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1 . preliminary
Bali island is often called this island is famous island until the end of the world . Bali is
very famous for its natural beauty possessed . Bali Island which is part of the Lesser Sunda
Islands capital in Denpasar , and is geographically located at 8 ° S and 115 ° East . This area also
has a climate that teropis like other Indonesian regions .
Geographically, Bali province bordering province of East Java and Bali Strait in the west
, in the north of Bali Sea , Indian Ocean in the south , and the Lombok Strait on the east .
Tourist spots frequented than the Ubud Denpasar city itself as a center for the arts located in
Gianyar regency which is the island's highlands . While Kuta , Sanur , Seminyak , and Nusa Dua
are some places that a tourism destination , both tourist beach and just a place for tourists to rest .

Tribes located on the island of Bali is divided into two tribes of Bali Aga who was a
native of Bali , most of them living in the area Trunyan . Then the tribe which is Mojopahit Bali
Bali Bali Hindu or descendant of the royal Mojopahit . Balinese culture can be said is typical or
very original because its people to uphold the culture of their ancestors and have not been
influenced by other cultures .

2 . Elements of Culture
a. religion
Portion of the population adheres to Balinese Hinduism approximately 95 % of the total
population of Bali , while 5 % of them embraced Islam , Christianity , Catholicism and
Life goal of Hinduism is to achieve balance and peace of life , physically and mentally
.Hindus believe there is one God in Trinity concept form , ie a form of Brahman ( the creator ) , a
form of Vishnu ( the protector and maintainer ) , as well as the form of Shiva ( the destroyer )
. Hindu places of worship that were encountered in Bali called Pura , Pura very often found in
the homes of the Balinese Hindu community in a variety of forms depending on the economic
conditions of the society . While places for ancestor worship called Sangga . Hindu religious
scriptures are the Vedas which originated from India .
Balinese Hindu community who have died will be held ceremonies sanggat Ngaben
deemed essential to free the spirits of people who have passed away from worldly ties to
heaven. Cremation is a cremation ceremony that has been so prevalent in Bali . The feast of the
people of the Hindu religion is the celebration of Nyepi whose implementation Saka new year on
the 1st of month 10 ( kedasa ) , except that there are also Galungan , Kuningan , Saras Wati ,
Tumpek Landep , Tumpek Uduh , and Shiva Ratri . Most of tourists both domestic and foreign
tourists to Bali to see or even engage in religious ceremonies during the festival of Hindus in
Bali .
b . Social organizations.

• Marriage Withdrawal in the lineage leading to the Balinese people are patrilineal . Caste system
which greatly affect the course of a marriage , because of a higher caste woman when married
with a lower caste man is not justified because there will be a deviation , which would shame the
family and bring down the prestige of the entire caste of female children .
Then in some areas of Bali , enforced submission also customary dowry ( petuku luh ) , but at
this time , especially in those families are educated , this culture is no longer enforced .

• Community
There is a whole community of life Balinese village which includes two terms , namely :
Indigenous Villages and Countryside Agency ( administrative ) . Both are a union territory but
the traditional village or related to any religious tradition , while the village is the unity of the
administrative offices . Traditional village activities focus on the areas and religious ceremonies ,
while centered on the village office administration , governance and development .

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