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HEALTH-OPTIMIZING P.E. (H.O.P.E.) 3 Furthermore, what is so special about dancing with someone you and, sometimes, at the workplace.

you and, sometimes, at the workplace. Some even try to dance in

love, or even dancing with a stranger? Why does your baby their vehicles, though it isn't something that would be
Lesson 2: Dance and its Importance
experience much delight when you sway around the room to the recommended
What is dance? music? Why do you get excited and dance for joy?
2. Dancing in Finding Unity
is a performing art. It is described in many ways. It is when What Purpose Does Dancing Serve?
A Bond Created or Shared
people move to a musical rhythm. They may be alone, or in a People come together through dance. It provides
Dancing provides many great benefits and, while it's not possible
group. The dance may be an informal play, a part of a ritual, or a to list them all, some of the greater benefits are listed below: entertainment for people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.
part of a professional performance. There are many kinds of They enjoy time spent together in a positive, upbeat
dances, and every human society has its own dance  Dancing allows one to express oneself. environment. They are energized and inspired by other
 A sense of unity is found within the dance. dancers in their midst.
Dancing is not a sport, though it does have some athletic aspects.
 Dancing provides physical/mental refreshment and The more adventurous dancers may try to emulate the
Dance is an art. Some people dance to express their feelings and
relaxation. moves of others, which provides another sense of
emotions. Other people dance to feel better. Dance can be used to
tell a story. In some societies, dance goes with song as well as  Laughter and fun — dancing can provide a lot of entertainment and draws people together.
music. People who want to learn to dance can go to dance schools. entertainment. Strangers have the potential to become friends, while
It may take years of practice to become an experienced and flexible  Dancing is a form of exercise. families and friends bond more closely because of the positive
dancer.  Dancers find inspiration and motivation as they become experiences they've shared on the dancefloor.
lost in the dance.
To plan a dance is called choreography, done by a  Dancing allows professional dancers to form affiliations 3. Dancing for Relaxation
choreographer. Often this goes with music, and fits into a certain Dancing helps bodies and minds relax as the music and
style. Dances may be planned in detail, or they may be whatever surroundings take people away from their anxiety and
dancers feel like doing. However, most dancing does follow some Importance of Dancing frustration for a while.
general style or pattern. One style is the couple dance, where Mentally, they unwind and have fun, sharing a laugh or
(usually) a man and a woman dance together. Other dances need 1. Dancing to Express Oneself two. As their minds relax, their bodies follow. Their muscles
an ensemble, a group of people together to make it work. Conveying a Message loosen up and tension and stress melt away
Dancing allows people to express how they feel at a given
moment. 4. Dancing for Entertainment
Important Benefits of Dancing Anyone observing a mother swaying around her house The Joys of Dancing
with her baby tucked safely in her arms knows she is A baby who giggles as his parents take turns dancing him
What are the benefits of dancing? Is it an act you participate in just experiencing a moment of intense love for her baby while around the house provides a source of entertainment while
to pass the time during the weekend or, possibly, a weeknight? Do exercising a tender embrace while caught up in the dance. bringing a sense of joy and peace to the home.
you dance so you can feel beautiful and graceful for a change, or When a couple is dancing to a slow song and they look On another note, when people are laughing and trying to
does it hold something of more value for you? into each other’s eyes and smile, it's not difficult to realize they keep up with the moves involved in line-dancing, they are
Why do you dance when the music gets into your soul? Why does feel strong emotions for each other, regardless of whether it's being entertained. If they are new at line-dancing, they may be
dancing sometimes make you laugh out loud or lean in close to love or lust. providing entertainment for others. Their willingness to get on
your dance partner? the floor and join in with the others, regardless of whether they
People Can Dance Almost Anywhere, Anytime embarrass themselves, says a lot. They have lots of energy,
People dance in many places — at nightclubs and spunk, and determination, and they are willing to prove it on
studios, at weddings and on the street. They dance at home the dance floor.
activity reduces stress and tension, regular dancing gives an
5. Dancing for Exercise overall sense of well-being.
Top 4 Health Benefits of Dance
Gain Strength and Endurance Through Dancing
Dancing is a great form of aerobic exercise since it works 1. Flexibility Why People Dance?
many muscles in the body. Muscles become stretched,
Flexibility is an important part of being healthy. Dance requires 1. It has been use in worship
conditioned, and toned while the heart rate increases,
a great amount of flexibility. Most dance classes begin with a warm- 2. It plays a role in courtship
pumping blood at a faster rate
up including several stretching exercises. Dancers must strive to 3. It serves as a form of acquaintance for man and woman
As bodies feel the benefit of a workout during the cool-
achieve full range of motion for all the major muscle groups. The 4. It is an expression of one’s feeling
down period, it's a good practice to have a few moments to
greater the range of motion, the more muscles can flex and extend. 5. As in old times, it brings magical power to people
rest after dancing, especially if it was a fast dance.
Most forms of dance require dancers to perform moves that require 6. It brings victory or somehow restores health to life
Between dances, stretch out leg and arm muscles or, at
bending and stretching, so dancers naturally become more flexible 7. It serves to entertain others
the very least, sit in a chair and totally relax while rolling the
by simply dancing. 8. It gives beauty and inspiration to others
neck slowly around, and then in a slow back and forth motion
9. It is use as whole-body workout
to release tension which may have built up in the back of the
A great benefit of exercise is that afterward, there is often 2. Strength
an improvement in a person's disposition, so it's a win-win strength is defined as the ability of a muscle to exert a force
situation all the way around. against resistance. Dancing builds strength by forcing the muscles
to resist against a dancer's own body weight. Many styles of dance,
6. Dancing for Inspiration including jazz and ballet, require jumping and leaping high into the
Sometimes watching other people dance provides a source of air. Jumping and leaping require tremendous strength of the major
inspiration to people who desire to learn other types of dance, or leg muscles. Ballroom dancing builds strength. Consider the
wish to improve the techniques of the dances they know. muscle mass a male ballroom dancer develops by lifting his partner
Sometimes the act of seeing a person dance ignites a fire above his head!
inside someone else
3. Endurance
7. Dancing to Form Affiliations Dance is physical exercise. Exercise increases endurance.
Forming Affiliations Endurance is the ability of muscles to work hard for increasingly
Professional dancers form affiliations. Some of these longer periods of time without fatigue. Regular dancing is great for
people will be seen on stage as background dancers while a singer improving endurance, especially vigorous dancing such as line and
or group is performing. Sometimes singers themselves dance as ballroom dancing. Elevating the heart rate can increase stamina.
part of their performances. Just as in any form of exercise, regular dancing will build endurance

Sometimes a dancer may only be known in a limited number of 4. Sense of Well-Being

circles until someone in an audience pays close attention. Dancing is a social activity. Studies have shown that strong
Overnight, or so it seems sometimes, a dancer goes from an social ties and socializing with friends contribute to high self-
"unknown" to a "star." esteem and a positive outlook. Dancing provides many
opportunities to meet other people. Joining a dance class can
increase self-confidence and build social skills. Because physical

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