’s visual flow, effectively
designed websites will work with a reader’s natural behaviour and display information
in order of importance (left to right, and top to bottom).
9. Load time
Everybody hates a website that takes ages to load. Tips to make page load times more
effective include optimising image sizes (size and scale), combining code into a central
CSS or JavaScript file (this reduces HTTP requests) and minify HTML, CSS, JavaScript
(compressed to speed up their load time).

10: Mobile friendly

It is now commonplace to access websites from multiple devices with multiple screen
sizes, so it is important to consider if your website is mobile friendly. If your website is
not mobile friendly, you can either rebuild it in a responsive layout (this means your
website will adjust to different screen widths) or you can build a dedicated mobile site
(a separate website optimised specifically for mobile users.


1. Be unique
2. Keep it simple
3. Be creative and bold
4. Less is more
5. The fortune is in the forwarding


What is a raster image

Raster images are made up of a set grid of dots called pixels where each pixel is assigned
a color. Unlike a vector image, raster images are resolution dependent, meaning they
exist at one size. When you transform a raster image, you stretch the pixels themselves,
which can result in a “pixelated” or blurry image
All raster images can be saved in one of two primary color models: CMYK and RGB.
CMYK a four-color printing process that stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and key
(black). These colors represent the four inks that will combine during the printing
process. Files saved in this format will be optimized for physical printing.

RGB is a light-based color model that stands for red, green and blue. These are the three
primary colors of light that combine to produce other colors. Files saved in this format
will be optimized for the web, mobile phones, film and video—anything that appears on
a screen.

JPEG/JPG - JPEG is a lossy raster format that stands for Joint Photographic Experts
Group, the technical team that developed it. This is one of the most widely used formats
online, typically for photos, email graphics and large web images like banner ads. JPEG
images have a sliding scale of compression that decreases file size tremendously, but
increases artifacts or pixelation the more the image is compressed.
GIF - GIF is a lossless raster format that stands for Graphics Interchange Format. GIF
is also a widely used web image format, typically for animated graphics like banner ads,
email images and social media memes. Though GIFs are lossless, they can be exported
in a number of highly customizable settings that reduce the amount of colors and image
information, which in turn reduces the file size.
PNG - PNG is a lossless raster format that stands for Portable Network Graphics. Think
of PNGs as the next-generation GIF. This format has built-in transparency, but can also
display higher color depths, which translates into millions of colors.
TIFF/TIF - TIFF is a lossless raster format that stands for Tagged Image File Format.
Because of its extremely high quality, the format is primarily used in photography and
desktop publishing.
RAW - A raw image format contains the unprocessed data captured by a digital camera
or scanner’s sensor. Typically, images are processed (adjusted for color, white balance,
exposure, etc.) and then converted and compressed into another format (e.g. JPEG or
PSD - PSD is a proprietary layered image format that stands for Photoshop Document.
These are original design files created in Photoshop that are fully editable with multiple
layers and image adjustments.

Vector file formats

PDF - PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is an image format used to display
documents and graphics correctly, no matter the device, application, operating system
or web browser.
EPS - EPS is an image format that stands for Encapsulated PostScript.
AI - AI is a proprietary vector image format that stands for Adobe Illustrator. The format
is based on both the EPS and PDF standards developed by Adobe.

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