4 Unicorn Doreni 289 / 290

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Doreni 4

Unicorn 289 / 290

Iuchi Shugenja School 220

4 3 5

3 ● ● ● ● ●
4 3 1
4 4 3 3
4 3 3 0



No Armor

8k3 76

Friend of the Elements (Water) 3 Blackmailed 3
Friendly Kami (Water) 5 Social Disadvantage 3
Absolute Direction 1 Gaijin Name 2
Sage 3

Extravagant clothing
any 1 weapon
Calligraphy Set
Traveling Pack
Horse (Unicorn Riding Horse)

10 0 0
School Iuchi Shugenja School Affinity Water Deficiency Fire
The Iuchi harness the power of the elements to grant the waves' speed to others. As a Complex Action, you may sacrifice one spell slot of any element to
grant one target individual an additional Simple Move Action. This Simple Action is in addition to the target's normal Actions per Round. The
Additional Action must be used on the target's next Turn or it is lost. You also gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Travel keyword.Spells: Sense,
Commune, Summon, 3 Water, 2 Earth, and 1 Air

School Iuchi Traveler Affinity Deficiency

You possess knowledge of the most sacred Unicorn magic: the art of moving from one point to another without crossing the space in between. You may
spend one Void Point and expend one spell slot of either Air or Water (Void may not be used) as a Simple Action to instantly teleport a maximum
distance equal to your School Rank x 100 feet. This affects only you and the material you are carrying, but by expending a second Void Point you may
also teleport any horse-sized mount on which you are sitting at the time of the effect.

School Affinity Deficiency

Name Commune Level 1 Element Universal Duration Concentration Tags
Area Self Range 20' Raises See Spell Description

This spell can be cast in any element save Void. It allows the caller to speak with one of the local elemental kami, asking it a few questions, which it will answer honestly to the best of its ability. Typically
this spell will invoke the most active and energetic spirit of the chosen element in the area of effect; if all of the local spirits are quiescent. The GM may require the caster call 1 or 2 Raises to wake up a
local spirit enough answer questions. A spirit reached with Commune will answer questions. The caster may Raise to get more questions (one per Raise). The caster may also Raise for clarity, get a more
accurate and informative answer the questions. (Kami are notorious for their inability Tully comprehend human behavior, and asking questions without Raises for clarity can often result in confusing,
enigmatic, or incomplete answers.) Spirits snot forget anything. So theoretically a shugenja can ask a spirit about something that happened decades ago; however, they do not experience time in the same
way as mortals. Straying task about something from long agile usually require Raises in order make the caster's wishes clear the spirit. The nature of the information which spirits can impart varies by
element: Air spirits tend to be playful and easily distracted, conveying information as emotions or as riddles and jokes. Since they are more interested in feelings than in facts, and enjoy playing games
with those speak with them, communing with an Air spirit can sometimes be very frustrating. Earth spirits are straightforward and matter-of-fact, often blunt, but are rather uninterested in the behavior
of mortals, have a poor understanding of human emotion, and tend to be overly focused on obscure details such as the color of a piece of clothing or the weight of a horse. Fire spirits are irritable and
temperamental, and are often angry at being summoned unless they are propitiated with an offering of something burn. On the other hand, if a shugenja can please them they tend to offer the clearest
and most accurate information. Water spirits communicate their knowledge through soundless visual images. This can be very helpful ta shugenja trying investigate a past incident, but since the spirits
cannot convey scent, sound, or emotion, the information they provide can often be incomplete or misleading.

Name Sense Level 1 Element Universal Duration Instantaneous Tags

Area 50' radius from the caster Range Personal Raises Range (+10')
This spell can be cast in any of the four standard elements. It allows the caster sense the presence, quantity, and rough location of elemental spirits (not the evil spirits known as kansen) of that element
within the range of the spell. This is most frequently applied when looking for spirits with which commune (see below), but can also be useful as a crude, basic location device. For example, a caster lost in
the wilderness could cast Sense (Water) in hopes of locating a source of drinking water.

Name Summon Level 1 Element Universal Duration Permanent Tags

Area 1 cubic foot of summoned material Range 30' Raises Range (+10'), Quantity (+1 cubic foot), Composition of material (1-4 Raises)
This spell can be cast in any of the four standard elements. It allows the caster to summon a modest quantity (one cubic foot) of the chosen element. The summoned matter appears (usually in a rough hall
shape) in any open space within the spells range. This cannot place the summoned material inside another physical object or living creature. The summoned element will behave in a normal and mundane
matter - Earth falls the ground, water soaks anything it lands on, air blows away, and fire winks out unless there is something present for it burn. In general it is impossible to use this spell effectively in
combat, although clever shugenja may find a few modest combat uses, such as using Summon Fire to ignite a foe soaked in cooking oil. More commonly, the spells value is in simpler functions, such as
summoning Water while in a desert, or summoning Fire to light a campfire without flint and tinder. Raises may be used with this spell summon a more specific type of the appropriate element, such as
wood or iron with Earth, or tea with Water. The GM should choose how many Raises (generally anywhere from 1 to 4) this requires. However, these Raises cannot be used create rare/precious materials
(such as gold) or spiritually powerful substances (such as jade or crystal).

Name Courage Of The Seven Thunders Level 1 Element Earth Duration 10 minutes Tags battle
Range 30'
Area Targets up to caster's Shugenja School Rank Raises Duration (+1 minute), Targets (+1)
This spell infuses the targets (who may include the caster) with firm and unyielding courage, bolstered by the eternal power of the Earth. For the duration of the spell, all the targets gain +5k to resist any
kind of Fear effect, whether magical or natural. However, this spell is associated with the memory of the legendary Seven Thunders, and those whose connection the Thunders is tenuous do not receive
the same degree of blessing from the Earth kami. Samurai who are not of the original Seven Great Clans receive only + 3k to their rolls to resist Fear. Anyone who has at least a full Rank of Shadowlands
Taint cannot benefit from this spell, although this will not actually reveal that they are tainted. This spell may be cast as a combined ritual by two or more shugenja who know the spell, in which case they
may add their highest single Earth Rank to their combined total School Ranks to determine how many targets the spell can affect.

Name Bo Of Water Level 1 Element Water Duration 5 minutes Tags craft

Area One created weapon Range Personal or 20' (see spell description) Raises Damage (+1k0), Duration (+5 minutes), Range (+5 feet)
You summon a staff of pure water, as rigid as the real thing despite its fluid nature. The weapon's default form is a Bo, but one Raise can change its form to any other staff of your choosing. The weapon
has DR 1k2. If you do not possess the Staves Skill, you may instead use your School Rank in its place. If you do possess the Staves Skill, using this weapon grants you one Free Raise that can only he used
on the Knockdown Maneuver. This weapon disappears if it is lost from your hand. Instead of summoning the Bo for yourself, you may cause it to appear in the hands of an ally within 20 feet. He is
treated as the caster for all purposes of the spell, but he does not gain the Free Raise bonus.

Name Earth's Stagnation Level 1 Element Earth Duration 6 rounds Tags

Area One target Range 50' Raises Duration (+2 rounds), Range (+10'), Targets (+1, to a maximum of 4 total targets)

This spell calls on the Earth in the target's body to weigh him down, impeding his movements. The target suffers a -2k penalty to all rolls using the Agility trait, and his Water Ring is considered 1 Rank
lower for the purpose of how far he can move.
Name Be The Mountain Level 2 Element Earth Duration 4 rounds Tags defense
Area One target creature Range 30' Raises Duration (+1 Round)

A variant of the spell Armor of Earth, designed to protect allies, this prayer causes the Earth kami to envelop the target with their embrace, covering his skin with a stony barrier that repels physical
blows. The target gains Reduction of a value equal to 5x the caster's School Rank to a maximum of 20, but cannot take Simple Move Actions for the duration of the spell (Free Move Actions are still
allowed). Only a willing ally can be targeted with this spell.

Name Earth Becomes Sky Level 2 Element Earth Duration Instantaneous Tags jade, thunder
Area One target creature Range 100' Raises Damage (+1k0), Targets (+1 target), Special (make boulders Jade with 2 Raises)
This spell summons up several huge boulders from the earth, and hurls them through the air to unerringly strike one (or more) target creatures. The target struck by these boulders suffers damage with a
DR equal the caster's Earth rank. If the caster strikes multiple targets, the DR is reduced by 1k1 for each additional target, to a minimum of 1k1 damage per target. These boulders are made of normal,
mundane stone, and thus cannot normally bypass Reduction or Invulnerability, but a powerful caster can infuse the boulders with the power of Jade.

Name Embrace Of Kenro-ji-jin Level 2 Element Earth Duration 1 hour Tags travel
Area One target creature Range Personal or Touch Raises Duration (+1/2 hour)
This spell allows the target (who can be the caster or one other person) to literally dive into the ground, which becomes as clear and easy to traverse as water for him. He can see for a distance of 100 yards
through the Earth, and can move through it in any direction as easily as though he were in normal air. The target can see through the edge of the Earth into the normal world, but he cannot attack, cast
spells, speak, hear, or otherwise interact with those outside the Earth unless he emerges from the ground (at which point the spell immediately ends). If the spell ends while the target is still underground,
the Earth spirits are offended by the Target's continued presence, and immediately expel him into the nearest open air, wherever that might be.

Name Armor Of Earth Level 1 Element Earth Duration 10 rounds Tags battle, defense
Area Self Range Personal Raises Duration (+2 rounds)
This spell infuses the caster's body with the strength of Earth, weakening the force of any physical or magical attack which strikes him. For the duration of the spell, you gain Reduction in an amount
equal to your Earth Ring + School Rank. However, this infusion of Earth slows your movements. Your Water is considered 1 Rank lower for purposes of movement while you are under the effects of this

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises

Name Level Element Duration Tags

Area Range Raises
Skill Name Rank Trait Roll Emphases

✘ Battle 5 Perception 9k4

✘ Calligraphy 5 Intelligence 8k3 Cipher

✘ Horsemanship 5 Agility 8k3

✘ Kenjutsu 5 Agility 8k3

✘ Lore (Theology) 5 Intelligence 8k3

✘ Meditation 5 Void 8k3

✘ Spellcraft 5 Intelligence 8k3

Athletics 5 Strength 9k4

Divination 3 Intelligence 6k3

Lore (Nonhuman Culture) 3 Intelligence 6k3

Jiujutsu 2 Agility 5k3

Medicine 2 Intelligence 5k3

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